44 research outputs found

    L'atenci贸 educativa a l'alumnat d'alta capacitat en el sistema educatiu valenci脿

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    L鈥檃tenci贸 educativa a l鈥檃lumnat d鈥檃lta capacitat continua plantejant molts dubtes i incerteses en el sistema educatiu actual. L鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檃questa tesi 茅s explicar (diagnosticar i analitzar) quina 茅s la resposta educativa que rep actualment l'alumnat d'altes capacitats en el sistema educatiu valenci脿, amb la intenci贸 d鈥檈laborar propostes de millora educativa. El disseny de la investigaci贸 respon a tres tipus estudi: un estudi documental, un estudi de tipus descriptiu-correlacional de tipus quantitatiu i una an脿lisi de grups de discussi贸 de tipus qualitatiu. L鈥檈studi documental ha servit per revisar quina 茅s la formaci贸 inicial i cont铆nua que s鈥檕fereix als professionals de l鈥檈ducaci贸. L鈥檈studi descriptiu correlacional ha analitzat les seg眉ents dimensions: formaci贸 rebuda, coneixements sobre l鈥檃lta capacitat, creences i actituds, coneixement de la legislaci贸 vigent i resposta educativa aplicada a l鈥檃lumnat d鈥檃lta capacitat. Les dades s鈥檋an recollit a trav茅s de dos q眉estionaris realitzats ad hoc, un dirigit al professorat i l鈥檃ltre als professionals de l鈥檕rientaci贸 educativa. Finalment, s鈥檋an plantejat dos grups de discussi贸: un de fam铆lies i l鈥檃ltre d鈥檃lumnat d鈥檃lta capacitat. L鈥檃n脿lisi de les dades recollides mostra que la formaci贸 inicial de docents i professionals de l鈥檕rientaci贸 sembla m茅s orientada al d猫ficit que a la promoci贸 del talent i a obviar la import脿ncia de treballar amb l鈥檃lumnat d鈥檃lta capacitat. S鈥檈videncia, a m茅s de la manca de formaci贸 de base, que molts dels professionals de l鈥檈ducaci贸 se senten poc capacitats per atendre l鈥檃lumnat d鈥檃lta capacitat. Per tant, el fet d鈥檋aver rebut formaci贸 tampoc no garanteix que aquesta tinga una transfer猫ncia directa a l鈥檃ula. D鈥檃ltra banda, s贸n els i les professionals m茅s joves els qui mostren un millor coneixement i una visi贸 menys estereotipada i m茅s lliure de prejudicis cap a l鈥檃lta capacitat. En canvi, no existeix una relaci贸 significativa entre els coneixements i les actituds en base a la formaci贸 rebuda. S贸n per tant les generacions m茅s joves les que parteixen d鈥檜na visi贸 menys estereotipada cap a l鈥檃lta capacitat. Pel que fa al coneixement de la legislaci贸 vigent, s鈥檋i manifesta un clar desconeixement de la legislaci贸 vigent per part dels docents, per貌 no en el cas dels i les professionals de l鈥檕rientaci贸, sobretot entre aquells que treballen a l鈥檈ducaci贸 p煤blica i porten m茅s temps treballant. Per acabar, en relaci贸 a quina 茅s la resposta educativa que rep l鈥檃lumnat amb altes capacitats actualment al sistema educatiu valenci脿, les dades recollides mostren una manca de planificaci贸 a llarg termini, de coordinaci贸 entre etapes (o fins i tot dins la mateixa etapa) i de capacitat d鈥檈stablir un itinerari clar i coherent que done la resposta que l鈥檃lumne/a necessita. En 煤ltima inst脿ncia, la proposta d鈥檌ntervenci贸 que es planteja en aquesta tesi aborda la necessitat d鈥檕rientar el sistema educatiu cap al desenvolupament del talent de l鈥檃lumnat, i no cap al d猫ficit, com ocorre en el sistema educatiu actual. 脡s partint d鈥檃questa base que cal emmarcar la resposta espec铆fica a l鈥檃lumnat d鈥檃lta capacitat, que ha de ser planificada i tenir un seguiment al llarg del temps. A m茅s d鈥檃ix貌 s鈥檋i proposen dos documents que poden facilitar l鈥檕rganitzaci贸 de la resposta educativa a aquest alumnat per part dels professionals de l鈥檈ducaci贸, atenent a les pr貌pies necessitats educatives, vinculades a la seua particular forma d鈥檃prendre. Les diferents mesures proposades s鈥檈mmarquen dins del quatre nivells de mesures per afavorir la inclusi贸 de l鈥檃lumnat que estableix la legislaci贸 vigent arran del Decret 104/2018. Un sistema educatiu que mira cap a la inclusi贸 de tot l鈥檃lumnat s鈥檋a d鈥檕rientar necess脿riament cap a l鈥檈quitat, i no cap a la igualtat, ha de donar oportunitats a cada alumne o alumna, independentment de les seues caracter铆stiques o circumst脿ncies.The curriculum model for gifted students continues to raise many doubts and uncertainties in the current education system. The aim of this thesis is to explain (diagnose and analyze) what is the curriculum model that currently accommodates gifted students in the Valencian education system, with the intention of developing proposals for educational improvement. The research design responds to three types of study: a documentary study, a quantitative descriptive-correlational study, and a qualitative type group discussion. The documentary study has been used to review the initial and ongoing training offered to education professionals. The correlational descriptive study analyzed the following dimensions: training received, knowledge of gifted abilities, beliefs and attitudes, knowledge of current legislation, and educational response applied to gifted students. The data were collected through two ad hoc questionnaires, one aimed at teachers and the other at professionals in educational guidance. Finally, two focus groups have been set up: one for families and the other for gifted students. The analysis of the data collected shows that the initial training of teachers and guidance professionals seems to be more focused on deficit than on the promotion of talent and to obviate the importance of working with gifted students. In addition to the lack of basic training, it is evident that many of the education professionals feel inadequately prepared to attend to gifted students. Therefore, the fact that one has received training does not guarantee that it will be transferred directly to the classroom. On the other hand, it is the youngest professionals who show the best knowledge and the least stereotypical and prejudice-free view of gifted education. In contrast, there is no significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes based on the training received. It is therefore the younger generations who are starting from a less stereotypical view of gifted education. With regard to the knowledge of the current legislation, there is a clear ignorance of the current legislation by teachers, but not in the case of guidance professionals, especially among those who work in public education and those with more years of experience in the field. Finally, in relation to the current curriculum model for gifted students in the Valencian education system, the data collected show a lack of long-term planning, coordination between stages (or even within the same stage ) and the ability to establish a clear and coherent itinerary that attends to student needs. Ultimately, the proposed intervention in this thesis addresses the need to orient the education system towards the development of student talent, and not towards the deficit, as is the case in the current education system. It is on this basis that the specific model for gifted students needs to be framed, which must be planned and monitored over time. In addition, two documents are proposed that can facilitate the organization of the curriculum model for these students by education professionals, taking into account their own educational needs, linked to their particular way of learning. The different measures proposed are framed within the four levels of measures to promote the inclusion of students established by current legislation pursuant to Decree 104/2018. An education system that looks towards the inclusion of all students must necessarily be oriented towards equity, and not towards equality, it must give opportunities to each student, regardless of their characteristics or circumstances

