45 research outputs found

    Integrated technique to produce sustainable bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass

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    This study focuses on the utilization of mostly available renewable energy resources, such as lignocellulosic biomass, to generate syngas and bioethanol through a hybrid gasification and syngas fermentation process. The lignocellulosic biomass was characterized using TGA, XRD, FESEM with EDX analysis, and gasifying parameters were optimized using Aspen Plus®. In the first stage of this integrated process, hydrogen-containing syngas was generated, and the final product was bioethanol. The forest waste-based syngas produces higher bioethanol than EFB and coconut shell in the presence of biocatalyst. Therefore, bioethanol will be a sustainable biofuel that will satisfy the world's future energy demands

    Hydrogen-rich syngas fermentation for bioethanol production using Sacharomyces cerevisiea

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    Bioethanol is an eco-friendly biofuel due to its merit that makes it a top-tier fuel. The present study emphasized on bioethanol production from hydrogen-rich syngas through fermentation using Sacharomyces cerevisiea. Syngas fermentation was performed in a tar free fermenter using a syngas mixture of 13.05% H2, 22.92% CO, 7.9% CO2, and 1.13% CH4, by volume. In the fermentation process, effects of various parameters including syngas impurity, temperature, pH, colony forming unit, total organic carbon and syngas composition were investigated. The yield of bioethanol was identified by Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry analysis and further, it was confirmed by Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H) analysis. From GC-MS results, it is revealed that the concentration of bioethanol using Saccharomyces cerevisiae was 30.56 mmol from 1 L of syngas. Thus, hydrogen-rich syngas is suited for bioethanol production through syngas fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This research may contribute to affordable and environment-friendly bioethanol-based energy to decrease the dependency on fossil fuels. © 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LL

    Implementation of Carbon Dioxide Gas Injection Method for Gas Recovery at Rashidpur Gas Field, Bangladesh

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    Natural gas plays an important role for the economic development of Bangladesh. It is the primary options to satisfy the environmentally clean energy, whereas coal is a dirty energy source and oil creates an unhealthy environment. Bangladesh is the seventh-largest producer of natural gas in Asia. Gas supplies meet 56% of domestic energy demand. The proven natural gas reserve in Bangladesh is only 19.73 Tcf. The Rashidpur Gas Field (RGF) is located in the Sylhet Basin, Northeast Bangladesh. It is 35 km long and 7 km anticlinal structure and asymmetric in nature with steeper eastern flank (22˚ to 25˚) and gentler western flank (8˚ to 12˚). There are two gas zones in depth between 1380m to 2787m below surface. Sandstone reservoirs of Miocene-Pliocene age and are considered to have been originated shallow marine depositional environment. The reservoir porosity-permeability values are very good, with estimated gas initially in place (GIIP) of the RGF was 2.242 Tcf with 58% recovery, thus recording an initial gas reserve is 1.309 Tcf. Five gas producing wells (RP-1, 3, 4, 6 and 7) in the RGF are producing 50 MMscf gas per day. Due to the demand of natural gas with decreasing production rate, this enhanced natural gas plays a vital role in the national economy of the country. This research depicts the development of the daily production of the RGF from 50 MMscfd to 99 MMscfd using software from the existing production wells. Thus the natural gas in the RGF would be enhanced/recovered using carbon dioxide (CO2) gas injection by Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR) method from the RGF reservoir. Applying this method would play a vital role to increase the daily production rate of the RGF

    Noise pollution from oil, gas, and petrochemical industries

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    The study of noise pollution from oil, gas, and petrochemical industries is critical for environmental noise specialists because it has a significant impact on human, physical, and mental health. This chapter addresses the concept of noise, noise parameters, the most disturbing and influential sounds from various industrial and commercial environments, the effect on human health and some preventive measures to reduce noise pollution. Noise is a type of sound produced at sound levels ranging from of 50–85 dB. The oil and gas industries are one of the major contributors to noise pollution in the modern world due to the use of a variety of production methods, machinery, and equipment. Long-term noise exposure from commercial sites can result in a variety of health problems, including hearing loss, high blood pressure, headaches, and abnormal mental states

    Hydrogen energy–Potential in developing countries

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    Energy is essential for human life, societal civilization, and economic growth. Hydrogen energy has emerged as an important component of global energy policies and frameworks, especially in developed countries. This chapter discusses the potential for hydrogen energy in relation to hydrogen production in developing countries. The subsequent sections elaborate on the different sources of hydrogen production, technologies for processing paths, including thermal, electrolytic, photolytic, and fermentation processes. This chapter also focuses on the current and future challenges of hydrogen conversion to electricity. The extraction of hydrogen from renewable and nonrenewable sources presents an appealing potential to realize the maximum environmental value of hydrogen as an electricity carrier. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to provide the hydrogen production technologies followed by its present adoption status and future prospect in the developing economies

