103 research outputs found

    Riappropriarsi del tempo, per abitare lo spazio urbano: quali sfide educative?

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    The paper aims to investigate the characteristics of metropolitan life nowadays. The study outlines the educational need to rediscover the identifying function of the city, especially for younger generations, focusing in particular on the analysis of space and time categories. In a synchronic perspective, it aims to find an appropriate time to inhabit the city and to develop a sense of belonging.In a diachronic perspective, the goal is recovering the history and stories that live in the city, in a dialectical interplay between permanence and change, based on memory. The author envisages a process of education for rediscovering the stories preserved in the architectural structures and their meanings, in order to bridge the gap between urban space and time. In this way, the urban space can become a narrative place and a source of identity for the new generations.Il contributo intende indagare i tratti che assume l’esistenza metropolitana nell’epoca odierna.Soffermandosi in particolare sull’analisi delle categorie dello spazio e del tempo, si sottolinea l’esigenza educativa di riscoprire la funzione identitaria della città, in modo particolare per le nuove generazioni. In una prospettiva sincronica, si auspica la possibilità di trovare un tempo opportuno per abitare la città e sviluppare senso di appartenenza. In una prospettiva diacronica, si profila invece il recupero della storia e delle storie che abitano nella città, in un gioco dialettico tra persistenza e mutamento, sul filo della memoria. Per sanare la frattura fra spazi e tempi urbani si traccia un percorso formativo di riscoperta delle trame narrative custodite nelle strutture architettoniche e nella polisemia dei loro significati: in questo modo lo spazio urbano può diventare luogo del racconto e fonte di identità per le nuove generazioni

    Limiti, confini, attraversamenti: l’incontro con le famiglie

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    Family participation represents an area in which services are urged to take action, in order to ensure every child’s full development. However, despite the benefits of educational co-responsibility being well-known, relationships with parents are a complex and delicate phenomenon, which take on an implicit dimension. This dimension is rarely subject to reflection and sharing, but nonetheless has a clear educational impact. In this perspective, it is fundamental to know how to query daily practices and representations. By doing this, defenses, borders, and conflicts can become not merely obstacles but a sort of reflective area through which people and contexts can grow.Using the outcomes of some training and research courses, this paper intends to present how the educational alliance with families implies reflective work on boundaries and critical experiences. By questioning their own professionalactions, and acknowledging misunderstandings and resistance, educators and teachers have the opportunity to establish their interpretative criteria. Moreover, working on the implicit and latent aspects of the relationship with familiesis an interesting device for building a shared educational culture.La partecipazione della famiglia rappresenta un’area in cui i servizi sono invitati ad agire, al fine di garantire il pieno sviluppo di ogni bambino. Tuttavia, nonostante i benefici della co-responsabilità educativa siano ben noti, i rapporti con i genitori sono un fenomeno complesso e delicato, che assume una dimensione implicita.Questa dimensione è raramente soggetta a riflessione e condivisione, ma ha comunque un chiaro impatto educativo.In questa prospettiva, è fondamentale sapere come analizzare le pratiche e le rappresentazioni quotidiane.In questo modo, difese, confini e conflitti possono diventare non solo ostacoli ma area di riflessione attraverso cui le persone e i contesti possono crescere. Utilizzando i risultati di alcuni corsi di formazione e ricerca, questo articolo intende presentare come l’alleanza educativa con le famiglie implichi un lavoro riflessivo sui confini e sulle esperienze. Mettendo in discussione le proprie azioni professionali e riconoscendo incomprensioni e resistenze, educatori e insegnanti hanno l’opportunità di stabilire i loro criteri interpretativi. Inoltre, lavoraresugli aspetti impliciti e latenti del rapporto con le famiglie diventa uno strumento interessante per costruire una cultura educativa condivisa

    Transition to parenthood and intergenerational relationships: the ethical value of family memory

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    Inside the family, all individuals define their identity in relation to previous generations (those calling them to life), the present ones (those they share their life with), and the future ones (to whom they give life). This intergenerational exchange plays important educational roles: it fosters a sense of belonging and identification, promotes dialogue, and guarantees the passing down of ethical orientations. In addition to feelings of security and reliance on others, family memory creates a matrix that gives people a placement in the world, a sort of existential code through which to be located in the existence. Fostering the habit of memory-making becomes therefore a major educational imperative, which however is not without challenges. The present contribution will consider those phenomena which can give rise to a weakening of bonds between generations and a growing exclusion of the ethical value of family heritage. The educational perspective that will be drawn is that of building a sense of alliance between generations, without being locked only on those aspects of psychological functioning or emotional ones. In order to explore the role of family heritage across the whole of a family life cycle, the article focuses on the identity and relational dynamics that come into being during a crucial phase that repeats itself across generations, i.e. the transition to parenthood and thus the arrival of a new family member. The reflections developed around the symbolic value of this transition will draw on the results of a qualitative research, conducted in order to analyze the ethical heritage passing through the bond between generations and to understand how the enhancement of an intergenerational pact may restore the ethical depth of parenting

    Progettare futuri: intervista ad Howard Gardner

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    L'articolo presenta un'intervista realizzata con Howard Gardner e affronta alcuni nodi pedagogico-educativi del suo pensiero. Le tematiche prevalentemente affrontate sono quelle delle intelligenze multiple, delle sfide educative del futuro, dei nuovi approcci didattici

    La conciliazione e il tempo: prospettive pedagogiche

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    Recognizing the rugged phenomenology that characterizes conciliatory processes put in place by families, the article intends to approach this complexity according to a particular hermeneutic category: the temporal one. The theme of \u201ctime\u201d is transverse to the readings and the solutions developed on the issue of reconciliation. The same policy of conciliation confer an essential role in the strategies of harmonization of times. The use of time is a symbolic litmus test of the complex dynamics underlying the processes of balance. So much in the workplace as in the family domain, the temporal dimension plays a crucial role in the management of reconciliation practices and brings with it significant educational meanings. We cannot, however, overlook the fact that temporality is a constitutive category of educating. Not attributable to a mere problem of management "of the times", the question "time " refers essentially to the deeper and existential meanings: these are the areas that this paper will investigate

    Ontologia della reciprocit\ue0 e coniugalit\ue0

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    The author deals with this subject in an articulate manner. She considers the most advanced reflections regarding the reality of the couple, and is inspired by the philosophy of Maurice N\ue9doncelle to highlight the ontological density of the coniugal relationship. The fundamental reference is constituted by the concept of reciprocity that allows us to illuminate the equality and the difference that the partners bear. In proportion to how these factors are recognized and encouraged in their harmonic expression, the conjugal union is enriched and contributes to the growth of the subject involved. Naturally the achievement of this objective requires an adequate education already in earliest youth

    Children and architecture: educational perspectives

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    Children don\u2019t act out a simple process of adaptation to space, but a real constructive interaction: they assimilate the environment constructively, making significant cognitive, psychomotor and affective procedures, through active approaches. The relationship between children and architecture is complex, since the space is not a given but a construct, in which intersect signs and symbols, actions and relationships, emotional experiences and mental representations. The objective of the paper is to present a project for children's education to architecture, that enhances the children skills and their ability to proceed from the real to the fantastic dimension, without losing the meaning of contexts. The purpose of the project was to provide primary school children an opportunity to create a personal relationship with their life contexts, consisting of knowledge and feelings, developed through intense sensorial experiences and physical activities
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