18 research outputs found

    Nutrition-clinical and metabolic assessment in mucopolysaccharidosis

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    A mucopolissacaridose (MPS) e um erro inato do metabolismo (EIM), caracterizado pela defiCiência de enzimas lisossomais envolvidas na degradacao dos glicosaminoglicanos (GAG), resultando em uma doenca com manifestacoes clinicas progressivas e multissistemicas. Apesar de nao ser considerado um EIM de manejo dietoterapico, a MPS necessita de cuidado nutricional, haja vista fatores como a baixa estatura, alteracoes no balanco energetico; inadequacoes na composicao corporal e no consumo alimentar. O objetivo do presente estudo e investigar a condicao clinico nutricional e metabolica de individuos com MPS atendidos no Centro de Referencia em Erros Inatos do Metabolismo (CREIM). Este estudo caracteriza-se como transversal e descritivo, do estado clinico nutricional e metabolico por meio de antropometria, exames de bioquimica clinica, composicao corporal por pletismografia, avaliacao do consumo alimentar por registros alimentares, taxa metabolica de repouso por mensuracao do consumo de oxigenio e por equacoes de predicao de necessidade estimada de energia. A amostra foi constituida por 20 pacientes, 8 com MPS I, 5 com MPS II e 7 com MPS VI, a media de idade de 17 anos (±8,54) e em media ha 35 meses em terapia de reposicao enzimatica. A estatura foi menor nos pacientes com MPS VI (F(2,7)=15,939; p=0,00013), nao houve diferenca no indice de massa corporal entre as MPS. Os niveis de glicemia estavam dentro do intervalo de referencia, os niveis sericos da lipoproteina de alta densidade (HDL) estavam abaixo do recomendado em 9 de 10 adultos. Na avaliacao da composicao corporal 3 de 5 homens apresentaram cerca de 9% de gordura (magro), os pacientes moderadamente magros e com excesso de gordura consumiam macronutrientes dentro do intervalo aceitavel de distribuicao, a taxa metabolica de repouso variou entre os 5 pacientes avaliados sendo duas normais, duas altas e uma baixa. Nossos achados indicam que a MPS VI apresenta a menor estatura quando comparada aos tipos I e II, os pacientes adultos apresentaram niveis sericos de HDL menores e os pacientes magros consomem carboidratos abaixo do intervalo aceitavelBV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    NDUFV1 mutations in complex I deficiency: Case reports and review of symptoms.

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    Mitochondrial complex I (CI) deficiency is the most common oxidative phosphorylation disorder described. It shows a wide range of phenotypes with poor correlation within genotypes. Herein we expand the clinics and genetics of CI deficiency in the brazilian population by reporting three patients with pathogenic (c.640G>A, c.1268C>T, c.1207dupG) and likely pathogenic (c.766C>T) variants in the NDUFV1 gene. We show the mutation c.766C>T associated with a childhood onset phenotype of hypotonia, muscle weakness, psychomotor regression, lethargy, dysphagia, and strabismus. Additionally, this mutation was found to be associated with headaches and exercise intolerance in adulthood. We also review reported pathogenic variants in NDUFV1 highlighting the wide phenotypic heterogeneity in CI deficiency

    Brazilian Food Reference Guide for Phenylalanine Content: A Study Based on the Perception of PKU Patients and Health Providers

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    Abstract The mainstay of management of phenylketonuria (PKU) is restriction of dietary phenylalanine (Phe) intake. The present study sought to assess the perception and understanding of health care providers and lay users (patients/family members/caregivers) regarding the national reference database for checking the Phe content of foods, provided by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa), whose data are presented in the Table of Phenylalanine Content of Foods (TCFA-Anvisa) and recently in the Phenylalanine Content of Foods Dashboard (PCCFA-Anvisa); and to identify factors which interfere with the usability of these resources. Two online questionnaires, one for providers (n=33) and another for lay users (n=194), were used to collect sociodemographic information, knowledge about dietary management of PKU, sources of information about the Phe content of foods, and perception and understanding of the Anvisa tools. TCFA-Anvisa and PCCFA-Anvisa were not used as main sources of information by either group. Among the participants who had used these tools (15 providers;35 lay users), most considered the PCCFA-Anvisa to be superior or partially superior to the TCFA-Anvisa. The main limitations reported were related to layout and limited variety of foods. We suggest that the limitations identified in this study be considered for future improvement of these resources

    A triple-blinded crossover study to evaluate the short-term safety of sweet manioc starch for the treatment of glycogen storage disease type Ia

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    BACKGROUND: Glycogen storage disease type 1a (GSD Ia) is characterized by severe fasting hypoglycemia. The clinical management includes the administration of uncooked cornstarch (UCCS). Although such a diet approach is effective in achieving euglycemia, its impact on the quality of life of patients should be considered. In vitro analyses suggest a longer release of glucose when using sweet manioc starch (SMS). METHODS: We compared the efficacy and safety of the administration of SMS and UCCS during a short-fasting challenge in patients with GSD Ia in a randomized, triple-blind, phase I/II, cross-over study. GSD Ia patients aged ≥ 16 years and treated with UCCS were enrolled. Participants were hospitalized for two consecutive nights, receiving UCCS or SMS in each night. After the administration of the starches, glucose, lactate and insulin levels were measured in 1-h interval throughout the hospitalization period. The procedures were interrupted after 10 h of fasting or in a hypoglycemic episode ( 25 kg/m(2)) participated in the study. The average fasting period was 8.2 ± 2.0 h for SMS and 7.7 ± 2.3 h for UCCS (p = 0.04). SMS maintained euglycemia for a greater period over UCCS. Increased lactate concentrations were detected even in absence of hypoglycemia, not being influenced by the different starches investigated (p = 0.17). No significant difference was found in total cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides and uric acid levels in both arms. None of the patients showed severe adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: SMS appears to be non-inferior to UCCS in the maintenance of euglycemia, thus emerging as a promising alternative to the treatment of GSD Ia