11,489 research outputs found

    Sensor performance analysis

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    The theory is described and the equations required to design are developed and the performance of electro-optical sensor systems that operate from the visible through the thermal infrared spectral regions are analyzed. Methods to compute essential optical and detector parameters, signal-to-noise ratio, MTF, and figures of merit such as NE delta rho and NE delta T are developed. A set of atmospheric tables are provided to determine scene radiance in the visible spectral region. The Planck function is used to determine radiance in the infrared. The equations developed were incorporated in a spreadsheet so that a wide variety of sensor studies can be rapidly and efficiently conducted

    Symmetry Reduction of Optimal Control Systems and Principal Connections

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    This paper explores the role of symmetries and reduction in nonlinear control and optimal control systems. The focus of the paper is to give a geometric framework of symmetry reduction of optimal control systems as well as to show how to obtain explicit expressions of the reduced system by exploiting the geometry. In particular, we show how to obtain a principal connection to be used in the reduction for various choices of symmetry groups, as opposed to assuming such a principal connection is given or choosing a particular symmetry group to simplify the setting. Our result synthesizes some previous works on symmetry reduction of nonlinear control and optimal control systems. Affine and kinematic optimal control systems are of particular interest: We explicitly work out the details for such systems and also show a few examples of symmetry reduction of kinematic optimal control problems.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    High sensitivity operation of discrete solid state detectors at 4 K

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    Techniques are described to allow operation of discrete, solid state detectors at 4 K with optimized JFET amplifiers. Three detector types cover the 0.6 to 4 mm spectral range with NEP approximately equal to 10 to the 16th power Hz (-1/2) for two of the types and potential improvement to this performance for the third. Lower NEP's are anticipated at longer infrared wavelengths

    Velocity field distributions due to ideal line vortices

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    We evaluate numerically the velocity field distributions produced by a bounded, two-dimensional fluid model consisting of a collection of parallel ideal line vortices. We sample at many spatial points inside a rigid circular boundary. We focus on ``nearest neighbor'' contributions that result from vortices that fall (randomly) very close to the spatial points where the velocity is being sampled. We confirm that these events lead to a non-Gaussian high-velocity ``tail'' on an otherwise Gaussian distribution function for the Eulerian velocity field. We also investigate the behavior of distributions that do not have equilibrium mean-field probability distributions that are uniform inside the circle, but instead correspond to both higher and lower mean-field energies than those associated with the uniform vorticity distribution. We find substantial differences between these and the uniform case.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. To be published in Physical Review E (http://pre.aps.org/) in May 200

    Measuring ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O from White Dwarf Asteroseismology

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    During helium burning in the core of a red giant, the relative rates of the 3&alpha and ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reactions largely determine the final ratio of carbon to oxygen in the resulting white dwarf star. The uncertainty in the 3&alpha reaction at stellar energies due to the extrapolation from high-energy laboratory measurements is relatively small, but this is not the case for the ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reaction. Recent advances in the analysis of asteroseismological data on pulsating white dwarf stars now make it possible to obtain precise measurements of the central ratio of carbon to oxygen, providing a more direct way to measure the ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reaction rate at stellar energies. We assess the systematic uncertainties of this approach and quantify small shifts in the measured central oxygen abundance originating from the observations and from model settings that are kept fixed during the optimization. Using new calculations of white dwarf internal chemical profiles, we find a rate for the ^{12}C(&alpha,&gamma)^{16}O reaction that is significantly higher than most published values. The accuracy of this method may improve as we modify some of the details of our description of white dwarf interiors that were not accessible through previous model-fitting methods.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, uses emulateapj5.sty, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The asymptotic quasi-stationary states of the two-dimensional magnetically confined plasma and of the planetary atmosphere

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    We derive the differential equation governing the asymptotic quasi-stationary states of the two dimensional plasma immersed in a strong confining magnetic field and of the planetary atmosphere. These two systems are related by the property that there is an intrinsic constant length: the Larmor radius and respectively the Rossby radius and a condensate of the vorticity field in the unperturbed state related to the cyclotronic gyration and respectively to the Coriolis frequency. Although the closest physical model is the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima (CHM) equation, our model is more general and is related to the system consisting of a discrete set of point-like vortices interacting in plane by a short range potential. A field-theoretical formalism is developed for describing the continuous version of this system. The action functional can be written in the Bogomolnyi form (emphasizing the role of Self-Duality of the asymptotic states) but the minimum energy is no more topological and the asymptotic structures appear to be non-stationary, which is a major difference with respect to traditional topological vortex solutions. Versions of this field theory are discussed and we find arguments in favor of a particular form of the equation. We comment upon the significant difference between the CHM fluid/plasma and the Euler fluid and respectively the Abelian-Higgs vortex models.Comment: Latex 126 pages, 7 eps figures included. Discussion on various forms of the equatio

    Laboratory and telescope use of the NICMOS2 128 x 128 HgCdTe array

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    The second generation of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) instruments will include a near-infrared instrument. This choice has driven the development of near-infrared arrays to larger sizes and lower read noises. Rockwell International has delivered an array for use in the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) instrument; this array has been dubbed NICMOS2. NICMOS2 is a 128x128 array of HgCdTe diodes In-bonded to a switched MOSFET readout. The readout was specifically designed for astronomical use with the HST requirement of low read noise a prime goal. These arrays use detector material which is similar to that used by Rockwell in previous arrays (e.g., HgCdTe produced on a sapphire substrate), but the NICMOS2 devices differ substantially from other 128x128 arrays produced by Rockwell in having a read noise of only 30 electrons when read out using appropriate correlated sampling. NICMOS2 has now been characterized in the laboratory, and it has been used on groundbased telescopes