287 research outputs found

    De la « planification stratégique et volontaire » à la « planification interactive et incitatrice », quelles évolutions dans la territorialisation du développement économique lyonnais ?

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    L'objectif de cette recherche a été de tenter de mettre en évidence les enjeux et les contradictions de la planification et des stratégies du développement économique lyonnais, et les évolutions (voire les difficultés) de sa territorialisation au niveau « métropolitain ». Après un premier bilan des enjeux passés, depuis les années 1960, et sur la base d'un travail préalable d'expression de « paroles d'acteurs », une enquête auprès de 368 acteurs locaux a été réalisée. L'enquête nous a permis de pointer des contradictions et/ou désaccords concernant tant le bilan que les enjeux en matière de territorialisation du développement économique. L'ensemble des analyses effectuées convergent pour faire émerger trois grandes questions concernant la territorialisation du développement économique : Quelle est l'échelle territoriale pertinente d'appréhension du développement économique et pour quoi faire ? Quel rôle pour la collectivité, n'est-il pas finalement et simplement de s'occuper de ses activités propres ? Faut-il une spécialisation économique, territoriale ; Est-il si difficile de choisir ?Développement local ; territorialisation ; économie des territoires

    Comparing the safety of COVID-19 vaccines: a geometrical approach

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    The prompt development of multiple vaccines for the immunization against the world-wide spread of the COVID-19 infection has raised the issue of comparison of their efficacy and of symptomatic effects on the population treated. The different trial reports, made available from the vaccine producers and from the regulatory authorities, analyze some selected systemic reactions reported from patients after the doses received, these are given in a graded scale. In this contribute we propose a geometric way to compare frequency distributions of categorical variables by introducing a distance measure from the best possible scenario in this repartition. The measure proposed is suitable for a direct comparison among the vaccines in terms of the severity of symptomatic reactions

    Transports urbains, voirie et réseaux divers dans les pays en développement : éléments pour un état des lieux.

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    Ce rapport a pour objectif de faire un rapide état des lieux sur la question des interfaces entre les transports urbains, la voirie et les " réseaux divers ", ceci dans l'optique du développement de la recherche en matière de gestion urbaine dans les pays en développement.planification des transports urbains ; voirie urbaine ; infrastructure de transport ; réseau technique ; Pays en transition

    Immunization strategies targeting newly arrived migrants in Non-EU countries of the mediterranean basin and black sea

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    Background: The World Health Organization recommends that host countries ensure appropriate vaccinations to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. However, information on vaccination strategies targeting migrants in host countries is limited. Methods: In 2015-2016 we carried out a survey among national experts from governmental bodies of 15 non-EU countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea in order to document and share national vaccination strategies targeting newly arrived migrants. Results: Four countries reported having regulations/procedures supporting the immunization of migrants at national level, one at sub-national level and three only targeting specific population groups. Eight countries offer migrant children all the vaccinations included in their national immunization schedule; three provide only selected vaccinations, mainly measles and polio vaccines. Ten and eight countries also offer selected vaccinations to adolescents and adults respectively. Eight countries provide vaccinations at the community level; seven give priority vaccines in holding centres or at entry sites. Data on administered vaccines are recorded in immunization registries in nine countries. Conclusions: Although differing among countries, indications for immunizing migrants are in place in most of them. However, we cannot infer from our findings whether those strategies are currently functioning and whether barriers to their implementation are being faced. Further studies focusing on these aspects are needed to develop concrete and targeted recommendations for action. Since migrants are moving across countries, development of on-line registries and cooperation between countries could allow keeping track of administered vaccines in order to appropriately plan immunization series and avoid unnecessary vaccinations

    Reflexiones sobre clima, urbanización y metropolización: Guatemala, Salvador y Nicaragua

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    The current document represented a collective effort aimed at understanding the relationship between climate, urbanization, metropolization, and sustainability, addressing the role of the inhabitants in a settlement. The process under investigation-action allowed experts from Guatemalan metropolis MuniGuate; Salvador, Oficina de Planificación del Área Metropolitana de San Salvador, OPAMSS, and Nicaragua, the Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria and the Metropolitan Area of Managua to establish a dialogue about exchange research and knowledge for 2021. The academic and scientific contribution interpreted the phenomena of natural demographic growth, resulted from the migration, its climatic system, derived from social vulnerability (poverty), the water stress, food insecurity, among others. Through the knowledge production and training-action on the climate-territory concept, this studies lead to the necessity of adding Honduras and Costa Rica into this initiative and prepare strategically the Atlas of Central American metropolitan dynamics.El presente documento representó un esfuerzo colectivo con el propósito de comprender la relación entre clima, urbanización, metropolización y sostenibilidad, y establecer la función de los habitantes de una población. El proceso bajo investigación-acción permitió que un grupo de expertos de ciudades de Guatemala, MuniGuate; Salvador, Oficina de Planificación del Área Metropolitana de San Salvador la OPAMS; y Nicaragua la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería y el área Metropolitana de Managua establecieran un diálogo e intercambiaran investigaciones y saberes durante 2021. La contribución académica y científica interpretó los fenómenos de crecimiento demográfico natural, producto de la migración, su sistema climático, resultado la vulnerabilidad social (pobreza), el estrés hídrico, la inseguridad alimentaria, entre otros. Mediante la producción de conocimiento y la formación-acción sobre el concepto clima-territorio, estos estudios conllevan la necesidad de incorporar a esta iniciativa a Honduras y Costa Rica, y de forma estratégica elaborar un Atlas de dinámicas metropolitanas centroamericanas

