18 research outputs found

    Fonctionnement du concept de soi facteur prévisionnel des symptômes anorexiques

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    This doctoral dissertation examine the specific role of the self-concept and of its different dimensions on the evolution of anorexic symptoms over a period of 140 consecutive days. in two different samples comprising 26 anorexic outpatients and inpatients and in 23 girls without eating disorders (ED). By applying an idiographic approach, the main results show that the level, instability and dynamic of self-concept dimensions, and more precisely of body attractiveness, represent potent predictors of psychological, behavioral (e.g. full score of Eating Disorders Inventory-Adolescent, EDI-A-24) and somatic (e.g. Body Mass Index, BMI) anorexic symptoms over medium (i.e. over a few months), short (i.e. over a few weeks) and very short (i.e. over a few days) periods of time. Moreover, multivariate regression analyses further show that the pattern of association between anorexic symptoms and self concept dimensions remains the same in both samples (anorexic and without ED). Moreover, the results of cross-correlations analyses reveal that anorexic symptoms are as unstable as the dimensions of self-concept, with which they appear to be intertwined. More precisely, body attractiveness, most often a) precedes the drive for thinness, b) is associated to bulimia according to a"vicious circle" phenomenon, and c) fluctuates with according to body dissatisfaction. However body attractiveness was not found to relate to anorexic girls final status at the end of the follow-up period (e.g. deterioration, improvement, stabilization, etc). Finally, the results from a qualitative analysis suggest that social events experienced as positive contribute to the improvement of anorexia nervosa.This appears to be explained by the potential of these events to break through anorectic girls known ego-centered tendencies. Taken as a whole, the 'results highlight the necessity of considering overall of dimensions of self-esteem and the"profiles" of girls with and without ED in preventive and therapeutic interventions for ED

    Les effets délétères de la pression académique sur la santé globale des étudiants du collégial

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    Affiche présentée dans le cadre du Colloque de l'ARC, «Des racines et des ailes pour la recherche collégiale», dans le cadre du 85e Congrès de l'Acfas, Université McGill, Montréal, les 8 et 9 mai 2017.Le profil des étudiants du collégial suit la tendance sociale au changement. Afin de mieux les connaître et de les aider à relever les défis, il est important de prendre en compte leur santé globale. Au cours de leur cheminement scolaire, ils subissent une pression académique pouvant nuire à leur développement et à leur réussite scolaire. Cette pression, bien qu'évidente dans la transition du secondaire au collégial, demeure peu étudiée. Elle peut amener l’étudiant à développer des troubles internalisés tels les troubles du comportement alimentaire (TCA), liés à des difficultés scolaires. Nous présenterons les résultats partiels d’une étude sur les précurseurs des TCA, soit les attitudes et comportements alimentaires inappropriés (ACAI). Un des objectifs est de mesurer la pression académique identifiée par ces étudiants (présence d’ACAI). Plusieurs étudiants issus de différentes filières ont été interrogés à l’aide de questionnaires psychométriques. Les résultats partiels indiquent la présence d’ACAI et des différences quant à leur présence et fréquence selon le programme suivi. Cette recherche, unique dans le milieu collégial, met en parallèle les pressions académiques perçues, la santé globale de l’étudiant et sa réussite scolaire pour proposer des recommandations à mettre en œuvre dans le milieu éducatif

    Fonctionnement du concept de soi facteur prévisionnel des symptômes anorexiques

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    This doctoral dissertation examine the specific role of the self-concept and of its different dimensions on the evolution of anorexic symptoms over a period of 140 consecutive days. in two different samples comprising 26 anorexic outpatients and inpatients and in 23 girls without eating disorders (ED). By applying an idiographic approach, the main results show that the level, instability and dynamic of self-concept dimensions, and more precisely of body attractiveness, represent potent predictors of psychological, behavioral (e.g. full score of Eating Disorders Inventory-Adolescent, EDI-A-24) and somatic (e.g. Body Mass Index, BMI) anorexic symptoms over medium (i.e. over a few months), short (i.e. over a few weeks) and very short (i.e. over a few days) periods of time. Moreover, multivariate regression analyses further show that the pattern of association between anorexic symptoms and self concept dimensions remains the same in both samples (anorexic and without ED). Moreover, the results of cross-correlations analyses reveal that anorexic symptoms are as unstable as the dimensions of self-concept, with which they appear to be intertwined. More precisely, body attractiveness, most often a) precedes the drive for thinness, b) is associated to bulimia according to a"vicious circle" phenomenon, and c) fluctuates with according to body dissatisfaction. However body attractiveness was not found to relate to anorexic girls final status at the end of the follow-up period (e.g. deterioration, improvement, stabilization, etc). Finally, the results from a qualitative analysis suggest that social events experienced as positive contribute to the improvement of anorexia nervosa.This appears to be explained by the potential of these events to break through anorectic girls known ego-centered tendencies. Taken as a whole, the 'results highlight the necessity of considering overall of dimensions of self-esteem and the"profiles" of girls with and without ED in preventive and therapeutic interventions for ED

