410 research outputs found

    Procedures and operating instructions for diagnosis in vascular anomalies and pathology

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    In the last 30 years a revolution has occurred in the diagnosis and management of vascular anomalies. The great changes began with Mulliken and Glowacki separation of hemangiomas and vascular anomalies. Their work has now morphed into the ISSVA classification. Subsequently the discovery of the significance of the presence of GLUT-1 in the diagnosis of the hemangiomas of infancy gave us a new marker in our quest for accurate classification. Now genetic breakthroughs have led us into a \u201cStar Wars\u201d like environment in the experimental laboratory. During all these events the critical role of the pathologist has become more evident. Understanding the histopathology of anomalies has greatly aided in our approach to therapies. Moreover, genetic findings do not have full significance without the morphologic framework

    Osteosarcoma of the Jaw: Classification, Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Osteosarcomas are rare, highly malignant, bone tumors defined by the presence of malignant mesenchymal cells producing osteoid or immature bone. Osteosarcomas of the jaws are extremely rare, representing about 7% of all osteosarcomas and 1% of all head and neck malignancies. An accurate diagnosis, usually facilitated by chemotherapy (CT), MRI and biopsy, is required in order to define the stage of the disease and plane the adequate treatment. Aggressive surgical resection and advanced technique reconstruction are the mainstay of treatment, as the single most important factor for cure is radical resection. Clinical outcomes can be improved by a multimodal strategy combining surgery with neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy in selected cases, and adjuvant radiotherapy in the absence of clear margins

    Rapidly-Disintegrating Laminar Extrudates: Preliminary Experiments upon an Age Appropriate Pediatric Formulation

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    The aim of the present investigation is to produce rapidly disintegrating laminar extrudates for delivering ibuprofen in the mouth of paediatric patients. This laminar shape is particularly convenient for drug delivering in the mouth and can be easily cut in cut in different sizes allowing for a convenient adjustment of the drug dose depending on the age of the patient. Due to the fact that in paediatric formulations, the selection of the excipients is always a challenging issue and the reduction of their amount is always highly desirable, in this study to select the most appropriate composition to achieve a rapid disintegration and simultaneously permit a high amount of ibuprofen in the system, an experimental design for mixtures was employed and the disintegration time in simulated saliva was used as experimental response. In addition, after solid state analyses to check possible insurgence of drug-excipients interactions, laminar extrudates were characterised in terms of mechanical properties and in vitro dissolution performances. Extrudates with the desired uniform laminar shape, constant thickness (2 mm) and a very high content of drug (82% wt) were produced. These products exhibited a short disintegration time. The dose for a patient of 6-12 years corresponded to a length of extrudate between 1-1.5 cm, perfectly compatible with a formulation orodispersible thin laminar extrudate intended for a paediatric patient (Figure 1)

    Microcystic adnexal carcinoma of the centrofacial region: a case report

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    Microcystic adnexal carcinoma is a rare, locally aggressive neoplasm with both eccrine and follicular differentiation and a high probability of perineural invasion of the centrofacial region. Given the histopathological features of this tumour, early diagnosis is essential for adequate management. This report refers to a case of microcystic adnexal carcinoma of the nasogenial region, with infiltration of the deep planes extending to the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus. Surgical treatment involved wide demolition of the centrofacial region followed by reconstruction using four locoregional flaps: an Indian flap and a Mustardé flap were used for cutaneous reconstruction; a septal flap to support the maxillogenial region; a mucosal flap to separate the nasal cavities

    Biomolecular Markers in Cancer of the Tongue

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    The incidence of tongue cancer is increasing worldwide, and its aggressiveness remains high regardless of treatment. Genetic changes and the expression of abnormal proteins have been frequently reported in the case of head and neck cancers, but the little information that has been published concerning tongue tumours is often contradictory. This review will concentrate on the immunohistochemical expression of biomolecular markers and their relationships with clinical behaviour and prognosis. Most of these proteins are associated with nodal stage, tumour progression and metastases, but there is still controversy concerning their impact on disease-free and overall survival, and treatment response. More extensive clinical studies are needed to identify the patterns of molecular alterations and the most reliable predictors in order to develop tailored anti-tumour strategies based on the targeting of hypoxia markers, vascular and lymphangiogenic factors, epidermal growth factor receptors, intracytoplasmatic signalling and apoptosis

    Actinomycosis of the Tongue: A Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Background: Actinomycosis of the tongue is an uncommon, suppurative infection of lingual mucosa, caused by actinomyces. The clinical diagnosis may present serious difficulties because of its ability to mimic other lesions, including both benign and malignant neoplasms. Methods: Here, we describe the case of a 52-years-old patient affected by an asymptomatic, tumor-like tongue swelling, then diagnosed as actinomycosis. A review of tongue localization of actinomycosis is also reported, with emphasis on clinical findings and therapy. Results and Conclusion: Early diagnosis and treatment, with pus drainage and systemic antibiotic therapy, are pivotal to avoid severe and life-threatening complications

    Supercritical Antisolvent Precipitation of Quercetin Systems: Preliminary Experiments

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    Flavonoids have attracted a lot of attention due to their antioxidant, antitumor and antibacterial activities. Quercetin (3,5,7,3,4-pentahydroxyflavone) is a polyphenolic flavonoid that shows several biological effects including a strong inhibitory effect on the growth of several human and animal cancer cell lines and enhances the antiproliferative effect of cisplatin both in-vitro and in-vivo. In spite of a variety of its biological effects. Quercetin is very poorly soluble in water, which has limited its absorption upon oral administration. As known, the solubility of drug is often due to the increase of the surface/volume ratio which implies the increase of the number of surface atoms (or molecules) with respect to the number of bulk atoms (or molecules). With this aim, we investigated the use of supercritical antisolvent (SAS) technique for Quercetin microparticles generation finding the best operative conditions through the Peng Robinson’s Equation of State. The obtained simulation behaviors were confirmed by experimental precipitation: the physicochemical characterizations of the samples were also performe

    procedures and operating instructions for diagnosis in vascular anomalies and pathology

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    In the last 30 years a revolution has occurred in the diagnosis and management of vascular anomalies. The great changes began with Mullikenand Glowacki separation of hemangiomas and vascular anomalies. Their work has now morphed into the ISSVA classification. Subsequentlythe discovery of the significance of the presence of GLUT-1 in the diagnosis of the hemangiomas of infancy gave us a new markerin our quest for accurate classification. Now genetic breakthroughs have led us into a "Star Wars" like environment in the experimental laboratory.During all these events the critical role of the pathologist has become more evident. Understanding the histopathology of anomalieshas greatly aided in our approach to therapies. Moreover, genetic findings do not have full significance without the morphologic framewor