53 research outputs found

    Documentación del monasterio de S. Andrés de Vega de Espinareda hasta 1230.

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    Nueva edición de los documentos conservados hasta 1230 del monasterio de San Andrés de Vega de Espinareda (León). Su edición va precedida de una breve introducción.New edition of the documents kept until 1230 in the Monastery of San Andres de Vega de Espinareda, Leon. The edition includes a brief introduction

    The second time around : The effect of formal instruction on VOT production upon return from study abroad

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    The present study aims at assessing L2 phonological development, while controlling for proficiency level, as a result of a 2-month formal instruction (FI) period following a 3-month period spent abroad in a country where the learners' target language was spoken. It examines voice onset time (VOT) production of English voiceless stops in initial stressed position by Catalan/Spanish EFL learners. It is intended as a follow-up of Mora's (2008) study, which yielded no significant effects at the end of the stay abroad (SA) only. It is hypothesized that the FI period should allow students to focus on their phonology, away from the pressing demands of daily communication during SA. No explicit attention is paid to phonology in class. Speech samples were collected from 13 participants, through two tasks, upon their return from SA and immediately after a 2-month period of FI. No significant effect of the FI period preceded by a SA term on informants' VOTs was found. proficiency level seems to have played a role in VOT production. Speaking style, vowel height and place of articulation were found to significantly affect VOT production of voiceless stops, in line with previous findings. A baseline group of natives showed the same numerical tendency. The lack of impact resulting from a FI period preceded by a SA term adds further support for the suggestion made by some authors (Darcy et al. 2012; Gordon & Darcy 2012; Calvo Benzies 2014) that explicit attention to phonology in FI should act as a potential factor to effectively improve L2 phonological development

    Bert Stern: el hombre que revolucionó la fotografía publicitaria y quedó eclipsado por la última sesión

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    Bert Stern fue un fotógrafo centrado en el campo de la publicidad y la fotografía de moda desde la década de 1950 hasta la primera del siglo XXI. Su trabajo más reconocido son las fotografías que realizó a Marilyn Monroe, por ser una sesión íntima pero sobre todo, porque pasó a la historia como “la última sesión”. Debido a esto el resto de su trabajo ha sido eclipsado y en este documento se quiere reconocer aquellas piezas que en su momento fueron un éxito y revolucionarias para la época, ya que fue uno de los conocidos como Mad Men; hombres que revolucionaron el mundo de la publicidad.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    MULTICAGE CAD-4 para la detección de adicciones conductuales: validez estructural después de la inclusión de una escala en el abuso de teléfonos inteligentes

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    Addictive behaviors are not limited to drugs use, but also include certain daily behaviors that can cause gratification. Their progression to more severe pathological patterns entails grave consequences for the individual, including multiple psychopathological manifestations. The early detection of this type of behavior is of concern to primary health care. Therefore, in order to detect risk at early stages, reliable and valid tools for daily practice are essential. The MULTICAGE CAD-4 questionnaire is a screening tool for simultaneously detecting addictive behaviors. This study includes a new scale for the detection of smartphone abuse. The objective is to evaluate the adequacy of its psychometric properties. A sample of 2,074 subjects that were recruited from primary care centers ofMadrid(Spain) completed the MULTICAGE CAD-4 questionnaire. A confirmatory factor analysis, using unweighted least squares method, was performed. The test showed good internal consistency both at item and scale levels. The questionnaire structure was consistent with theoretical expectations. The MULTICAGE CAD-4, including the new smartphone scale, is a robust, reliable tool with a valid structure for assessing the presence of dysfunctional or potentially addictive behaviors, and especially useful in primary health care services.Los comportamientos adictivos no se limitan al uso de drogas, sino que también incluyen ciertos comportamientos diarios que pueden causar gratificación. Su progresión a patrones patológicos más severos conlleva graves consecuencias para el individuo, incluidas múltiples manifestaciones psicopatológicas. La detección temprana de este tipo de comportamiento es de interés para la atención primaria de salud. Por lo tanto, para detectar riesgos en etapas tempranas, las herramientas confiables y válidas para la práctica diaria son esenciales. El cuestionario MULTICAGE CAD-4 es una herramienta de detección para detectar simultáneamente conductas adictivas. Este estudio incluye una nueva escala para la detección del abuso de teléfonos inteligentes. El objetivo es evaluar la adecuación de sus propiedades psicométricas. Una muestra de 2.074 sujetos reclutados en centros de atención primaria de Madrid (España) completó el cuestionario MULTICAGE CAD-4. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio, utilizando el método de mínimos cuadrados no ponderados. La prueba mostró una buena consistencia interna tanto a nivel del ítem como de las escalas. La estructura del cuestionario fue consistente con las expectativas teóricas. El MULTICAGE CAD-4, incluida la nueva escala para teléfonos inteligentes, es una herramienta robusta y confiable con una estructura válida para evaluar la presencia de comportamientos disfuncionales o potencialmente adictivos, y especialmente útil en servicios de atención primaria de salud