    La movilidad del alumnado universitario y la coordinaci贸n docente en los grados de Pedagog铆a y Educaci贸n Social

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    La internacionalizaci贸n en la formaci贸n es una oportunidad para el alumnado que las universidades tratan de potenciar por el beneficio rec铆proco que representa, tanto para establecer lazos con otras instituciones universitarias y promover colaboraciones, como por la experiencia acad茅mica y vital que supone para el alumnado y el profesorado universitario. Afortunadamente, estos dos 煤ltimos cursos, se ha vuelto a incrementar la movilidad, con unos datos incluso m谩s elevados que antes de la pandemia. Se revisa la situaci贸n de la movilidad en estos 煤ltimos cursos y c贸mo esta colabora en el desarrollo de las competencias vinculas a los Grados en Pedagog铆a y en Educaci贸n Social, y en la potenciaci贸n de la coordinaci贸n de movilidad y del profesorado. Internationalization in education is an opportunity for students that universities try to promote for the reciprocal benefit it represents, both for establishing ties with other university institutions and promoting collaborations, as well as for the academic and life experience it provides for students and university faculty. Fortunately, in the last two years, mobility has increased again, with even higher figures than before the pandemic. The situation of mobility in these last courses is reviewed and how this collaborates in the development of the competences linked to the Degrees in Pedagogy and Social Education, and in the strengthening of the coordination of mobility and teaching staff

    PiwiRNA-651 as marker of treatment response and survival in classical Hodgkin lymphoma.

