51 research outputs found

    Primate-Specific Origins and Migration of Cortical GABAergic Neurons

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    Gamma-aminobutyric-acidergic (GABAergic) cells form a very heterogeneous population of neurons that play a crucial role in the coordination and integration of cortical functions. Their number and diversity increase through mammalian brain evolution. Does evolution use the same or different developmental rules to provide the increased population of cortical GABAergic neurons? In rodents, these neurons are not generated in the pallial proliferative zones as glutamatergic principal neurons. They are produced almost exclusively by the subpallial proliferative zones, the ganglionic eminence (GE) and migrate tangentially to reach their target cortical layers. The GE is organized in molecularly different subdomains that produce different subpopulations of cortical GABAergic neurons. In humans and non-human primates, in addition to the GE, cortical GABAergic neurons are also abundantly generated by the proliferative zones of the dorsal telencephalon. Neurogenesis in ventral and dorsal telencephalon occurs with distinct temporal profiles. These dorsal and ventral lineages give rise to different populations of GABAergic neurons. Early-generated GABAergic neurons originate from the GE and mostly migrate to the marginal zone and the subplate. Later-generated GABAergic neurons, originating from both proliferative sites, populate the cortical plate. Interestingly, the pool of GABAergic progenitors in dorsal telencephalon produces mainly calretinin neurons, a population known to be significantly increased and to display specific features in primates. We conclude that the development of cortical GABAergic neurons have exclusive features in primates that need to be considered in order to understand pathological mechanisms leading to some neurological and psychiatric diseases

    Distinct Origin of GABA-ergic Neurons in Forebrain of Man, Nonhuman Primates and Lower Mammals

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    In this mini-review we present recent data about origin of GABA-ergic (gama-aminobutyric acid) neurons in the mammalian forebrain, including the diencephalon and telencephalon. The interest in GABA-ergic neurons, which in cerebral cortex mostly correspond to local circuit neurons (interneurons), has increased in the past decade. Many studies have shown that in lower mammals all hippocampal and almost all neo-cortical GABA-ergic neurons are born in the specific region named ganglionic eminence, and not locally in proliferative layers all around telencephalic vesicle. The ganglionic eminence, that represents a region with thick proliferative-subventricular layer in the ventral (basal) part of telencephalon, was classically thought to give neurons to basal ganglia and septal nuclei, whereas proliferative layers of dorsal telencephalon give neurons to cerebral cortex including hippocampus. It was thought that neurons migrate from proliferative layer to their target region following a radial orientation. However, data in lower mammals showed that this is the case only for glutamatergic principal cells, i.e. projection neurons. GABA-ergic neurons use long distance tangentional migration, parallel to pial surface to reach, from ganglionic eminence, their targeting layer in the cerebral cortex. Especially intriguing, but frequently neglecting, several studies suggest that mammalian evolution might use different developmental rules to provide GABA-ergic neurons to an expending brain. In this review we focus on specific events underlying GABA-ergic neuron development in human and non-human primates. Disturbances of the GABAergic network are found in many neurological and psychiatric disorders, some of them might result from altered production or migration of these neurons during development. Therefore, it is crucial to understand human-specific mechanisms that regulate the development of GABA-ergic neurons

    Neuron-restrictive silencer factor-mediated hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated channelopathy in experimental temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    ObjectiveEnduring, abnormal expression and function of the ion channel hyperpolarization-activated cyclic adenosine monophosphate gated channel type 1 (HCN1) occurs in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We examined the underlying mechanisms, and investigated whether interfering with these mechanisms could modify disease course.MethodsExperimental TLE was provoked by kainic acid-induced status epilepticus (SE). HCN1 channel repression was examined at mRNA, protein, and functional levels. Chromatin immunoprecipitation was employed to identify the transcriptional mechanism of repressed HCN1 expression, and the basis for their endurance. Physical interaction of the repressor, NRSF, was abolished using decoy oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs). Video/electroencephalographic recordings were performed to assess the onset and initial pattern of spontaneous seizures.ResultsLevels of NRSF and its physical binding to the Hcn1 gene were augmented after SE, resulting in repression of HCN1 expression and HCN1-mediated currents (I(h) ), and reduced I(h) -dependent resonance in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites. Chromatin changes typical of enduring, epigenetic gene repression were apparent at the Hcn1 gene within a week after SE. Administration of decoy ODNs comprising the NRSF DNA-binding sequence (neuron restrictive silencer element [NRSE]), in vitro and in vivo, reduced NRSF binding to Hcn1, prevented its repression, and restored I(h) function. In vivo, decoy NRSE ODN treatment restored theta rhythm and altered the initial pattern of spontaneous seizures.InterpretationAcquired HCN1 channelopathy derives from NRSF-mediated transcriptional repression that endures via chromatin modification and may provide insight into the mechanisms of a number of channelopathies that coexist with, and may contribute to, the conversion of a normal brain into an epileptic one

    Dorsoventral differences in intrinsic properties in developing CA1 pyramidal cells.

