10 research outputs found
Analysis of law protected vascular flora in Croatia
Pravilnik o proglaÅ”avanju divljih svojti zaÅ”tiÄenim i strogo zaÅ”tiÄenim sadrži 1613 vrsta vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Podaci su uneseni u FCD bazu i omoguÄena je analiza i pretraga vrsta putem viÅ”estrukih kriterija za javnost. Podaci su zatim analizirani s obzirom na pokrivenost endema i stenoendema, porodica te popisa vrsta iz Crvene knjige. Rezultati su pokazali da 39,92% endema i stenoendema i 9,35% vrsti iz Crvene knjige ne uživa zakonsku zaÅ”titu te da je najzastupljenija meÄu strogo zaÅ”tiÄenim svojtama porodica Orchidaceae, a meÄu zaÅ”tiÄenima porodica Ranunculaceae.Act of declare protected and strictly protected wildlife species contains 1613 species and subspecies of vascular plants of Croatia. Data were digitised and entered into the FCD database and enabled search and analysis of taxa by multiple criteria for public. Then data were analyzed within criteria of coverage endemic and stenoendemic taxa, families and list of taxa from āCrvena knjigaā. Results show that 39,92% endemic and stenoendemic taxa and 9,35% taxa from āCrvena knjigaā doesn't enjoy legal protection, and that in strictly protected taxa the most represented is family Orchidaceae and in protected taxa family Ranunculaceae
Analysis of law protected vascular flora in Croatia
Pravilnik o proglaÅ”avanju divljih svojti zaÅ”tiÄenim i strogo zaÅ”tiÄenim sadrži 1613 vrsta vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Podaci su uneseni u FCD bazu i omoguÄena je analiza i pretraga vrsta putem viÅ”estrukih kriterija za javnost. Podaci su zatim analizirani s obzirom na pokrivenost endema i stenoendema, porodica te popisa vrsta iz Crvene knjige. Rezultati su pokazali da 39,92% endema i stenoendema i 9,35% vrsti iz Crvene knjige ne uživa zakonsku zaÅ”titu te da je najzastupljenija meÄu strogo zaÅ”tiÄenim svojtama porodica Orchidaceae, a meÄu zaÅ”tiÄenima porodica Ranunculaceae.Act of declare protected and strictly protected wildlife species contains 1613 species and subspecies of vascular plants of Croatia. Data were digitised and entered into the FCD database and enabled search and analysis of taxa by multiple criteria for public. Then data were analyzed within criteria of coverage endemic and stenoendemic taxa, families and list of taxa from āCrvena knjigaā. Results show that 39,92% endemic and stenoendemic taxa and 9,35% taxa from āCrvena knjigaā doesn't enjoy legal protection, and that in strictly protected taxa the most represented is family Orchidaceae and in protected taxa family Ranunculaceae
Analysis of law protected vascular flora in Croatia
Pravilnik o proglaÅ”avanju divljih svojti zaÅ”tiÄenim i strogo zaÅ”tiÄenim sadrži 1613 vrsta vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Podaci su uneseni u FCD bazu i omoguÄena je analiza i pretraga vrsta putem viÅ”estrukih kriterija za javnost. Podaci su zatim analizirani s obzirom na pokrivenost endema i stenoendema, porodica te popisa vrsta iz Crvene knjige. Rezultati su pokazali da 39,92% endema i stenoendema i 9,35% vrsti iz Crvene knjige ne uživa zakonsku zaÅ”titu te da je najzastupljenija meÄu strogo zaÅ”tiÄenim svojtama porodica Orchidaceae, a meÄu zaÅ”tiÄenima porodica Ranunculaceae.Act of declare protected and strictly protected wildlife species contains 1613 species and subspecies of vascular plants of Croatia. Data were digitised and entered into the FCD database and enabled search and analysis of taxa by multiple criteria for public. Then data were analyzed within criteria of coverage endemic and stenoendemic taxa, families and list of taxa from āCrvena knjigaā. Results show that 39,92% endemic and stenoendemic taxa and 9,35% taxa from āCrvena knjigaā doesn't enjoy legal protection, and that in strictly protected taxa the most represented is family Orchidaceae and in protected taxa family Ranunculaceae
Analysis of law protected vascular flora in Croatia
Pravilnik o proglaÅ”avanju divljih svojti zaÅ”tiÄenim i strogo zaÅ”tiÄenim sadrži 1613 vrsta vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Podaci su uneseni u FCD bazu i omoguÄena je analiza i pretraga vrsta putem viÅ”estrukih kriterija za javnost. Podaci su zatim analizirani s obzirom na pokrivenost endema i stenoendema, porodica te popisa vrsta iz Crvene knjige. Rezultati su pokazali da 39,92% endema i stenoendema i 9,35% vrsti iz Crvene knjige ne uživa zakonsku zaÅ”titu te da je najzastupljenija meÄu strogo zaÅ”tiÄenim svojtama porodica Orchidaceae, a meÄu zaÅ”tiÄenima porodica Ranunculaceae.Act of declare protected and strictly protected wildlife species contains 1613 species and subspecies of vascular plants of Croatia. Data were digitised and entered into the FCD database and enabled search and analysis of taxa by multiple criteria for public. Then data were analyzed within criteria of coverage endemic and stenoendemic taxa, families and list of taxa from āCrvena knjigaā. Results show that 39,92% endemic and stenoendemic taxa and 9,35% taxa from āCrvena knjigaā doesn't enjoy legal protection, and that in strictly protected taxa the most represented is family Orchidaceae and in protected taxa family Ranunculaceae
Invasive flora of the city of Sisak (Croatia)
