226 research outputs found

    Gamblers seeking treatment: Who does and who doesn't?

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    Abstract Background and aims As only a minority of pathological gamblers (PGr) presents for treatment, further knowledge about help-seeking behavior is required in order to enhance treatment utilization. The present study investigated factors associated with treatment participation in gamblers in Germany. As subclinical pathological gamblers (SPGr, fulfilling one to four DSM-IV-criteria) are target of early intervention due to high risk of transition to pathological gambling, they were subject of special interest. Methods The study analyzed data from a general population survey (n = 234, SPGr: n = 198, PGr: n = 36) and a treatment study (n = 329, SPGr: n = 22, PGr: n = 307). A two-step weighting procedure was applied to ensure comparability of samples. Investigated factors included socio-demographic variables, gambling behavior, symptoms of pathological gambling and substance use. Results In PGr, regular employment and non-German nationality were positively associated with being in treatment while gambling on the Internet and gaming machines and fulfilling more DSM-IV-criteria lowered the odds. In SPGr, treatment attendance was negatively associated with married status and alcohol consumption and positively associated with older age, higher stakes, more fulfilled DSM-IV criteria and regular smoking. Conclusions In accordance to expectations more severe gambling problems and higher problem awareness and/or external pressure might facilitate treatment entry. There are groups with lower chances of being in treatment: women, ethnic minorities, and SPGr. We propose target group specific offers, use of Internet-based methods as possible adaptions and/or extensions of treatment offers that could enhance treatment attendance

    Has gambling changed after major amendments of gambling regulations in Germany? A propensity score analysis

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    Aims: This study examined changes in general population gambling in the light of two major amendments of the German gambling regulation, the Fifth Amendment of the German Gambling Ordinance (AGO) for commercial amusement machines with prizes (AWP) and the State Treaty on Gambling (STG) for gambling activities subject to the state monopoly. Methods: Applying cross-sectional data from the 2006 and 2009 Epidemiological Survey of Substance Abuse (ESA), propensity-score-matched samples of 7,970 subjects and 3,624 12-month gamblers aged 18–64 years were used for analyses. Logistic regression was employed to examine changes in gambling controlling for possible confounding variables. Results: Overall participation in state gambling activities, participation in lotto as well as TV lottery decreased and gambling on Internet card games increased. No changes were found for any other gambling activity, 12-month prevalence of any gambling and pathological gambling. While weekly gambling declined, overall multiple gambling increased. Effects were similar in the total sample and among current gamblers. Conclusions: Prohibiting specific gambling activities, e.g., Internet gambling, seem to be insufficient approaches to change gambling behavior. Supply reduction might need to be enhanced by changes in game characteristics and implementation of early intervention measures. However, long-term consequences are uncertain and further monitoring is needed

    Az informális gondozásért nyújtott pénzbeli juttatások közötti hasonlóságok és különbségek a régi és az új uniós tagországokban

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    A tanulmány áttekintést ad a család és más informális gondozók által nyújtott tartós gondozásért kapható pénzbeli juttatásokról 11 régi és tíz új uniós tagállamban. Egy kivételével a mintánkban szereplő összes ország kínál az informális gondozás finanszírozását segítő valamilyen pénzbeli juttatást. A régi uniós tagországokban jellemzően a gondozásra szoruló személyeknek nyújtott juttatások vannak előtérben, míg az új tagállamokban a gondozók juttatásai a hangsúlyosabbak. A régi tagállamokban adott juttatásokkal összehasonlítva az új tagállamok ellátásai alacsonyabb szintűek és kisebb gyakorisággal kötik őket rászorultság-vizsgálathoz. Mivel számos országban a szociális ellátásokat egyre inkább pénzben és nem természetben nyújtják, és mivel az időseknek nyújtott összes ellátáson belül nem várható az informális gondozás részarányának a csökkenése, gondosan mérlegelni kell a pénzbeli juttatások munkaerőpiaci részvételre gyakorolt hatását