    Fonctionnement du concept de soi (facteur prévisionnel des symptômes anorexiques)

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    Cette thèse porte sur le rôle spécifique du concept de soiet de ses différentes dimensions dans l'évolution des symptômes anorexiques durant 140 jours consécutifs auprès de jeunes filles anorexiques hospitalisées, en ambulatoire et en long séjour (n = 26) et sans troubles du comportement alimentaire (TCA, n = 23). Les résultats principaux montrent que le niveau, l'instabilité et la dynamique des dimensions du concept de soi et plus précisément de l'apparence physique perçue, sont des facteurs prévisionnels des symptômes anorexiques psychologiques (e.g. score total de l'Eating Disorders Inventory-Adolescent, EDI-A-24) et somatiques (e.g. indice de masse corporelle, IMC) à moyen terme (i.e. quelques mois), court terme (i.e. quelques semaines) et très court terme (i.e. quelques jours). Par ailleurs, les résultats des corrélations-croisées révèlent que a) précède le désir de minceur, b) est associée aux crises de boulimie selon un phénomène s'apparentant à un "cercle vicieux", et c) fluctue en même temps que l'insatisfaction corporelle ; sans toutefois renseigner sur l'évolution en fin de suivi des symptômes anorexiques (e.g. aggravation, amélioration, etc). Enfin, l'analyse qualitative précise que les évènements sociaux vécus comme positifs semblent participer à l'amélioration de l'anorexie mentale. L'ensemble des résultats de cette thèse implique la nécessité de considérer les dimensions du concept de soi et les "profils" des jeunes anorexiques ou sans TCA dans les interventions préventives et thérapeutiques des TCA.This doctoral dissertation examines the specific role of the self-concept and of its different dimensions on the evolution of anorexic symtoms over a period of 140 consecutive days in two different samples comprising 26 anorexic outpatients and inpatients and in 23 girls without eating disorders (ED). The main results show that the level, instability and dynamic of self-concept dimensions, and more precisely of body attractiveness, represent potent predictors of psychological, behavioral (e.g. full score of Eating Disorders Inventory-Adolescent, EDI-A-24) and somatic (e.g. Body Mass Index, BMI) anorexic symptoms over medium (i.e. over a few months), short (i.e. over a few weeks) and very short (i.e. over a few days) periods of time. Moreover, the resultsof cross-correlations analyses reveal body attractiveness, most often a) precedes the drive for thinness, b) is associated to bulimia according to a "vicious circle" phenomenon, and c) fluctuates with according to body dissatisfaction. However, body attractiveness was not found to relate to anorexic girls final status at the end of the follow-up period (e.g. deterioration, improvement, etc). Finally, the results from a qualitative analysis suggest that social events experienced as positive contribute to the improvement of anorexia nervosa. This appears to be explained by the potential of these events to break through anorectic girls known ego-centered tendencies. Taken as a whole, the results highlight the necessity of considering the dimensions of self-esteem and the "profiles" of girls with and without ED in preventive and therapeutic interventions for ED.MONTPELLIER-BU STAPS (341722109) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine (341722104) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine UPM (341722108) / SudocSudocFranceCanadaFRC

    Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on perceptual disturbances and dysfunctional eating attitudes and behaviors: A review of the literature

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    From the outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) a new physical and social distancing environment has changed our lives and, more particularly, the way of perceiving oneself, as well as eating attitudes and behaviors. An increasing number of studies have highlighted a risky scenario in terms of negative perceptions of one’s body as well as disordered eating and eating disorder patterns in both clinical and general population. With regard to this postulate, this literature review posits two main concepts—perceptual disturbances and dysfunctional eating attitudes and behaviors—in the general and (sub-)clinical populations, to provide an understanding of these phenomena during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive and critical review of published scientific literature about perceptual disturbances (i.e., negative body image, body image disturbances, low body esteem) and dysfunctional eating attitudes and behaviors, including disordered eating (e.g., restrictive eating, binge-eating episodes, overeating, emotional eating) and eating disorders features in community (i.e., general population) and clinical and sub-clinical samples worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. The PubMed, ScienceDirect, Ebsco, and Google Scholar databases were searched. The initial search produced 42 references. Scientific publications from March 2020 to April 2022 were included, and among the works compiled, only published research articles have been retained. Purely theoretical papers were also excluded. The final selection consisted of 21 studies, covering both community, clinical (i.e., eating disorder population), and sub-clinical samples. The details of the results are discussed taking into consideration the potential impact of changes in the way we perceive ourselves and interact with others (e.g., the popularity of videoconferencing and the over-use of social network sites due to social isolation) as well as changes in eating attitudes and behaviors, physical activity and exercise (e.g., as an emotional response to the insecurity generated by the pandemic context), in community and (sub-)clinical samples. The discussion sheds light on two outcomes: (1) a summary of findings with methodological considerations; (2) an intervention continuum to deal with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic; (3) and a final conclusion

