11 research outputs found

    Integrating Exploitative and Explorative Thinking in Business Process Analysis: A Conceptual Model and Method

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    Ambidextrous BPM has gained increasing interest from researchers and practitioners in the last years. It refers to the ability to use exploitative and explorative capabilities in BPM projects. In this paper, we investigate how the integration of exploitative and explorative ideas can leverage the analysis of business processes. The key contributions of this paper are a conceptual model and a method that integrate ambidextrous thinking in a complementary way. Both artefacts were evaluated by means of an expert opinion survey. We also present a case study at an organisation that has implemented our proposed method. We believe that ambidextrous analysis of business processes enables organisations tackling current operational bottlenecks while simultaneously exploring external opportunities for designing innovation in business processes


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    This work aims to analyze the relationship between Critical Success Factors (CSF) frequently encountered in the literature to those encountered in business process management (BPM) initiatives from the government. Best practices in BPM have been an important concern for organizations aiming to obtain optimal performance. However, as the number of BPM initiatives grows, high failure rates are reported. In this context, based on the CSF encountered in the literature, this paper aims to investigate, by means of a qualitative empirical study, which factors are more critical to ensure the success of BPM projects in government. As its main contribution, it was observed that some factors are singular to the public sector, in form of barriers and facilitators beyond the ones encountered in the literature.Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar a relação existente entre Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) frequentemente encontrados na literatura e fatores enfrentados nas iniciativas de Gestão de Processos de Negócio (Business Process Management - BPM) no Setor Público. Melhores práticas de BPM têm sido o foco das organizações que almejam alcançar um ótimo desempenho empresarial. No entanto, à medida que cresce o número de iniciativas de BPM, são registrados altos índices de falhas. Nesse contexto, busca-se investigar, por meio de um estudo empírico de natureza qualitativa, os fatores que merecem mais atenção em organizações públicas, dentro os FCS apontados na literatura. Como resultado e principal contribuição, constataram-se fatores que são singulares ao Setor Público, demonstrando barreiras e facilitadores além daqueles encontrados na literatura


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    This work aims to analyze the relationship between Critical Success Factors (CSF) frequently encountered in the literature to those encountered in business process management (BPM) initiatives from the government. Best practices in BPM have been an important concern for organizations aiming to obtain optimal performance. However, as the number of BPM initiatives grows, high failure rates are reported. In this context, based on the CSF encountered in the literature, this paper aims to investigate, by means of a qualitative empirical study, which factors are more critical to ensure the success of BPM projects in government. As its main contribution, it was observed that some factors are singular to the public sector, in form of barriers and facilitators beyond the ones encountered in the literature.Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar a relação existente entre Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) frequentemente encontrados na literatura e fatores enfrentados nas iniciativas de Gestão de Processos de Negócio (Business Process Management - BPM) no Setor Público. Melhores práticas de BPM têm sido o foco das organizações que almejam alcançar um ótimo desempenho empresarial. No entanto, à medida que cresce o número de iniciativas de BPM, são registrados altos índices de falhas. Nesse contexto, busca-se investigar, por meio de um estudo empírico de natureza qualitativa, os fatores que merecem mais atenção em organizações públicas, dentro os FCS apontados na literatura. Como resultado e principal contribuição, constataram-se fatores que são singulares ao Setor Público, demonstrando barreiras e facilitadores além daqueles encontrados na literatura

    Dinâmica socioeconômica de duas comunidades rurais no Assentamento Moju I e II, Amazônia Paraense

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    Este artigo tem como objeto a análise da dinâmica socioeconômica e a comparação dos diagnósticos rurais participativos dos anos de 2008 e 2018 das comunidades São Mateus e Santo Antônio em relação às infraestruturas comunitárias e aos serviços básicos de saúde e educação. A metodologia fundamentou-se em entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionários relacionados aos meios de transporte, meios de comunicação, condições energéticas e qualidade dos serviços de saúde e educação oferecidos nas duas comunidades. Identificaram-se mudanças positivas nos aspectos socioeconômicos das comunidades São Mateus e Santo Antônio nos últimos dez anos (2008 a 2018) mediante a implantação de parcerias entre empresas privadas e órgãos públicos. Essas melhorias socioeconômicas das famílias rurais indicam como estratégias de ação a observação das perspectivas dos agricultores familiares e a aplicação da gestão ambiental inseridas em políticas públicas para assentamentos rurais na Amazônia com ênfase na sustentabilidade ecológica, econômica e social

