14 research outputs found

    Light in the cave: Opal coating detection by UV-light illumination and fluorescence in a rock art context

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    The formation of silica coatings on the cave walls of the Points cave raises questions about the analytical access to the specificities of the pictorial material (geochemistry and petrography); and about the state of conservation of the rock art. Conventional in situ spectroscopic techniques (pXRF, pRaman) are ineffective to identify and characterize these coatings. In this study, we propose to use a UV fluorescence method for the detection and recognition of opaline coatings, based on the fluorescence specificities of the uranyl-silica complexes composing these deposits. Spectral identification using UV laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with UV illumination was performed on samples, µ-samples and on the walls of the Grotte aux Points rock art site. The well-defined peaks observed in the fluorescence emission spectra due to uranyl ions validate the detection of the complex opal-uranyl and its correspondence with the green fluorescence observed under UV light at micro and macroscopic scales. In situ optical measurements under UV illumination reveal the presence of an opal layer, in particular on the rock art walls of the cave. Observations on the occurrence and distribution of opal provide the first insights into the evolution of the walls and the chronological constraints on the development of the opal layer. regarding the interactions between the silica coating and the pigment suggested by the multi-scale observations of the µ-samples, it opens the question of rock art conservation. Thus, by developing a specific method of non-destructive characterization of opal coatings, this study starts a new approach for the study of the taphonomy of decorated walls and proposes to use siliceous mineralization both as a marker of the natural history of caves and as an index of their use by ancient human groups

    Bovine neutrophil chemotaxis to Listeria monocytogenes in neurolisteriosis depends on microglia-released rather than bacterial factors.

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    BACKGROUND Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) is a bacterial pathogen of major concern for humans and ruminants due to its neuroinvasive potential and its ability to cause deadly encephalitis (neurolisteriosis). On one hand, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are key players in the defense against Lm, but on the other hand intracerebral infiltration with PMN is associated with significant neural tissue damage. Lm-PMN interactions in neurolisteriosis are poorly investigated, and factors inducing PMN chemotaxis to infectious foci containing Lm in the central nervous system (CNS) remain unidentified. METHODS In this study, we assessed bovine PMN chemotaxis towards Lm and supernatants of infected endogenous brain cell populations in ex vivo chemotaxis assays, to identify chemotactic stimuli for PMN chemotaxis towards Lm in the brain. In addition, microglial secretion of IL-8 was assessed both ex vivo and in situ. RESULTS Our data show that neither Lm cell wall components nor intact bacteria elicit chemotaxis of bovine PMN ex vivo. Moreover, astrocytes and neural cells fail to induce bovine PMN chemotaxis upon infection. In contrast, supernatant from Lm infected microglia readily induced chemotaxis of bovine PMN. Microglial expression and secretion of IL-8 was identified during early Lm infection in vitro and in situ, although IL-8 blocking with a specific antibody could not abrogate PMN chemotaxis towards Lm infected microglial supernatant. CONCLUSIONS These data provide evidence that host-derived rather than bacterial factors trigger PMN chemotaxis to bacterial foci in the CNS, that microglia have a primary role as initiators of bovine PMN chemotaxis into the brain during neurolisteriosis and that blockade of these factors could be a therapeutic target to limit intrathecal PMN chemotaxis and PMN associated damage in neurolisteriosis

    Vaccine-Linked Chemotherapy Approach: Additive Effects of Combining the Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 With the Bumped Kinase Inhibitor BKI-1748 Against Neospora caninum Infection in Mice.

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    The apicomplexan parasite Neospora (N.) caninum causes neosporosis in numerous host species. There is no marketed vaccine and no licensed drug for the prevention and/or treatment of neosporosis. Vaccine development against this parasite has encountered significant obstacles, probably due to pregnancy-induced immunomodulation hampering efficacy, which has stimulated the search for potential drug therapies that could be applied to limit the effects of neosporosis in dams as well as in offspring. We here investigated, in a pregnant neosporosis mouse model, the safety and efficacy of a combined vaccination-drug treatment approach. Mice were vaccinated intramuscularly with 1 Ă— 107 CFU of our recently generated Listeria (L.) monocytogenes vaccine vector expressing the major N. caninum tachyzoite surface antigen NcSAG1 (Lm3Dx_SAG1). Following mating and experimental subcutaneous infection with 1 Ă— 105 N. caninum (NcSpain-7) tachyzoites on day 7 of pregnancy, drug treatments were initiated using the bumped kinase inhibitor BKI-1748 at 20 mg/kg/day for 5 days. In parallel, other experimental groups were either just vaccinated or only treated. Dams and offspring were followed-up until day 25 post-partum, after which all mice were euthanized. None of the treatments induced adverse effects and neither of the treatments affected fertility or litter sizes. Cerebral infection in dams as assessed by real-time PCR was significantly reduced in the vaccinated and BKI-1748 treated groups, but was not reduced significantly in the group receiving the combination. However, in non-pregnant mice, all three treatment groups exhibited significantly reduced parasite burdens. Both, vaccination as well BKI-1748 as single treatment increased pup survival to 44 and 48%, respectively, while the combination treatment led to survival of 86% of all pups. Vertical transmission in the combination group was 23% compared to 46 and 50% in the groups receiving only BKI-treatment or the vaccine, respectively. In the dams, IgG titers were significantly reduced in all treatment groups compared to the untreated control, while in non-pregnant mice, IgG titers were reduced only in the group receiving the vaccine. Overall, vaccine-linked chemotherapy was more efficacious than vaccination or drug treatment alone and should be considered for further evaluation in a more relevant experimental model