    Learning context effects: Study abroad, formal instruction and international immersion classrooms

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    This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content subjects through the medium of the target language—more often than not English, used as the Lingua Franca (ELF). The volume examines how these contexts change language learners’ linguistic performance, and also non-linguistic, that is, it throws light on how motivation, sense of identity, interculturality, international ethos, and affective factors develop. To our knowledge, no publication exists which places the three contexts on focus in this monograph along a continuum, as suggested in Pérez-Vidal (2011, 2014), with SA as ‘the most naturalistic’ context on one extreme, ISLA on the other, and ICL somewhere in between, while framing them all as international classrooms. Concerning target languages, the nine chapters included in the volume analyze English, and one chapter deals with Spanish, as the target language. As for target countries in SA programmes, data include England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain in Europe, but also Canada, China, and Australia. While the main bulk of the chapters deal with tertiary level language learners, a language learning population which has received less attention by research thus far, one chapter deals with adolescent learners. Carmen Pérez-Vidal, Sonia López, Jennifer Ament and Dakota Thomas-Wilhelm all served on the organizing committee for the EUROSLA workshop held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in May 2016. It is from this workshop that this monograph was inspire

    Learning context effects: Study abroad, formal instruction and international immersion classrooms

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    This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content subjects through the medium of the target language—more often than not English, used as the Lingua Franca (ELF). The volume examines how these contexts change language learners’ linguistic performance, and also non-linguistic, that is, it throws light on how motivation, sense of identity, interculturality, international ethos, and affective factors develop. To our knowledge, no publication exists which places the three contexts on focus in this monograph along a continuum, as suggested in Pérez-Vidal (2011, 2014), with SA as ‘the most naturalistic’ context on one extreme, ISLA on the other, and ICL somewhere in between, while framing them all as international classrooms. Concerning target languages, the nine chapters included in the volume analyze English, and one chapter deals with Spanish, as the target language. As for target countries in SA programmes, data include England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain in Europe, but also Canada, China, and Australia. While the main bulk of the chapters deal with tertiary level language learners, a language learning population which has received less attention by research thus far, one chapter deals with adolescent learners. Carmen Pérez-Vidal, Sonia López, Jennifer Ament and Dakota Thomas-Wilhelm all served on the organizing committee for the EUROSLA workshop held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in May 2016. It is from this workshop that this monograph was inspire

    Learning context effects: Study abroad, formal instruction and international immersion classrooms

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    This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content subjects through the medium of the target language—more often than not English, used as the Lingua Franca (ELF). The volume examines how these contexts change language learners’ linguistic performance, and also non-linguistic, that is, it throws light on how motivation, sense of identity, interculturality, international ethos, and affective factors develop. To our knowledge, no publication exists which places the three contexts on focus in this monograph along a continuum, as suggested in Pérez-Vidal (2011, 2014), with SA as ‘the most naturalistic’ context on one extreme, ISLA on the other, and ICL somewhere in between, while framing them all as international classrooms. Concerning target languages, the nine chapters included in the volume analyze English, and one chapter deals with Spanish, as the target language. As for target countries in SA programmes, data include England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain in Europe, but also Canada, China, and Australia. While the main bulk of the chapters deal with tertiary level language learners, a language learning population which has received less attention by research thus far, one chapter deals with adolescent learners. Carmen Pérez-Vidal, Sonia López, Jennifer Ament and Dakota Thomas-Wilhelm all served on the organizing committee for the EUROSLA workshop held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in May 2016. It is from this workshop that this monograph was inspire

