25 research outputs found

    Sistemi informatici avanzati per l'analisi stratigrafica archeologica

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    Questo documento descrive le potenzialità derivanti dall’applicazione di affermate tecniche e metodologie ICT nell’ambito dell’indagine di siti archeologici. Queste metodologie sono organizzate in una architettura di sistema informativo adeguato a supportare l’attività dell’archeologo per la ricerca, la didattica e la fruizione. L’architettura proposta cerca di estendere le potenzialità d’uso delle metodologie di analisi non distruttiva, delle tecniche di ricostruzione di geometrie di reperti, e delle tecniche di prototipazione rapida per la manifattura di reperti, utilizzati principalmente nella diagnosi e restauro di beni culturali, ad ambiti più estesi quali l’analisi stratigrafica archeologica. L’architettura si basa sugli strumenti software ed ambienti di sviluppo sperimentati nel Progetto Laboratorio Avanzato per la Progettazione e la Simulazione al Calcolatore

    Toward a centralized data management center for integrated landslide monitoring in Emilia Romagna Region (Italy)

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    In Emilia Romagna Region, slope monitoring systems have become more widely used for hazard and risk management. However, they are generally non-interoperable. Moreover dispersion of monitoring data in several local databases have made data sharing among the involved institutional actors quite laborious and often untimely. A centralized database and a web-based portal that integrate infor- mation derived by different types of slope monitoring systems has been developed. The paper illustrates the specific features of the developed “SensorNet” and provides examples of its use for visualizing and analyzing in an integrated manner data from different monitoring systems. In perspective it could serve as an every-day operational tool for a timely reporting of landslide monitoring data for surveillance and warning purposes


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    Autoimmune disease mainly affects women in their reproductive years and has a significant impact on childbearing. Pregnancy can induce an improvement of the mother’s symptomatology in some kinf of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, while exacerbating or having no effect on other autoimmune diseases as sclerosys multiple (Borchers et al, 2010). This “uncertainty” can affect the process of psychological transformation and reorganization, which leads to the acquisition of a maternal identity sustained by a mental representation of the self as a mother and of the future baby, although he or she is still unborn (Ammaniti et al, 1999; RaphaelLeff, 2010). The quality of the mother-fetus emotional bond is considered particularly important for the subsequent attachment relationship and the psychological development of the infant (Ammaniti et al, 2013; Benoit et al, 1997). At the last thrimester of pregnancy 10 women with different autoimmune diseases (sclerosys multiple, lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes), and 10 nonrisk women were interviewed using the “Interview of Maternal Representations during Pregnancy-Revised Version” (IRMAG-R; Ammaniti & Tambelli, 2010). All interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed by using qualitative content analysis in Atlas.ti. Two independent judges coded 5/20 interviews; agreement was >80%. The women with autoimmune disease, compared to nonrisk women, were more ambivalent toward pregnancy, were less able to recognize physical and psychological changes and to imagine the child. These are considered risk factors which could negatively affect the postnatal caregiving system (Van Bussel et al, 2009). These results focus on the importance of early multidisciplinary interventions that can support expectant women when they show signs of relationship difficulties with their infants prior to his/her birth

    A Pilot Study of the Relationship Between Pregnancy and Autoimmune Disease: Exploring the Mother’s Psychological Process

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    Autoimmune disease mainly affects women in their reproductive years and has a significant impact on childbearing. Pregnancy can induce an improvement of the mother’s symptomatology in some diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis while exacerbating or having no effect on other autoimmune diseases as multiple sclerosis (Borchers et al., 2010). This uncertainty can affect the process of psychological reorganization, which leads to the achievement of a maternal identity. The quality of the mother-fetus emotional bond is considered particularly relevant for the subsequent attachment relationship and the psychological development of the infant (Ammaniti et al., 2013). In the last trimester of pregnancy, 15 women with different autoimmune diseases were interviewed using the IRMAG-R (Ammaniti and Tambelli, 2010). They also completed a battery comprising: PAI (Della Vedova et al., 2008); MAAS (Busonera et al., 2016); DAS (Gentili et al., 2002); PBI (Scinto et al., 1999); MSPSS (Prezza and Principato, 2002); DERS, (Giromini et al., 2012); CES-D (Fava, 1983); HCR-TS (Bova et al., 2012). All interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed by Atlas.ti. The results show that women with autoimmune disease were ambivalent toward pregnancy, had high levels of depression, had difficulties in recognizing physical and psychological changes, and had difficulties in imagining the child. These are considered risk factors that could negatively affect the postnatal mother-infant relationship. These results focus on the importance of early multidisciplinary interventions that can support expectant women when they show signs of relationship difficulties with their infants prior to his/her birth

