38 research outputs found

    What about Data-Driven Business Models? Mapping the Literature and Scoping Future Avenues

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    The paper aims to perform an assessment of the literature at the intersection of data and business models, examining the extent to which the data-driven business model (DDBM) is considered in the current literature and how it is characterised in terms of approaches, benefits and barriers. A systematic literature review (SRL) of the available body of knowledge on these topics was performed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) approach. The SRL reveals limited but rapidly growing coverage of the cutting-edge phenomenon on the part of scientific studies. In problematising the extant literature, competitive, cultural and strategic approaches are proposed together with the relative enablers fostering the adoption of each approach. Benefits and barriers to the implementation of a DDBM are also discussed across technical, organisational and financial dimensions. The insights derived from a critical review of the DDBM literature point out gaps, which may itself inform future research and theory development in this area, as well as support practitioners’ decision-making on the datatisation of business models

    L'internazionalizzazione delle imprese alberghiere al femminile. Un'indagine empirica in provincia di Salerno

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    2010 - 2011L'attualità delle tematiche relative all'internazionalizzazione - quale vincolo competitivo a cui nessuna impresa può sottrarsi - ed all'imprenditoria femminile - sintesi di un variegato e multiforme aggregato di competenze, capacità, abilità, esperienze personali e professionali difficilmente disaggregabili - è trasversale a tutte le industrie compresa quella del turismo, che riveste un ruolo trainante dell'occupazione e dello sviluppo economico mondiale... [a cura dell'autore]X n.s

    Profiling a new woman entrepreneur from a territorial perspective. A cross-sectoral exploratory study

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    This paper aims to outline the role of territory for the trajectories of international expansion, styles of command and innovative approaches of women business proprietorships operating in the various economic sectors. The exploratory investigation uses the three-dimensional ILI model which allows the joint analysis of the three dimensions of interest (internationalization, leadership, innovation) articulated into specific sub-dimensions. The ILI model is validated through a qualitative survey conducted on a convenience sample. The primary data is collected using the focus group technique. This work shows that territory influences internationalization, leadership and innovation of women business proprietorships in the different economic sectors. Moreover, it also leads to a new taxonomy of women business proprietorships, which can contribute to the understanding of the interconnections and interdependencies between business and territor

    Corporate Heritage e Web Communication per le imprese del Made in Italy

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    Il presente lavoro si pone l’obiettivo di approfondire le modalità di comunicazione attraverso il web delle imprese del Made in Italy verso i mercati esteri, al fine di comprendere se e come il corporate heritage venga utilizzato nelle attività di comunicazione internazionale. La metodologia della ricerca consiste in una web content analysis dei siti web di venti imprese internazionalizzate, che vantano una durevole presenza nei settori più rappresentativi del Made in Italy. Lo studio individua i possibili concept di comunicazione internazionale del corporate heritage via web, delineandone le specificità in riferimento a ciascun settore dell’eccellenza produttiva italian