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    The dorsoventral and developmental gradients of entorhinal layer II cell grid properties correlate with their resonance properties and with their hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) ion channel current characteristics. We investigated whether such correlation existed in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells, where place fields also show spatial and temporal gradients. Resonance was absent during the first postnatal week, and emerged during the second week. Resonance was stronger in dorsal than ventral cells, in accord with HCN current properties. Resonance responded to cAMP in ventral but not in dorsal cells. The dorsoventral distribution of HCN1 and HCN2 subunits and of the auxiliary protein tetratricopeptide repeat-containing Rab8b-interacting protein (TRIP8b) could account for these differences between dorsal and ventral cells. The analogous distribution of the intrinsic properties of entorhinal stellate and hippocampal cells suggests the existence of general rules of organization among structures that process complementary features of the environment

    Differential dorso-ventral distributions of Kv4.2 and HCN proteins confer distinct integrative properties to hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell distal dendrites.

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    The dorsal and ventral regions of the hippocampus perform different functions. Whether the integrative properties of hippocampal cells reflect this heterogeneity is unknown. We focused on dendrites where most synaptic input integration takes place. We report enhanced backpropagation and theta resonance and decreased summation of synaptic inputs in ventral versus dorsal CA1 pyramidal cell distal dendrites. Transcriptional Kv4.2 down-regulation and post-transcriptional hyperpolarization-activated cyclic AMP-gated channel (HCN1/2) up-regulation may underlie these differences, respectively. Our results reveal differential dendritic integrative properties along the dorso-ventral axis, reflecting diverse computational needs

    Distinct origin of GABA-ergic neurons in forebrain of man, nonhuman primates and lower mammals

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    In this mini-review we present recent data about origin of GABA-ergic (gama-aminobutyric acid) neurons in the mammalian forebrain, including the diencephalon and telencephalon. The interest in GABA-ergic neurons, which in cerebral cortex mostly correspond to local circuit neurons (interneurons), has increased in the past decade. Many studies have shown that in lower mammals all hippocampal and almost all neo-cortical GABA-ergic neurons are born in the specific region named ganglionic eminence, and not locally in proliferative layers all around telencephalic vesicle. The ganglionic eminence, that represents a region with thick proliferative-subventricular layer in the ventral (basal) part of telencephalon, was classically thought to give neurons to basal ganglia and septal nuclei, whereas proliferative layers of dorsal telencephalon give neurons to cerebral cortex including hippocampus. It was thought that neurons migrate from proliferative layer to their target region following a radial orientation. However, data in lower mammals showed that this is the case only for glutamatergic principal cells, i.e. projection neurons. GABA-ergic neurons use long distance tangentional migration, parallel to pial surface to reach, from ganglionic eminence, their targeting layer in the cerebral cortex. Especially intriguing, but frequently neglecting, several studies suggest that mammalian evolution might use different developmental rules to provide GABA-ergic neurons to an expending brain. In this review we focus on specific events underlying GABA-ergic neuron development in human and non-human primates. Disturbances of the GABAergic network are found in many neurological and psychiatric disorders, some of them might result from altered production or migration of these neurons during development. Therefore, it is crucial to understand human-specific mechanisms that regulate the development of GABA-ergic neurons

    Etude immunocytochimique des innervations GABA-ergique et SST-ergique dans le modele d'epilepsie focale motrice induite par le cobalt chez le rat

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 78068 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Système supramammillaro- hippocampique (propriétés anatomiques et neurochimiques; plasticité dans un modèle d'épilepsie du lobe temporal)

