153 research outputs found

    Overcoming Drug Resistance and Treating Advanced Prostate Cancer.

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    Most of the prostate cancers (PCa) in advanced stage will progress to castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Within CRPC group, 50-70% of the patients will develop bone metastasis in axial and other regions of the skeleton. Once PCa cells spread to the bone, currently, no treatment regimens are available to eradicate the metastasis, and cancer- related death becomes inevitable. In 2012, it is estimated that there will be 28,170 PCa deaths in the United States. Thus, PCa bone metastasis-associated clinical complications and treatment resistance pose major clinical challenges. In this review, we will present recent findings on the molecular and cellular pathways that are responsible for bone metastasis of PCa. We will address several novel mechanisms with a focus on the role of bone and bone marrow microenvironment in promoting PCa metastasis, and will further discuss why prostate cancer cells preferentially metastasize to the bone. Additionally, we will discuss novel roles of several key pathways, including angiogenesis and extracellular matrix remodeling in bone marrow and stem cell niches with their relationship to PCa bone metastasis and poor treatment response. We will evaluate how various chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation therapies may allow aggressive PCa cells to gain advantageous mutations leading to increased survival and rendering the cancer cells to become resistant to treatment. The novel concept relating several key survival and invasion signaling pathways to stem cell niches and treatment resistance will be reviewed. Lastly, we will provide an update of several recently developed novel drug candidates that target metastatic cancer microenvironments or niches, and discuss the advantages and significance provided by such therapeutic approaches in pursuit of overcoming drug resistance and treating advanced PCa

    Detection and analysis of RNA methylation [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Our understanding of the expanded genetic alphabet has been growing rapidly over the last two decades, and many of these developments came more than 80 years after the original discovery of a modified guanine in tuberculosis DNA. These new understandings, leading to the field of epigenetics, have led to exciting new fundamental and applied knowledge and to the development of novel classes of drugs exploiting this new biology. The number of methyl modifications to RNA is about seven times greater than those found on DNA, and our ability to interrogate these enigmatic nucleobases has lagged significantly until recent years as an explosion in technologies and understanding has revealed the roles and regulation of RNA methylation in several fundamental and disease-associated biological processes. Here, we outline how the technology has evolved and which strategies are commonly used in the modern epitranscriptomics revolution and give a foundation in the understanding and application of the rich variety of these methods to novel biological questions

    Up-regulation of genes involved in the Insulin signaling pathway (IGF1, PTEN and IGFBP1) in the endometrium may link Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and endometrial cancer

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    BACKGROUND Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynaecological cancer amongst women in the UK. Although previous studies have found that women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have at least a three-fold increase in endometrial cancer (EC) risk compared to women without PCOS, the precise molecular mechanisms which link between PCOS and EC remain unclear. It has been suggested that insulin resistance may contribute to the increased risk of EC in PCOS. The specific expression of genes related to the insulin-signalling pathway including the IGF system in the endometrium of women with PCOS has however never been measured and compared to that in women with EC without PCOS and control women without EC or PCOS. . OBJECTIVES To test the hypothesis that insulin signaling plays a key role in the development of EC in women with PCOS by measuring and comparing the expression of three key genes involved in the insulin signaling pathway (IGF1, PTEN and IGFBP1) in endometrial tissue obtained from three groups of women; PCOS without EC, women with EC without PCOS and non-PCOS women without EC (controls). We also aimed to determine the correlation between the gene expressions to various clinical variables among participants. METHODS This was a cross-sectional study of 102 women in 3 groups (PCOS, EC and controls) at a University teaching hospital in the United Kingdom. Clinical assessment (blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) and waist-hip-circumference ratio), venepuntures (fasting blood sugar, insulin, lipid profile, hormones) and endometrial tissue biopsies were taken in all participants. Endometrial tissue RNA extraction was performed before real time polymerase-chain-reaction for the genes of interest (IGF1, IGFBP1 and PTEN) was carried out. To compare the baseline characteristics of the study population, One-Way-ANOVA test or the Independent t-test was used. For variables that were not normally distributed, the Spearman correlation test was used to calculate the r value. A "p" value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS IGF1, IGFBP1 and PTEN gene expression were significantly up-regulated in the endometrium of PCOS and EC women compared to controls. However there was no significant difference in the expression of these genes in PCOS compared to EC endometrium. The BMI of women with PCOS and controls, were not significantly different (29.28 (±2.91) vs 28.58 (±2.62) kg/m(2)) respectively, women with EC however had a higher mean BMI (32.22 (±5.70) kg/m(2)). PCOS women were younger (31.8 (±5.97) years) than women with EC (63.44 (±10.07) years) and controls (43.68 (±13.12) years). The changes in gene expression were independent of BMI, waist hip ratio, estradiol and androgen levels. Protein validation test in the serum samples in the three groups were consistent with the gene findings. CONCLUSION Women with PCOS and EC have an increased endometrial expression of genes (IGF1, IGFBP1 and PTEN) involved in the insulin signaling pathway compared with control women. This may explain the increased risk of EC in PCOS women. This study provides a strong basis for clinical trials aiming to prevent EC in women with PCOS by investigating drugs targeting the insulin signaling pathway. This panel of genes may also serve as clinically useful early biomarkers which predict which women with PCOS will go on to develop EC

