330 research outputs found

    Finding relationships between effort and other variables in the SEL

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    Estimating the amount of effort required for a software development project is one of the major aspects of resource estimation for that project. In this study, the relationship between effort and other variables for 23 Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) projects that were developed for NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center was examined. These variables fell into two categories: those which can be determined in the early stages of project development and may therefore be useful in a baseline equation for predicting effort in future projects, and those which can be used mainly to characterize or evaluate effort requirements and thus enhance the understanding of the software development process in this environment. Some results of the analyses are presented

    Philippines calling

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston Universit

    Non-commutative Optimal Transport for semi-definite positive matrices

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    We introduce the von Neumann entropy regularization of Unbalanced Non-commutative Optimal Transport, specifically Non-commutative Optimal Transport between semi-definite positive matrices (not necessarily with trace one). We prove the existence of a minimizer, compute the dual formulation and prove Γ\Gamma-convergence results, demonstrating convergence to both Unbalanced Non-commutative Optimal Transport (as the Entropy-regularization parameter tends to zero) and von Neumann entropy regularized Non-commutative Optimal Transport problems (as the unbalanced penalty parameter tends to infinity). To draw an analogy to the Non-commutative case, we provide a concise introduction of the static formulation of Unbalanced Optimal Transport between probability measures and bounded cost functions

    Health Information Literacy Outreach: A Curriculum for Improving Health Information Literacy of 6th Grade Children

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    This health information literacy (HIL) curriculum is designed for sixth grade students. It was developed by librarian and faculty from MCPHS University in collaboration with a local public library, art museum, local department of public health and local public elementary schools. It is designed around a major environmental health problem in the U.S., childhood lead poisoning. The curriculum is designed to: 1) improve the health information literacy skills, and 2) increase knowledge of lead poisoning. A secondary goal of the project is to encourage 6th grade students to include attending college as one of their aspirations. The curriculum is highly interactive and designed to be utilized over three to five sessions. A detailed description of the program components can be found in the following paper: Bond I, Friel C, Lahoz M. Spearheading Health Information Literacy in the Community: The Libraries as Leaders, IFLA Congress, June 04, 2011. Available at: http://conference.ifla.org/past/ifla77/114-bond-en.pdf. Materials in this curriculum packet include: a pre and post-test to evaluate the effectiveness of the program, laboratory “experiments” to be conducted in the classroom or college laboratory, worksheets to guide students as they evaluate health information websites, non-fiction stories to read to students about lead poisoning cases, and a poster template for students to use to design a capstone poster. The curriculum also includes fictional Medical Mystery cases that contain artwork specific to the Worcester Art Museum. These cases could be adapted to include works of art from any partnering art museum. This curriculum can be modified and used by librarians, teachers, public health workers, museum staff and anyone interested in conducting an HIL outreach project. The project was funded by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine-New England Region

    Spearheading Health Information Literacy in the Community: Librarians as Leaders

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    This paper describes a multi-institutional educational program that brings community organizations and libraries together with the goal of developing health information literacy skills in elementary school children aged 11 to 12 years. The primary goal of the program was to improve the ability of elementary school students to find, use, and apply quality health information from specific resource within the National Library of Medicine website. Five institutions in Worcester, Massachusetts, namely the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, the Worcester Art Museum, the Worcester Public Library, the Worcester Department of Public Health, and a Worcester inner city elementary school, collaborated to develop a program built around a lead poisoning education theme

    Pasado y presente de la medicina equina

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    El caballo basó su importancia en la especialización de su aparato locomotor y el rendimiento deportivo, a diferencia de las especies con interés en la producción de alimentos y vestimenta. Su gran capacidad de transporte le dio este rol que, combinado a su proximidad con el hombre, motivó a los primeros investigadores griegos y romanos a estudiar el movimiento y no sorprende que en la antigüedad los primeros escritos se hayan hecho evaluando la marcha.Trabajo galardonado con el Premio "Prof. Dr. Osvaldo A. Eckell", edición 2007.Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinaria (ANAV

    Disfagia faríngea por micosis de las bolsas guturales en un equino

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    Un equino de 10 años de edad se remitió a consulta por un cuadro de disfagia severa, con descarga nasal de alimentos y saliva y síndrome de Horner. Se internó en el Hospital Escuela de la Cátedra de Medicina Equina de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias (FCV) de la UNLP, con el propósito de arribar al diagnóstico definitivo e instaurar el tratamiento.Trabajo publicado en Cagliada, Maria del Pilar Lilia y Galosi, Cecilia Mónica (comps.). I Congreso de Microbiología Veterinaria. Libro de resúmenes. La Plata: Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, 2021.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Pasado y presente de la medicina equina

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    El caballo basó su importancia en la especialización de su aparato locomotor y el rendimiento deportivo, a diferencia de las especies con interés en la producción de alimentos y vestimenta. Su gran capacidad de transporte le dio este rol que, combinado a su proximidad con el hombre, motivó a los primeros investigadores griegos y romanos a estudiar el movimiento y no sorprende que en la antigüedad los primeros escritos se hayan hecho evaluando la marcha.Trabajo galardonado con el Premio "Prof. Dr. Osvaldo A. Eckell", edición 2007.Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinaria (ANAV

    Pasado y presente de la medicina equina

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    El caballo basó su importancia en la especialización de su aparato locomotor y el rendimiento deportivo, a diferencia de las especies con interés en la producción de alimentos y vestimenta. Su gran capacidad de transporte le dio este rol que, combinado a su proximidad con el hombre, motivó a los primeros investigadores griegos y romanos a estudiar el movimiento y no sorprende que en la antigüedad los primeros escritos se hayan hecho evaluando la marcha.Trabajo galardonado con el Premio "Prof. Dr. Osvaldo A. Eckell", edición 2007.Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinaria (ANAV

    Collaborative Cross-Institutional Model for Faculty and Librarians Teaching Evidence-Based Practice: A Future Fusion Recipe?

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    Poster presented at: What\u27s Cooking? A Taste of the Future 2009 NAHSL Annual MeetingSamoset Resort, October 25-27, Rockport, ME This poster describes the development of a novel cross-institutional collaboration between librarians and faculty from a pharmacy school and a medical school to enhance the teaching of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in each other’s school. Specifically, it focuses on the librarians’ active role in bringing shared cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary expertise to the table. Collaboration initiatives described include the joint development of EBP educational modules, EBP pharmacotherapy case studies, EBP Pharmacology elective course, formal and informal meetings, campus visits, and teaching observations. The poster provides a roadmap of starting such collaboration. In addition, it highlights the value of building strategic relationships between faculty and librarians across institutions to share expertise and teaching responsibility to advance student learning