38 research outputs found

    Lattice modules having small cofinite irreducibles

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    We introduce the concept of small cofinite irreducibles in Noetherian lattice modules and obtain several characterizations of this property

    Membentuk generasi Islami melalui pembaharuan pendidikan Islam di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu di Surabaya

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    Pembaharuan pada sebuah instansi pendidikan adalah sebuah hal yang wajar, tidak terkecuali pembaharuan yang ada pada Sekolah Islam Terpadu, terlebih jika tantangan yang ada pada masyarakat sangat mengharuskan dilakukan adanya pembaharuan, apalagi pembaharuan ini dilakukan untuk membentuk generasi Islami yang keberadaannya semakin hilang ditengah kemajuan zaman dan ditengah maraknya krisis moral pada masyarakat. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada permasalahan: (1) bagaimana generasi Islami dalam perspektif sekolah Islam terpadu; (2) bagaimana pembaharuan pendidikan Islam pada sekolah Islam terpadu; dan (3) bagaimana membentuk generasi Islami melalui pembaharuan pendidikan Islam pada Sekolah Islam terpadu.Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi multi kasus, karena penelitian ini berusaha memahami secara detail terkait pembaharuan yang ada pada sekolah Islam terpadu. Data bersumber dari dokumen dan informan yang ditetapkan secara proporsional. Proses pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data yang telah terkumpul dipetakan dan dianalisis sehingga terkumpul data yang relevan dengan tema penelitian. Selanjutnya data dilakukan analisis guna menyusun konsep dan gambaran dari temuan penelitian, dan terakhir pengujian kredibilitas data di cek dengan prosedur triangulasi sumber dan waktu serta pengujian transferability (keteralihan).Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan berkaitan dengan pembaharauan pendidikan Islam dalam rangka pembentukan generasi Islami. Pertama, generasi Islami yang diharapkan akan terbentuk memiliki sepuluh karakter, yakni: al-sali>m al-a>qidah, al-s}ahi>h al-iba>dah, al-mati>n al-khu>luq, qadir> ‘ala al-kas}bi, al-muthaqqaf al-fiqri, al-qawiyy al-jismi, muja>hid li nafsihi, munazzam fi shu’unihi, ha>ris ‘ala al-waqtihi, na>fi’ li al-ghairihi. Kedua, pembaharuan yang dilakukan oleh Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) hanyalah sebuah modernisasi, yakni menutupi dan melengkapi kekurangan dari konsep pendidikan yang telah berjalan sebelumnya. Ketiga, upaya pembentukan generasi Islami pada SDIT tidak dilakukan memalui adanya pembaharuan, tetapi hanya melalui pembiasaan-pembiasaan yang dilakukan pada setiap aktivitas siswa dilingkungan sekolah, yang mana pembiasaan-pembiasaan ini semuanya dalam aspek dan berasas Islam sebagai dasarnya, sehingga karakter Islami yang dicita-citakan dapat terbentuk

    High performing hospitals: a qualitative systematic review of associated factors and practical strategies for improvement.

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    BACKGROUND: High performing hospitals attain excellence across multiple measures of performance and multiple departments. Studying high performing hospitals can be valuable if factors associated with high performance can be identified and applied. Factors leading to high performance are complex and an exclusive quantitative approach may fail to identify richly descriptive or relevant contextual factors. The objective of this study was to undertake a systematic review of qualitative literature to identify methods used to identify high performing hospitals, the factors associated with high performers, and practical strategies for improvement. METHODS: Methods used to collect and summarise the evidence contributing to this review followed the 'enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research' protocol. Peer reviewed studies were identified through Medline, Embase and Cinahl (Jan 2000-Feb 2014) using specified key words, subject terms, and medical subject headings. Eligible studies required the use of a quantitative method to identify high performing hospitals, and qualitative methods or tools to identify factors associated with high performing hospitals or hospital departments. Title, abstract, and full text screening was undertaken by four reviewers, and inter-rater reliability statistics were calculated for each review phase. Risk of bias was assessed. Following data extraction, thematic syntheses identified contextual factors important for explaining success. Practical strategies for achieving high performance were then mapped against the identified themes. RESULTS: A total of 19 studies from a possible 11,428 were included in the review. A range of process, output, outcome and other indicators were used to identify high performing hospitals. Seven themes representing factors associated with high performance (and 25 sub-themes) emerged from the thematic syntheses: positive organisational culture, senior management support, effective performance monitoring, building and maintaining a proficient workforce, effective leaders across the organisation, expertise-driven practice, and interdisciplinary teamwork. Fifty six practical strategies for achieving high performance were catalogued. CONCLUSIONS: This review provides insights into methods used to identify high performing hospitals, and yields ideas about the factors important for success. It highlights the need to advance approaches for understanding what constitutes high performance and how to harness factors associated with high performance

    QTLs associated with dry matter intake, metabolic mid-test weight, growth and feed efficiency have little overlap across 4 beef cattle studies

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    Background: The identification of genetic markers associated with complex traits that are expensive to record such as feed intake or feed efficiency would allow these traits to be included in selection programs. To identify large-effect QTL, we performed a series of genome-wide association studies and functional analyses using 50 K and 770 K SNP genotypes scored in 5,133 animals from 4 independent beef cattle populations (Cycle VII, Angus, Hereford and Simmental × Angus) with phenotypes for average daily gain, dry matter intake, metabolic mid-test body weight and residual feed intake. Results: A total of 5, 6, 11 and 10 significant QTL (defined as 1-Mb genome windows with Bonferroni-corrected P-value Conclusions: This GWAS study, which is the largest performed for feed efficiency and its component traits in beef cattle to date, identified several large-effect QTL that cumulatively explained a significant percentage of additive genetic variance within each population. Differences in the QTL identified among the different populations may be due to differences in power to detect QTL, environmental variation, or differences in the genetic architecture of trait variation among breeds. These results enhance our understanding of the biology of growth, feed intake and utilisation in beef cattle

    A Tale of Two Spills: Novel Science and Policy Implications of an Emerging New Oil Spill Model

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    The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil release posed the challenges of two types of spill: a familiar spill characterized by buoyant oil, fouling and killing organisms at the sea surface and eventually grounding on and damaging sensitive shoreline habitats, and a novel deepwater spill involving many unknowns. The subsurface retention of oil as finely dispersed droplets and emulsions, wellhead injection of dispersants, and deepwater retention of plumes of natural gas undergoing rapid microbial degradation were unprecedented and demanded the development of a new model for deepwater well blowouts that includes subsurface consequences. Existing governmental programs and policies had not anticipated this new theater of impacts, which thereby challenged decisionmaking on the spill response, on the assessment of natural resource damages, on the preparation for litigation to achieve compensation for public trust losses, and on restoration. Modification of laws and policies designed to protect and restore ocean resources is needed in order to accommodate oil drilling in the deep sea and other frontiers.National Science Foundation (Grant EF-0553768