    Learning context effects: Study abroad, formal instruction and international immersion classrooms

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    This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content subjects through the medium of the target language—more often than not English, used as the Lingua Franca (ELF). The volume examines how these contexts change language learners’ linguistic performance, and also non-linguistic, that is, it throws light on how motivation, sense of identity, interculturality, international ethos, and affective factors develop. To our knowledge, no publication exists which places the three contexts on focus in this monograph along a continuum, as suggested in Pérez-Vidal (2011, 2014), with SA as ‘the most naturalistic’ context on one extreme, ISLA on the other, and ICL somewhere in between, while framing them all as international classrooms. Concerning target languages, the nine chapters included in the volume analyze English, and one chapter deals with Spanish, as the target language. As for target countries in SA programmes, data include England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain in Europe, but also Canada, China, and Australia. While the main bulk of the chapters deal with tertiary level language learners, a language learning population which has received less attention by research thus far, one chapter deals with adolescent learners. Carmen Pérez-Vidal, Sonia López, Jennifer Ament and Dakota Thomas-Wilhelm all served on the organizing committee for the EUROSLA workshop held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in May 2016. It is from this workshop that this monograph was inspire

    Learning context effects: Study abroad, formal instruction and international immersion classrooms

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    This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content subjects through the medium of the target language—more often than not English, used as the Lingua Franca (ELF). The volume examines how these contexts change language learners’ linguistic performance, and also non-linguistic, that is, it throws light on how motivation, sense of identity, interculturality, international ethos, and affective factors develop. To our knowledge, no publication exists which places the three contexts on focus in this monograph along a continuum, as suggested in Pérez-Vidal (2011, 2014), with SA as ‘the most naturalistic’ context on one extreme, ISLA on the other, and ICL somewhere in between, while framing them all as international classrooms. Concerning target languages, the nine chapters included in the volume analyze English, and one chapter deals with Spanish, as the target language. As for target countries in SA programmes, data include England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain in Europe, but also Canada, China, and Australia. While the main bulk of the chapters deal with tertiary level language learners, a language learning population which has received less attention by research thus far, one chapter deals with adolescent learners. Carmen Pérez-Vidal, Sonia López, Jennifer Ament and Dakota Thomas-Wilhelm all served on the organizing committee for the EUROSLA workshop held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in May 2016. It is from this workshop that this monograph was inspire

    Learning context effects: Study abroad, formal instruction and international immersion classrooms

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    This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content subjects through the medium of the target language—more often than not English, used as the Lingua Franca (ELF). The volume examines how these contexts change language learners’ linguistic performance, and also non-linguistic, that is, it throws light on how motivation, sense of identity, interculturality, international ethos, and affective factors develop. To our knowledge, no publication exists which places the three contexts on focus in this monograph along a continuum, as suggested in Pérez-Vidal (2011, 2014), with SA as ‘the most naturalistic’ context on one extreme, ISLA on the other, and ICL somewhere in between, while framing them all as international classrooms. Concerning target languages, the nine chapters included in the volume analyze English, and one chapter deals with Spanish, as the target language. As for target countries in SA programmes, data include England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain in Europe, but also Canada, China, and Australia. While the main bulk of the chapters deal with tertiary level language learners, a language learning population which has received less attention by research thus far, one chapter deals with adolescent learners. Carmen Pérez-Vidal, Sonia López, Jennifer Ament and Dakota Thomas-Wilhelm all served on the organizing committee for the EUROSLA workshop held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in May 2016. It is from this workshop that this monograph was inspire