17 research outputs found

    Investigation of sandwich material surface created by abrasive water jet (AWJ) via vibration emission

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    The paper presents research a of abrasive waterjet cutting of heterogeneous “sandwich“ material with different Young modulus of elasticity of the cutted surface geometry by means of vibration emission. In order to confirm hypothetical assumptions about direct relation between vibration emission and surface quality an experiment in heterogeneous material consisting of stainless steel (DIN 1.4006 / AISI 410) and alloy AlCuMg2 has been provided

    Wielowariantowy proces planowania procesów w zastosowaniu do produkcji pojazdu specjalnego

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    The article deals with the characteristics of input and output data, which are necessary for manufacturing of machine parts of special purpose vehicles. It shows the relations between the individual manufacturing objects by means of information flow analysis within CAPP. It is possible to create several process plans for every engineering part and consequently use one of them in specific manufacturing conditions that are optimal according to the selected criterion. The analysis of information flow can considerably help with the process plan selection and, in result, with effectiveness or quality increasing.Artykuł dotyczy charakterystyki danych wejściowych i wyjściowych, które są niezbędne do produkcji części maszyn do pojazdów specjalnego przeznaczenia. Pokazuje zależności między poszczególnymi obiektami produkcyjnymi za pomocą analizy przepływu informacji w ramach CAPP. Możliwe jest stworzenie kilku planów procesów dla każdej części inżynierskiej i w konsekwencji użycie jednego z nich w konkretnych warunkach produkcji, które są optymalne zgodnie z wybranym kryterium. Analiza przepływu informacji może znacznie pomóc w wyborze planu procesu, a tym samym zwiększyć jego efektywność lub jakość

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    “Prosopis juliflora: Retrospect and prospects”. pp21-22 NAIP 26-28 February, 2013 on Central Arid Zone Research Institute, RRS, Kukma- Bhuj (Gujarat) India.62p.Not AvailableNot Availabl

    Roughness Parameters Calculation By Means Of On-Line Vibration Monitoring Emerging From AWJ Interaction With Material

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    The paper deals with a study of relations between the measured Ra, Rq, Rz surface roughness parameters, the traverse speed of cutting head v and the vibration parameters, PtP, RMS, vRa, generated during abrasive water jet cutting of the AISI 309 stainless steel. Equations for prediction of the surface roughness parameters were derived according to the vibration parameter and the traverse speed of cutting head. Accuracy of the equations is described according to the Euclidean distances. The results are suitable for an on-line control model simulating abrasive water jet cutting and machining using an accompanying physical phenomenon for the process control which eliminates intervention of the operator

    The search of compounds with antiaggregation activity among S-esters of thiosulfonic acids

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    According to the current understanding, the hyperactivation of platelets may lead to increased intravascular coagulation and thrombosis. Today a relevant issue is the search for new anti-thrombotic agents that are able to modulate the activity of platelet receptors, thus, influence the processes of activation and aggregation of platelets. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of newly synthesized thiosulfonate derivatives on platelet aggregation. The activity of the compounds was tested in vitro using platelet-rich plasma. As a result of the screening test, structural formulas of four agents with high antiaggregative activity were established. These compounds inhibited ADP- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner. Two of these compounds were shown to be more effective inhibitors of aggregation induced by ADP (IC50 ~ 8-10 µM), as well as collagen (IC50 ~ 1.5-2.0 µM)

    Studie směru 3D tisku a účinků tepelného zpracování na mechanické vlastnosti vysokopevnostní oceli MS1

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    Cílem práce je prozkoumat mechanické vlastnosti vzorků martenzitické oceli MS1 (po tisku a po TZ), vyrobené aditivní technologií. Tato ocel W- Nr. 1.2709 (DIN X3NiCoMoTi 18-9-5) vyniká vysokou pevností, vysokou lomovou houževnatostí, dobrou svařitelností a rozměrovou stabilitou při stárnutí. Přehled literatury, týkající se mechanických vlastností a fraktografie oceli MS1, ukazuje, že neexistují dostupné komplexní studie o vlivu směru stavby a tepelného zpracování na mechanické vlastnosti této oceli. Autoři se rozhodli toto opomenutí řešit a prezentovat tento zcela nový výzkum v tomto článku. Na dvou pracovištích autorů byly provedeny jednoosé tahové zkoušky. Výsledky byly statisticky vyhodnoceny pomocí Grubbsova testu pro odlehlé hodnoty, a poté byla data zpracována pomocí grafů, které mají srovnávají výsledky z hlediska směru tisku, tepelného zpracování a hodnot deklarovaných výrobcem s hodnotami konvenčně vyráběné oceli. Skenovací elektronová mikroskopie byla použita pro analýzu lomových ploch. Výsledky ukázaly, že orientaci vzorků v rámci stejného TZ ovlivňovala mechanické vlastnosti.The objective of this paper is to investigate the mechanical properties of samples of MS1 Maraging Steel (untreated and heat treated), which were produced by additive technology in various orientations in the working area of the building machine. MS1 steel (European 1.2709 and German X3NiCoMoTi 18-9-5) is well known for its high strength, high fracture toughness, good weldability, and dimensional stability during aging. The literature review, related to the mechanical properties and fracture of MS1 steel, found that there are no available studies of the effects of both building direction and heat treatment on the mechanical properties of MS1 steel. The authors decided to address this omission and present this entirely new research in this article. The uniaxial tensile tests to fracture were completed at two of the authors’ workplaces. The results were statistically assessed using Grubbs’ test for outliers, and then the data were processed using box plots to be easily comparable from the point of view of print direction, heat treatment, and the values declared by the metal powder producer or in the tables (for conventionally produced steel). Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the fracture surfaces obtained after tensile testing cylindrical samples. The results showed that there was an impact on the mechanical properties depending on the sample orientation within the same heat treatment type; there was also significant influence of heat treatment, while the possibility of the natural aging effect on mechanical properties was also noted