24 research outputs found

    Analytic correlation filtration: A new tool to reduce analytical complexity of metabolomic datasets

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    Flash poster 180 secondes session 2 : FP5 (p 61-61) Poster 78 – AssociĂ© FP5Metabolomics generates massive and complex data that need dedicated workflows to extract the meaningful information and to enrich our knowledge of biological systems. Redundant different analytical species and the high degree of correlation in datasets is a constraint for the use of data mining and statistical methods. In this context, we developed a new tool to detect analytical correlation into datasets without confounding them with biological correlations. Based on several parameters such as correlation coefficient, retention time and mass information from known isotopes, adducts or fragments, the algorithm principle is to group features coming from the same analyte, and to propose one single representative per group. We chose to compare the present tool to one of the most commonly used free package proposing a grouping method: ‘CAMERA’, using its Galaxy version ‘CAMERA.annotate’ available in Workflow4Metabolomics (W4M; http://workflow4metabolomics.org). To illustrate the ‘Analytic correlation filtration tool’ functionalities, a published dataset available on W4M was used as an example: ‘Sacurine’ (Thevenot et al., 2015).Within the 3,120 ions of the urine dataset, 14% of ions are proposed to be filtered because of analytical redundancies. While CAMERA generated more than 20 groups of more than 10 ions, the proposed tool subdivided them into smaller ones corresponding to individual annotated metabolites, thus demonstrating the efficiency and relevance of the present approach.As a key element in metabolomics data analysis, the tool will be available via the web-based galaxy platform W4M with different output files for network vizualisation and for further data analysis within workflows

    Metabolomic and Lipidomic Signatures of Metabolic Syndrome and its Physiological Components in Adults: A Systematic Review

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    The aim of this work was to conduct a systematic review of human studies on metabolite/lipid biomarkers of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components, and provide recommendations for future studies. The search was performed in MEDLINE, EMBASE, EMB Review, CINHAL Complete, PubMed, and on grey literature, for population studies identifying MetS biomarkers from metabolomics/lipidomics. Extracted data included population, design, number of subjects, sex/gender, clinical characteristics and main outcome. Data were collected regarding biological samples, analytical methods, and statistics. Metabolites were compiled by biochemical families including listings of their significant modulations. Finally, results from the different studies were compared. The search yielded 31 eligible studies (2005-2019). A first category of articles identified prevalent and incident MetS biomarkers using mainly targeted metabolomics. Even though the population characteristics were quite homogeneous, results were difficult to compare in terms of modulated metabolites because of the lack of methodological standardization. A second category, focusing on MetS components, allowed comparing more than 300 metabolites, mainly associated with the glycemic component. Finally, this review included also publications studying type 2 diabetes as a whole set of metabolic risks, raising the interest of reporting metabolomics/lipidomics signatures to reflect the metabolic phenotypic spectrum in systems approaches

    Biomarqueurs du syndrome mĂ©tabolique et signatures mĂ©taboliques comme outil de caractĂ©risation d’un vieillissement en santĂ© : une revue systĂ©matique

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    BIEN VIEILLIR AU 21Ăšme SIÈCLE SYMPOSIUM SCIENTIFIQUE 109 - SYNDROME MÉTABOLIQUE ET VIEILLISEMENTIntroduction: Le SMet a Ă©tĂ© reconnu comme faisant partie de la trajectoire du diabĂšte de type 2, prĂ©cĂ©dant mais aussi prĂ©disant son dĂ©veloppement et ses complications. Toutefois, il existe encore peu d’information sur la signature mĂ©tabolique du SMet au cours du vieillissement.Objectif: Une revue systĂ©matique, Ă  l’aide d’une mĂ©thodologie de rĂ©fĂ©rence, a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afind’inventorier l’ensemble des mĂ©tabolites dĂ©crits comme biomarqueurs du SMet chez lapersonne ĂągĂ©e.MĂ©thodologie: Le protocole de recherche rigoureux incluait la dĂ©termination de concepts dĂ©taillĂ©s, l’établissement d’une stratĂ©gie de recherche reproductible, l’évaluation de la qualitĂ© des rĂ©sultats ainsi qu’une extraction de l’information (population, design expĂ©rimental, mĂ©thodes analytiques, analyses statistiques). La stratĂ©gie a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e Ă  plusieurs bases de donnĂ©es afin de garantir la qualitĂ© de la revue.RĂ©sultats: La diversitĂ© des marqueurs extraits, dĂ©pendant des populations Ă©tudiĂ©es, rĂ©vĂšle la pertinence d’utiliser des signatures mĂ©taboliques/lipidomiques plutĂŽt que des marqueurs isolĂ©s. Elles reflĂštent davantage le large spectre phĂ©notypique du SMet, permettant d’identifier de nouvelles cibles molĂ©culaires.Conclusion: Dans un contexte de mĂ©decine/nutrition de prĂ©cision, la mĂ©tabolomique/lipidomique offre l’opportunitĂ© de dĂ©couvrir de nouveaux biomarqueurs spĂ©cifiques robustes, permettant une meilleure stratification et prise en charge des personnes ĂągĂ©es

