60 research outputs found

    Geometry of subduction and depth of the seismogenic zone in the Guerrero gap, Mexico

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    L'étude sismique de la zone cÎtiÚre de Guerrero (Mexique) permet d'interpréter la géométrie de la subduction dans cette régio

    Elastic Time Reversal Mirror Experiment in a Mesoscopic Natural Medium at the Low Noise Underground Laboratory of Rustrel, France

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    A seismic time reversal experiment based on Time Reversal Mirror (TRM) technique was conducted in the mesoscopically scaled medium at the LSBB Laboratory, France. Two sets of 50 Hz geophones were distributed at one meter intervals in two horizontal and parallel galleries 100 m apart, buried 250 m below the surface. The shot source used was a 4 kg sledgehammer. Analysis shows that elastic seismic energy is refocused in space and time to the shot locations with good accuracy. The refocusing ability of seismic energy to the shot locations is roughly achieved for the direct field, and with excellent quality, for the early and later coda. Hyper-focussing is achieved at the shot points as a consequence of the fine scale randomly heterogeneous medium between the galleries. TRM experiment is sensitive to the roughness of the mirror used. Roughness induces a slight experimental discrepancy between recording and re-emitting directions degrading the quality of the reversal process.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures - This paper aimed at describing time reversal mirror method applied at mesoscopic scale to a natural medium in the frame of an active seismic experiment. The results confirm the hyper-focusing process in an anelastic medium and the efficiency of scattered waves within the coda to refocus at the source using the time reversal mirro

    Flat versus normal subduction zones: a comparison based on 3-D regional traveltime tomography and petrological modelling of central Chile and western Argentina (29°–35°S)

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    Our study compares the seismic properties between the flat and normal subduction regions in central Chile, to better understand the links between the slab geometry, surface deformation and the deeper structures. In comparison with previous studies, we show the most complete 3-D regional seismic tomography images for this region, in which we use (1) a larger seismic data set compiled from several short-term seismic catalogues, (2) a denser seismic array allowing a better resolution of the subduction zone from the trench to the backarc and into the upper ∌30 km of the slab and (3) a starting 1-D background velocity model specifically calculated for this region and refined over the years. We assess and discuss our tomography results using regional seismic attenuation models and estimating rock types on the basis of pressure and temperature conditions computed from thermomechanical models. Our results show significant seismic differences between the flat and normal subduction zones. As expected, the faster seismic velocities and increased seismicity within the flat slab and overriding lithosphere are generally consistent with a cooler thermal state. Our results are also consistent with dehydration of the mantle above the subducted Juan Fernandez Ridge at the eastern tip of the flat slab segment, indicating that the latter retains some fluids during subduction. However, fluids in the upper portion of the flat slab segment are not seismically detected, since we report instead fast slab seismic velocities which contradict the argument of its buoyancy being the cause of horizontal subduction. The forearc region, above the flat slab, exhibits high Vs and very low Vp/Vs ratios, uncorrelated with typical rock compositions, increased density or reduced temperature; this feature is possibly linked with the aftershock effects of the Mw7.1 1997 Punitaqui earthquake, the flat slab geometry and/or seismic anisotropy. At the surface, the seismic variations correlate with the geological terranes. The Andean crust is strongly reduced in seismic velocities along the La Ramada–Aconcagua deformation belt, suggesting structural damage. Slow seismic velocities along the Andean Moho match non-eclogitized hydrated rocks, consistent with a previous delamination event or a felsic composition, which in turn supports the extent of the Chilenia terrane at these depths. We confirm previous studies that suggest that the Cuyania terrane in the backarc region is mafic and contains an eclogitized lower crust below 50-km depth. We also hypothesize major Andean basement detachment faults (or shear zones) to extend towards the plate interface and canalize slab-derived fluids into the continental crust

    Structure of the Lesser Antilles subduction forearc and backstop from 3D seismic tomography

