36 research outputs found

    Unveiling the influence of task-relevance of emotional faces on behavioral reactions in a multi-face context using a novel Flanker-Go/No-go task

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    Recent research indicates that emotional faces affect motor control only when task-relevant. However, these studies utilized a single-face presentation, which does not accurately mirror real-life situations wherein we frequently engage with multiple individuals simultaneously. To overcome this limitation, we gave 40 participants two versions of a novel Flanker-Go/No-go task, where we presented three-face stimuli with a central target and two task-irrelevant flankers that could be congruent or incongruent with the target for valence and gender. In the Emotional Discrimination Task (EDT), participants had to respond to fearful or happy targets and refrain from moving with neutral ones. In the Gender Discrimination Task (GDT), the same images were shown, but participants had to respond according to the target's gender. In line with previous studies, we found an effect of valence only in EDT, where fearful targets increased reaction times and omission error rates compared to happy faces. Notably, the flanker effect, i.e., slower and less accurate responses in incongruent than congruent conditions, was not found. This likely stems from the higher perceptual complexity of faces than that of stimuli traditionally used in the Eriksen Flanker task (letters or signs), leading to a capacity limit in face feature processing

    Pain During Illusory Own Arm Movement: A Study in Immersive Virtual Reality

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    Previous studies have demonstrated that the vision of one’s own body, or of external embodied limbs, can lead to pain relieving outcomes. Analgesic effects have also been related to the vision of illusory limb movements. Nonetheless, whether these two processes can be put together to obtain a summatory analgesic effect is not yet clear. The aim of this work was to investigate if it is possible to combine the analgesic effects of looking at one’s own body with those deriving from the illusion that one’s own limb is moving. Thirty-eight healthy participants underwent four visual conditions in immersive virtual reality while their heat pain thresholds were measured. In different conditions the subject watched from a first-person perspective: i) a still virtual arm, ii) a moving virtual arm, iii) a still non-corporeal object, and iv) a moving non-corporeal object. All participants were asked to keep their arms completely still during the visual exposures. After each condition, participants answered questions about their illusory experience. Our results show that the vision of the ‘own’ body significantly increased participants’ pain threshold as compared to the vision of the non-corporeal object. However, no statistically significant analgesic effect of vision of the virtual arm movement was found. The implications and limitations of this study are discussed

    The Bodily Illusion in Adverse Conditions: Virtual Arm Ownership During Visuomotor Mismatch

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    Classically, body ownership illusions are triggered by cross-modal synchronous stimulations, and hampered by multisensory inconsistencies. Nonetheless, the boundaries of such illusions have been proven to be highly plastic. In this immersive virtual reality study, we explored whether it is possible to induce a sense of body ownership over a virtual body part during visuomotor inconsistencies, with or without the aid of concomitant visuo-tactile stimulations. From a first-person perspective, participants watched a virtual tube moving or an avatar’s arm moving, with or without concomitant synchronous visuo-tactile stimulations on their hand. Three different virtual arm/tube speeds were also investigated, while all participants kept their real arms still. The subjective reports show that synchronous visuo-tactile stimulations effectively counteract the effect of visuomotor inconsistencies, but at slow arm movements, a feeling of body ownership might be successfully induced even without concomitant multisensory correspondences. Possible therapeutical implications of these findings are discussed

    The consequences of COVID-19 on social interactions: an online study on face covering

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the nature of our social interactions. In order to understand how protective equipment and distancing measures influence the ability to comprehend others' emotions and, thus, to effectively interact with others, we carried out an online study across the Italian population during the first pandemic peak. Participants were shown static facial expressions (Angry, Happy and Neutral) covered by a sanitary mask or by a scarf. They were asked to evaluate the expressed emotions as well as to assess the degree to which one would adopt physical and social distancing measures for each stimulus. Results demonstrate that, despite the covering of the lower-face, participants correctly recognized the facial expressions of emotions with a polarizing effect on emotional valence ratings found in females. Noticeably, while females' ratings for physical and social distancing were driven by the emotional content of the stimuli, males were influenced by the "covered" condition. The results also show the impact of the pandemic on anxiety and fear experienced by participants. Taken together, our results offer novel insights on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social interactions, providing a deeper understanding of the way people react to different kinds of protective face covering

    Emotional body postures affect inhibitory control only when task-relevant

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    A classical theoretical frame to interpret motor reactions to emotional stimuli is that such stimuli, particularly those threat-related, are processed preferentially, i.e., they are capable of capturing and grabbing attention automatically. Research has recently challenged this view, showing that the task relevance of emotional stimuli is crucial to having a reliable behavioral effect. Such evidence indicated that emotional facial expressions do not automatically influence motor responses in healthy young adults, but they do so only when intrinsically pertinent to the ongoing subject’s goals. Given the theoretical relevance of these findings, it is essential to assess their generalizability to different, socially relevant emotional stimuli such as emotional body postures. To address this issue, we compared the performance of 36 right-handed participants in two different versions of a Go/No-go task. In the Emotional Discrimination task, participants were required to withhold their responses at the display of emotional body postures (fearful or happy) and to move at the presentation of neutral postures. Differently, in the control task, the same images were shown, but participants had to respond according to the color of the actor/actress’ t-shirt, disregarding the emotional content. Results showed that participants made more commission errors (instances in which they moved even though the No-go signal was presented) for happy than fearful body postures in the Emotional Discrimination task. However, this difference disappeared in the control task. Such evidence indicates that, like facial emotion, emotional body expressions do not influence motor control automatically, but only when they are task-relevant

    Consensus Paper: Current Perspectives on Abstract Concepts and Future Research Directions

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    Abstract concepts are relevant to a wide range of disciplines, including cognitive science, linguistics, psychology, cognitive, social, and affective neuroscience, and philosophy. This consensus paper synthesizes the work and views of researchers in the field, discussing current perspectives on theoretical and methodological issues, and recommendations for future research. In this paper, we urge researchers to go beyond the traditional abstract-concrete dichotomy and consider the multiple dimensions that characterize concepts (e.g., sensorimotor experience, social interaction, conceptual metaphor), as well as the mediating influence of linguistic and cultural context on conceptual representations. We also promote the use of interactive methods to investigate both the comprehension and production of abstract concepts, while also focusing on individual differences in conceptual representations. Overall, we argue that abstract concepts should be studied in a more nuanced way that takes into account their complexity and diversity, which should permit us a fuller, more holistic understanding of abstract cognition

    Effects of dopaminergic treatment on inhibitory control differ across Hoehn and Yahr stages of Parkinson's disease

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    : Motor inhibitory control, a core component of cognitive control, is impaired in Parkinson's disease, dramatically impacting patients' abilities to implement goal-oriented adaptive strategies. A progressive loss of the midbrain's dopamine neurons characterizes Parkinson's disease and causes motor features responsive to dopaminergic treatments. Although such treatments restore motor symptoms, their impact on response inhibition is controversial. Most studies failed to show any effect of dopaminergic medicaments, although three studies found that these drugs selectively improved inhibitory control in early-stage patients. Importantly, all previous studies assessed only one domain of motor inhibition, i.e. reactive inhibition (the ability to react to a stop signal). The other domain, i.e. proactive inhibition (the ability to modulate reactive inhibition pre-emptively according to the current context), was utterly neglected. To re-examine this issue, we recruited cognitively unimpaired Parkinson's patients under dopaminergic treatment in the early (Hoehn and Yahr, 1-1.5, n = 20), intermediate (Hoehn and Yahr 2, n = 20), and moderate/advanced (Hoehn and Yahr, 2.5-3, n = 20) stages of the disease. Using a cross-sectional study design, we compared their performance on a simple reaction-time task and a stop-signal task randomly performed twice on dopaminergic medication (ON) and after medication withdrawal (OFF). Normative data were collected on 30 healthy controls. Results suggest that medication effects are stage-dependent. In Hoehn and Yahr 1-1.5 patients, drugs selectively impair reactive inhibition, leaving proactive inhibition unaffected. In the ON state, Hoehn and Yahr two patients experienced impaired proactive inhibition, whereas reactive inhibition is no longer affected, as it deteriorates even during the OFF state. By contrast, Hoehn and Yahr 2.5-3 patients exhibited less efficient reactive and proactive inhibition in the OFF state, and medication slightly improved proactive inhibition. This evidence aligns with the dopamine overdose hypothesis, indicating that drug administration may overdose intact dopamine circuitry in the earliest stages, impairing associated cognitive functions. In later stages, the progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons prevents the overdose and can exert some beneficial effects. Thus, our findings suggest that inhibitory control assessment might help tailor pharmacological therapy across the disease stage to enhance Parkinson's disease patients' quality of life by minimizing the hampering of inhibitory control and maximizing the reduction of motor symptoms

    Kinetic cross-modal correspondences and felt (e)motion in a novel set of musical stimuli