    Genetics of human and canine dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death in both humans and dogs. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) accounts for a large number of these cases, reported to be the third most common form of cardiac disease in humans and the second most common in dogs. In human studies of DCM there are more than 50 genetic loci associated with the disease. Despite canine DCM having similar disease progression to human DCM studies into the genetic basis of canine DCM lag far behind those of human DCM. In this review the aetiology, epidemiology, and clinical characteristics of canine DCM are examined, along with highlighting possible different subtypes of canine DCM and their potential relevance to human DCM. Finally the current position of genetic research into canine and human DCM, including the genetic loci, is identified and the reasons many studies may have failed to find a genetic association with canine DCM are reviewed

    HOXC8 regulates self-renewal, differentiation and transformation of breast cancer stem cells

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    Background: Homeobox genes are master regulators of cell fate during embryonic development and their expression is altered in cancer. By regulating the balance between cell proliferation and differentiation, they maintain homeostasis of normal tissues. Here, we screened the expression of homeobox genes in mammary stem cells to establish their role in stem cells transformation in breast cancer. Methods: Using a Homeobox Genes PCR array, we screened 83 homeobox genes in normal cancer breast stem/progenitor cells isolated by flow cytometry. The candidate gene HOXC8 epigenetic regulation was studied by DNA methylation and miRNA expression analyses. Self-renewal and differentiation of HOXC8-overexpressing or knockdown cells were assessed by flow cytometry and mammosphere, 3D matrigel and soft agar assays. Clinical relevance of in vitro findings were validated by bioinformatics analysis of patient datasets from TCGA and METABRIC studies. Results: In this study we demonstrate altered expression of homeobox genes in breast cancer stem/progenitor cells. HOXC8 was consistently downregulated in stem/progenitor cells of all breast molecular subtypes, thus representing an interesting tumour suppressor candidate. We show that downregulated expression of HOXC8 is associated with DNA methylation at the gene promoter and expression of miR196 family members. Functional studies demonstrated that HOXC8 gain of function induces a decrease in the CD44+/CD24-/low cancer stem cell population and proportion of chemoresistant cells, with a concomitant increase in CD24+ differentiated cells. Increased HOXC8 levels also decrease the ability of cancer cells to form mammospheres and to grow in anchorage-independent conditions. Furthermore, loss of HOXC8 in non-tumorigenic mammary epithelial cells expands the cancer stem/progenitor cells pool, increases stem cell self-renewal, prevents differentiation induced by retinoic acid and induces a transformed phenotype. Conclusions: Taken together, our study points to an important role of homeobox genes in breast cancer stem/progenitor cell function and establishes HOXC8 as a suppressor of stemness and transformation in the mammary gland lineag

    Parental protein malnutrition programmes of offspring growth and vasculature to increase risk of cardiovascular, pancreatic, and metabolic disease: lessons learned from animal studies