U novije se vrijeme flori urbanih srediÅ”ta posveÄuje sve veÄa pažnja. Upravo su ta urbana srediÅ”ta najizloženija prodoru invazivnih vrsta. Sustavna inventarizacija invazivne flore urbanih sredina Hrvatske nije provedena, izuzev u sklopu sveobuhvatnijih floristiÄkih istraživanja pojedinih gradova (npr. Split, Zadar, Å ibenik i Knin). Do sada flora grada Siska nije inventarizirana, pa tako ni njezina invazivna komponenta. U ovom istraživanju kartiranje je provedeno indirektnom metodom, upotrebom MTB 256 polja na povrÅ”ini od 1506,4 ha. UtvrÄeno je ukupno 40 invazivnih svojti (23 porodice) i sve pripadaju kritosjemenjaÄama. Ī± ā diverzitet kreÄe se od 6 do 22 svojte po jedinici povrÅ”ine, a Gleasonov indeks je u rasponu od 0,048 do 1,86. Svojte porodice Asteraceae su najzastupljenije u popisu invazivnih vrsta, a kao opÄenito najzastupljenije svojte pokazale su se Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. i Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. Sve zabilježene invazivne vrste su neofiti, a najzastupljeniji životni oblik su terofiti. Prema porijeklu najzastupljenije su invazivne vrste iz Sjeverne i Južne Amerike. Iako Pearsonova korelacija Gleasonovih indeksa raznolikosti nije znaÄajna, rezultati multiple regresije daju drugaÄiju sliku i pokazuju koreliranost s pojedinim nezavisnim varijablama. Rezultati RDA analize nedvosmisleno ukazuju na Äinjenicu da je rasprostranjenost nekih invazivnih vrsta pod snažnim utjecajem okoliÅ”nih varijabli. U usporedbi s drugim gradovima u Hrvatskoj, broj invazivnih vrsta u Sisku je relativno velik.The flora of urban areas attracts more attention in recent times, especially as the most vulnerable to penetration of invasive species. Systematic inventory of invasive flora Croatian urban areas has not been implemented, except as a part of the more comprehensive floristic studies of some cities (eg. Split, Zadar, Å ibenik and Knin). So far the flora of the Sisak was not inventoried, nor its invasive component. In this study, invasive flora mapping was carried out by an indirect method, using the MTB 256 mapping units in total area of 1506.4 ha. A total of 40 invasive species from 23 families were detected, all belong to the angiosperms. Ī± - diversity ranges from 6 to 22 species per unit area, and Gleason index is in the range from 0.048 to 1.86. Species from the family Asteraceae are most represented, and the most abundant species are Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Erigeron annuus. All recorded invasive species are neophytes and the therophytes is the most common life form. According to the origin, the most species come from North and South America. Although Pearson correlation of the Gleasonovih diversity indices is not significant, the results of multiple regression gives a different picture, showing correlation with individual independent variables. RDA analysis clearly indicates that the distribution of some invasive species are under the strong influence of environmental variables. Compared with other cities in Croatia, the number of invasive species in city of Sisak is relatively large
Morphological Analysis of Short-Tooth Sage (Salvia brachyodon Vandas) Populations
Short-tooth sage (Salvia brachyodon Vandas) is an endemic and one of the rarest plant species of the Dinaric karst. Although older literature indicates its presence in more localities; only two have been confirmed at the present time; Mt. Orjen (border of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro) and PeljeŔac peninsula (Croatia). Due to its very narrow distribution and economically very interesting essential oil composition short-tooth sage might become more endangered in the future. The aim of this research was to determine and compare inter-and intra- population morphological diversity of the only two noted natural populations of short-tooth sage by analyzing 16 quantitative morphological traits. PeljeŔac population of short-tooth sage showed considerably higher values for traits related to habitus and plant height; while the Mt. Orjen population showed higher values for traits related to the calyx and higher occurrence of sessile glandular hairs on the flower pedicels. When interpreting the obtained results; we should consider the fact that the habitats on PeljeŔac peninsula and Mt. Orjen greatly differ. In order to get better insight into the diversity and differentiation of short-tooth sage populations and to define efficient protection measures an additional analysis of populations using molecular markers are recommended
Genetic Diversity of Dalmatian Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) as Assessed by RAPD Markers
Dalmatian or common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) is an outcrossing plant species native to East Adriatic coast. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers (RAPD) were used to analyze genetic diversity and structure of ten natural populations from the East-Adriatic coastal region. The highest genetic diversity was found in populations from the central and south Dalmatia, while the highest frequency down-weighted marker values were found in the northernmost populations and the southern most inland population. Although analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that most of the genetic diversity was attributable to differences among individuals within populations, highly significant ĻST values suggested the existence of genetic differentiation among populations.
By assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium within populations, the calculated FST value among population was moderate. Bayesian model-based clustering method revealed that at K = 2 all individuals belonging to two northern populations were assigned to a separate cluster from the individuals belonging to the rest of the population. At K = 3, the newly formed cluster grouped the majority of individuals belonging to populations from central Dalmatia. The high correlation between matrices of genetic and geographical distances showed that isolation by distance may play a considerable role in overall structuring of the genetic diversity
Morphological analysis of short-tooth sage (Salvia brachyodon Vandas) populations
KratkozupÄasta kadulja (Salvia brachyodon Vandas) pripada rodu Salvia L., sekciji Salvia. Ova vrsta je danas jedna od najrjeÄih biljnih vrsta dinarskog krÅ”a. Do danas su potvrÄena samo dva nalaziÅ”ta ove vrste: sv. Ilija na poluotoku PeljeÅ”cu (Republika Hrvatska) i 150 km jugoistoÄno planina Orjen (Republika Crna Gora i Republika Bosna i Hercegovina). Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je uz pomoÄ morfoloÅ”kih mjerenja i statistiÄkih metoda utvrditi morfoloÅ”ku raznolikost kratkozupÄaste kadulje. Uz pomoÄ raÄunalnog programa SAS izvrÅ”ena je analiza varijance (ANOVA), korelacije, analiza glavnih sastavnica (PCA) i diskriminantna analiza. Rezultati morfoloÅ”ke analize temeljene na 16 morfoloÅ”kih osobina pokazuju kako se populacije najviÅ”e razlikuju u Äetiri morfoloÅ”ka svojstva: duljini cvata, žljezdastim sjedeÄim dlakama na cvjetnoj stapci, duljini ÄaÅ”ke i duljini nastavka ÄaÅ”ke. MorfoloÅ”ke razlike meÄu populacijama moguÄe je objasniti prilagodbom biljka na razliÄite uvjete staniÅ”ta prisutne na ova dva nalaziÅ”ta. Saznanja o morfoloÅ”koj raznolikosti populacija kratkozupÄaste kadulje zajedno s ranije utvrÄenim genetiÄkim parametrima predstavljaju znaÄajan prilog rjeÅ”avanju zamrÅ”enih filogenetskih i taksonomskih odnosa unutar sekcije Salvia, ali isto tako omoguÄuju definiranje efikasnijih mjera zaÅ”tite ove rijetke i ugrožene vrste.Short-tooth sage (Salvia brachyodon Vandas) belongs to the genus Salvia, section Salvia. This species is one of the rarest species of the Dinaric karst. Only two localities have been confirmed at the present time: Mt. Sveti Ilija on the peninsula of PeljeÅ”ac (Republic of Croatia) and 150 km southeast of Mt Orijen (Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Montenegro). The aim of this graduation thesis was to determine morphological diversity of short-tooth sage using morphological measurements and statistical methods. The analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Discriminate Analysis were performed using SAS computer program. The morphological analysis based on 16 morphological characters showed that two populations are especially different in four morphological traits: inflorescence length, glandular sessile trichome on a flower pedicel, calyx length and calyx appendices length. Differences in morphological traits may be explained as the adaptation of plants to different habitat conditions present at these two localities. Information on the morphological diversity of short-tooth sage populations together with the previously established genetic parameters represent a significant contribution to solving the complex phylogenetic and taxonomic relationships within sections Salvia, but also contribute to better protection of these rare and endangered species