11 research outputs found

    Sir Fear: stories by boys and girls from 5 to 8 years old, from the Álvaro Gómez Hurtado school

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    La presente investigación se desarrolló a partir de una metodología cualitativa que tuvo como insumo principal el análisis de los relatos elaborados por niños y niñas de 5 a 8 años, del colegio Álvaro Gómez Hurtado, a partir de sus experiencias de vida frente al miedo. Los relatos fueron recogidos durante las actividades y entrevistas que tuvieron lugar en los diferentes talleres grupales realizados, dichos relatos se grabaron, transcribieron y segmentaron en enunciados. Posteriormente, para el análisis se revisaron los siguientes elementos: personajes, lugares, representaciones, descripciones, y lenguajes figurados, que hacen parte de los relatos y que a su vez se relacionan entre sí. A lo largo de esta investigación se evidencia una concepción del miedo como construcción social y cultural que trasciende la dimensión socioafectiva, la cual se instaura en las prácticas y discursos de los sujetos. Por lo tanto, los niños y las niñas como sujetos de saber y conocimiento, hacen parte de una cultura que a su vez logran transformar. Los niños y las niñas se presentan acá como protagonistas que crean, resignifican y generan importantes cambios estructurales en los contextos que habitan. Del mismo modo, se reconoce la diversidad de experiencias que impulsan el deseo por contar y representar sus miedos a través del relato.This research was developed from a qualitative methodology that had as its main input the analysis of the stories provided by boys and girls from 5 to 8 years old, from the Álvaro Gómez Hurtado School, based on their life experiences facing fear. The stories were collected during the activities and interviews that took place in the different group workshops carried out with participants; these stories were recorded, transcribed and segmented into statements. Subsequently, for the analysis, the following elements were reviewed: characters, places, representations, descriptions, and figurative languages, which are part of the stories and which are related to each other. Throughout this research, a conception of fear is evidenced as a social and cultural construction that transcends the socio-affective dimension, which is established in the practices and discourses of the subjects. Therefore, boys and girls as subjects of learning and knowledge are part of a culture that they manage to transform. Boys and girls are presented here as main characters who create, resignify and generate important structural changes in the contexts they inhabit. In the same way, the diversity of experiences that drive the desire to tell and represent their fears through the story is recognized

    Caminando en la ruta sentipensante: configuración de experiencias pedagógicas nivel inicial

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    494 páginasEste texto es realizado en el contexto del Plan de Desarrollo 2016 – 2020, “Bogotá mejor para todos”, en el que se señala: Bogotá es entendida como una ciudad educadora, en la que todos los ciudadanos son agentes educadores y todos los espacios pueden ser escenarios pedagógicos para el aprendizaje. Una ciudad educadora tiene como centro el conocimiento e inspira aprendizaje, formas y lenguajes para reconocernos, para reencontrarnos; los espacios para el aprendizaje son entendidos como espacios para la vida, en los que se posibilita la investigación y la innovación para vivir mejor, para reinventarnos como ciudad, una ciudad mejor para todos. Los dieciocho textos aquí presentados, fruto del acompañamiento pedagógico realizado por el IDEP en 2019, son base y referente para seguir aportando en la configuración y consolidación de comunidades de saber y práctica pedagógica de la ciudad, así como en la conformación de colectivos y redes de maestros. Son la evidencia de un potente trabajo de acompañamiento a experiencias de nivel inicial, caracterizadas por contar con ideas o avances para problematizar, estructurar, fundamentar, elaborar estrategias y un plan de acción

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Sir Fear: stories by boys and girls from 5 to 8 years old, from the Álvaro Gómez Hurtado school

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    La presente investigación se desarrolló a partir de una metodología cualitativa que tuvo como insumo principal el análisis de los relatos elaborados por niños y niñas de 5 a 8 años, del colegio Álvaro Gómez Hurtado, a partir de sus experiencias de vida frente al miedo. Los relatos fueron recogidos durante las actividades y entrevistas que tuvieron lugar en los diferentes talleres grupales realizados, dichos relatos se grabaron, transcribieron y segmentaron en enunciados. Posteriormente, para el análisis se revisaron los siguientes elementos: personajes, lugares, representaciones, descripciones, y lenguajes figurados, que hacen parte de los relatos y que a su vez se relacionan entre sí. A lo largo de esta investigación se evidencia una concepción del miedo como construcción social y cultural que trasciende la dimensión socioafectiva, la cual se instaura en las prácticas y discursos de los sujetos. Por lo tanto, los niños y las niñas como sujetos de saber y conocimiento, hacen parte de una cultura que a su vez logran transformar. Los niños y las niñas se presentan acá como protagonistas que crean, resignifican y generan importantes cambios estructurales en los contextos que habitan. Del mismo modo, se reconoce la diversidad de experiencias que impulsan el deseo por contar y representar sus miedos a través del relato.This research was developed from a qualitative methodology that had as its main input the analysis of the stories provided by boys and girls from 5 to 8 years old, from the Álvaro Gómez Hurtado School, based on their life experiences facing fear. The stories were collected during the activities and interviews that took place in the different group workshops carried out with participants; these stories were recorded, transcribed and segmented into statements. Subsequently, for the analysis, the following elements were reviewed: characters, places, representations, descriptions, and figurative languages, which are part of the stories and which are related to each other. Throughout this research, a conception of fear is evidenced as a social and cultural construction that transcends the socio-affective dimension, which is established in the practices and discourses of the subjects. Therefore, boys and girls as subjects of learning and knowledge are part of a culture that they manage to transform. Boys and girls are presented here as main characters who create, resignify and generate important structural changes in the contexts they inhabit. In the same way, the diversity of experiences that drive the desire to tell and represent their fears through the story is recognized

    Taller interinstitucional de proyecto urbano: otras alternativas para Cali a la autopista Bicentenario.