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    Les épilepsies mésiales du lobe temporal (ELTM) sont parmi les formes les plus fréquentes d épilepsies partielles pharmaco-résistantes de l adulte et l enfant. Dans ces épilepsies les études électrocliniques et expérimentales indiquent que la zone épileptogène, qui désigne un ensemble de neurones nécessaire et suffisant à l organisation d une décharge anormale, ne peut être réduite à la seule formation hippocampique (FH) et impliquerait une réorganisation mettant en jeu plusieurs structures au sein du système limbique. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la connectivité structurale entre le noyau supramammillaire (SuM) et la FH chez le rat dans le but de déterminer l identité neurochimique de la voie de projection supramammillaro-hippocampique qui n avait pas été clairement identifiée et, vérifier l hypothèse d une éventuelle réorganisation de cette voie de projection dans le modèle d ELTM induit par l injection intrapéritonéale de pilocarpine chez le rat. Chez les rats naïfs, nous mettons en évidence deux voies de projection distinctes. La première a pour origine les neurones localisés dans la partie latérale du SUM (SuML) qui innervent le champ CA2-CA3a et principalement la couche supragranulaire du gyrus dentelé dorsal. Cette voie est essentiellement ipsi-latérale et a la caractéristique de présenter un profil neurochimique unique, à la fois GABAergique et glutamatergique. La seconde voie de projection a pour origine les neurones localisés dans la partie plus postérieure et médiane du SuM (SuMM) qui innervent la région CA2-CA3a et la région ventrale du gyrus dentelé exclusivement ; cette voie est purement glutamatergique. Chez les rats traités à la pilocarpine, nos résultats montrent une réorganisation structurale des afférences des noyaux SuML et SuMM qui innervent le gyrus dentelé. Cette réorganisation est caractérisée par une distribution aberrante et une augmentation du nombre de fibres et terminaisons axonales en provenance des noyaux SuML et SuMM dans la couche moléculaire interne du gyrus dentelé. Cette réorganisation commence à la fin de la période de latence, et évolue pendant l épilepsie induite par la pilocarpine. Avec ce travail, nous montrons pour la première fois : 1) l hétérogénéité à la fois anatomique et neurochimique des voies de projection supramammillaro-hippocampiques ; 2) dans le gyrus dentelé des animaux traités à la pilocarpine, une réorganisation structurale d origine extra-hippocampique, en provenance des noyaux SuML et SuMM. Cette connectivité aberrante pourrait contribuer avec la réorganisation des circuits intrinsèques de l hippocampe à l émergence des premières crises spontanées et à l installation de l épilepsie.Mesial temporal lobe epilepsies (MTLE) are among the most common forms of pharmacoresistant partial epilepsies in adults and children. In these epilepsies, spontaneous seizures likely originate from a multi-structural epileptogenic zone including several structures of the limbic system connected to the hippocampal formation (HF). In this thesis, we investigate the structural connectivity between the supramammillary nucleus (SuM) and the HF in rat, in order to determine the not yet known neurochemical identity of the supramammillaro-hippocampal pathway and, to test the hypothesis of a potential reorganization of this pathway in the rat pilocarpine model of MTLE. In naïve rats, our results highlight two distinct pathways. The first pathway originates in the lateral part of the SuM (SuML) and innervates the supragranular layer of the dorsal dentate gyrus mainly, and the CA2-CA3a pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus. This pathway is mainly ipsilateral and displays a unique dual phenotype for GABAergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission. The second pathway originates in the most posterior and medial part of the SuM (SuMM) and innervates exclusively the inner molecular layer of the ventral dentate gyrus and the CA2-CA3a subfield and is glutamatergic only.In pilocarpine-treated animals, our findings demonstrate a structural reorganization of dentate gyrus afferents originating from the SuM nuclei. Such reorganization is characterized by an aberrant distribution and an increased number of fibers and axon terminals from neurons of the both lateral and medial regions of the SuM, invading the entire inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. It starts at the end of the latent period and evolves during the epilepsy induced by pilocarpine. Our findings demonstrate for the first time: 1) the anatomical and neurochemical heterogeneity of the supramammillaro-hippocampal pathways; 2) in pilocarpine-treated animals, a marked reorganization of dentate gyrus afferents originating from the SuM nuclei. This aberrant connectivity could contribute along with the reorganization of hippocampal intrinsic circuitry to the emergence of the first spontaneous seizures and epilepsy installation.AIX-MARSEILLE2-Bib.electronique (130559901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Downregulation of the alpha5 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    International audienceSpecific subunits of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptors may be regulated differentially in animal models of temporal lobe epilepsy during the chronic stage. Although several subunits may be upregulated, other subunits may be downregulated in the hippocampal formation. The alpha5 subunit is of particular interest because of its relatively selective localization in the hippocampus and its potential role in tonic inhibition. In normal rats, immunolabeling of the alpha5 subunit was high in the dendritic layers of CA1 and CA2 and moderate in these regions of CA3. In chronic pilocarpine-treated rats displaying recurrent seizures, alpha5 subunit-labeling was substantially decreased in CA1 and nearly absent in CA2. Only slight decreases in immunolabeling were evident in CA3. In situ hybridization studies demonstrated that the alpha5 subunit mRNA was also strongly decreased in stratum pyramidale of CA1 and CA2. Thus, the alterations in localization of the alpha5 subunit peptide and its mRNA were highly correlated. The large decreases in labeling of the alpha5 subunit did not appear to be related to loss of pyramidal neurons in CA1 or CA2 since these neurons were generally preserved in pilocarpine-treated animals. No comparable decreases in labeling of the alpha2 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor were detected. These findings indicate that the alpha5 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor is capable of substantial and prolonged downregulation in remaining pyramidal neurons in a model of temporal lobe epilepsy. The results raise the possibility that presumptive extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptor subunits, such as the alpha5 subunit, may be regulated differently than synaptically located subunits, such as the alpha2 subunit, within the same brain regions in some pathological conditions