25 research outputs found

    Back to Business and (Re)employing Workers? Labor Market Activity During State COVID-19 Reopenings

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    We study the effect of state reopening policies on a large set of labor market indicators through May 2020 to: (1) understand the recent increase in employment using longitudinal as well as cross-sectional data, (2) assess the likely trajectory of reemployment going forward, and (3) investigate the strength of job matches that were disrupted by COVID-19. Estimates from event studies and difference-in-difference regressions suggest that some of the recent increases in employment activity, as measured by cellphone data on work-related mobility, internet searches related to employment, and new and continuing unemployment insurance claims, were likely related to state reopenings, often predating actual reopening dates somewhat. We provide suggestive evidence that increases in employment stem from people returning to their prior jobs: reopenings are only weakly related to job postings, and longitudinal CPS data show that large shares of the unemployed-on-layoff and employed-but-absent in April who transitioned to employment in May remain in the same industry or occupation. Longitudinal CPS estimates further show declines in reemployment probabilities with time away from work. Taken together, these estimates suggest that employment relationships are durable in the short run, but raise concerns that employment gains requiring new employment matches may not be as rapid.Weinberg gratefully acknowledges support from UL1 TR002733 and R24 HD058484

    A Symptomatic De Novo Pheochromocytoma 23 Years after Liver Transplantation: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    We report a case of subacute onset of headaches and tremors with a newly discovered adrenal pheochromocytoma 23 years after an orthotopic liver transplantation and provide a review of the scarce literature regarding endocrine malignancies in liver transplant recipients. We describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic work-up, and management. This is the second case report in the literature of a de novo pheochromocytoma after solid organ transplantation. It shows that new-onset common symptoms in transplant recipients are always challenging and deserve a very thorough work-up until the cause of the symptoms is elucidated. A broad differential diagnosis should always be included in the study of any abnormalities in this patient population

    Sporadic Retroperitoneal Hemangioblastoma: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature

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    We report a case of sporadic isolated hemangioblastoma arising from the retroperitoneum and provide a review of the scarce literature regarding this very rare tumor. Furthermore, we thoroughly describe the pathologic features and the broad differential diagnosis that should always be included in the study of any retroperitoneal soft tissue mass to arrive at the final diagnosis

    No reference quality assessment of Internet multimedia services

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 200