    Application of Electroporation Technique in Biofuel Processing

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    Biofuels production is mostly oriented with fermentation process, which requires fermentable sugar as nutrient for microbial growth. Lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) represents the most attractive, low-cost feedstock for biofuel production, it is now arousing great interest. The cellulose that is embedded in the lignin matrix has an insoluble, highly-crystalline structure, so it is difficult to hydrolyze into fermentable sugar or cell protein. On the other hand, microbial lipid has been studying as substitute of plant oils or animal fat to produce biodiesel. It is still a great challenge to extract maximum lipid from microbial cells (yeast, fungi, algae) investing minimum energy. Electroporation (EP) of LCB results a significant increase in cell conductivity and permeability caused due to the application of an external electric field. EP is required to alter the size and structure of the biomass, to reduce the cellulose crystallinity, and increase their porosity as well as chemical composition, so that the hydrolysis of the carbohydrate fraction to monomeric sugars can be achieved rapidly and with greater yields. Furthermore, EP has a great potential to disrupt the microbial cell walls within few seconds to bring out the intracellular materials (lipid) to the solution. Therefore, this study aims to describe the challenges and prospect of application of EP technique in biofuels processing

    Monitoring of Groundwater Quality in Arsenic and Salinity Prone Areas of Jashore, Bangladesh

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    The groundwater contamination by arsenic is a large-scale pollution in drinking water history. Safe water supply is a big challenge due to critical hydrogeological situation and water quality problems in this area. The analytical results show that a range of pH, TDS, chloride, total alkalinity, total hardness, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron and arsenic were found between 7.50-7.23, 504.00-201.00 mg/L, 90.30-31.43 mg/L, 410.81-174.31mg/L, 616.47-202.97 mg/L, 52.59-13.28 mg/L, 17.13-2.87 mg/L, 108.57-44.53 mg/L, 83.87-22.29 mg/L, 1.78-0.01 mg/L, 11.78-1.45 mg/L, 0.42-0.02 mg/L, respectively. This study will help making a future plan for groundwater quality monitoring and its hydrogeological application for safe water source identificatio

    Chapter 11 - Sequestration of carbon dioxide into petroleum reservoir for enhanced oil and gas recovery

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    This chapter presents a detailed and important study of the effectiveness of enhanced oil/gas technology in an unconventional petroleum reservoir. To meet the challenges of ever-increasing amount of greenhouse gas emissions and the long-term need for energy supplies, enhanced oil/gas recovery (EOR/EGR) techniques, which are the most appropriate approach to be used for both scientific and industrial benefits, are systematically explored. Owing to the decline of fossil energy, the global demand for energy could not be fulfilled by oil and natural gas. Generally, EOR/EGR is used to maintain critically regulated pore strength where gases (e.g., CO2, CO, N2, etc.) are injected into the petroleum reservoir through a vertical well. These techniques for oil recovery are more efficient, while primary and secondary techniques for oil recovery are inconvenient. The use of CO2 storage or EOR/EGR in oil or gas reserves is more complicated due to their significant variations in porosity and permeability. This chapter concludes with an important debate on the prospects and problems of CO2 sequestration in oil and gas reservoirs for EOR/EGR and future avenues for study

    TiO2: A Semiconductor Photocatalyst

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is considered as an inert and safe material and has been used in many applications for decades. TiO2 have been widely studied, due to its interesting general properties in a wide range of fields including catalysis, antibacterial agents, in civil as nano-paint (self-cleaning) and especially photocatalysis, and that affect the quality of life. Thus, the development of nanotechnologies TiO2 nanoparticles, with numerous novel and useful properties, are increasingly manufactured and used. TiO2 doped with noble metal are good candidates in the performance these applications. The fascinating physical and chemical features of TiO2 depend on the crystal phase, size and shape of particles. For example, varying phases of crystalline TiO2 have different band gaps that rutile TiO2 of 3.0 eV and anatase TiO2 of 3.2 eV, determine the photocatalytic performance of TiO2. This chapter explains basic information on TiO2 and theoretical concepts of nanostructure of TiO2 nanoparticles as a semiconductor photocatalyst

    Photocatalytic applications of carbon quantum dots for wastewater treatment

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    Photocatalysis process of wastewater that consists of biodegradable pollutants has a significant influence on the ecology system, especially the water resources. Photocatalysis is a harmless process that mineralizes pollutants with the help of highly oxidizing free radicals (•OH and O2•-), thus converting them into carbon dioxide and water, which is nontoxic to the environment. General information on photocatalysis, mechanism of the process, as well as photocatalysts material used in the process were explained in this chapter. Literature on the fundamentals of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) derived from biomass was elaborated. There are various routes to synthesize CQDs that show distinct advantages and disadvantages. Besides, the application of CQDs in photocatalysis was explained in detail. Brief information on the biomass from watermelon rinds as a potential carbon source to synthesize CQDs was enclosed in this literature as well. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved