Riscrivere la storia: Alc. Mess. 4 G.-P. ed Epigr. Bob. 71


This paper attempts to demonstrate that the authentic text of Alc. Mess. IV G.-P. = AP VII 247 on the battle of Cynoscephalae is preserved by Plutarch, Flam. 9.2 (six lines, with the reading νώτῳ in l. 1), while the shorter form of the Anthology (four lines, with τύμβῳ in l. 1) is more likely to be a later arrangement than an authorial variant of the epigram. As for Epigr. Bob. 71, it is the work of a late Latin translator adapting the six-line poem of Alcaeus, but with τύμβῳ in l. 1; the replacement of the original Αἰτωλῶν with "Tyrrhenum" in l. 3 is, as Franco Munari saw, a nationalist-oriented alteration, designed to obliterate the Aetolian contribution to the Flamininus’ victory over Philip V of Macedonia in 197 BC

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