    Input of multidimensional phenotyping in the metabolic syndrome stratification

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    International audienceIntroduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is defined by a cluster of cardio-metabolic factors including obesity, hypertension, dysglycemia, and dyslipidemia. It affects a growing number of persons,in particular older adults often suffering from multiple chronic diseases, and its prevalence is now a public health challenge. In the context of personalized medicine/nutrition, new tools are necessary to bring additional knowledge about MetS etiology, better stratify populations and customise strategies for prevention. Methods: A nested case-control study on MetS was designed within the Quebec Longitudinal Study on Nutrition and Successful Aging (NuAge). It includes 61 cases and 62 controls of similar age (68–82 y.o.), selected among the 853 men. Both targeted and untargeted metabolomic/lipidomic approaches, available within the Metabo-HUB French infrastructure [1], will be performed on serum samples collected at recruitment 2003–2005 (T1) and three years later (T4). Data analysis will be performed using reproducible online Galaxy workflows [2]. Results: The metabolomic/lipidomic data will be processed to identify specific signatures of MetS and its components, and study their stability over time. Then, these data will be analysed for evaluation of a molecular reclassification of the MetS phenotype. Finally, they will be integrated with phenotypic and detailed nutritional data available to better characterize sub-phenotype

    Apport d’un phĂ©notypage multidimensionnel dans la stratification du syndrome mĂ©tabolique.

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    BIEN VIEILLIR AU 21Ăšme SIÈCLE SYMPOSIUM SCIENTIFIQUE 109 - SYNDROME MÉTABOLIQUE ET VIEILLISEMENTIntroduction: Dans le contexte du dĂ©veloppement d’une mĂ©decine/nutrition de prĂ©cision, de nouveaux outils sont nĂ©cessaires afin d’approfondir nos connaissances sur l’étiologie du SMet et de personnaliser les stratĂ©gies de prĂ©vention ou de traitement.MĂ©thodologie: Une Ă©tude cas/tĂ©moin nichĂ©e au sein de l’étude longitudinale quĂ©bĂ©coise NuAge a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 61 cas et 62 tĂ©moins d’ñge similaire (68-82 ans), sĂ©lectionnĂ©s parmi 853 hommes. Des Ă©chantillons de sĂ©rum, collectĂ©s au recrutement (2003-2005) et trois ans plus tard, ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s par dix mĂ©thodes mĂ©tabolomiques/lipidomiques complĂ©mentaires de l’infrastructure française metaboHUB. L’ensemble des donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©es grĂące Ă  des workflows Galaxy garantissant leur reproductibilitĂ©.RĂ©sultats: Des signatures spĂ©cifiques du SMet et de ses composantes ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es et leur stabilitĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e au cours du temps. Ces donnĂ©es permettront une reclassification molĂ©culaire du syndrome. De plus, les donnĂ©es phĂ©notypiques et nutritionnelles des sujets ont Ă©tĂ© intĂ©grĂ©es aux donnĂ©es «omiques» afin de mieux comprendre et caractĂ©riser les sous-phĂ©notypes mis en Ă©vidence.Conclusion: Cette approche ouvre la porte Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension des phĂ©notypes mĂ©taboliques, rĂ©sultant des relations complexes entre facteurs intrinsĂšques et extrinsĂšques, et au dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux outils prĂ©dictifs ou diagnostics permettant un meilleur vieillissement

    Optimized selection process to identify a metabolic syndrome metabolomic/lipidomic signature in older adults of the NuAge cohort

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    National audienceIntroduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by a cluster of risk factors including obesity, metabolic dysregulations such as insulin resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, raising the risk for type 2 diabetes development and its complications. It involves multifaceted processes at multiple levels that are still far from being understood. New tools are therefore necessary to bring new knowledge about MetS, better stratify populations and customise strategies for its prevention and/or reversal. Methods: The Quebec Longitudinal Study on Nutrition and Successful Aging (NuAge) regroups 853 men and 940 women, aged 68–82 at recruitment in 2003–2005 (T1) and followed up annually for three years (T2-T4). In the present study, a nested case-control study on MetS was designed to identify a metabolomic/lipidomic signature of MetS in older men, reflecting its phenotypic spectrum. An optimized participant selection strategy was developed based on presence and number of MetS criteria, including medication, their stability over 3 years, as well as the identification of outliers. Results: The final selection included 123 men, 61 cases and 62 controls, with similar age and partial overlap of values defining MetS. This design is necessary to precisely detect and estimate the amplitude of metabolic deviations among the massive data sets, at an individual metabolite level as well as for a multivariate description. Conclusion: This selection process, optimized to limit cofounding effects, will allow identifying specific metabolomic/lipidomic signatures along with significant features for sample classification. Thus, one complex molecular phenotyping will provide a new approach/tool for a better MetS stratification in elderl