    Effectiveness of an app-based intervention to reduce substance use, gambling, and digital media use in vocational school students: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Substance-related and addictive disorders are among the most common mental disorders in adolescence and young adulthood. Vocational school students are a risk group for problematic substance use and addictive behavior. However, the availability of evidence-based prevention concepts and programs is underdeveloped in the vocational school setting. Methods/design: A two-arm cluster randomized waitlist-controlled trial will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an app-based intervention to decrease substance use, gambling, and digital media use in vocational school students in Germany. Vocational students will participate in an app-based intervention that is designed to support voluntary commitment to abstain from or reduce substance or digital media use over a period of 2 weeks. The "education-as-usual" control arm will have access to the intervention after data collection is completed. One of the primary outcome measures will be the use of alcohol, nicotine, and digital media 30 days after the intervention. Several secondary outcome measures will also be included, such as cannabis consumption, gambling, symptoms of stress, physical activity, mindfulness, well-being, impulsivity and sensation seeking, and readiness to change. A total of 4500 vocational students from 225 classes will be recruited and randomized across three German federal states. Discussion: This study protocol describes the design of an RCT testing the effectiveness of an app-based intervention to reduce addictive behaviors in vocational school students. It is expected that this approach will be feasible for and effective in the vocational school setting and that the study provides comprehensive information on the key factors involved in temporary abstaining or reducing substance or digital media use. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00023788. Registered on 20 January 2021

    A Study of Language Learning Style and Teaching Style Preferences of Hong Kong Community College Students and Teachers in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Contexts

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    In English language classrooms, students use different approaches to carry out English learning tasks. Language learning styles, which generally refers to learners’ preferred modes of language learning, have been widely researched and discussed in the fields of second language acquisition (SLA) and educational psychology. Understanding the learning style preferences of students can help teachers cope with students’ course-related learning difficulties and ultimately help alleviate their frustration levels. Another important concept is teaching styles, which refers to teachers’ classroom behaviour based on their teaching beliefs, is commonly associated with learning styles in language education research. Teaching style is vital for providing students with good learning experiences and improving students’ academic outcomes. This study explores the English language learning and teaching style preferences in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classrooms at community college level in Hong Kong. The present study adopted a mixed method approach involving both questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews, in attempt to investigate the factors influencing learning styles and teaching styles, and the relationship between them. It aims at providing valuable information for curriculum design and teacher training in order to offer Hong Kong community college students adequate and effective academic English language learning support. A total of 637 students and 10 EAP teachers from two community colleges in Hong Kong participated in this research. The quantitative and qualitative findings of this study show that the community college students in EAP classrooms have multiple learning style preferences. A plethora of factors such as cultural and educational backgrounds are related to their development of learning styles. This research also explores the nature of teaching styles and the possible variables, including students’ English language proficiency and their learning styles, influencing their teaching styles in EAP classrooms. This study attempts to explain the relationship between learning styles and teaching styles in English language classrooms with reference to the interview findings from both students and teachers. It is argued that both learning styles and teaching styles are flexible and have a reciprocal influence on each other. Learners may adjust their learning styles in order to meet academic requirements, while teachers may adjust their teaching styles so as to provide students with an affective learning environment. When learners and teachers have more interaction with each other, their styles may become similar to each other. This study also identifies the importance of improving learners’ flexibility for developing learning styles and accepting unfamiliar teaching styles. Based on the evidence drawn from this research, educational implications on teaching and learning in EAP classrooms, and recommendations for future research on learning styles and teaching styles are proposed

    Assessment of Confounding Factors Affecting the Tumor Markers SMRP, CA125, and CYFRA21-1 in Serum

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    The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate if serum levels of potential tumor markers for the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma and lung cancer are affected by confounding factors in a surveillance cohort of workers formerly exposed to asbestos. SMRP, CA125, and CYFRA21-1 concentrations were determined in about 1,700 serum samples from 627 workers formerly exposed to asbestos. The impact of factors that could modify the concentrations of the tumor markers was examined with linear mixed models. SMRP values increased with age 1.02-fold (95% CI 1.01–1.03) and serum creatinine concentration 1.32-fold (95% CI 1.20–1.45). Levels differed by study centers and were higher after 40 years of asbestos exposure. CA125 levels increased with longer storage of the samples. CYFRA21-1 values correlated with age 1.02-fold (95% CI 1.01–1.02), serum creatinine 1.21-fold (95% CI 1.14–1.30) and varied by study centers due to differences in sample handling. Tumor marker concentrations are influenced by subject-related factors, sample handling, and storage. These factors need to be taken into account in screening routine