56 research outputs found

    Theoretical Investigations of the Interactions Between Peptides and Inorganic Surfaces

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    In this work, an effective implicit surface model (EISM) is introduced, calibrated, and used to reproduce experimental and theoretical binding affinities of peptides to inorganic surfaces. Next, this model is used for theoretical peptide design. Also, an anlytical model explaining the binding process of peptides to magnetite nanoparticles mediated by a buffer is proposed. Finally, quantum-chemical calculations are performed to ivnestigate the electronic structure of magnetite

    The impact of dance on human health

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    Introduction: Dancing is one of the many forms of physical activity. Dance performs a wide variety of functions, because on the one hand it satisfies the spiritual and aesthetic experience, and on the other hand, it can be a cultural entertainment or a form of physical fitness training. Moreover, dance has pedagogical values, shapes a person's personality, motor skills, develops the mind, and is a very good educational tool for children. Dance is a form of exercise and this prevents civilization diseases such as obesity, overweight, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes. Therefore, in order to maintain the well-being and health of the body, it is very important to take up physical activity in your free time. The aim of the study: The aim of the study is to find out how dancing affects students' health and to compare the results of the research with the available knowledge. Material and method: The paper uses standard criteria as the research method. Additionally, during the literature review on PubMed and Google Scholar platforms, keywords such as dance, choreotherapy, training. Summary: The results of our research are comparable with the results of other studies. They indicate the positive influence of dance on human health. It affects not only the physical sphere, but also the mental one. Dance is increasingly used in the treatment of various diseases. Dancers see the difference in improving their body flexibility, coordination and strength.In additional, dancing affects the feeling of greater body awareness during movement

    Design guidelines for multi-service centre in municipality Wilkowic

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    The transition period in Poland has allowed to establish a new segment of investors which are small towns and municipalities. This new group of investors undertake the task of new investment building new objects and elements of infrastructure. services, many of which manages to successfully finalize. New investments are usually successful in case of favorable location of the town in the region, its tourism attractiveness and good communication links. Already existing services and development also enable to start the new ventures as well as a precise vision and mission of the local government competently translates into strategic objectives then expressed by the idea of investment. This study presents a method of creating an information system for investment decisions in a small town - a seat of the municipality. It is related to the service buildings development. This paper shows the method of analysing and evaluating the location of the planned investment options in the context of the local master plan and the characteristics of the land. A method of a questionnaire survey was used to measure the level of acceptance for the planned investment by the future users. Selected segments of stakeholder groups were interviewed to get the opinions on the future program and architecture of the planned buildings

    Neuropsychological assessment of cognitive dysfunctions in poststroke depression

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    Introduction. The purpose of his study was to assess the cognitive dysfunctions and their associations with depression and clinical picture of the illness in patients after stroke with depression. Material and methods. The 46 patients, 27 female and 19 male, aged 51-74 years, with diagnosis of depression after stroke participated in this study. The control group consisted with 25 healthy subjects, gender, age and education level matched to patients group. The severity of depression were assessed using 17-items Hamilton Depression Scale, and neuropsychological assessment was made with two screening tests for dementia: MMSE and Clock Drawing Test. Selected neuropsychological methods for assessment different aspects of cognition were also applied. Results and conclusions. The results show significant level of cognitive impairment connected with localization of the brain lesions, intensity of depression, and time duration after stroke, and also with duration of untreated depression.Wstęp. Celem pracy było określenie zaburzeń funkcji poznawczych oraz ocena zależności między depresją, zaburzeniami funkcji poznawczych a czynnikami klinicznymi choroby u osób po przebytym udarze mózgu ze współistniejącą depresją. Materiał i metody. Przebadano 46 chorych z depresją po udarze mózgu (27 kobiet i 19 mężczyzn) w wieku 51-74 lat. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 25 osób zdrowych, dobranych pod względem płci, wieku i wykształcenia do osób chorych. Nasilenie depresji oceniono za pomocą 17-punktowej Skali Depresji Hamiltona, natomiast badanie neuropsychologiczne wykonano za pomocą testów przesiewowych dla otępienia: MMSE i Rysowania Zegara oraz wybranych metod badających różne aspekty funkcji poznawczych. Wyniki i wnioski. Stwierdzono, że u badanych chorych z depresją po udarze mózgu wystąpiły nasilone zaburzenia w zakresie wielu obszarów poznawczych, natomiast nasilenie tych zmian wiązało się z lokalizacją zmian strukturalnych w mózgu (lewa-prawa półkula), nasileniem objawów depresyjnych oraz czasem, jaki upłynął od udaru, oraz z czasem nieleczonej depresji

    Binding patterns of homo-peptides on bare magnetic nanoparticles: insights into environmental dependence