    Clinical research training of Peruvian neurologists: a baseline assessment

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    In Peru, despite a strong clinical research infrastructure in Lima, and Masters degree programs in epidemiology at three universities, few neurologists participate in clinical research. It was our objective to identify perceived needs and opportunities for increasing clinical research capacity and training opportunities for Peruvian neurologists. We conducted a descriptive, cross-sectional survey of Peruvian neurologists in Lima and Arequipa, Peru. Forty-eight neurologists completed written surveys and oral interviews. All neurologists reported interest in clinical research, but noted that lack of time and financial resources limited their ability to participate. Although most neurologists had received some training in epidemiology and research design as medical students or residents, the majority felt these topics were not adequately covered. Neurologists in Arequipa noted international funding for clinical research was uncommon outside the capital city of Lima. We concluded that clinical research is important to Peruvian neurologists. The three main barriers to increased participation in clinical research identified by neurologists were insufficient training in clinical research methodology, meager funding opportunities, and lack of dedicated time to participate in clinical research. Distance learning holds promise as a method for providing additional training in clinical research methodology, especially for neurologists who may have difficulty traveling to larger cities for additional training

    Global research priorities for infections that affect the nervous system

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    Infections that cause significant nervous system morbidity globally include viral (for example, HIV, rabies, Japanese encephalitis virus, herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, cytomegalovirus, dengue virus and chikungunya virus), bacterial (for example, tuberculosis, syphilis, bacterial meningitis and sepsis), fungal (for example, cryptococcal meningitis) and parasitic (for example, malaria, neurocysticercosis, neuroschistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths) infections. The neurological, cognitive, behavioural or mental health problems caused by the infections probably affect millions of children and adults in low- and middle-income countries. However, precise estimates of morbidity are lacking for most infections, and there is limited information on the pathogenesis of nervous system injury in these infections. Key research priorities for infection-related nervous system morbidity include accurate estimates of disease burden; point-of-care assays for infection diagnosis; improved tools for the assessment of neurological, cognitive and mental health impairment; vaccines and other interventions for preventing infections; improved understanding of the pathogenesis of nervous system disease in these infections; more effective methods to treat and prevent nervous system sequelae; operations research to implement known effective interventions; and improved methods of rehabilitation. Research in these areas, accompanied by efforts to implement promising technologies and therapies, could substantially decrease the morbidity and mortality of infections affecting the nervous system in low- and middle-income countries

    High genetic variability of HIV-1 in female sex workers from Argentina

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A cross-sectional study on 625 Female Sex Workers (FSWs) was conducted between 2000 and 2002 in 6 cities in Argentina. This study describes the genetic diversity and the resistance profile of the HIV-infected subjects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seventeen samples from HIV positive FSWs were genotyped by <it>env </it>HMA, showing the presence of 9 subtype F, 6 subtype B and 2 subtype C. Sequence analysis of the protease/RT region on 16 of these showed that 10 were BF recombinants, three were subtype B, two were subtype C, and one sample presented a dual infection with subtype B and a BF recombinant. Full-length genomes of five of the protease/RT BF recombinants were also sequenced, showing that three of them were CRF12_BF. One FSW had a dual HIV-1 infection with subtype B and a BF recombinant. The B sections of the BF recombinant clustered closely with the pure B sequence isolated from the same patient. Major resistance mutations to antiretroviral drugs were found in 3 of 16 (18.8%) strains.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The genetic diversity of HIV strains among FSWs in Argentina was extensive; about three-quarters of the samples were infected with diverse BF recombinants, near twenty percent had primary ART resistance and one sample presented a dual infection. Heterosexual transmission of genetically diverse, drug resistant strains among FSWs and their clients represents an important and underestimated threat, in Argentina.</p

    Taenia solium Cysticercosis Hotspots Surrounding Tapeworm Carriers: Clustering on Human Seroprevalence but Not on Seizures

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    Cysticercosis is a parasitic disease caused by the tapeworm Taenia solium, common in areas with limited sanitation or with migration from these populations. The adult parasite is hosted in the human intestine and releases large numbers of eggs with the feces. Human beings sometimes ingest eggs due to poor hygiene, and then eggs sometimes lodge on the brain and after a few years can cause intense headaches and seizures. During a study in seven rural communities in Peru, individuals exposed to T. solium eggs were often tightly clustered at the homes or immediate surrounding of the carriers of the adult parasite. However, no aggregation of cases of seizures was found near carriers. It appears that seizures do not cluster around carriers because several years pass between exposure to T. solium eggs and the onset of seizures. During these years the adult parasite has probably died or people had moved within or even outside their communities. Therefore, only a partial understanding of the epidemiology of cysticercosis is gained by studying seizures cases