    Multidisciplinary recommendations for essential baseline functional and laboratory tests to facilitate early diagnosis and management of immune-related adverse events among cancer patients.

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have fundamentally changed the treatment landscape of various cancers. While ICI treatments result in improved survival, quality of life and are cost-effective, the majority of patients experience at least one immune-related adverse event (irAE). Many of these side effects cause little discomfort or are asymptomatic; however, irAEs can affect any organ and are potentially life-threatening. Consequently, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of irAEs are critical for optimizing long-term outcomes and quality of life in affected patients. Some irAEs are diagnosed according to typical symptoms, others by abnormal findings from diagnostic tests. While there are various guidelines addressing the management of irAEs, recommendations for the early recognition of irAEs as well as the optimal extent and frequency of laboratory tests are mostly lacking. In clinical practice, blood sampling is usually performed before each ICI administration (i.e., every 2-3 weeks), often for several months, representing a burden for patients as well as health care systems. In this report, we propose essential laboratory and functional tests to improve the early detection and management of irAEs and in cancer patients treated with ICIs. These multidisciplinary expert recommendations regarding essential laboratory and functional tests can be used to identify possible irAEs at an early time point, initiate appropriate interventions to improve patient outcomes, and reduce the burden of blood sampling during ICI treatment

    Development of ISB 1442, a CD38 and CD47 bispecific biparatopic antibody innate cell modulator for the treatment of multiple myeloma

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    Antibody engineering can tailor the design and activities of therapeutic antibodies for better efficiency or other advantageous clinical properties. Here we report the development of ISB 1442, a fully human bispecific antibody designed to re-establish synthetic immunity in CD38+ hematological malignancies. ISB 1442 consists of two anti-CD38 arms targeting two distinct epitopes that preferentially drive binding to tumor cells and enable avidity-induced blocking of proximal CD47 receptors on the same cell while preventing on-target off-tumor binding on healthy cells. The Fc portion of ISB 1442 is engineered to enhance complement dependent cytotoxicity, antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity and antibody dependent cell phagocytosis. ISB 1442 thus represents a CD47-BsAb combining biparatopic targeting of a tumor associated antigen with engineered enhancement of antibody effector function to overcome potential resistance mechanisms that hamper treatment of myeloma with monospecific anti-CD38 antibodies. ISB 1442 is currently in a Phase I clinical trial in relapsed refractory multiple myeloma

    A Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Formulation Reduces Vertical Transmission and Leads to Enhanced Pup Survival in a Pregnant Neosporosis Mouse Model.

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    The apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum is the worldwide leading cause of abortion and stillbirth in cattle. An attenuated mutant Listeria monocytogenes strain (Lm3Dx) was engineered by deleting the virulence genes actA, inlA, and inlB in order to avoid systemic infection and to target the vector to antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Insertion of sag1, coding for the major surface protein NcSAG1 of N. caninum, yielded the vaccine strain Lm3Dx_NcSAG1. The efficacy of Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 was assessed by inoculating 1 Ă— 105, 1 Ă— 106, or 1 Ă— 107 CFU of Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 into female BALB/c mice by intramuscular injection three times at two-week intervals, and subsequent challenge with 1 Ă— 105N. caninum tachyzoites of the highly virulent NcSpain-7 strain on day 7 of pregnancy. Dose-dependent protective effects were seen, with a postnatal offspring survival rate of 67% in the group treated with 1 Ă— 107 CFU of Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 compared to 5% survival in the non-vaccinated control group. At euthanasia (25 days post-partum), IgG antibody titers were significantly decreased in the groups receiving the two higher doses and cytokines recall responses in splenocyte culture supernatants (IFN-Îł, IL-4, and IL-10) were increased in the vaccinated groups. Thus, Lm3Dx_NcSAG1 induces immune-protective effects associated with a balanced Th1/Th2 response in a pregnant neosporosis mouse model and should be further assessed in ruminant models

    Safety of a Novel Listeria monocytogenes-Based Vaccine Vector Expressing NcSAG1 (Neospora caninum Surface Antigen 1).

