69 research outputs found

    Microcephaly and macrocephaly. A study on anthropometric and clinical data from 308 subjects

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    Head circumference is the auxological parameter that most correlates with developmental anomalies in childhood. Head circumference (HC) two standard deviations (SD) below or above the mean defines microcephaly and macrocephaly, respectively. The aim of this retrospective study was to explore anthropometric parameters and clinical characteristics among subjects with abnormalities in HC who had been referred for developmental assessment. One hundred and sixty four subjects with microcephaly and 144 subjects with macrocephaly were enrolled from birth to 18 months of age. Head circumference at birth and the association with variables related to maternal health status, gestational age, growth pattern, brain imaging and clinical characteristics were analyzed. In some cases, an etiological diagnosis was made. In the two considered conditions, we found different anthropometric and clinical associations, some of which were statistically significant, with implications for ongoing neurodevelopmental surveillance

    Current Insights on Early Life Nutrition and Prevention of Allergy

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    The incidence of allergic diseases in childhood appears to have significantly increased over the last decades. Since environmental factors, including diet, have been thought to play a significant role in the development of these diseases, there is great interest in identifying prevention strategies related to early nutritional interventions. Breastfeeding is critical for the immune development of newborns and infants through immune-modulating properties and it impacts the establishment of a healthy gut microbiota. However, the evidence for a protective role of breastfeeding against the development of food allergy in childhood is controversial, and there is little evidence to support the benefits of an antigen avoidance diet during lactation. Although it is not possible to draw a definitive conclusion about the protective role of breast milk against allergic diseases, exclusive breastfeeding is still recommended throughout the first 6 months of life due to associated health benefits. Furthermore, recommendations regarding complementary feeding in infancy have been significantly modified over the last few decades. Several studies have shown that delayed exposure to allergenic foods does not have a role in allergy prevention and recent guidelines recommend against delaying the introduction of complementary foods after 6 months of age, both in high- and low-risk infants. However, trials investigating this dietary approach have reported equivocal results so far. This review summarizes the available high-quality evidence regarding the efficacy of the principal dietary interventions proposed in early life to prevent allergic diseases in children

    TNFα blockers and infectious risk in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have increased risk of infections when compared with general population. The risk depends directly from disease activity and severity. Furthermore, risk increases with aging, immunosuppressive agents and comorbidities such as diabetes, pulmonary and cardiac diseases. In particular corticosteroids, even at low doses, are a major risk factor. Due to disease related risk it is difficult to separate the risk deriving from the use of TNF alpha blockers. Data from clinical trials, meta-analysis and national registers are somewhat contradictory. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis on routine follow-up, treatment with TNF alpha blockers seems to carry an increased risk of infections compared to traditional DMARDs but not associated with increased risk of overall serious infection. Physicians should carefully monitor for signs of infection when using TNF alpha blockers, particularly shortly after treatment initiation

    Automatsko proširenje i primjena računalnog grozda korištenjem dual-boot principa

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    The paper presents an innovative and simple way of creating computer clustering and obtaining HPC clusters using computers in the classroom, Ethernet facilities and open source software. Automatic enlarge of a computer cluster is a cost-effective way to increase available computing power. This is achieved by forming a computer cluster from the computers in the classroom. The main aim of this paper is to present a solution that will use existing resources in the computer classroom, for applying complex computer services/jobs under the Linux operating system. The execution of these services/jobs programs is performed at the time when the computing resources are not in used in learning under the Windows operating system. A real-life example of applying computers in dual-boot Windows/Linux work mode along with the developed software application support is presented in a teaching environment. The implementation also includes logistics and support for automatic computer clustering and for service/job programs execution. The primary goal is to use existing resources for useful applications in education in the image programming, simulations and volume rendering.U radu je prikazan inovativan i jednostavan način stvaranja računalnih klastera i dobivanja HPC klastera korištenjem postojećih računala u učionici, Ethernet objekata, i open source softvera. Automatsko oblikovanje računalnog klastera je ekonomičan način da se poveća raspoloživa računalna snaga. To se postiže formiranjem računalnog klastera od postojećih računala u učionici. Glavni cilj ovog rada je prikazati rješenje koja će koristiti postojeće resurse u okruženju računalne učionice za izvođenje složenih računalnih poslova koji zahtjevaju vec´u računalnu snagu pod Linux operativnim sustavom. Izvršenje tih poslova se obavlja u vrijeme kada se računalni resursi ne koriste za obrazovanje pod Windows operativnim sustavom. Prikazan je primjer primjene računala u dual-boot Windows/Linux modu rada uz razvijene originalne programske podrške za aplikacije u obrazovnom okruženju. Provedba također uključuje logistiku i podršku za automatsko klasteriranje računala i izvršavanje poslova. Primarni cilj je iskorištavanje postojećih resursa za korisne aplikacije u obrazovanju primarno u području programiranja slike, simulacije i renderiranja. Rezultati provedenog principa su prikazani

    Incidence and Outcome of Invasive Fungal Diseases after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Prospective Study of the Gruppo Italiano Trapianto Midollo Osseo (GITMO).

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    AbstractEpidemiologic investigation of invasive fungal diseases (IFDs) in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) may be useful to identify subpopulations who might benefit from targeted treatment strategies. The Gruppo Italiano Trapianto Midollo Osseo (GITMO) prospectively registered data on 1858 consecutive patients undergoing allo-HSCT between 2008 and 2010. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors for proven/probable IFD (PP-IFD) during the early (days 0 to 40), late (days 41 to 100), and very late (days 101 to 365) phases after allo-HSCT and to evaluate the impact of PP-IFDs on 1-year overall survival. The cumulative incidence of PP-IFDs was 5.1% at 40 days, 6.7% at 100 days, and 8.8% at 12 months post-transplantation. Multivariate analysis identified the following variables as associated with PP-IFDs: transplant from an unrelated volunteer donor or cord blood, active acute leukemia at the time of transplantation, and an IFD before transplantation in the early phase; transplant from an unrelated volunteer donor or cord blood and grade II-IV acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in the late phase; and grade II-IV acute GVHD and extensive chronic GVHD in the very late phase. The risk for PP-IFD was significantly higher when acute GVHD was followed by chronic GVHD and when acute GVHD occurred in patients undergoing transplantation with grafts from other than matched related donors. The presence of PP-IFD was an independent factor in long-term survival (hazard ratio, 2.90; 95% confidence interval, 2.32 to 3.62; P < .0001). Our findings indicate that tailored prevention strategies may be useful in subpopulations at differing levels of risk for PP-IFDs

    From smart working to smart co-working in the covid-19 era: a pilot program of cooperation around autoinflammatory diseases

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    Introduction: The last time was signed by the pandemic diffusion of COVID-19, with an emergency area COVID-19 dedicated and the need to minimize the inflow of children and adolescents affected by chronic diseases into the hospitals. Otherwise, paediatricians had to limit visits and to consider a new setting for febrile children. Objectives: Patients affected by autoinflammatory diseases were assisted by telephonic consultations guaranteed by the paediatricians of free choice and by the paediatric rheumatologists. However, the patients frequently needed a direct clinical approach and a specialistic evaluation in the case of flares and/or abnormal laboratory parameters and adverse reactions to drugs. Another frequent question was the differential diagnosis of febrile episodes, to distinguish a recurrent fever, linked to autoinflammation, from an infectious disease