10 research outputs found

    Global Politics and the Evolving EU-US-China Triangle: An Opportunity for EU Leadership? College of Europe Policy Brief #10.17, November 2017

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    Executive Summary > A changing global order requires actors aiming at global leadership to develop a flexible foreign policy approach to interdependence. > Given their material pre-eminence, it is particularly crucial to analyse how the US, China and the EU have been responding to the fluidity of the global system. > The structural primacy of the United States makes it hostile to reforming global governance, and the current Administration is veering towards a more withdrawn, unilateral approach to global issues which risks creating a ‘power vacuum’. > China has been greatly stepping up its global engagement, displaying pragmatic flexibility and promoting reform via inclusive, ‘horizontal’ leadership on many issues. > The EU, despite internal constraints, has been making important steps forward towards strategic pragmatism, especially via its 2016 Global Strategy. > In light of US disengagement, the EU’s effectiveness and legitimacy as a global actor could greatly benefit from co-leadership with an increasingly proactive China in a number of domains, especially those pertaining to the sustainable management of the global commons

    Mogherini’s first 100 days: Not the quiet diplomat. CEPS Commentary, 12 February 2015

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    To mark the passage of 100 days since Federica Mogherini took up the post of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission HR/VP, Steven Blockmans and Francesco Saverio Montesano reflect in a new CEPS Commentary on her early achievements and assess the efficacy of new approaches and working methods she has brought to EU foreign policy-making

    Global Goals for Sustainability Integration?: The role of ideas, norms and institutions

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    In the Anthropocene, the interplay between human and natural systems has become deeper and more complex than ever. This has increased the normative urgency of sustainability integration, exposing two main gaps. First, a knowledge gap between the new context and the conceptual frameworks available to understand its impact on how we perceive and deal with sustainability integration as a response to those changes. Second, an institutional gap between the structure and aims of current institutions – which include the Sustainable Development Goals - and the demands and challenges of the new Anthropocenic context. This thesis begins by developing a conceptual framework to investigate whether and how change towards sustainability integration is happening at the ideational, normative, and institutional level. It then puts the framework to the test and addresses three main research questions. First, how can we study and explain which models of sustainability integration are prevalent in the Anthropocene? Second, which models of sustainability integration are prevalent and why? Third, how do institutions such as the SDGs influence the prevalence of different models of sustainability integration? The results show a generalised prevalence of the balanced model of integration over the ecocentric model. The ambiguous relationship observed between the SDGs and different models of integration is also likely to affect their ability to fulfil their ambitious claims

    HPLC/MS2 to detect and analyse TATP and HMTD in swabs.

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    Peroxide-based explosives such as triacetone triperoxide (TATP) and hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD) are not difficult to synthesize and synthesis can be performed starting from readily available basic chemicals: this led to increasing use of TATP and HMTD by terrorists Whenever there is the need of collecting traces of explosives, both post blast and post transfer, surface sampling plays a critical role, especially because only reasonably small objects can be sent to a laboratory to be analyzed. Traces can also be searched on hands of suspect, where they can disappear faster than from objects. In this work TATP and HMTD were synthesized and spiked solutions or aliquots of a few milligrams of explosive compounds were then spread on different surfaces (e.g. floors, tables) or used in handling tests. Three different swabbing systems were used: dry paper swabs, cotton swabs wetted with propan-2-ol and a commercial swab, pre-wetted with propan-2-ol and water (7:3). A simple solvent extraction procedure from swab was developed with quantitative recoveries. Paper and commercial swabs were used also to sample a metal plate, where a small charge of about 4 g of TATP was detonated. Both ESI and APCI ion sources were exploited for better ionization and fragmentation condition of analytes. All the three swabbing systems gave some positive results. The developed method was validated and showed its suitability to be used in real cases, allowing TATP detection in several simulations. Confirmation by HPLC/MS2 was essential to give proper forensic identification of analytes and low limits of detection were reached

    HPLC/MS2 to detect and analyse TATP and HMTD in swabs

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    Peroxide-based explosives such as triacetone triperoxide (TATP) and hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD) are not difficult to synthesize and synthesis can be performed starting from readily available basic chemicals: this led to increasing use of TATP and HMTD by terrorists Whenever there is the need of collecting traces of explosives, both post blast and post transfer, surface sampling plays a critical role, especially because only reasonably small objects can be sent to a laboratory to be analyzed. Traces can also be searched on hands of suspect, where they can disappear faster than from objects. In this work TATP and HMTD were synthesized and spiked solutions or aliquots of a few milligrams of explosive compounds were then spread on different surfaces (e.g. floors, tables) or used in handling tests. Three different swabbing systems were used: dry paper swabs, cotton swabs wetted with propan-2-ol and a commercial swab, pre-wetted with propan-2-ol and water (7:3). A simple solvent extraction procedure from swab was developed with quantitative recoveries. Paper and commercial swabs were used also to sample a metal plate, where a small charge of about 4 g of TATP was detonated. Both ESI and APCI ion sources were exploited for better ionization and fragmentation condition of analytes. All the three swabbing systems gave some positive results. The developed method was validated and showed its suitability to be used in real cases, allowing TATP detection in several simulations. Confirmation by HPLC/MS2 was essential to give proper forensic identification of analytes and low limits of detection were reached

    Preoperative high-intensity training in frail old patients undergoing pulmonary resection for NSCLC