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    Listeria monocytogenes (LM) has been proposed as vaccine vector in various cancers and infectious diseases since LM induces a strong immune response. In this study, we developed a novel and safe LM-based vaccine vector platform, by engineering a triple attenuated mutant (Lm3Dx) (ΔactA, ΔinlA, ΔinlB) of the wild-type LM strain JF5203 (CC 1, phylogenetic lineage I). We demonstrated the strong attenuation of Lm3Dx while maintaining its capacity to selectively infect antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in vitro. Furthermore, as proof of concept, we introduced the immunodominant Neospora caninum (Nc) surface antigen NcSAG1 into Lm3Dx. The NcSAG1 protein was expressed by Lm3Dx_SAG1 during cellular infection. To demonstrate safety of Lm3Dx_SAG1 in vivo, we vaccinated BALB/C mice by intramuscular injection. Following vaccination, mice did not suffer any adverse effects and only sporadically shed bacteria at very low levels in the feces (<100 CFU/g). Additionally, bacterial load in internal organs was very low to absent at day 1.5 and 4 following the 1st vaccination and at 2 and 4 weeks after the second boost, independently of the physiological status of the mice. Additionally, vaccination of mice prior and during pregnancy did not interfere with pregnancy outcome. However, Lm3Dx_SAG1 was shed into the milk when inoculated during lactation, although it did not cause any clinical adverse effects in either dams or pups. Also, we have indications that the vector persists more days in the injected muscle of lactating mice. Therefore, impact of physiological status on vector dynamics in the host and mechanisms of milk shedding requires further investigation. In conclusion, we provide strong evidence that Lm3Dx is a safe vaccine vector in non-lactating animals. Additionally, we provide first indications that mice vaccinated with Lm3Dx_SAG1 develop a strong and Th1-biased immune response against the Lm3Dx-expressed neospora antigen. These results encourage to further investigate the efficiency of Lm3Dx_SAG1 to prevent and treat clinical neosporosis

    Influence of nutrient availability on in vitro growth of major bovine mastitis pathogens.

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of milk composition changes on the in vitro growth of bovine mastitis pathogens. Nutritional requirements of three major bovine mastitis pathogens Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), and Streptococcus uberis (S. uberis) were investigated in vitro. We used ultra-high temperature (UHT) treated milk with different contents of fat, protein, and carbohydrates to test the influence of the availability of various milk constituents on pathogen growth characteristics. Additionally, the bacterial growth was investigated under experimentally modified nutrient availability by dilution and subsequent supplementation with individual nutrients (carbohydrates, different nitrogen sources, minerals, and different types of B vitamins) either to milk or to a conventional medium (thioglycolate broth, TB). Varying contents of fat, protein or lactose did not affect bacterial growth with the exception of growth of S. uberis being promoted in protein-enriched milk. The addition of nutrients to diluted whole milk and TB partly revealed different effects, indicating that there are media-specific growth limiting factors after dilution. Supplementation of minerals to diluted milk did not affect growth rates of all studied bacteria. Bacterial growth in diluted whole milk was decreased by the addition of high concentrations of amino acids in S. aureus, and by urea and additional B vitamins in E. coli and S. aureus. The growth rate of S. uberis was increased by the addition of B vitamins to diluted whole milk. The present results demonstrate that growth-limiting nutrients differ among pathogen types. Because reduced bacterial growth was only shown in diluted milk or TB, it is unlikely that alterations in nutrient availability occurring as a consequence of physiological changes of milk composition in the cow's udder would directly affect the susceptibility or course of bovine mastitis

    Contribution and limits of portable X-ray fluorescence for studying Palaeolithic rock art: a case study at the Points cave (Aiguèze, Gard, France)

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    International audienceAnalysing the colouring matter used to make prehistoric rock art is essential in order to retrace the chaînes opératoires involved. Despite the well-documented limitations of portable analysis systems, the need to conserve rock art led us to reassess the capabilities of portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometry. Thus, we compared in-situ and laboratory analyses of materials from the Points cave (France), and laboratory pXRF results with analyses obtained using other methods and with reference samples. Results confirmed that current pXRF systems are unable to provide data suitable for elucidating the chaînes opératoires of ferruginous colouring matter