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    In 2007 the Sismantilles II experiment was conducted to constrain structure and seismicity in the central Lesser Antilles subduction zone. The seismic refraction data recorded by a network of 27 OBSs over an area of 65 km×95 km provide new insights on the crustal structure of the forearc offshore Martinique and Dominica islands. The tomographic inversion of first arrival travel times provides a 3D P-wave velocity model down to 15 km. Basement velocity gradients depict that the forearc is made up of two distinct units: A high velocity gradient domain named the inner forearc in comparison to a lower velocity gradient domain located further trenchward named the outer forearc. Whereas the inner forearc appears as a rigid block uplifted and possibly tilted as a whole to the south, short wavelength deformations of the outer forearc basement are observed, beneath a 3 to 6 km thick sedimentary pile, in relation with the subduction of the Tiburon Ridge and associated sea floor reliefs. North, offshore Dominica Island, the outer forearc is 70 km wide. It extends as far as 180 km to the east of the volcanic front where it acts as a backstop on which the accretionary wedge developed. Its width decreases strongly to the south to terminate offshore Martinique where the inner forearc acts as the backstop. The inner forearc is likely the extension at depth of the Mesozoic magmatic crust outcropping to the north in La DĂ©sirade Island and along the scarp of the Karukera Spur. The outer forearc could be either the eastern prolongation of the inner forearc, but the crust was thinned and fractured during the past tectonic history of the area or by recent subduction processes, or an oceanic terrane more recently accreted to the island arc.Peer Reviewe

    Citizen seismology helps decipher the 2021 Haiti earthquake

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    5 pages, 4 figures, supplementary materials https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abn1045.-- Data and materials availability: All data and code used in this study are openly available. RADAR data can be obtained through ESA (Sentinel) or JAXA (Alos-2). Aftershock data can be obtained from https://ayiti.unice.fr/ayiti-seismes/ (7). The codes used to process or model the data are published and public (8). The catalog of high-precision earthquake relocated with the NLL-SSST-coherence procedure (SM4) is available as supplementary dataOn 14 August 2021, the moment magnitude (Mw) 7.2 Nippes earthquake in Haiti occurred within the same fault zone as its devastating 2010 Mw 7.0 predecessor, but struck the country when field access was limited by insecurity and conventional seismometers from the national network were inoperative. A network of citizen seismometers installed in 2019 provided near-field data critical to rapidly understand the mechanism of the mainshock and monitor its aftershock sequence. Their real-time data defined two aftershock clusters that coincide with two areas of coseismic slip derived from inversions of conventional seismological and geodetic data. Machine learning applied to data from the citizen seismometer closest to the mainshock allows us to forecast aftershocks as accurately as with the network-derived catalog. This shows the utility of citizen science contributing to our understanding of a major earthquakeThis work was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Institut de Recherche pour le DĂ©veloppement (IRD) through their “Natural Hazard” program (E.C., S.S., T.M., B.D., F.C., J.P.A., J.C., A.D., D.B., S.P.); the FEDER European Community program within the Interreg CaraĂŻbes “PREST” project (E.C., S.S., D.B.); Institut Universitaire de France (E.C., R.J.); UniversitĂ© CĂŽte d’Azur and the French Embassy in Haiti (S.P.); the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant no. 758210, Geo4D project to R.J. and grant no. 805256 to Z.D.); the French National Research Agency (project ANR-21-CE03-0010 “OSMOSE” to E.C. and ANR-15-IDEX-01 “UCAJEDI Investments in the Future” to Q.B.); the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant no. 949221 to Q.B.); and HPC resources of IDRIS (under allocations 2020-AD011012142, 2021-AP011012536, and 2021-A0101012314 to Q.B.With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe

    Géodynamique andine : résumés étendus = Andean geodynamics : extended abstracts

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    L'atténuation intrinsÚque et l'atténuation "scattering" sont calculées pour des séismes qui se sont produits entre 1993 et 1996 à moins de 30 km de distance épicentrale de la station MEJ du réseau sismologique d'Antofagasta. Alors que l'atténuation intrinsÚque ne montre aucune variation temporelle, l'atténuation "scattering" augmente à MEJ avant le tremblement de terre d'Antofagasta du 30 juillet 1995 et regagne en 1996 son niveau de 1993. (Résumé d'auteur

    Utilisation de la composante verticale du mode fondamental des ondes de Rayleigh du manteau : etude de la source sismique et modelisation tri-dimensionnelle de la terre

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Géodynamique andine : résumés étendus = Andean geodynamics : extended abstracts = Geodinamica andina : resumenes expandidos

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    Les séismes du 14 octobre 1997 et 3 novembre 1997, bien que de magnitude modérée, ont occasionné d'importants dégùts dans la région de Punitaqui-Ovalle, au Chili Central. Nous proposons de relocaliser ces événements afin de mieux étudier leurs mécanismes et leurs liens avec des essaims de séismes qui les ont précédés. (Résumé d'auteur