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    Embodied music cognition predicts that our understanding of human-made sounds relates to our experience of making the same or similar movements and sounds, which involves imitation of the source of visual and auditory information. This embodiment of sound may lead to numerous kinetic cross-modal correspondences (CMCs). This article investigates music experience in participants with a non-professionally trained music background across three musical dimensions: Contour (Ascending, Descending, Flat), Vertical Density (Low, Medium, High), and Note Pattern (Binary, Ternary, Quaternary). In order that stimuli should reflect contemporary musical usage yet be subject to a high degree of experimental control, 27 ten-second digital piano tracks were created in collaboration with a film composer. In Study 1, participants were asked to rate the stimuli for perceived Direction, Rotation, Movement, and Emotional and Physical Involvement. We test the effects of these factors in terms of the following theories: general and vocal embodied responses to music, the Ecological Theory of Rotating Sounds, and the Shared Affective Motion Experience model of emotion induction. Results for Study 1 were consistent with theories of general and vocal embodied responses to music, as well as with theories of embodied emotional contagion in music. Study 1 also revealed potential confounds in the stimuli, which were further investigated in Study 2 with a new set of participants rating the stimuli for perceived Pitch, Loudness, and Speed. Results for Study 2 served to dissociate intrinsic features of the stimuli from CMCs. Taken together, the two studies reveal a range of embodied CMCs. Although there are limitations to a perceptual study such as this, these stimuli stand to benefit future research in further investigating the embodiment of musical motion

    Sexual and Reproductive Health and Education of Adolescents during COVID-19 Pandemic, Results from “Come Te La Passi?”—Survey in Bologna, Italy

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    Social distancing measures adopted to face the COVID-19 pandemic had a detrimental impact on adolescent education and their interaction with peers and adults, secondary to the limitation of school and recreational activities, with repercussions on social and sexual life. The “Come te la passi?” (“How is it going?”) study, performed in the Metropolitan City of Bologna (Italy), aimed at investigating the type of information sources adopted by adolescents for their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) knowledge and education, the age of their sexual debut, and the way in which the COVID-19 pandemic affected their relationships and sexual life in order to help local health care professionals and educators designing SRH education programs. A purposely designed online survey was administered during the COVID-19 pandemic to 378 high school students (age > 14 yo) in July 2021. Based on the study results, the most common source of SRH education was the web, followed by peers (friends). A total of 61.3% of 17-year-olds already had sexual intercourse, and 90% of 15-year-olds had experienced romantic or sexual attraction. For 58.2% of the adolescents, the COVID-19 pandemic had negative effects on their relationships/sexual life. The current research emphasizes the need to involve health care professionals and educators in structured programs to promote SRH education tailored to adolescents’ needs and started from early ages

    Per un futuro sostenibile. Progetto di riqualificazione del complesso scolastico M.Montanari a Ravenna

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    Nella mia tesi affronto una tra le tematiche più discusse nell'ultimo decennio, ovvero il rinnovamento e la riqualificazione del patrimonio edilizio scolastico italiano. Il mio lavoro si è incentrato dapprima sull'analisi storica della Scuola Secondaria di primo grado ''Mario Montanari'', sito in via Aquileia n.31 a Ravenna, e sull'inquadramento geografico e climatico attraverso l'utilizzo del software Ecotect Analysis. Successivamente ho impostato il lavoro per la certificazione energetica e la verifica delle prestazioni energetiche dell'edificio tramite il software a regime stazionario "TerMus Acca". Attraverso l'utilizzo di TerMus ho ottenuto la Relazione Tecnica Legge 10, l'Attestato di Prestazione Energetica (APE) e l'Attestato di Qualificazione Energetica (AQE) secondo le norme nazionali e regionali. Inoltre, il 27 febbraio ho effettuato un sopralluogo del complesso scolastico, al fine di ottenere un'indagine più approfondita dello stato attuale dell'edificio, identificando eventuali elementi di criticità come la presenza di muffe, umidità, l'eccessivo riscaldamento degli ambienti e lo stato degli impianti di riscaldamento. In fine come ultima fase ho definito le strategie di intervento più vantaggiose, in termini di risparmio sulla bolletta energetica dell'edificio e di riduzione delle emissioni di Co2, da adottare per migliorare le prestazioni energetiche ed il comfort degli ambienti (ad esempio attraverso la sostituzione degli infissi e la realizzazione di un cappotto termico). Quindi modificando i dati riferiti alle murature e agli infissi della tavola realizzata con TerMus, ho osservato quali benefici sono stati ottenuti con questi interventi essenziali. L'obiettivo cardine del mio lavoro è stato il raggiungimento di un reale miglioramento della prestazione energetica dell'edificio, ottenendo di conseguenza un risparmio sui costi di gestione della stessa