37 research outputs found

    Perceived consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and childbearing intentions in Poland

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    Objective: We aim to investigate how the perceived consequences of COVID-19 affect people's childbearing intentions in Poland. Background: With the pandemic having an impact on virtually all spheres of people's lives, some evidence already exists that it will lead to fertility postponement, as people are reluctant to make their reproductive choices in such uncertain times. Method: We analyse a nationally representative sample of 1000 respondents aged 18-49. In the sample, 234 respondents declared that they had intended to have a child before the outbreak of the pandemic and about 20% of them stated having postponed or foregone their intention because of COVID-19. We perform logistic regression analyses to verify which perceived consequences of the pandemic are most decisive for this choice. We supplement our analyses with insights from qualitative, open-ended question on the effects of the pandemic. Results: We find that people’s decision to postpone childbearing is related to respondents' perceived lower sense of financial security and worse mental well-being in the pandemic. In the model, where both factors are included, only mental well-being remains significant. Qualitative analyses point to several other factors important to fertility decisions in the pandemic, e.g., women's fear of lonely childbirth. Conclusion: People’s decision to postpone childbearing because of COVID-19 is mostly related to pandemic-induced financial insecurity and this effect seems to be mediated by the psychological reaction to the situation.Fragestellung: Diese Studie untersucht, wie die wahrgenommenen Konsequenzen von COVID-19 die Fortpflanzungsabsichten der Polen beeinflussen. Hintergrund: Die Pandemie betrifft praktisch alle Lebensbereiche der Menschen. Es gibt bereits einige Hinweise darauf, dass sie zu einer aufgeschobenen Fertilität führen wird, da die Menschen in solch unsicheren Zeiten zögern, reproduktive Entscheidungen zu treffen. Methode: Wir analysieren eine bundesweit repräsentative Stichprobe von 1000 Befragten im Alter von 18-49 Jahren. In der Stichprobe der Studie gaben 234 Befragte an, dass sie vor dem Ausbruch der Pandemie beabsichtigten, ein Kind zu bekommen, und etwa 20% gaben an, dass sie diese Absicht aufgrund von COVID-19 verschoben oder aufgegeben haben. Wir führen logistische Regressionsanalysen durch, um zu testen, welche wahrgenommenen Folgen der Pandemie für diese Wahl entscheidend sind. Wir ergänzen unsere Analysen mit Erkenntnissen aus qualitativen, offenen Fragen zu den Auswirkungen der Pandemie. Ergebnisse: Wir finden, dass die Entscheidung der Menschen, ihre Pläne für Kinder zu verschieben, mit dem wahrgenommenen geringeren Gefühl der finanziellen Sicherheit und dem schlechteren psychologischen Wohlbefinden der Befragten während einer Pandemie zusammenhängt. In einem Modell, in dem beide Faktoren enthalten sind, bleibt nur das psychische Wohlbefinden signifikant. Qualitative Analysen weisen auf mehrere andere Faktoren hin, die für Fertilitätsentscheidungen in der Pandemie relevant sind, z.B. die Angst der Frauen, allein zu gebären. Schlussfolgerung: Die Entscheidung, die Empfängnis aufgrund von COVID-19 zu verschieben, hängt hauptsächlich mit der pandemiebedingten finanziellen Unsicherheit zusammen und scheint durch die psychologische Reaktion auf die Situation vermittelt zu werden

    Microfungi of the Tatra Mts. 6. Fungus-like organisms: Albuginales, Peronosporales and Pythiales

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    A list and the distribution of Oomycota species in the Tatra Mts (Western Carpathian Mts) are presented. Revised herbarium vouchers and literature data were used for analysis. Thirty two species of oomycetes on fifty seven plant species were noted in the area, including two species of the order Albuginales (genera: Albugo and Pustula, on nine plant species), 29 species of the order Peronosporales (genera: Bremia, Hyaloperonospora, Peronospora and Plasmopara, on 49 plant species), and one species of the order Pythiales (genus: Myzocytium, on one species of algae). Twenty nine species were collected on the Polish side of the Tatra Mts and ten species were collected on the Slovak side. The oomycetes were collected at 185 localities

    Raport zintegrowany jako źródło informacji o podejściu przedsiębiorstwa do zarządzania ryzykiem

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    Raport zintegrowany jako źródło informacji o podejściu przedsiębiorstwa do zarządzania ryzykiem W artykule przedstawiono ocenę raportu zintegrowanego jako narzędzia do komunikowania podejścia do zarządzania ryzykiem spółki i podjęto się odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy i w jaki sposób ta forma sprawozdawczo- ści przełożyła się na zakres informacji o zarządzaniu ryzykiem. Artykuł stanowi próbę kompleksowego podejścia do oceny ujawnień na temat zarządzania ryzykiem. Ocena została dokonana poprzez porównanie zawartości informacyjnej raportów rocznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sprawozdania z działal- ności oraz raportów zintegrowanych. Wykorzystano metodę analizy tekstu oraz metodę delficką. Próba badawcza obejmowała raporty roczne i dwa raporty zintegrowane sporządzone za 2016 rok spółek dzia- łających w branży energetycznej w Polsce. Z przeprowadzonego badania wynika, że bardziej precyzyjne informacje o ryzyku prezentowane są w raportach zintegrowanych niż „tradycyjnych”. Jednocześnie pomiędzy badanymi raportami zintegrowanymi również występują różnice w poziomie ujawnień