    Herbicide application on Genetically Modified Maize influences bee visitation

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    Brazil is one of the world’s largest producers of maize (Zea mays L.). Cry proteins derived from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have been widely used in transgenic maize due to their toxicity and specificity against insects that damage crops. In addition, these plants have been stacked with different herbicide tolerance genes. Non-target insects end up being exposed to Bt proteins and herbicide applications. There is little information on the effects of Bt transgenics and their cultural practices on the behavior of pollinators in genetically modified crops. The aim of this research was to verify the impact of genotypes of genetically modified maize, Herculex®, PowerCore®, and the conventional isohybrid, pulverized or not with herbicides (atrazine, glufosinate-ammonium and nicosulfuron) in bee populations. In order to evaluate the presence of insects, a zig-zag tour was carried out throughout the experimental field, ascertained from visual analysis and direct counting of six plants per plot (the dimensions of the plots were 2.5 x 10 m with five maize lines spaced 0.50 m between rows and 0.36 m between plants) randomly, 18 days after spraying herbicides in the area. Apis mellifera (L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Tetragonisca angustula (L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and Trigona spinipes (F.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) were the pollinator species identified in the crop. It was observed that the incidence of pollinator insects varied according to cultivars and herbicides tested; however, the PowerCore® genotype experienced more visitation of pollinating bees independently of the herbicide treatments.

    Sustainable intensification using irrigation and N fertilization for pasture production in Tocantins, Brazil.

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    Cattle raising is among the main Brazilian economic activities. Currently, there are 169 million hectares covered by tropical grasslands and 30% of this area is degraded. In the last 40 years, the area occupied by grasslands in Brazil increased only 17% while the meat production increased 114% and that fact was only possible due to national effort and investments on agricultural research, development and innovation. To verify the influence of irrigation in a pasture of Panicum maximum cv. Massai was carried out a field research testing rainfed and two irrigation depths (SO and 100% of evapotranspiration) and 300 kg ha-1 year-1 of N-urea, during one year at the periods Jun-Sep, Oct-Nov, Dec-Mar and Apr-May, in Tocantins state, Brazil. The parameters are one animal unit (AU) corresponding to 450 kg of liveweight, a daily dry matter intake of 11.25 kg. The accumulated dry matter (kg ha-1 day-1 ) obtained by the 100% depth was significantly higher than the others in almost all periods analyzed, and during Jun-Sep the treatment 50% depth showed no significant difference when compared to 100% depth suggesting seasonality probably related to low temperatures. The results revealed the potential to achieve a stocking rate of 6.44, 4.20 and 3.51 AU ha-1 year-1 with 100%, 50% depths and rainfed treatment, respectively. Despite promising results, further studies on physiology, phenology and economy must be done to confirm the feasibility of using irrigation for pasture production in Tocantins

    Sustainable intensification using irrigation and N fertilization for pasture production in Tocantins, Brazil.

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    To verify the influence of irrigation in a pasture of Panicum maximum cv. Massai was carried out a field research testing rainfed and two irrigation depths (SO and 100% of evapotranspiration) and 300 kg ha-1 year-1 of N-urea, during one year at the periods Jun-Sep, Oct-Nov, Dec-Mar and Apr-May, in Tocantins state, Brazil

