27 research outputs found

    Surface topography and mixed-pixel effects on the simulated L-band brightness temperatures.

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    The impact of topography and mixed pixels on L-band radiometric observations over land needs to be quantified to improve the accuracy of soil moisture retrievals. For this purpose, a series of simulations has been performed with an improved version of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) End-to-End Performance Simulator (SEPS). The brightness temperature (TB) generator of SEPS has been modified to include a 100-m-resolution land cover map and a 30-m-resolution digital elevation map of Catalonia (northeast of Spain). This highresolution TB generator allows the assessment of the errors in soil moisture retrieval algorithms due to limited spatial resolution and provides a basis for the development of pixel disaggregation techniques. Variation of the local incidence angle, shadowing, and atmospheric effects (up- and downwelling radiation) due to surface topography has been analyzed. THE AVAILABILITY of high-resolution brightness temperature (TB) maps at L-band is crucial to analyze important issues dealing with bare and vegetation-covered land emission and to develop inversion algorithms in preparation for real Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission data. Mixed-pixel, coastlines, shadowing, and topography effects on the measured brightness temperatures need further study, but the lack of global geophysical data at sufficient temporal and spatial resolution and the large amount of data involved in the generation of high-resolution TB maps on a global basis complicate the issue. In fact, in spite of the existence of global digital elevation models with sufficient spatial resolution, accurate land cover data do not exist for most parts of the world. To address these issues, a series of simulations has been performed with an improved version of the SMOS End-to-End Performance Simulator (SEPS) [1], [2], in which, to date, all points on Earth have been assumed to be at sea level. The study has been done over the region of Catalonia, on the northeastern coast of Spain, because of its many different land cover types, topography, and the presence of a coastline. A 30-m-resolution digital elevation map [3] and a 100-m-resolution land coverage map of Catalonia [4] have been used as inputs, and SEPS has been conveniently modified to generate high-resolution TB maps of this area. A variety of soil and land cover types (crops, bushes, marshes, etc.) have been parameterized using the values obtained from field experiments and literature [5]–[10], [12].The impact of topography and mixed pixels on L-band radiometric observations over land needs to be quantified to improve the accuracy of soil moisture retrievals. For this purpose, a series of simulations has been performed with an improved version of the soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) end-to-end performance simulator (SEPS). The brightness temperature generator of SEPS has been modified to include a 100-m-resolution land cover map and a 30-m-resolution digital elevation map of Catalonia (northeast of Spain). This high-resolution generator allows the assessment of the errors in soil moisture retrieval algorithms due to limited spatial resolution and provides a basis for the development of pixel disaggregation techniques. Variation of the local incidence angle, shadowing, and atmospheric effects (up- and downwelling radiation) due to surface topography has been analyzed. Results are compared to brightness temperatures that are computed under the assumption of an ellipsoidal Earth

    Parameter considerations for the retrieval of surface soil moisture from spaceborne GNSS-R

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    The Microwave Interferometric Reflectometer (MIR) is an airborne GNSS-R instrument developed by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. In 2018, it was flown twice over the agricultural Yanco area, New South Wales, Australia, once after a very dry period, and a further time the day after a strong rain event. This rain event resulted in many crop fields being entirely flooded, producing a saturation in the GNSS-R reflectivity value. In this work, the received data set is processed to identify the optimum integration time with the goal to minimize pixel blurring. This issue is assessed for airborne conditions, and then extra-polated to the spaceborne case. The presented results show that the blurring of the GNSS waveform is produced even from an airborne sensor with short integration times. Following the determination of an optimal integration time for the platform in use, the surface roughness term in the reflectivity equation can be isolated due to the signal saturation during very wet surface conditions. The final results from the two channels (L1 C/A and L5) are subsequently presented. In this case, it is shown that most reflectivity variations in GNSS-R measurements are linked to surface roughness and Speckle noise fluctuations rather than soil moisture changes.Postprint (updated version

    First experimental evidence of wind and swell signatures in L5 GPS and E5A Galileo GNSS-R waveforms

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.As compared to the using L1C/A signals, L5/E5a Global Navigation Satellite System - Reflectometry (GNSS-R), gives improved resolution over the Earth's surface due to the sharper auto-correlation function. Furthermore, the larger transmitted power (+3dB with respect to L1 C/A), and correlation gain (+40dB) allows the reception of weaker reflected signals. If high directivity antennas are used, very short incoherent integration times are needed to have enough signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios, allowing the reception of multiple specular reflection points such as crest of consecutive waves without the blurring induced by long incoherent integration times. This study presents for the first time experimental evidence of the wind and swell waves signatures in the GNSS-R waveforms, and compares them with models.Postprint (author's final draft

    Untangling the GNSS-R coherent and incoherent components: Experimental evidences over the ocean

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflected (GNSS-R) signals exhibit an incoherent and a coherent components [1], [2]. Current models assume that one or the other are dominant, and the calibration, and geophysical parameter retrieval (eg. wind speed, soil moisture ...) are developed accordingly. Even the presence itself of the coherent component of a GNSS reflected signal has been a matter of discussion in the last years. In this work, the method used in [3] to separate the leakage of the direct signal from the reflected one is applied to a set of GNSS signals reflected collected over the ocean by the MIR [4], [5], an airborne dual-band (L1/E1 and L5/E5a), multi-constellation (GPS and Galileo) GNSS-R instrument with two 19-elements array with 4 beam-steered each. The results presented demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed technique to untangle the coherent and incoherent components in GNSS reflected signals. This technique allows the processing of these components separately, which will increase the calibration accuracy (as today both are mixed together), and allows high resolution applications since the spatial resolution of the coherent component is determined by the size of the first Fresnel zone [6] (300-500 meters from a LEO satellite), and not by the size of the glistening zone (~25 km from a LEO satellite).This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, “Sensing with Pio- neering Opportunistic Techniques”, grant RTI2018-099008- B-C21, and the grant for recruitment of early-stage research staff FI-DGR 2015 and 2018 of the AGAUR - Generalitat de Catalunya (FEDER)Postprint (author's final draft

    Vegetation canopy height retrieval using L1 and L5 airborne GNSS-R

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    Vegetation canopy height (CH) is one of the important remote-sensing parameters related to forests’ structure, and it can be related to the biomass and the carbon stock. Global navigation satellite system-reflectometry (GNSS-R) has proved capable to retrieve vegetation information at a moderate resolution from space (20–65 km) using L1 C/A signals. In this study, data retrieved by the airborne microwave interferometric reflectometer (MIR) GNSS-R instrument at L1 and L5 are compared to the Global Forest CH product, with a spatial resolution of 30 m. This work analyzes the waveforms (WFs) measured at both bands, and the correlation of the waveform width and the reflectivity values to the CH product. A neural network algorithm is used for the retrieval, showing that the combination of the reflectivity and the waveform width allows to estimate the CH information at a very high resolution, with a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 4.25 and 4.07 m at L1 and L5, respectively, which is an error about 14% of the actual CH.Postprint (updated version

    Improved gnss-r altimetry methods: Theory and experimental demonstration using airborne dual frequency data from the microwave interferometric reflectometer (mir)

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    Altimetric performance of Global Navigation Satellite System - Reflectometry (GNSS-R) instruments depends on receiver’s bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The altimetric delay is usually computed from the time difference between the peak of the direct signal waveform and the maximum of the derivative of the reflected signal waveform. Dual-frequency data gathered by the airborne Microwave Interferometric Reflectometer (MIR) in the Bass Strait, between Australia and Tasmania, suggest that this approach is only valid for flat surfaces and large bandwidth receivers. This work analyses different methods to compute the altimetric observables using GNSS-R. A proposed novel methodThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, “Sensing with Pioneering Opportunistic Techniques”, grant RTI2018-099008-B-C21/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033, and the grant for recruitment of early-stage research staff FI-DGR 2015 of the AGAUR— Generalitat de Catalunya (FEDER), Spain, and the grant for recruitment of early-stage research staff FI 2018 of the AGAUR—Generalitat de Catalunya (FEDER), Spain, and Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu MDM-2016-060Postprint (published version

    The emissivity of foam-covered water surface at L-band: theoretical modeling and experimental results from the FROG 2003 field experiment

