214 research outputs found

    Duurzaam doenderzoek in de zeeuwse delta : ecosysteemdiensten in de praktijk : deelresultaat 2 : ecosysteemdienstenbenuttingskaart

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    Een ruimtelijke inventarisatie van ecosysteemdiensten waaruit blijkt wie de potentiële gebruikers zijn van ecosysteemdiensten (zoals: voedselproductie, energieproductie, drinkwaterproductie; waterberging, koolstofvastlegging, klimaatbeheersing, plaagwering; recreatie en leefbaarheid

    Duurzaam doenderzoek in de zeeuwse delta : ecosysteemdiensten in de praktijk : deelresultaat 1 : analyse van landschappen resulterend in een overzicht van ecosysteemdiensten in de provincie Zeeland

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    Een ruimtelijke inventarisatie van ecosysteemdiensten waaruit blijkt wie de potentiële gebruikers zijn van ecosysteemdiensten (zoals: voedselproductie, energieproductie, drinkwaterproductie; waterberging, koolstofvastlegging, klimaatbeheersing, plaagwering; recreatie en leefbaarheid

    Friend recollections, and a collection of collaborations with Nadia

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    In this selective review article, we showcase our collaborations with our colleague, Dr. Nadia Chaudhri. Dr. Chaudhri was an esteemed colleague and researcher who contributed greatly to our understanding of Pavlovian alcohol conditioning. From 2014 to 2019, we collaborated with Nadia. Here, we reflect on our friendship, the work we did together, and the continued impact on the field

    Piroxicam fails to reduce myocellular enzyme leakage and delayed onset muscle soreness induced by isokinetic eccentric exercise

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    To test the hypothesis that delayed onset muscular soreness (DOMS) following intense eccentric muscle contraction could be due to increased production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), ten healthy male subjects were studied. Using a double-blind randomized crossover design, each subject performed two isokinetic tests separated by a period of at least 6 weeks: once with placebo, and once with piroxicam (Feldene®). They were given one capsule containing either placebo or piroxicam (20 mg) per day for 6 days with initial doses given starting 3 days prior to isokinetic testing. Exercise consisted of eight stages of five maximal contractions of the knee extensor and flexor muscle groups of both legs separated by 1 min rest phases, on a Kin Trex device at 60°/s angular velocity. The subjective presence and intensity of DOMS were evaluated using a visual analogue scale immediately after, and 24 and 48 h after each test. The mean plasma concentration of PGE2 measured at rest and after exercise was significantly lower in the group treated with piroxicam (p < 0.05). However, statistical analysis (two-way ANOVA test) revealed that exercise did not cause any significant change of mean plasma PGE2 over time in either of the two groups. Eccentric work was followed by severe muscle pain in extensor and flexor muscle groups. Maximal soreness was noted 48 h postexercise. Serum creatine kinase activity and the serum concentration of myoglobin increased significantly, and reached peak values 48 h after exercise in both experimental conditions (p < 0.001). By paired t-test, it appeared that there were no significant differences in the serum levels of these two markers of muscle damage between the two groups at any time point. We conclude that: (1) oral administration of piroxicam fails to reduce muscle damage and DOMS caused by strenuous eccentric exercise; and (2) the hypothetical role of increased PGE2 production in eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage, DOMS, and reduced isokinetic performance is not substantiated by the present results

    Regulatory modules controlling maize inflorescence architecture

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    Genetic control of branching is a primary determinant of yield, regulating seed number and harvesting ability, yet little is known about the molecular networks that shape grain-bearing inflorescences of cereal crops. Here, we used the maize (Zea mays) inflorescence to investigate gene networks that modulate determinacy, specifically the decision to allow branch growth. We characterized developmental transitions by associating spatiotemporal expression profiles with morphological changes resulting from genetic perturbations that disrupt steps in a pathway controlling branching. Developmental dynamics of genes targeted in vivo by the transcription factor RAMOSA1, a key regulator of determinacy, revealed potential mechanisms for repressing branches in distinct stem cell populations, including interactions with KNOTTED1, a master regulator of stem cell maintenance. Our results uncover discrete developmental modules that function in determining grass-specific morphology and provide a basis for targeted crop improvement and translation to other cereal crops with comparable inflorescence architectures