    Microfungi of the Tatra Mountains. Part 7. Correction of some data from herbaria and the literature

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    The Tatra Mts are located on the border of two countries – Poland and Slovakia. It is a unique, extremely geobotanically-differentiated region, protected by law and listed on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve List as an internationally recognized area. Due to the high nature values of the Tatra Mts, varied research, including mycological, has been intensively conducted on this area for many years. The first data on the microscopic fungi of the Tatras comes from to the second half of the nineteenth century and spans more than 150 years. Currently, the critical list of microfungi is being prepared concerning species published up to date from the whole Tatra range (the Polish and Slovakian parts), and also the adjacent areas. During detailed study of the available mycological literature, many erroneous citations of the original data or incorrect interpretations of these records were noted. Often, this faulty data was also reproduced in subsequent publications.The aim of this study was to correct some of the data published in the cited literature. In the paper, 68 fungal species were mentioned, including 29 species of Ascomycota and 39 species of Basidiomycota. Additionally, some information about the plants – the fungal hosts – has also been corrected

    Mitochondrial Processes during Early Development of Dictyostelium discoideum: From Bioenergetic to Proteomic Studies

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    The slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum’s life cycle includes different unicellular and multicellular stages that provide a convenient model for research concerning intracellular and intercellular mechanisms influencing mitochondria’s structure and function. We aim to determine the differences between the mitochondria isolated from the slime mold regarding its early developmental stages induced by starvation, namely the unicellular (U), aggregation (A) and streams (S) stages, at the bioenergetic and proteome levels. We measured the oxygen consumption of intact cells using the Clarke electrode and observed a distinct decrease in mitochondrial coupling capacity for stage S cells and a decrease in mitochondrial coupling efficiency for stage A and S cells. We also found changes in spare respiratory capacity. We performed a wide comparative proteomic study. During the transition from the unicellular stage to the multicellular stage, important proteomic differences occurred in stages A and S relating to the proteins of the main mitochondrial functional groups, showing characteristic tendencies that could be associated with their ongoing adaptation to starvation following cell reprogramming during the switch to gluconeogenesis. We suggest that the main mitochondrial processes are downregulated during the early developmental stages, although this needs to be verified by extending analogous studies to the next slime mold life cycle stages

    The impact of COVID-19 on the lives of community- dwelling people with dementia and informal carers in the context of using the social and medical services – a qualitative study

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    Background: Older people with dementia are particularly at risk of COVID-19, whilst still little is known about the indirect impact of the Pandemic on the lives of those living with and caring for someone with dementia. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the Pandemic on the lives of people with dementia and their informal carers in the context of using social and medical services in Poland. Methods: A qualitative thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with people with dementia (n = 5) and informal carers (n = 21) was performed. Interviews were collected between June and August 2020 via phone after the first wave of COVID-19 in Poland. Data were analysed using NVivo software by four team members. Results: Three overarching themes emerged: (1) Care re-organization; (2) Psychological responses; (3) Emerging needs. The factor underlying all these elements were a reliance on other people. Regardless of the type of support (informal or formal), a sense of presence of others and maintaining mutual contacts displayed as crucial elements influencing the well-being of people with dementia and informal carers. Conclusions: Social support and engagement are vital to the ongoing health and wellbeing of people living with dementia and their informal carers. Services need sustaining to provide ongoing provision to those living with dementia to reach pre-pandemic levels, if not better. Within the post-pandemic environment people with dementia and their informal carers need reassurance that they can rely on external institutional and social support able to meet their need

    High efficacy and safety of VTD as an induction protocol in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma eligible for high dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation : a report of the Polish Myeloma Study Group

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    The present retrospective analysis evaluated the efficacy and safety of the VTD (bortezomib, thalidomide, dexamethasone) regimen in 205 newly‑diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma (MM) eligible for high dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation (HDT/ASCT) in routine clinical practice. With a median of 6 cycles (range, 1‑8), at least partial response was achieved in 94.6% and at least very good partial response (VGPR) was achieved in 67.8% of patients. Peripheral neuropathy (PN) grade 2‑4 was observed in 28.7% of patients. In 72% of patients undergoing stem cell mobilization one apheresis allowed the number of stem cells sufficient for transplantation to be obtained. Following HDT/ASCT the sCR rate increased from 4.9 to 14.4% and CR from 27.8 to 35.6%. The results demonstrated that VTD as an induction regimen was highly efficient in transplant eligible patients with MM with increased at least VGPR rate following prolonged treatment (≥6 cycles). Therapy exhibited no negative impact on stem cell collection, neutrophils and platelets engraftment following ASCT. Therapy was generally well tolerated and PN was the most common reason of dose reduction or treatment discontinuation

    Krótkoterminowe planowanie finansowe na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa z branży : Handel hurtowy z wyłączeniem handlu pojazdami samochodowymi.

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    <p>Celem raportu jest przedstawienie sposobów krótkoterminowego planowania finansowego.</p