65 research outputs found

    Reduplikasi Prefiks {Meng-} Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Analisis Aplikasi Toolbox

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses Perubahan bunyi atau Perubahan fonem sebagai akibat dari adanya proses morfologi baik proses afiksasi, proses reduplikasi maupun proses komposisi dari reduplikasi berprefiks meng- dalam bahasa Indonesia. Selanjutnya proses-proses yang terjadi dijabarkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Toolbox version 1.5.9 sebagai suatu pengaplisian teknologi. Data analisis diambil dari tiga novel buah karya V. Lestari dan satu buah novel karya Mira W. Teori yang dipakai adalah teori fonologi generatif yang dikemukan oleh Chomsky (Suparwa, 2009:1), serta pengaplikasian aplikasi Toolbox version 1.5.9 yang dikembangkan oleh Alan Buseman dan Karen Buseman. Morfofemik dalam proses afiksasi dengan prefiks meng- dalam bahasa Indonesai terdiri atas tiga bentuk. Pertama, pengekalan fonem untuk bentuk dasar yang diawali konsonan /r, l, w, y, m, n, y, dan ny/. Kedua, Perubahan fonem nasal /m, n, y dan ye/. Perubahan fonem /m/ terjadi pada bentuk dasar yang diawali konsonan /b/ dan /f/, penambahan fonem nasal /n/ terjadi pada bentuk dasar yang diawali /d/; penambahan fonem nasal /?/ terjadi pada bentuk dasar yang diawali dengan /g, h, kh, a, i, u, e, dan o/. Kaidah Perubahan bunyi yang terjadi mirip dengan bunyi yang mengikutinya

    Pelatihan Aplikasi ZipGrade Bagi Guru SMP dan SMA Taman Rama Jimbaran

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    This service activity is a continuation of a previous collaboration between Taman Rama School Jimbaranand Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia (INSTIKI). This activity is conducted by lecturers fromINSTIKI who have the expertise in technology informatics and computers. The topics of this activity isabout ZipGrade, the application of Android-based for checking students’ tests or works in form ofmultiple choice. This is important to be done because in checking students’ results, there will be apossibility of human error in doing it. Besides, this application can be used to make an analysis of thetopics to be discussed further based on its’ results. This activity is done in two days and the participantswere the teachers of Junior and Senior High School of Taman Rama Jimbaran. This activity is aimed toelevate teachers’ knowledge and skill in technology and how to execute the evaluation more objectively.This activity was done offline which made it more effective and interactive

    Figurative Language and Its Meaning Found in The Novel “It Starts with Us”

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    Figurative language is one of the literary devices used to enrich the meaning of literature work. The research problem of this research is to find the figurative language and its meaning in the novel “It Starts with Us”. This is qualitative research and used literary study. The data collection is taken from the novel “It Starts with Us” by Collen Roover, published in 2022. The data shows that there were five kinds of figurative language simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and repetition.   Out of 86 data; 76 data (86%) were simile that consisted of using “like” 65 data (75,5%), using “as” 6 data (6,9%), and using “as…as” 3 data (3,4%). Data figurative language on metaphor and hyperbole were 4 each (4,65%). The last data were personification and repetition which with 2 data each (2,32%). It can be concluded that the novelist emphasized the expressions of metaphor to compare the situation and emotions in the story of the novel


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    ABSTRACT Geographical Information Systems is an information system used to enter, store, recall, process, analyze, and produce geographically referenced or geospatial data, to support decision making in the planning. By using GIS hoped will facilitate decision-makers to know the location of public services and facilities, existing facilities in the City of Tuban. Because with the SIG will describe the general service location on the real conditions in this case is the map of Tuban. In this final project, we created a Geographic Information System (GIS) of WAP-based public service information contained in the Tuban area of education, healthcare, office, industrial, security, communications and tourism. With this GIS will be obtained some information in detail and visualization in the form of the mobile web (WAP), which can be used as a reference for decision-makers, especially in finding the location of existing public services in the town of Tuban. Keywords: GIS, geographic information systems, public services, WA