    Transizione alla genitorialità nelle donne con patologie autoimmuni: individuazione di fattori psicosociali protettivi e di rischio

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    In presenza di patologia autoimmune materna, la nascita di un figlio è un evento complesso da un punto di vista sia fisico sia psicologico. Questo studio, rivolto a coppie in cui la donna è affetta da malattia autoimmune, intende individuare variabili personali, relazionali e contestuali in grado di influenzare il benessere dei futuri genitori e il loro legame con il figlio. Il disegno è longitudinale, con somministrazione di questionari e interviste in gravidanza (2°-3° trimestre) e nella fase postnatale (3-4 mesi dopo il parto). Il contributo illustra dei risultati preliminari, relativi a 34 gestanti su misure di attaccamento prenatale (PAI, Müller 1993; MAAS, Condon, 1993) e romantico (ECR–R, Fraley et al., 2000), adattamento diadico (DAS, Spanier 1976), disregolazione emotiva (DERS, Gratz & Roemer, 2004), caregiving dei propri genitori (PBI, Parker et al., 1979), supporto sociale (MSPSS, Zimet et al., 1988), depressione (CES-D, Radloff 1977), fiducia nelle figure sanitarie (HCR Trust Scale, Bova et al., 2006). È emersa una correlazione significativa positiva tra attaccamento prenatale e cura fornita dalla figura paterna durante infanzia e adolescenza. Inoltre, a livelli più alti di disregolazione emotiva sono associati livelli più alti di depressione, ansia ed evitamento relazionale, livelli più bassi di supporto sociale percepito, cura parentale nell’infanzia e nell’adolescenza, consenso e coesione nella relazione di coppia. Questi primi dati suggeriscono che il ricordo di un caregiving paterno caratterizzato da affetto, calore, empatia e intimità funge da fattore protettivo rispetto al formarsi dell’attaccamento prenatale materno, mentre la disregolazione emotiva rappresenta un fattore di rischio in grado di minare il benessere psicologico delle gestanti. Emerge l’importanza di comprendere l’impatto della malattia autoimmune sulla ridefinizione degli equilibri psichici genitoriali al fine di migliorare le buone prassi nell’assistenza psicologica alle gestanti

    Theory and design of an array of skewed stacked dipoles

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    We propose a systematic approach to describe planar slot antennas, embedded in generic stratified media. An equivalent transmission line model for the slot is proposed, based on a spectral domain analysis. First, we introduce a method of moments solution to model semi-infinite slots, fed by a deltagap excitation. The solution entails only two basis functions, one located at the feed and the other at the termination. The latter basis function is chosen to properly account for the field diffractive behavior at the antenna end point. An approximate circuit model is then introduced, which describes the main mode propagating along the slot as an equivalent transmission line. Lumped impedances are extracted to accurately describe the source and the end point. This procedure can be used to derive the input impedance of planar antennas with arbitrary length in generic layered media or the interaction between multiple feeds within the same slot

    A Review of PA-Antenna Co-design: Direct Matching, Harmonic Tuning and Power Combining

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    This article reviews the current state-of-the-art of active-integrated antennas co-designed with power amplifiers (PAs). Three strategies to improve output power and power-added efficiency are described using examples, namely direct matching between PA and antenna, tuning of harmonic reflections in the antenna, and in antenna power combining from multiple PAs. An outlook is given on the challenges to be faced in the application of these strategies in wide-scanning phased arrays

    3D Array Element Design for Pattern Shaping

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    In this work, antenna arrays with tilted dipoles are investigated in terms of radiation and impedance properties. A spectral method of moments (MoM) was developed for the analysis of doubly-periodic arrays (i.e. periodic in both x and ydirections)with arbitrarily tilted dipole elements, in free space or in the presence of a backing reflector. By the aid of this analysis method, the radiation characteristics of arrays of stacked dipoles over a ground plane are studied, highlighting the variation of thepatterns as a function of the inter-element distance and the angle of inclination of the elements