    Evaluation de mĂ©thodes statistiques pour l’intĂ©gration de donnĂ©es mĂ©tabolomiques, cliniques et alimentaires

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    Du fait de la prĂ©valence croissante des maladies mĂ©taboliques chroniques, la comprĂ©hension de leurs mĂ©canismes et du rĂŽle de la nutrition dans leur dĂ©veloppement et leur prĂ©vention est aujourd’hui un enjeu majeur. Leur complexitĂ© (maladies de systĂšmes) requiert une approche populationnelle, intĂ©grĂ©e et multifactorielle.L’objectif de ce travail est de proposer une stratĂ©gie d’intĂ©gration de donnĂ©es afin de construire des modĂšles multidimensionnels, descriptifs ou discriminants de pathologies pour la dĂ©couverte de biomarqueurs, et de contribuer Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension des processus physiopathologiques impliquĂ©s. Pour cela, cette Ă©tude s’est basĂ©e sur des donnĂ©es et Ă©chantillons biologiques de sujets de la cohorte NuAge du RĂ©seau QuĂ©bĂ©cois de Recherche sur le vieillissement : 123 hommes (68-82 ans) ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s pour une Ă©tude cas/tĂ©moins (61/62 sujets) du syndrome mĂ©tabolique. Ils ont Ă©tĂ© suivis annuellement avec des prĂ©lĂšvements biologiques, la mesure de paramĂštres cliniques et le recueil de donnĂ©es par questionnaires. Des analyses mĂ©tabolomiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es par spectromĂ©trie de masse sur des Ă©chantillons de sĂ©rum collectĂ©s en 2003-2005 (T1) et 3 ans plus tard (T4). Trois blocs de donnĂ©es ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s : mĂ©tabolomiques (863 ions), cliniques (29 variables) et alimentaires (41 variables), par temps et par groupe de sujets. Ils ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s avec le logiciel R, simultanĂ©ment ou deux Ă  deux, aprĂšs normalisation UV ou Pareto, par des mĂ©thodes d’analyses multiblocs, Ă  des fins descriptives (ACP multiblocs et Analyse Factorielle Multiple (AFM)) ou discriminantes (PLS multiblocs). Les rĂ©sultats sont comparĂ©s sur la base de critĂšres statistiques (pourcentage de variance expliquĂ©e, Q2, R2, matrice de confusion...) et de leur adĂ©quation aux objectifs biologiques : discrimination cas/tĂ©moins, identification de marqueurs, dĂ©couverte de sous-groupes, adĂ©quation aux connaissances du domaine... Ce travail a permis d’établir une stratĂ©gie d’intĂ©gration de donnĂ©es pour mettre en oeuvre une approche multidimensionnelle d’étude des pathologies systĂ©mique

    Promotion of cancer cell invasiveness and metastasis emergence caused by olfactory receptor stimulation.

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    Olfactory receptors (ORs) are expressed in the olfactory epithelium, where they detect odorants, but also in other tissues with additional functions. Some ORs are even overexpressed in tumor cells. In this study, we identified ORs expressed in enterochromaffin tumor cells by RT-PCR, showing that single cells can co-express several ORs. Some of the receptors identified were already reported in other tumors, but they are orphan (without known ligand), as it is the case for most of the hundreds of human ORs. Thus, genes coding for human ORs with known ligands were transfected into these cells, expressing functional heterologous ORs. The in vitro stimulation of these cells by the corresponding OR odorant agonists promoted cell invasion of collagen gels. Using LNCaP prostate cancer cells, the stimulation of the PSGR (Prostate Specific G protein-coupled Receptor), an endogenously overexpressed OR, by ÎČ-ionone, its odorant agonist, resulted in the same phenotypic change. We also showed the involvement of a PI3 kinase Îł dependent signaling pathway in this promotion of tumor cell invasiveness triggered by OR stimulation. Finally, after subcutaneous inoculation of LNCaP cells into NSG immunodeficient mice, the in vivo stimulation of these cells by the PSGR agonist ÎČ-ionone significantly enhanced metastasis emergence and spreading