    Carcinoma tubulopapilar em gata: Relato de caso

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    Tumores de mama em gatas correspondem ao terceiro lugar na casuística dos tumores diagnosticados nesta espécie. Cerca de metade dos tumores mamários de cães são malignos, já em felinos, as chances chegam a 90%, o que torna imprescindível um exame detalhado da cadeia mamária, principalmente em casos de animais submetidos a mastectomia simples, com histórico pretérito de tumoração. O estudo terá como objetivo analisar os aspectos clínicos e anatomopatológicos em um caso de carcinoma tubulopapilar em uma gata, sem raça definida, 9 anos de idade, de pelagem cor branca, castrada. O animal deu entrada no Hospital Veterinário, no município de Bayeux, Paraíba, com histórico de nodulação em mama abdominal esquerda e aumento de volume circunscrito de aspecto cístico no subcutâneo em região vizinha. A punção do cisto subcutâneo revelou grande volume de líquido com aspecto viscoso, de coloração amarelo-claro, o qual foi centrifugado e preparado em lâminas coradas com panótico rápido para a análise citológica. O estudo anatomopatológico propõe construir informações da histogênese desse tumor assim como a sua morfologia e desse modo contribuir para a clínica oncológica de felinos no que se refere ao estadiamento dos tumores e o aumento da sobrevida do paciente

    Hormonal Protocols for the Synchronization and Induction of Synchronized Estrus in Dairy Ewes Kept under Tropical Conditions

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    Background: Lacaune is an important sheep breed and shows reproductive seasonality which affects dairy product supply. The most common hormonal protocols are based on progesterone-releasing devices in order to reach reproductive activity. Due to international consumer demand for natural, green, and clean methods, such issues encourage the minimal or absent use of synthetic hormones in livestock. In this sense, the present study tested the efficiency of induction and estrus synchronization protocols in lacaune ewes, considering: application interval of synthetic prostaglandin at the breeding season; length of synthetic progesterone exposure; and eCG dose at the outbreeding season.Materials, Methods & Results: In study 1, 52 ewes were submitted to estrus synchronization protocol using two doses of d-cloprostenol 7 or 9 days apart. In study 2, 47 ewes were submitted to estrus induction protocol using an intravaginal device containing 60 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate maintained for 6, 9, or 12 days. In study 3, 46 ewes were submitted to synchronized estrus induction protocol using intravaginal progesterone device for six days. On the fifth day, d-cloprostenol and 300 IU or 400 IU of eCG were administered. For all studies, signs of estrus beginning/ending were recorded and natural mating was performed. After 30 days, transrectal ultrasound was performed for pregnancy diagnosis. In study 1, groups presented similar rate of estrus behavior (78.8%) and pregnancy (average 75.6%). Meanwhile, compared to G9days (37.8 ± 7.2 h), interval between the second dose of prostaglandin and beginning of estrus was smaller in G7days (31.5 ± 7.8 h). No difference was found among variables studied in study 2 (P > 0.05), nevertheless the SD for the estrus duration was shorter (P 0.05). Equally, no differences were found between variables studied (P > 0.05). The pregnancy rate was 52.2% and number of concepts was 1.5 ± 0.6.Discussion: This paper provides important data on estrus synchronization protocols in dairy sheep kept under tropical conditions. In study 1, both d-cloprostenol protocols were efficient in synchronizing estrus of dairy ewes and reached a fair pregnancy rate. Therefore, it was demonstrated that a d-cloprostenol treatment was a viable alternative to a progestogen treatment, commonly used for estrus synchronization in ewes even during the breeding season. In study 2, all protocols (6, 9 and 12 days of exposure to synthetic progesterone) were efficient in inducing and synchronizing estrus in dairy ewes during the outbreeding season. Therefore, considering not only its efficiency but also the reduction of damage to the vaginal microbiota, the authors strongly encourage the use of the 6-day synthetic progesterone exposure protocol. The third study showed that it is possible to reduce the eCG dose (400 to 300 IU) in dairy ewes while maintaining protocol efficiency, saving 25% of the farmer spending, and avoiding high doses that are related to immune resistance and lower progressive fertility response to IA. In conclusion, the present study verified the efficiency of different hormonal protocols applied for dairy Lacaune ewes kept under tropical conditions, demonstrating that it is possible to decrease: (i) the interval between prostaglandin applications for 7 days apart during the breeding season; (ii) the length of exposure to synthetic progesterone for 6 days; and (iii) the eCG dose to 300 IU during the outbreeding season