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    Sea surface salinity can be measured by microwave radiometry at L-band (1400–1427 MHz). This frequency is a compromise between sensitivity to the salinity, small atmospheric perturbation, and reasonable pixel resolution. The description of the ocean emission depends on two main factors: 1) the sea water permittivity, which is a function of salinity, temperature, and frequency, and 2) the sea surface state, which depends on the wind-induced wave spectrum, swell, and rain-induced roughness spectrum, and by the foam coverage and its emissivity. This study presents a simplified two-layer emission model for foam-covered water and the results of a controlled experiment to measure the foam emissivity as a function of salinity, foam thickness, incidence angle, and polarization. Experimental results are presented, and then compared to the two-layer foam emission model with the measured foam parameters used as input model parameters. At 37 psu salt water the foam-induced emissivity increase is 0.007 per millimeter of foam thickness (extrapolated to nadir), increasing with increasing incidence angles at vertical polarization, and decreasing withPostprint (published version

    SMOS REFLEX 2003: L-band emissivity characterization of vineyards

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    The goal of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission over land is to infer surface soil moisture from multiangular L-band radiometric measurements. As the canopy affects the microwave emission of land, it is necessary to characterize different vegetation layers. This paper presents the Reference Pixel L-Band Experiment (REFLEX), carried out in June-July 2003 at the Vale/spl grave/ncia Anchor Station, Spain, to study the effects of grapevines on the soil emission and on the soil moisture retrieval. A wide range of soil moisture (SM), from saturated to completely dry soil, was measured with the Universitat Polite/spl grave/cnica de Catalunya's L-band Automatic Radiometer (LAURA). Concurrently with the radiometric measurements, the gravimetric soil moisture, temperature, and roughness were measured, and the vines were fully characterized. The opacity and albedo of the vineyard have been estimated and found to be independent on the polarization. The /spl tau--//spl omega/ model has been used to retrieve the SM and the vegetation parameters, obtaining a good accuracy for incidence angles up to 55/spl deg/. Algorithms with a three-parameter optimization (SM, albedo albedo, and opacity) exhibit a better performance than those with one-parameter optimization (SM).Peer Reviewe

    SMOS REFLEX 2003: L-Band Emissivity Characterization of Vineyards

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    The goal of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission over land is to infer surface soil moisture from multiangular L-band radiometric measurements. As the canopy affects the microwave emission of land, it is necessary to characterize different vegetation layers. This paper presents the Reference Pixel L-Band Experiment (REFLEX), carried out in June-July 2003 at the Vale/spl grave/ncia Anchor Station, Spain, to study the effects of grapevines on the soil emission and on the soil moisture retrieval. A wide range of soil moisture (SM), from saturated to completely dry soil, was measured with the Universitat Polite/spl grave/cnica de Catalunya's L-band Automatic Radiometer (LAURA). Concurrently with the radiometric measurements, the gravimetric soil moisture, temperature, and roughness were measured, and the vines were fully characterized. The opacity and albedo of the vineyard have been estimated and found to be independent on the polarization. The /spl tau/--/spl omega/ model has been used to retrieve the SM and the vegetation parameters, obtaining a good accuracy for incidence angles up to 55/spl deg/. Algorithms with a three-parameter optimization (SM, albedo albedo, and opacity) exhibit a better performance than those with one-parameter optimization (SM).Peer Reviewe

    The Emissivity Of Foam-Covered Water Surface At L-Band: Theoretical Modeling And Experimental Results From The FROG 2003 Field Experiment

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    Sea surface salinity can be measured by microwave radiometry at L-band (1400-1427 MHz). This frequency is a compromise between sensitivity to the salinity, small atmospheric perturbation, and reasonable pixel resolution. The description of the ocean emission depends on two main factors: (1) the sea water permittivity, which is a function of salinity, temperature, and frequency, and (2) the sea surface state, which depends on the wind-induced wave spectrum, swell, and rain-induced roughness spectrum, and by the foam coverage and its emissivity. This study presents a simplified two-layer emission model for foam-covered water and the results of a controlled experiment to measure the foam emissivity as a function of salinity, foam thickness, incidence angle, and polarization. Experimental results are presented, and then compared to the two-layer foam emission model with the measured foam parameters used as input model parameters. At 37 psu salt water the foam-induced emissivity increase is /spl sim/0.007 per millimeter of foam thickness (extrapolated to nadir), increasing with increasing incidence angles at vertical polarization, and decreasing with increasing incidence angles at horizontal polarization.Peer Reviewe