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    Thoracic surgery remains the better therapeutic option for non-small cell lung cancer patients that are diagnosed in early stage disease. Preoperative lung function assessment includes respiratory function tests (RFT) and cardio-pulmonary exercise testing (CPET). Vo2 peak, FEV1 and DLCO as well as recognition of performance status, presence of co-morbidities, frailty indexes, and age predict the potential impact of surgical resection on patient health status and survival risk. In this study we have retrospectively assessed the benefit of a high-intensity preoperative pulmonary rehabilitation program (PRP) in 14 patients with underlying lung function impairment prior to surgery. Amongst these, three patients candidate to surgical resection exhibited severe functional impairment associated with high score of frailty according CHS and SOF index, resulting in a substantial mortality risk. Our observations indicate that PRP appear to reduce the mortality and morbidity risk in frail patients with concurrent lung function impairment undergoing thoracic surgery. PRP produced improvement of VO2 peak degree and pulmonary function resulting in reduced postoperative complications in high-risk patients from our cases. Our results indicate that a preoperative training program may improve postoperative clinical outcomes in fraillung cancer patients with impaired lung function prior to surgical resection

    Screening of methylenedioxyamphetamine- and piperazine-derived designer drugs in urine by LC-MS/MS using neutral loss and precursor ion scan

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    This study describes a method for the screening of methylenedioxyamphetamine- and piperazine-derived compounds in urine by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. These substances, characterized by possessing common moieties, are screened using precursor ion and neutral loss scan mode and then quantified in multiple reaction monitoring acquisition mode. Based on the product-ion spectra of different known molecules, chosen as model, characteristic neutral losses and product ions were selected: piperazines were detected in precursor ion scan of m/z 44 and neutral loss of 43 and 86 while amphetamines in precursor ion scan of m/z 133, 135 and 163. The applicability of the screening approach was studied in blank urine spiked with selected analytes and processed by solid-phase extraction. Linearity, matrix effect, precision, accuracy, limits of detection and limits of quantification were evaluated both for the screening and the quantification methods. The ability of the screening method to provide semi-quantitative data was demonstrated. This method appears to be a useful tool for the identification of designer drugs derived from piperazines or methylenedioxyamphetamines and can be potentially applied to other drug classes

    HPLC/MS2 to detect and analyse TATP and HMTD in swabs

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    Peroxide-based explosives such as triacetone triperoxide (TATP) and hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD) are not difficult to synthesize and synthesis can be performed starting from readily available basic chemicals: this led to increasing use of TATP and HMTD by terrorists Whenever there is the need of collecting traces of explosives, both post blast and post transfer, surface sampling plays a critical role, especially because only reasonably small objects can be sent to a laboratory to be analyzed. Traces can also be searched on hands of suspect, where they can disappear faster than from objects. In this work TATP and HMTD were synthesized and spiked solutions or aliquots of a few milligrams of explosive compounds were then spread on different surfaces (e.g. floors, tables) or used in handling tests. Three different swabbing systems were used: dry paper swabs, cotton swabs wetted with propan-2-ol and a commercial swab, pre-wetted with propan-2-ol and water (7:3). A simple solvent extraction procedure from swab was developed with quantitative recoveries. Paper and commercial swabs were used also to sample a metal plate, where a small charge of about 4 g of TATP was detonated. Both ESI and APCI ion sources were exploited for better ionization and fragmentation condition of analytes. All the three swabbing systems gave some positive results. The developed method was validated and showed its suitability to be used in real cases, allowing TATP detection in several simulations. Confirmation by HPLC/MS2 was essential to give proper forensic identification of analytes and low limits of detection were reached

    Clinical nutrition in surgical oncology: Young AIOM-AIRO-SICO multidisciplinary national survey on behalf of NutriOnc research group

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    Malnutrition is a common condition in cancer patients which is usually associated with functional limitations, as well as increased morbidity and mortality. Based on the support of the young sections of Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM), Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology (AIRO) and Italian Society of Surgical Oncology (SICO) merged into the NutriOnc Research Group, we performed a multidisciplinary national survey with the aim to define the awareness of nutritional issues among healthcare professionals delivering anticancer care. The questionnaire was organized in four sections, as follows: Knowledge and practices regarding Nutritional Management of cancer patients; Timing of screening and assessment of Nutritional Status; Nutritional Treatment and prescription criteria; Immunonutrition and educational topics. The modules focused on esophagogastric, hepato-bilio-pancreatic and colorectal malignancies. Overall, 215 physicians completed the survey. As regards the management of Nutritional Status of cancer patients, many responders adopted the ERAS program (49.3%), while a consistent number of professionals did not follow a specific validated nutritional care protocol (41.8%), mainly due to lack of educational courses (14.5%) and financial support (15.3%). Nearly all the included institutions had a multidisciplinary team (92%) to finalize the treatment decision-making. Cancer patients routinely underwent nutritional screening according to 57.2% of interviewed physicians. The timing of nutritional assessment was at diagnosis (37.8%), before surgery (25.9%), after surgery (16.7%), before radiochemotherapy (13.5%) and after radiochemotherapy (7%). Most of the responders reported that nutritional status was assessed throughout the duration of cancer treatments (55.6%). An important gap between current delivery and need of nutritional assessment persists. The development of specific and defined care protocols and the adherence to these tools may be the key to improving nutritional support management in clinical practice