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    PiwiRNAs, small non-coding RNAs processed by Piwi proteins, are involved in maintaining genome stability in germline cells. Recently, piwiRNA expression has been identified in some tumors. We have examined the potential reactivation of the Piwi/piwiRNA pathway in classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL). We found that Piwi proteins and three selected piwiRNAs, including piR-651, were expressed in cHL patients and cell lines, indicating that the Piwi/piwiRNA pathway is active in cHL. Interestingly, low levels of piR-651 were associated with lack of complete response to first-line treatment, as well as shorter disease-free and overall survival in a cohort of 94 cHL patients. At diagnosis, piR-651 was underexpressed in cHL serum samples compared to healthy controls, while after complete remission, piR-651 levels increased to levels similar to healthy controls. This is the first evidence that piwiRNAs are active in tumor and serum samples and impact prognosis in cHL

    miR-141 and miR-200c as markers of overall survival in early stage non-small cell lung cancer adenocarcinoma

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    Several treatments in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are histology-dependent, and the need for histology-related markers is increasing. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are promising molecular markers in multiple cancers and show differences in expression depending on histological subtype. The miRNA family miR-200 has been associated with the regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal (EMT)/mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET). EMT involves profound phenotypic changes that include the loss of cell-cell adhesion, the loss of cell polarity, and the acquisition of migratory and invasive properties that facilitates metastasis. A dual role for the miR-200 family in the prognosis of several tumors has been related to tumor cell origin. However, the prognostic role and function of miR-200 family in early-stage NSCLC adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) have not been well established. Methods: miRNA expression was determined using TaqMan assays in 155 tumors from resected NSCLC patients. Functional studies were conducted in three NSCLC cell lines: H23, A-549 and HCC-44. Results: High miR-200c expression was associated with shorter overall survival (OS) in the entire cohort (p = 0.024). High miR-200c (p = 0.0004) and miR-141 (p = 0.009) expression correlated with shorter OS in adenocarcinoma - but not in SCC. In the multivariate analysis, a risk score based on miR-141 and miR-200c expression emerged as an independent prognostic factor for OS in the entire cohort (OR, 2.787; p = 0.033) and in adenocarcinoma patients (OR, 10.649; p = 0.002). Functional analyses showed that miR-200c, was related to mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) and affected cell migration and E-cadherin levels, while overexpression of miR-141 reduced KLF6 protein levels and produced an increase of secretion of VEGFA in vitro (H23, p = 0.04; A-549, p = 0.03; HCC-44, p = 0.02) and was associated with higher blood microvessel density in patient tumor samples (p<0.001). Conclusion: High miR-141 and miR-200c expression are associated with shorter OS in NSCLC patients with adenocarcinoma through MET and angiogenesis

    Inclusive education from a service learning secondary education proposal

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    This project is an attempt to improve the academic inclusion of students in a group of curricular diversification of compulsory secondary education. The project to set up a children's theater show has made possible to put into practice the skills and stimulate learning: inclusion, coexistence, teamwork, equal opportunities. This experience has meant a meeting between formal and non-formal education and involving students in the reality of their environment. It has become an opportunity to involve students in their community and to foster intergenerational contact. The students participating in the experience show their satisfaction with the work done. Thus, they collaborated in the learning of the little ones and they were involved in a very decided way. Likewise, the project has also served to improve one's self-concept. Our proposal is thus linked to Learning-Service, as it combines the learning process of the students with the service to the community, with the intention of improving their immediate environment, and with the social learning of the actors in the educational scenario. Confirming both this difficulty and the need to overcome it for a more optimal performance led us to launch a Service-Learning Project (APS) that included the work of curricular contents and at the same time became a motivation for students, Influencing their self-esteem and involvement in the community.This project is an attempt to improve the academic inclusion of students in a group of curricular diversification of compulsory secondary education. The project to set up a children's theater show has made possible to put into practice the skills and stimulate learning: inclusion, coexistence, teamwork, equal opportunities. This experience has meant a meeting between formal and non-formal education and involving students in the reality of their environment. It has become an opportunity to involve students in their community and to foster intergenerational contact. The students participating in the experience show their satisfaction with the work done. Thus, they collaborated in the learning of the little ones and they were involved in a very decided way. Likewise, the project has also served to improve one's self-concept. Our proposal is thus linked to Learning-Service, as it combines the learning process of the students with the service to the community, with the intention of improving their immediate environment, and with the social learning of the actors in the educational scenario. Confirming both this difficulty and the need to overcome it for a more optimal performance led us to launch a Service-Learning Project (APS) that included the work of curricular contents and at the same time became a motivation for students, Influencing their self-esteem and involvement in the community.This work is based on the initial questions about whether basic competences are achieved in Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain and whether an inclusive education is promoted in Secondary classrooms through the presence and participation of students. Our contribution is inserted in a Research Project that investigates the processes of educational inclusion in Secondary Education