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    El Taller de Proyecto Urbano de la Universidad del Valle (taller vertical que vincula estudiantes de sexto, séptimo y octavo semestre de pregrado de Arquitectura), ha hecho una alianza con el Taller de Proyecto Urbano de la Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali (conformado por estudiantes de séptimo semestre del pregrado de Arquitectura) para hacer propuestas alternativas a la autopista, con el fin de generar una reflexión técnica y conceptual sobre cuál debería ser el papel del conector urbano férreo y par vial de las calles 25 y 26 en el desarrollo de Cali y qué alternativas y proyectos serían los indicados para la consolidación de un proyecto que genere espacios urbanos de calidad, cohesión social, sostenibilidad, renovación y productividad.Universidad de San Buenaventura - Cal

    Biodiversity 2016. Status and Trends of Colombian Continental Biodiversity

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    This third volume of the annual report on biodiversity in Colombia continues the editorial line that begun in 2014. Using novel analytical and graphic proposals, these reports have the goal of communicating the contents to a broad public, making it available for discussion without sacrificing the quality of information. The challenge of communication continues to be a major part of the institutional project, and the new languages with which we are learning to communicate with society and other institutions are an experiment that we expect to be increasingly gratifying. The report for 2017 is already under construction and it counts on new digital technologies so the power of a colombian vital connection may be entirely expressed. The included content evidences that we are still far away from having a systematic follow-up about most of the topics related to the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services, which is the only way to evaluate the effectiveness of policies and investments made by society. In fact, a limitation that is recognized is that of identifying positive or negative changes that affect different levels of organization of life on this planet; therefore, our global navigation route of the Aichi targets is still to be verified. An additional purpose of this process includes the invitation of all Colombians to contribute in constructing and maintaining basic monitoring indicators for management since it is impossible to identify long-term trends of flora and fauna in the country without the support of institutions, researchers, and citizens. This challenge is immense in a megadiverse country such as Colombia. For this reason, the report will continue to open its pages to experts, and even indigenous peoples or local communities, for them to present their perspectives about environmental change and its effects on biodiversity in a systematic and documented manner. This has the objective of stimulating the commitment of everyone in the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The only way of overcoming the risk of extinction is through the active process of social learning in which all sectors assume a part of the complex responsibility in protecting the forms of life of the country, a roughly counted tenth of all creatures on Earth. I thank all the people that contributed in this Report, those who have supported us in the phases of production, and all readers and users, who are the ultimate judges of its utility.Bogotá, D. C

    Empowering Latina scientists

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    XV International Congress of Control Electronics and Telecommunications: "The role of technology in times of pandemic and post-pandemic: innovation and development for strategic social and productive sectors"

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    La anterior selección, motivados por la aseveración de Manuel Castells -hace casi 20 años ya- que la innovación y la difusión de la tecnología parecía ser la herramienta apropiada para el desarrollo en la era de la información. Este 2020, sin embargo, ante la situación disruptiva que aquejó y aqueja a la sociedad red como una estructura social emergente de la Era de la Información basada en redes de producción, energizadas por el poder y la experiencia; falló y debe reencontrar su rumbo. Es así que los problemas acuciantes, ahora, fueron: la atención sanitaria y la superación de la epidemia de Sars Cov 2; tomó forma la, hasta entonces, visión irrealista de Castells que … no podemos avanzar con nuestros modelos de desarrollo actual, destruyendo nuestro entorno y excluyendo a la mayor parte de la humanidad de los beneficios de la revolución tecnológica más extraordinaria de la historia, sin sufrir una devastadora reacción por parte de la sociedad y la naturaleza. Fue así que el Cuarto Mundo, específicamente, donde la suficiencia de recurso humano, de capital, trabajo, información y mercado -vinculados todos a través de la tecnología- supuso que atendería eficazmente a través de la población que podía por su capacidad hacer uso racional y profesional del conocimiento, las necesidades de la mayoritaria población vulnerable y vulnerada. Por lo anterior, poner en el centro a las personas, en entornos de tarea y trabajo globales hiperconectados combinando espacios físicos, corrientes de información con canales de conexión expeditos, y formando profesionales del conocimiento que asuman y afronten los retos derivados de la transformación digital de empresas, universidades, y organizaciones, pero en condiciones de equidad y sujetos de prosperidad, será el desafío en los escenarios presentes y futuros inmediatos.The previous selection, motivated by the assertion of Manuel Castells -almost 20 years ago- that innovation and diffusion of technology seemed to be the appropriate tool for development in the information age. This 2020, however, in the face of the disruptive situation that afflicted and continues to afflict the network society as an emerging social structure of the Information Age based on production networks, energized by power and experience; He failed and must find his way again. Thus, the pressing problems now were: health care and overcoming the Sars Cov 2 epidemic; Castells' until then unrealistic vision took shape that... we cannot advance with our current development models, destroying our environment and excluding the majority of humanity from the benefits of the most extraordinary technological revolution in history, without suffering a devastating reaction from society and nature. It was thus that the Fourth World, specifically, where the sufficiency of human resources, capital, work, information and market - all linked through technology - meant that it would serve effectively through the population that could, due to its capacity, make rational use. and knowledge professional, the needs of the majority vulnerable and vulnerable population. Therefore, putting people at the center, in hyperconnected global task and work environments, combining physical spaces, information flows with expedited connection channels, and training knowledge professionals who assume and face the challenges derived from the digital transformation of companies, universities, and organizations, but in conditions of equality and subject to prosperity, will be the challenge in the present and immediate future scenarios.Bogot

    Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study

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