    Error Analysis on Instiki's Students' Toeic Writing Simulation Test

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    This study aims to find out the grammatical errors in their TOEIC writing simulation test. This is qualitative research that uses Surface Strategy Taxonomy (SST) to examine the errors. The participants of this study are 26 students of Class L – INSTIKI. The results of this study showed that after examining the data using SST based on the data were 3 errors found those are omission with 26 errors (81,3%), addition with 3 errors (9,4%), and misformation with 3 errors (9,4%). These 3 errors have each Sub Kind of Error (SKE), omission with 26 data consisting of missing “to be” with 10 data (38,5%), missing article “the” with 4 data (15,4%), preposition “of” with 2 data (7,7%)), preposition “on” with 2 data (7,7%)), missing pronoun “it” with 1 data (3,8%)), and wrong spelling with 7 data (26,9%)). In addition, there were 3 data consisting of wrong pronouns (redundancy) with 2 data (66,7%), and wrong spelling with 1 data (33,3%). The last one is misformation consisting of 3 data, the error where wrong verb-ing consists of 2 data (66,7%), and wrong verb 2 consists of 1 data (33,3%). The data above shows that omission still has the highest number of errors while addition and misformation share the same number of errors. The omission happened mostly on tenses for example Simple Present Tense, modal verbs, and prepositions. In addition, wrong spelling also still becomes a problem in writing

    Pemanfaatan Media Visual dalam Memahami Sesonggan pada Siswa SMP Taman Rama Jimbaran Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023

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    The purpose of this research is to improve students’ understanding on sesonggan (proverb) of Balinese language. The implementation of visual media to improve understanding of the students of Taman Rama Junior High School on sesonggan using Constructivism theory and the media is visual media.  Almost all groups can use the visual media properly based on the performance rubrics. The impact of visual media to improve students’ understanding can be seen through their quiz’ results which shown that the mean out 24 students is 98 (excellent). Students’ interest about the topics was 87.5% has good response about visual media and it can be seen through their answers which stated that they were happy, not boring, attractive, easy and practical.&nbsp

    The Use of Cartoon Story Maker in Writing Practice

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    Entering the new era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, we have grown used to technology in education and, in particular, learning languages. The study aimed to explore and describe the use of Cartoon Story Maker, a digital comic software, in writing practice. It focuses on comparing the difficulties students experience in writing using Cartoon Story Maker and without the media. Besides, students’ responses were also investigated. The methods used included observation, planning, implementation, analysis, and data presentation. Data were obtained from the compositions and questionnaires of 30 students of STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The findings showed that some problems did not occur repeatedly. Moreover, the students gave positive responses on the use of the software in writing practice because they could relate the writing experience to their real life. Keywords: Cartoon Story Maker, Students’ difficulties, digital comics, writin

    Project learning in the financial services industry: A Case Study in India

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    This is an exploratory research attempting to identify relationships between the nature and hindrance of learning at the different levels of the management, along with the importance of learning for the success of projects in the financial services industry. In order to do so, the research focused on the project environment in an organisation within the financial services industry operating in India. The study was performed using qualitative interviews with nine employees from the Operations Division of the organisation. Three individuals each from the junior, middle and senior level management were selected, who have been part of various kinds of projects, and came from different teams. The findings proved that project learning did not occur at the organisational level since there was a correlation between the kind of learning observed at each level of the organisation. The challenges faced at each level of the organisation varied due to multiple reasons, predominantly in the knowledge capture phase of project learning. It has been established that project learning is crucial for the success of projects, especially when there is a mixture of technical skills and soft-skills learnt, disseminated and implemented, using formal and informal methods. Having understood the organisational set-up and the current project learning atmosphere, three key recommendations have been provided to ensure the organisation adopts the best practises from the existing literature, the recommendations of the employees, and the observations made on the environment. These recommendations also contribute in the creation of robust learning culture in any project environment

    Pelatihan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Visual Dengan Aplikasi Canva Untuk Guru SMA Kuta Pura

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    The implementation of this community service is a collaboration of INSTIKI and Kuta Pura Senior High School with the title “The training of development media visual using Canva for teachers of Kuta Pura Senior High School”. The lecture was attended by 10 teachers and the INSTIKI team.  This social engagement activity is conducted to meet the needs of the teachers at Kuta Pura Senior High School about the innovation of teaching materials based on students’ needs. The teachers spent their time and gave much attention to this activity by getting involved asking some questions dan furthermore practicing it. By doing this, teachers are more ready to face the innovations and IA technology in education

    Interactions between human immunodeficiency virus and herpes viruses within the oral mucosa

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    ABSTRACTThere is evidence from clinical case reports and epidemiological studies that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be transmitted through oral sex. Herpes viruses that appear in the oral mucosa might influence the oral replication of HIV. A review of data suggesting that interactions occur between HIV and herpes viruses indicates that such interactions might operate in the oral mucosa. Defining the mechanisms by which herpes viruses interact with HIV in the oral mucosa should permit intervention measures to be targeted more precisely
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