459 research outputs found

    Exploring the perceptions of staff towards children and young people living in community-based children's homes

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    This article examines the perceptions of staff working in community-based children's homes. Data from interviews with staff, using the repertory grid technique, are analysed and presented in the form of a case study. Particular consideration is given to the child-worker relationship and how it might affect the quality of care provided. The findings are selected from a doctoral study and suggest that despite significant changes in the residential sector, many staff feel powerless to address the real issues and problems affecting children. Rather than confront the realities of the situation and implement strategies that empower staff, it would appear that current developments in social work continue to de-prioritize the needs of children. The authors argue that a fundamental change in residential care is needed if social work is to meet the needs of many of the most vulnerable children in society


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    Benih merupakan salah satu faktor pro-duksi yang mempunyai kontribusi lebih ku-rang 40% terhadap keberhasilan budida-ya jahe. Penyediaan benih jahe bermutu masih terkendala oleh tingginya kontami-nasi OPT tular benih. Minyak atsiri serai wangi, cengkeh, dan kayu manis, berpo-tensi digunakan untuk mengurangi serang-an OPT. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menguji perlakuan benih dan penyemprot-an tanaman jahe dengan formula minyak atsiri dan karbosulfan  + mancozeb terha-dap produksi jahe. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Cicurug sejak Nopember 2009 sampai Desember 2010. Perlakuan disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial dan setiap perlakuan diulang 6 kali. Faktor pertama adalah perlakuan be-nih (seed treatment); A1) karbosulfan + mancozeb, A2) minyak daun cengkeh + kayu manis, dan A3) minyak daun cengkeh dan serai wangi, dosis masing-masing per-lakuan adalah 0,2% diberikan secara coa-ting sebelum benih disemaikan. Faktor ke-dua adalah aplikasi pestisida pada tanam-an; B1) kontrol tanpa perlakuan, B2) mi-nyak daun cengkeh + kayu manis, B3) minyak daun cengkeh + serai wangi, dan B4) karbosulfan. Dosis masing-masing per-lakuan adalah 0,4%, diaplikasikan setiap minggu terhadap tanaman pada fase vege-tatif sampai tanaman umur 6 bulan setelah tanam. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap produksi benih, persentase benih rusak, kadar serat, kadar pati benih, dan persen-tase daya tumbuh benih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi rimpang tertinggi (11,56 t/ha), hasil benih tertinggi (10,21 t/ha) dan daya tumbuh benih jahe ter-tinggi (99,79%) dicapai pada perlakuan benih menggunakan campuran karbosul-fan + mankozeb sehingga perlakuan ter-sebut dapat dijadikan standar dalam pe-nyiapan benih jahe. Perlakuan tersebut ti-dak mempengaruhi mutu jahe. Kerusakan rimpang, kadar serat dan pati rimpang tidak dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan benih dan penyemprotan pestisida pada ta-naman

    Harmonic and locally harmonic Maaß forms

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    This thesis contains the results of seven research papers on various types of harmonic and locally harmonic Maaß forms. To this end, this thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with harmonic Maaß forms and variants thereof, while the second part is devoted to constructions of new locally harmonic Maaß forms. The introductory chapter is divided into three parts. The first part provides an overall introduction to holomorphic and nonholomorphic modular forms, and summarizes some previous results in the theory of both classes of forms. The second part collects and presents the main results of this thesis, while the content of the third part is a brief discussion of some results from the second half of this thesis. The subsequent chapters contain the aforementioned research papers with minor edits to improve the overall exposition

    Penerapan SOP Budidaya Untuk Mendukung Temulawak Sebagai Bahan Baku Obat Potensial

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    Application of Standard Operational Procedure to Support Java Turmeric as Potential Drug IngredientsJava turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) is one of Indonesian native plants cultivated in West, Central and, East Java, Yogyakarta, Bali, North Sumatera, Riau, Jambi, West and East Kalimantan, and North and South Sulawesi. Since rhizomes contain xanthorrizol, curcuminoid and essential oils, this plant has been widely used as traditional medicine (jamu), standardized herbal and phytopharmaca medicines. Applying standard operational procedure consisting of the USAge of a good variety, selection of suitable environmental condition, soil preparation, seedling and planting techniques, and post harvest technology will produce high both yield and quality of rhizomes. Turmeric propagates via main or branch rhizomes. Seed should be chosen from the healthy plants age 10-12 months after planting. Rhizomes should have shiny skin and free from pests and diseases. Rhizomes may be divided into 2 - 4 pieces, which is 20-40 g/slice and have 2-3 shoots. Organic and inorganic fertilizers ascertain quantity and quality of rhizomes. The need of inorganic fertilizers such as Urea, SP36 and KCl depends on soil fertility condition. Field in Type B climate having low N status, enough P and K status will produce 25.46 tones/ha rhizomes since it is applied with 20 ton/ha of dung manure, 300 kg/ha of Urea, 200 kg/ha of SP36 and 200 kg/ha of KCL. Plant will ready to be harvested on 10 to 12 months after planting, indicated by senescent condition. Java turmeric can be used to enhance eating appetite, cure digesting and liver malfunctions, lower blood fat, antioxidants and inhibit blood clotting

    School improvement in the marketplace : the case of residential special schools

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    Over the past couple of decades, residential special schools in Scotland have faced fundamental changes to the way they operate. This has involved the withdrawal of state funding, a shrinkage of the sector and a situation in which schools now have to sell their services in a market economy in order to survive. This article gives a brief outline of the history and development of residential special education for children considered to be troubled or troublesome. It then draws on an evaluation of one former approved, or List D, school to describe how it managed the transition to the marketplace. Findings from the evaluation are introduced and some implications of these are discussed. It is concluded that the shift from state or local authority funding to private provision may have some advantages. However, it also raises a number of questions as to whether provision for some of society's most damaged children should be determined by market forces

    Eisenstein series of even weight k≄2k \geq 2 and integral binary quadratic forms

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    We prove a conjecture of Matsusaka on the analytic continuationof hyperbolic Eisenstein series in weight 22 on the full modular group SL2(Z)\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}).Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Scaffolding: medium, mediator, mediated

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    This thesis investigates, analyzes, and fictionalizes scaffolds, seeing scaffolds as a medium (that which is being neglected and unquestioned), a mediator (that which is actively executing shaping powers), and a to-be-mediated being (that which requires to be reimagined). Scaffolds in this thesis is registered as a polydimensional group of frameworks, tools, and agreements, ranging from scaffolds in the built environment, architectural drawing convention, CAD program interfaces and interaction modalities, and codes and scripts behind the digital programs. Together, these scaffolds simultaneously enable and prescribe architectural design processes. The project aims to make the scaffolds seen, de-familiarized, and rediscovered. The current outcome of the thesis consists of a collection of speculative, either representational or performative pieces, each being about a certain type of scaffold or certain aspects of a scaffold

    Local Maa{\ss} forms and Eichler--Selberg type relations for negative weight vector-valued mock modular forms

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    By comparing two different evaluations of a modified (\`{a} la Borcherds) higher Siegel theta lift on even lattices of signature (r,s)(r,s), we prove Eichler--Selberg type relations for a wide class of negative weight vector-valued mock modular forms. In doing so, we detail several properties of the lift, as well as showing that it produces an infinite family of local (and locally harmonic) Maa{\ss} forms on Grassmanians in certain signatures.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, comments welcom