    The expression level of BAALC-associated microRNA miR-3151 is an independent prognostic factor in younger patients with cytogenetic intermediate-risk acute myeloid leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease whose prognosis is mainly related to the biological risk conferred by cytogenetics and molecular profiling. In elderly patients (>= 60 years) with normal karyotype AML miR-3151 have been identified as a prognostic factor. However, miR-3151 prognostic value has not been examined in younger AML patients. In the present work, we have studied miR-3151 alone and in combination with BAALC, its host gene, in a cohort of 181 younger intermediate-risk AML (IR-AML) patients. Patients with higher expression of miR-3151 had shorter overall survival (P = 0.0025), shorter leukemia-free survival (P = 0.026) and higher cumulative incidence of relapse (P = 0.082). Moreover, in the multivariate analysis miR-3151 emerged as independent prognostic marker in both the overall series and within the unfavorable molecular prognostic category. Interestingly, the combined determination of both miR-3151 and BAALC improved this prognostic stratification, with patients with low levels of both parameters showing a better outcome compared with those patients harboring increased levels of one or both markers (P = 0.003). In addition, we studied the microRNA expression profile associated with miR-3151 identifying a six-microRNA signature. In conclusion, the analysis of miR-3151 and BAALC expression may well contribute to an improved prognostic stratification of younger patients with IR-AML

    The significance of PIWI family expression in human lung embryogenesis and non-small cell lung cancer

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    The expression of Piwi-interacting RNAs, small RNAs that bind to PIWI proteins, was until recently believed to be limited to germinal stem cells. We have studied the expression of PIWI genes during human lung embryogenesis and in paired tumor and normal tissue prospectively collected from 71 resected non-small-cell lung cancer patients. The mRNA expression analysis showed that PIWIL1 was highly expressed in 7-week embryos and downregulated during the subsequent weeks of development. PIWIL1 was expressed in 11 of the tumor samples but in none of the normal tissue samples. These results were validated by immunohistochemistry, showing faint cytoplasmic reactivity in the PIWIL1-positive samples. Interestingly, the patients expressing PIWIL1 had a shorter time to relapse (TTR) (p = 0.006) and overall survival (OS) (p = 0.0076) than those without PIWIL1 expression. PIWIL2 and 4 were downregulated in tumor tissue in comparison to the normal tissue (p < 0.001) and the patients with lower levels of PIWIL4 had shorter TTR (p = 0.048) and OS (p = 0.033). In the multivariate analysis, PIWIL1 expression emerged as an independent prognostic marker. Using 5-Aza-dC treatment and bisulfite sequencing, we observed that PIWIL1 expression could be regulated in part by methylation. Finally, an in silico study identified a stem-cell expression signature associated with PIWIL1 expression

    The lincRNA HOTAIRM1, located in the HOXA genomic region, is expressed in acute myeloid leukemia, impacts prognosis in patients in the intermediate-risk cytogenetic category, and is associated with a distinctive microRNA signature

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    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are deregulated in several tumors, although their role in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is mostly unknown.We have examined the expression of the lncRNA HOX antisense intergenic RNA myeloid 1 (HOTAIRM1) in 241 AML patients. We have correlated HOTAIRM1 expression with a miRNA expression profile. We have also analyzed the prognostic value of HOTAIRM1 expression in 215 intermediate-risk AML (IR-AML) patients.The lowest expression level was observed in acute promyelocytic leukemia (P < 0.001) and the highest in t(6;9) AML (P = 0.005). In 215 IR-AML patients, high HOTAIRM1 expression was independently associated with shorter overall survival (OR:2.04;P = 0.001), shorter leukemia-free survival (OR:2.56; P < 0.001) and a higher cumulative incidence of relapse (OR:1.67; P = 0.046). Moreover, HOTAIRM1 maintained its independent prognostic value within the favorable molecular subgroup (OR: 3.43; P = 0.009). Interestingly, HOTAIRM1 was overexpressed in NPM1-mutated AML (P < 0.001) and within this group retained its prognostic value (OR: 2.21; P = 0.01). Moreover, HOTAIRM1 expression was associated with a specific 33-microRNA signature that included miR-196b (P < 0.001). miR-196b is located in the HOX genomic region and has previously been reported to have an independent prognostic value in AML. miR-196b and HOTAIRM1 in combination as a prognostic factor can classify patients as high-, intermediate-, or low-risk (5-year OS: 24% vs 42% vs 70%; P = 0.004).Determination of HOTAIRM1 level at diagnosis provided relevant prognostic information in IR-AML and allowed refinement of risk stratification based on common molecular markers. The prognostic information provided by HOTAIRM1 was strengthened when combined with miR-196b expression. Furthermore, HOTAIRM1 correlated with a 33-miRNA signature