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    It is well known that consumption of a balanced diet throughout adulthood is key toward maintenance of optimal body weight and cardiovascular health. Research using animal models can provide insights into the programming of short and long-term health by parental diet and potential mechanisms by which, for example, protein intake may influence fetal development, adolescent health, and adult morbidity/mortality. Malnutrition, whether consumption of too many or too few individual nutrients or energy, is detrimental to health. For example, in Westernised societies, one of the principal factors contributing towards the global epidemic of obesity is over-consumption of calories, relative to the expenditure of calories through physical activity. A large body of evidence now suggests that many chronic diseases of adulthood, such as obesity and diabetes, are linked to the nutritional environment experienced by the fetus in utero. Maternal consumption of a poor-quality, nutritionally unbalanced diet can programme offspring to become obese, develop high blood pressure and diabetes, and to experience premature morbidity and mortality. More recently, paternal diet has also been shown to influence offspring health through effects carried via the sperm that affect post-fertilisation development. Mechanisms underpinning such developmental programming effects remain elusive, although early development of the microvasculature in the heart and pancreas, particularly after exposure of the mother (or father) to a protein restricted diet, has been proposed as one mechanism linking early diet to perturbed adult function. In this brief review, we explore the longer-term consequences of maternal and paternal protein intakes on the progeny. Using evidence from relevant animal models, we illustrate how protein malnutrition may ‘programme’ lifelong health and disease outcomes, especially in relation to pancreatic function and insulin resistance, and cardiac abnormalities

    Multiple genetic associations with Irish wolfhound dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Cardiac disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in dogs and humans, with dilated cardiomyopathy being a large contributor to this. The Irish Wolfhound (IWH) is one of the most commonly affected breeds and one of the few breeds with genetic loci associated with the disease. Mutations in more than 50 genes are associated with human dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), yet very few are also associated with canine DCM. Furthermore, none of the identified canine loci explain many cases of the disease and previous work has indicated that genotypes at multiple loci may act together to influence disease development. In this study, loci previously associated with DCM in IWH were tested for associations in a new cohort both individually and in combination. We have identified loci significantly associated with the disease individually, but no genotypes individually or in pairs conferred a significantly greater risk of developing DCM than the population risk. However combining three loci together did result in the identification of a genotype which conferred a greater risk of disease than the overall population risk. This study suggests multiple rather than individual genetic factors, cooperating to influence DCM risk in IWH

    Role of NADH Dehydrogenase (Ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex 4-like 2 in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    PURPOSE We delineated the functions of the HIF1α target NADH Dehydrogenase (Ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex 4-like 2 (NDUFA4L2) in ccRCC and characterized NDUFA4L2 as a novel molecular target for ccRCC treatment. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN We evaluated normal kidney and ccRCC patient microarray and RNAseq data from Oncomine and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) for NDUFA4L2 mRNA levels and the clinical implications of high NDUFA4L2 expression. Additionally, we examined normal kidney and ccRCC patient tissue samples, human ccRCC cell lines, and murine models of ccRCC for NDUFA4L2 mRNA and protein expression. Utilizing shRNA, we performed NDUFA4L2 knockdown experiments and analyzed the proliferation, clonogenicity, metabolite levels, cell structure, and autophagy in ccRCC cell lines in culture. RESULTS We found that NDUFA4L2 mRNA and protein are highly expressed in ccRCC samples but undetectable in normal kidney tissue samples, and that NDUFA4L2 mRNA expression correlates with tumor stage and lower overall survival. Additionally, we demonstrated that NDUFA4L2 is a HIF1α target in ccRCC and that NDUFA4L2 knockdown has a profound anti-proliferative effect, alters metabolic pathways, and causes major stress in cultured RCC cells. CONCLUSIONS Collectively, our data show that NDUFA4L2 is a novel molecular target for ccRCC treatment

    Two zinc finger proteins with functions in m6A writing interact with HAKAI

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    The methyltransferase complex (m6A writer), which catalyzes the deposition of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) in mRNAs, is highly conserved across most eukaryotic organisms, but its components and interactions between them are still far from fully understood. Here, using in vivo interaction proteomics, two HAKAI-interacting zinc finger proteins, HIZ1 and HIZ2, are discovered as components of the Arabidopsis m6A writer complex. HAKAI is required for the interaction between HIZ1 and MTA (mRNA adenosine methylase A). Whilst HIZ1 knockout plants have normal levels of m6A, plants in which it is overexpressed show reduced methylation and decreased lateral root formation. Mutant plants lacking HIZ2 are viable but have an 85% reduction in m6A abundance and show severe developmental defects. Our findings suggest that HIZ2 is likely the plant equivalent of ZC3H13 (Flacc) of the metazoan m6A-METTL Associated Complex
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