    Directionality of the relationships between global self-esteem and physical self components in anorexic outpatient girls : an in-depth idiographic analysis

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    The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the directionality of the observed relationships between global self-esteem and the physical self components in anorexic outpatient girls over a 140-day period. Nine anorexic outpatients (Mage = 18.50, s.d. age = 2.58; MBody Mass Index = 16.74, s.d.Body Mass Index = 2.04) completed daily a short version of the physical self-inventory between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. This instrument assessed with a 10-cm visual analog scale global self-esteem and physical self-perceptions (i.e. physical self-worth, physical condition, sport competence, body attractiveness, and physical strength). Cross-correlations analyses were used. The results showed highest coefficients between dimensions at lag 0. The direction of the relationships between global self-esteem and physical self components in anorexic outpatients mostly corresponded to a reciprocal hypothesis. This suggests that a positive or negative change in global self-esteem or sub-domains of physical self perceptions affected rapidly (in less than a day) the proximal domain or sub-domains of the hierarchical physical self-concept structure


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    L’objectif de cette étude est de comparer les attitudes et comportements alimentaires inappropriés (ACAI) ainsi que les caractéristiques psychosociales - anxiété physique sociale, perceptions du soi physique, pression perçue pour être mince - entre deux niveaux de pratique sportive (intensive et de loisir). Cent quarante-six adolescents français ont rempli un ensemble de questionnaires. Les résultats indiquent que, comparativement aux sportifs qui s’entraînent en loisir, les sportifs de niveau intensif sont plus nombreux à avoir recours à des ACAI, ils ressentent également plus d’insatisfaction corporelle et d’anxiété physique sociale, ils sont moins satisfaits de leur apparence physique et ressentent plus de pression pour mincir.The aim of this study is to compare inappropriate attitude and eating behaviors (IAEB) and psychosocial characteristics - physical social anxiety, physical self-perceptions, perceived pressure to be thin - between two levels of sport practice (intensive and recreational). A set of questionnaires was completed by 146 French adolescents. Results indicate that compared to recreational athletes, those training at an intensive level are more likely to resort to IAEB. Moreover, elite athletes also suffer more from body dissatisfaction and social physical anxiety, are less satisfied with their physical appearance, and are feeling more pressure to be thinner

    The body image avoidance questionnaire: Assessment of its construct validity in a community sample of french adolescents

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    Background: Among the few instruments used to measure the behavioral component of body image disturbances, the Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ) is the most widely used. Despite the wide utilization of this instrument, it is currently unknown whether it is appropriate for male and female adolescents from middle and junior high schools. Purpose: The main objective of the present series of studies was to test the construct validity of the BIAQ in a community sample of French adolescents. Method: The content, factor, and convergent validity of the BIAQ were verified in the context of four independent studies conducted on a total sample of 945 adolescents. Results: The first study showed that the content and formulation of the French BIAQ items were adequate for children and adolescents. The following three studies provided support for the factor validity, measurement invariance (across sex), reliability, and convergent validity of the French BIAQ. Regarding the measurement invariance tests, the results revealed that the models were invariant up to the levels of the latent means structures. Post hoc probing of these differences showed a significant higher latent mean score of the global BIAQ scale in females (in samples 2 and 3). Discussion: The present results provide preliminary evidence regarding the construct validity of the BIAQ in a community sample of French adolescents

    Physical self-concept and disturbed eating attitudes and behaviors in French athlete and non-athlete adolescent girls : direct and indirect relations

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    This study aims to investigate the direct and indirect associations between physical self-subdomains, physical self-worth, global self-worth, and disturbed eating attitudes and behaviors among French non-elite athlete and non-athlete adolescent girls. A sample of adolescent girls including 50 ballet dancers, 41 basketball players, and 47 non-athletes was used in this study. Data obtained from the ballet dancer and basketball player subsamples revealed significant, sample-specific as well as common, direct relations between global and physical self-perceptions and disturbed eating attitudes and behaviors, as well as significant indirect relations (via global self-worth and physical self-worth) between specific physical self-perceptions and disturbed eating attitudes and behaviors. In contrast, no association was found between global and physical self-perceptions in the sample of non-athlete adolescent girls