525 research outputs found


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    Riscrivere la storia: Alc. Mess. 4 G.-P. ed Epigr. Bob. 71

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    This paper attempts to demonstrate that the authentic text of Alc. Mess. IV G.-P. = AP VII 247 on the battle of Cynoscephalae is preserved by Plutarch, Flam. 9.2 (six lines, with the reading νώτῳ in l. 1), while the shorter form of the Anthology (four lines, with τύμβῳ in l. 1) is more likely to be a later arrangement than an authorial variant of the epigram. As for Epigr. Bob. 71, it is the work of a late Latin translator adapting the six-line poem of Alcaeus, but with τύμβῳ in l. 1; the replacement of the original Αἰτωλῶν with "Tyrrhenum" in l. 3 is, as Franco Munari saw, a nationalist-oriented alteration, designed to obliterate the Aetolian contribution to the Flamininus’ victory over Philip V of Macedonia in 197 BC

    Simplicitas ignava: testo e intertesto di Alc. Avit. carm. 2,98-99

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    Uno studio della trama intertestuale di Alc. Avit. 2,98-99. Il fedele riecheggiamento di Prud. psych. 245-246 conferma che in 2,99 la lezione genuina è 'ignava', accantonata a favore di 'ignara' fin dalla metà del XVI secolo. A study on the intertextual background of Alc. Avit. carm. 2,98-99. The close echoing of Prud. psych. 245-246 confirms that in 2,99 the genuine reading is 'ignava', that editors reject in favour of 'ignara' from the middle of the 16th century

    Memoria dei poeti e critica delle varianti: tre casi ausoniani

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    Questa relazione presenta uno studio accurato di tre varianti testuali nelle poesie di Ausonio. L’opera di Ausonio è divisa in due corpora, ognuno con la sua indipendente trasmissione del testo. Mondin paragona il Vossianus Latinus F 111 (il manoscritto più completo dell’opera di Ausonio) con i manoscritti del gruppo Z, e mostra come effettivamente nei tre casi presi in esame le discrepanze del testo non siano dovute a interpolazioni dei copisti, ma ad Ausonio stesso, che intervenne con parecchi cambiamenti nei vari stadi della redazione dei suoi testi.This paper presents a close study of three textual variants in the poems of Ausonius. Ausonius' oeuvre is split into two corpora, each with its own independent textual transmission. Mondin compares the Vossianus Latinus F 111 (the most complete manuscript of Ausonius' poems) with the manuscripts of group Z, and shows very effectively that in the three cases under scrutiny the textual discrepancies are due not to scribal interpolations but to Ausonius himself, who intervened with several changes during the various stages of the redaction of his texts

    Il programma poetico di Lucilio: ipotesi sul XXVI libro delle satire

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    In the two most reliable reconstructions of the 26th book of Lucilius (in fact, the first which the poet composed on his debut), Christes (1971) and Garbugino (1990) adopt a careful analysis of Nonius Marcellus' quotation system in order to identify the thematic structure of the original text. A review of their results confirms the validity of their methodology and the usefulness of the so-called lex Lindsay for the rearrangement of Lucilius' textual remains but, at the same time, it suggests a partially different reconstruction. There is no philological reason to adhere to the idea that the 26th book opened with a proemial satire of programmatic content, which has been the communis opinio since Marx and Cichorius; the new analysis might rather suggest that all the poetological fragments cluster in the second half of the book, where the threefold thematic sequence Critique of tragic poetry-Apology of satire-Recusatio of epic poetry seems to outline the structure of a long, single satire in dialogue form and dealing with literature. In this satire, the definition of Lucilius' favourite genre holds the central place between the sections devoted to the other two genres, tragic and epic poetry, both of which the poet rejects on different grounds
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