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    Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) are intensively investigated for applications in nanomedicine, catalysis and biotechnology, where their interaction with peptides and proteins plays an important role. However, the characterisation of the interaction of individual amino acids with MNP remains challenging. Here, we classify the affinity of 20 amino acid homo-hexamers to unmodified iron oxide nanoparticles using peptide arrays in a variety of conditions as a basis to identify and rationally design selectively binding peptides. The choice of buffer system is shown to strongly influence the availability of peptide binding sites on the MNP surface. We find that under certain buffer conditions peptides of different charges can bind the MNP and that the relative strength of the interactions can be modulated by changing the buffer. We further present a model for the competition between the buffer and the MNP’s electrostatically binding to the adsorption sites. Thereby, we demonstrate that the charge distribution on the surface can be used to correlate the binding of positively and negatively charged peptides to the MNP. This analysis enables us to engineer the binding of MNP on peptides and contribute to better understand the bio-nano interactions, a step towards the design of affinity tags for advanced biomaterials

    Interferon-gamma assays T-SPOT.TB for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection

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    Wstęp: Diagnostyka latentnego zakażenia prątkiem gruźlicy (LTBI) opierała się dotychczas na ponad stuletniej próbie tuberkulinowej (TST). Dodatni wynik odczynu skórnego świadczy nie tylko o zakażeniu Mycobacterium tuberculosis, ale może być również skutkiem szczepienia BCG lub wynikiem krzyżowej reakcji z prątkami niegruźliczymi. W ostatnim okresie pojawiły się dwa testy umożliwiające rozpoznanie utajonego zakażenia prątkiem gruźlicy IGRA. Jednym z nich jest przedstawiony w niniejszej pracy test T-SPOT.TB (Oxford Immunotec, Abingdon, UK). Polega on na zliczaniu in vitro limfocytów T wydzielających interferon gamma (IFN-g) po stymulacji dwoma antygenami swoistymi dla M. tuberculosis: ESAT-6 i CFP 10. Materiał i metody: W okresie od marca do września 2010 roku za pomocą testu T-SPOT.TB przebadano 137 osób. Skórny odczyn tuberkulinowy wykonano u 96 z nich. Za wynik dodatni przyjęto wartość 10 mm. Wyniki: Wśród 137 osób, u których wykonano test T-SPOT.TB, wyniki pozytywne uzyskano u 37 osób (27%), negatywne u 98 (71,5%), a u 2 osób wynik testu był nieokreślony (1,5%). Dalszej analizie poddano 96 ze 137 osób, które jednocześnie miały wykonany TST. Ogólna zgodność obu testów wynosiła 79%. Niezgodność testów TST (dodatni)/T.SPOT.TB (ujemny) występowała w 15 przypadkach (15,6%), a niezgodności TST (ujemny)/T-SPOT.TB (dodatni) u 5 osób (5,2%). Stwierdzono dodatnią korelację między liczbą pozytywnych wyników testów T-SPOT.TB i co najmniej 15-milimetrową średnicą nacieku TST. Wnioski: Z przeprowadzonych u 137 osób badań wynika, że test T-SPOT.TB jest dobrym narzędziem diagnostycznym w identyfikacji osób z zakażeniem prątkiem gruźlicy. Dla pełnego potwierdzenia tej oceny konieczne jest przeanalizowanie większej liczby przypadków. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 4: 264–271Introduction: The diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is currently based on the century-old tuberculin skin test (TST). However a positive reaction can result from infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, BCG vaccination or cross-reaction with nontuberculous mycobacteria. T-SPOT.TB assay is a new test to diagnose tuberculosis infection by measuring in vitro T-cell interferon gamma release in response to two Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific antigens: ESAT-6 and CFP 10. Material and methods: T-SPOT.TB assay has been performed on whole blood samples (n = 137) from March to September 2010. A tuberculin skin test result was available for 96 of participants. A positive TST result was considered if the induration was 10 mm or more. Results: Of the 137 patients tested, T-SPOT.TB assay results were positive in 37 (27%), negative in 98 (71.5%) and indeterminate in only 2 (1.5%) persons. We analyzed T-SPOT.TB and TST results in the 96 patients for whom both test were available. Concordance between T-SPOT.TB and TST results (10 mm skin reaction interpreted as positive) was 79%. Fifteen (15.6%) patients had a positive TST result and a negative T-SPOT.TB and 5 (5.2%) patients had a negative TST result and a positive T-SPOT.TB. We observed good correlation between positive T-SPOT.TB results and the size of induration ≥ 15 mm in TST results. Conclusions: T-SPOT.TB offers a more accurate approach than TST for identification tuberculosis infection. The study shows that the test T-SPOT.TB is a good diagnostic tool in identifying persons with tuberculosis infection. For full confirmation of this assessment, it is necessary to examine more cases. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 4: 264–27