    Cue-alcohol associative learning in female rats

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    The ability of environmental cues to trigger alcohol seeking behaviors is believed to facilitate problematic alcohol use. We previously showed that the development of this cue-evoked alcohol approach reflects cue-alcohol learning and memory in the adult male rat; however, we do not know whether the same is true for similarly aged female rats. Consequently, adult Long-Evans female rats were allowed to drink unsweetened alcohol in the homecage (MWF 24 hr two-bottle choice, 5 weeks) and subsequently split into two experimental groups: paired and unpaired. Groups were matched for ingested doses and alcohol bottle preference across the pre-conditioning homecage period. Both groups were trained in conditioning chambers using a Pavlovian procedure. For the paired group, the chamber houselight was illuminated to signal access to an alcohol sipper. Houselight onset was yoked for the unpaired group, but access to the alcohol sipper was scheduled to occur only during the intervening periods (in the absence of light). We found that in the paired, but not unpaired group, an alcohol approach reaction was conditioned to houselight illumination, and the level of cue-conditioned reactivity predicted drinking behavior within trials. Groups experienced equivalently low but non-negligible blood alcohol concentrations over the course of conditioning sessions. We conclude that cue-triggered alcohol seeking behavior in adult female rats reflects associative learning about the relationship between alcohol availability and houselight illumination

    Systematic assessment of training-induced changes in corticospinal output to hand using frameless stereotaxic transcranial magnetic stimulation.

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    Measuring changes in the characteristics of corticospinal output has become a critical part of assessing the impact of motor experience on cortical organization in both the intact and injured human brain. In this protocol we describe a method for systematically assessing training-induced changes in corticospinal output that integrates volumetric anatomical MRI with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). A TMS coil is sited to a target grid superimposed onto a 3D MRI of cortex using a stereotaxic neuronavigation system. Subjects are then required to exercise the first dorsal interosseus (FDI) muscle on two different tasks for a total of 30 min. The protocol allows for reliably and repeatedly detecting changes in corticospinal output to FDI muscle in response to brief periods of motor training

    Digital Extended Specimens: Enabling an Extensible Network of Biodiversity Data Records as Integrated Digital Objects on the Internet

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    The early twenty-first century has witnessed massive expansions in availability and accessibility of digital data in virtually all domains of the biodiversity sciences. Led by an array of asynchronous digitization activities spanning ecological, environmental, climatological, and biological collections data, these initiatives have resulted in a plethora of mostly disconnected and siloed data, leaving to researchers the tedious and time-consuming manual task of finding and connecting them in usable ways, integrating them into coherent data sets, and making them interoperable. The focus to date has been on elevating analog and physical records to digital replicas in local databases prior to elevating them to ever-growing aggregations of essentially disconnected discipline-specific information. In the present article, we propose a new interconnected network of digital objects on the Internet—the Digital Extended Specimen (DES) network—that transcends existing aggregator technology, augments the DES with third-party data through machine algorithms, and provides a platform for more efficient research and robust interdisciplinary discovery

    Alcohol-associated antecedent stimuli elicit alcohol seeking in non-dependent rats and may activate the insula

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    Alcohol self-administration produces brain and behavior adaptations that facilitate a progressive loss of control over drinking and contribute to relapse. One possible adaptation is the ability of antecedent environmental stimuli that are consistently paired with alcohol to trigger alcohol seeking behaviors. We previously modeled this adaptation in rats using a Pavlovian conditioning procedure in which illumination of a houselight preceded the presentation of a sipper tube that produced unsweetened alcohol when licked. However, in our previous work we did not demonstrate whether this adaptation represented a consequence of repeated exposure to alcohol or the houselight, or whether it was the consequence of associative learning and memory. Thus, in the present study, we tested the associative basis of alcohol seeking in response to houselight illumination in our task using adult male rats that were not food or water deprived and were not dependent on alcohol. Separate groups of rats received houselight illumination that was explicitly paired or unpaired with presentation of the retractable sipper that provided access to unsweetened alcohol. Our primary dependent variable was appetitive alcohol-directed behavior: the frequency of movement toward and interaction with the hole in the wall of the chamber through which the sipper was presented during the period of houselight illumination trial before each sipper presentation. However, we also analyzed consummatory sipper licking behavior and blood ethanol concentration in the same rats. Finally, we explored the brain basis of cue-elicited alcohol seeking using c-Fos immunohistochemistry. Our findings confirmed the associative basis of cue-elicited alcohol seeking in our paradigm and mapped these onto the insular cortex, suggesting a role for this brain region in early stages of brain and behavior adaptation to regular alcohol us
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