270 research outputs found

    Efeito residual do herbicida imazapir + imazapique sobre as culturas de arroz, feijão, milho, soja e sorgo.

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    Objetivou-se com esse trabalho determinar os efeitos da mistura dos herbicidas imazapir + imazapique (IMZ+IMQ) no desenvolvimento das culturas de arroz de terras altas, feijoeiro comum, milho, soja e sorgo e correlacionar o desenvolvimento dessas plantas com a persistência desse produto no solo

    Bioensaio para identificação de cultivares de arroz tolerantes a herbicidas do grupo das imidazolinonas.

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    Esse trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar a possibilidade de redução do período do bioensaio, utilizando-se da primeira contagem de germinação obtida aos sete dias

    Microorganisms from harsh and extreme environments: A collection of living strains at ACUF (Naples, Italy)

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    The Algal Collection at the University Federico II (ACUF) is a bioresource center where over 800 live microalgal strains are maintained, mainly belonging to Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, and Bacillariophyceae. The extremophilic algae maintained at ACUF include thermo-acidophilic and acidotolerant strains, mostly belonging to the Cyanidiophyceae isolated from European and extra-European sites, and also terrestrial isolates from bare rocks and monuments. The main target of the ACUF Center is the study and preservation of the diversity of extremophylic microalgae. This collection is used as a resource for studies about biochemical and evolutionary strategies as well as mechanisms involved in cell functioning under harsh environmental conditions. These organisms can be also useful sources for the production of chemical compounds or other biological products with potential biotechnological applications. © 2018 Nicolaus Copernicus University. All rights reserved

    Arroz resistente a herbicida no consórcio com forrageira.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar a época e dose de aplicação do herbicida Kifix® em arroz de terras altas com tecnologia Clearfield® (BRS A 501 CL) consorciado com Urochloa brizantha cv. Paiaguás

    Effect of production process and high-pressure processing on viability of Salmonella spp. in traditional Italian dry-cured coppa

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the combined effect of the manufacturing process followed by HPP treatment on the inactivation of Salmonella spp. in artificially contaminated coppa samples, in order to verify the ability of the combined processes to achieve the objective of a 5-log reduction of Salmonella spp. needed for exportation to the U.S. Fresh anatomical cuts intended for coppa production were supplied by four different delicatessen factories located in Northern Italy. Raw meat underwent experimental contamination with Salmonella spp. using a mixture of 3 strains. Surface contamination of the fresh anatomical cuts was carried out by immersion into inoculum containing Salmonella spp. The conditions of the HPP treatment were: pressure 593 MPa, time 290 seconds, water treatment temperature 14\ub0C. Surface and deep samples were performed post contamination (T0), end of the cold phase (T1), end of process (Tend), and after HPP treatment (postHPP) and Salmonella spp. Enumerated. The results of this study show a significant reduction of Salmonella spp. all through the production process (P<0.01) for all companies, followed by an additional reduction of bacterial counts due to HPP treatment (P<0.01), both in superficial and deep contaminations (P<0.01). The superficial overall reduction resulted of 1.58 to 5.04 log CFU/g during the production process. HPP treatment resulted in a significant (P<0.01) superficial and deep decrease in Salmonella spp. enumeration varying from 0.61 to 4.01 log and from 1.49 to 4.13 log. According to the data presented in this study, only the combined approach of coppa manufacturing process followed by HPP treatment always led to a 5-log reduction of Salmonella spp. required by USDA/FSIS guidelines

    Effect of production process and high-pressure processing on viability of Listeria innocua in traditional Italian dry-cured coppa

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    In this study the effect of the application of High Pressure Treatment (HPP) combined with four different manufacturing processes on the inactivation of Listeria innocua, used as a surrogate for L. monocytogenes, in artificially contaminated coppa samples was evaluated in order to verify the most suitable strategy to meet the Listeria inactivation requirements needed for the exportation of dry-cured meat in the U.S. Fresh anatomical cuts intended for coppa production were supplied by four different delicatessen factories located in Northern Italy. Raw meat underwent experimental contamination with Listeria innocua using a mixture of 5 strains. Surface contamination of the fresh anatomical cuts was carried out by immersion into inoculum containing Listeria spp. The conditions of the HPP treatment were: pressure 593 MPa, time 290 seconds, water treatment temperature 14\ub0C. Listeria innocua was enumerated on surface and deep samples post contamination, resting, ripening and HPP treatment. The results of this study show how the reduction of the microbial load on coppa during the production process did not vary among three companies (P>0.05) ranging from 3.73 to 4.30 log CFU/g, while it was significantly different (P<0.01) for the fourth company (0.92 log CFU/g). HPP treatment resulted in a significant (P<0.01) deep decrease of L. innocua count with values ranging between 1.63-3.54 log CFU/g with no significant differences between companies. Regarding superficial contamination, HPP treatment resulted significant (P<0.01) only in Coppa produced by two companies. The results highlight that there were processes less effective to inhibit the pathogen; in particular for company D an increase of L. innocua count was shown during processing and HPP alone cannot be able to in reaching the Listeria inactivation requirements needed for exportation of dry-cured meat in the U.S. According to the data reported in this paper, HPP treatment increases the ability of the manufacturing process of coppa in reducing Listeria count with the objective of a lethality treatment

    101 Dothideomycetes genomes: A test case for predicting lifestyles and emergence of pathogens.

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    Dothideomycetes is the largest class of kingdom Fungi and comprises an incredible diversity of lifestyles, many of which have evolved multiple times. Plant pathogens represent a major ecological niche of the class Dothideomycetes and they are known to infect most major food crops and feedstocks for biomass and biofuel production. Studying the ecology and evolution of Dothideomycetes has significant implications for our fundamental understanding of fungal evolution, their adaptation to stress and host specificity, and practical implications with regard to the effects of climate change and on the food, feed, and livestock elements of the agro-economy. In this study, we present the first large-scale, whole-genome comparison of 101 Dothideomycetes introducing 55 newly sequenced species. The availability of whole-genome data produced a high-confidence phylogeny leading to reclassification of 25 organisms, provided a clearer picture of the relationships among the various families, and indicated that pathogenicity evolved multiple times within this class. We also identified gene family expansions and contractions across the Dothideomycetes phylogeny linked to ecological niches providing insights into genome evolution and adaptation across this group. Using machine-learning methods we classified fungi into lifestyle classes with >95 % accuracy and identified a small number of gene families that positively correlated with these distinctions. This can become a valuable tool for genome-based prediction of species lifestyle, especially for rarely seen and poorly studied species

    Projeto SemeAr: mapeamento das condições para viabilização da agricultura digital no município de Caconde, Estado de São Paulo.

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    Este trabalho traz a discussão sobre a questão agricultura digital e como a iniciativa SemeAr-SP se insere nessa temática, apontando soluções em conectividade e inclusão digital aos pequenos e médios produtores rurais por meio de tecnologias viáveis economicamente

    viabilidade agroeconômica do algodoeiro, em sistema de produção com a soja e feijão comum, em Goiás.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a viabilidade agroeconômica de sistema de produção do algodão em sucessão com a soja e o feijão-comum (algodão-soja-feijão-soja-algodão), cultivados no mesmo local, no Estado de Goiás