20 research outputs found

    Cambio clim谩tico y medidas de adaptaci贸n del vi帽edo en la D.O. Cari帽ena

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    [ES] El cambio clim谩tico es especialmente grave en el sistema agrario, por su dependencia medioambiental. Uno de los sectores m谩s sensibles es el vitivin铆cola, por la influencia del clima sobre la cantidad y la calidad de la cosecha. Adem谩s, afecta a la tipicidad de los vinos de cada zona, lo que preocupa especialmente a las denominaciones de origen, que quiz谩 deban introducir cambios en sus reglas de funcionamiento, con el fin de que los productores puedan adaptarse. En este trabajo se analiza de qu茅 manera afecta el cambio clim谩tico al sector vitivin铆cola en la Denominaci贸n de Origen Cari帽ena, localizada en la provincia de Zaragoza (Arag贸n), ubicada en pleno valle del Ebro, una zona mediterr谩nea con escasas precipitaciones y temperaturas elevadas en verano. En una primera parte se analizan a) las variaciones ocurridas en los par谩metros clim谩ticos de la zona en las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, b) los escenarios futuros probables, c) los 铆ndices bioclim谩ticos relacionados con el vi帽edo y d) los impactos que pueden producirse en el vi帽edo de la zona, as铆 como las consecuencias sobre la rentabilidad y viabilidad del cultivo. Con la caracterizaci贸n clim谩tica de la zona de estudio, el TFM demuestra que se han producido cambios sustanciales en los 煤ltimos 50 a帽os que afectan a la idoneidad del cultivo, como el continuo aumento de la temperatura media, o el descenso de las precipitaciones. De igual manera, todas las proyecciones y escenarios futuros indican que en los pr贸ximos a帽os estos cambios seguir谩n acentu谩ndose, lo que dificultar谩 cada vez m谩s una adecuada adaptaci贸n del vi帽edo. En una segunda parte, al examinar las principales estrategias de adaptaci贸n que suponen costes de inversi贸n y cambios de modelo productivo para los viticultores, se concluye que la medida m谩s econ贸mica y r谩pida es el cambio de variedad mediante reinjerto, pero tambi茅n es la que menor efecto tiene. Por el contrario, la medida con mayor alcance, pero la m谩s costosa y que mayores dificultades conlleva, es la deslocalizaci贸n del vi帽edo. Por 煤ltimo, se realiza un an谩lisis de la realidad vit铆cola de la zona, en el que se comprueba que la percepci贸n que tienen los viticultores sobre el cambio clim谩tico est谩 muy influenciada por el modelo vit铆cola que practican, siendo m谩s sensibles las zonas con vi帽edos antiguos y sin acceso a recursos h铆dricos.[EN] Climate change is especially serious in the agricultural system, due to its environmental dependence. One of the most sensitive sectors is the wine sector, due to the influence of the climate on the quantity and quality of the harvest. In addition, it affects the typicity of the wines of each area, which is of particular concern to the denomination of origin, which may have to introduce changes in their rules of operation, so that producers can adapt. The aim of this TFM was to analyse how climate change affects the wine sector in the Cari帽ena Denomination of Origin, located in the province of Zaragoza (Arag贸n), in the Ebro Valley, a Mediterranean area with low rainfall and high temperatures in summer. The first part was focused on the analysis of a) the variations that have occurred in the climatic parameters of the area in the last decades, b) the probable future scenarios, c) the bioclimatic indexes related to the vineyard and d) the impacts that can occur in the area驴s vineyards, as well as the consequences on the profitability and viability of the crop. With the climatic characterization of study area, this TFM demonstrates that in the last fifty years there have been important changes which affect the suitability of the crop, such as the increase in the average temperature, or decrease in rainfall. Similary, all future projections indicate in the coming years, these changes will continue to increase, making more difficult the adequate adaptation of the vineyard. In a second part, the main adaptation strategies will be examined, involving investment costs and changes in the production model for wine growers. It is concluded that the cheapest and fastest measure is the change of variety, bus this measure is the one with the least effect. On the contrary, the measure with the greatest scope, but the most expensive and the one that presents the greatest difficulties, is the relocation of the vineyard. Finally, the wine sector reality is analysed to verify if it corresponds to the changes in the environment. It shows that the perception that wine growers have about climate change is highly influenced by the wine model they practice, being areas with older vineyards and without access to irrigation more sensitive.Mompe贸n Campos, M. (2020). Cambio clim谩tico y medidas de adaptaci贸n del vi帽edo en la D.O. Cari帽ena. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/151003TFG

    An谩lisis de la expresi贸n de miRNA circulantes en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio y su relaci贸n con citoquinas. Repercusi贸n funcional en cultivos de c茅lulas endoteliales humana.

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    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares, en concreto el s铆ndrome coronario agudo (SCA), son la principal causa de muerte en hombres y mujeres en todo el mundo. El SCA es la manifestaci贸n cl铆nica de la isquemia mioc谩rdica, producida por la reducci贸n del aporte sangu铆neo al miocardio como consecuencia de una disminuci贸n del calibre de las arterias coronarias. La enfermedad subyacente al SCA m谩s frecuente es la aterosclerosis, un proceso inflamatorio iniciado por la acumulaci贸n de lipoprote铆nas de baja densidad (LDL) en el espacio subendotelial en arterias de mediano y gran calibre a lo largo del sistema cardiovascular. El primer cambio funcional detectable en la lesi贸n ateroscler贸tica es la disfunci贸n endotelial provocada por la modificaci贸n mediante oxidaci贸n y agregaci贸n de las LDL que estimulan una respuesta inmune innata y adaptativa, dando lugar a la activaci贸n del endotelio. El endotelio activado induce la expresi贸n de mol茅culas de adhesi贸n y quimioquinas, dando lugar a la adhesi贸n de monocitos y a su migraci贸n a trav茅s de la pared vascular, donde se diferencian a macr贸fagos y c茅lulas dendr铆ticas. Conforme avanza el proceso inflamatorio, se genera una capa fibrosa, cuya rotura es la causa m谩s frecuente de trombosis coronaria. El trombo puede ocluir parcial o totalmente la arteria coronaria, dando lugar a la isquemia mioc谩rdica y necrosis del tejido perfundido por esa arteria. Como consecuencia de esta necrosis, se desencadena una respuesta inflamatoria sist茅mica inicial que posteriormente es suprimida, en parte, por citoquinas antiinflamatorias, dando lugar a la transici贸n desde la inflamaci贸n a la reparaci贸n cardiaca. Por tanto, la inflamaci贸n ejerce un papel central en la fisiopatolog铆a del SCA. La sintomatolog铆a cl铆nica no permite una diferenciaci贸n precisa de los diferentes s铆ndromes, por lo que es imprescindible la realizaci贸n de un electrocardiograma (ECG), cuyos resultados permiten agrupar a los pacientes con SCA en dos grandes grupos: infarto agudo de miocardio con elevaci贸n del segmento ST (IAMCEST) y aquellos que no presentan una elevaci贸n del ST (SCA sin elevaci贸n del segmento ST, SCASEST). 脡ste 煤ltimo t茅rmino (SCASEST) hace referencia tanto al infarto agudo de miocardio sin elevaci贸n del ST (IAMSEST) como a la angina inestable. La necrosis de cardiomiocitos asociada al da帽o cardiaco provocado por el SCA da lugar a la liberaci贸n de prote铆nas a la circulaci贸n, como las troponinas I y T (cTnI y cTnT) que actualmente se utilizan como biomarcadores de necrosis mioc谩rdica de referencia. Por lo tanto, en el diagn贸stico de los diferentes s铆ndromes, se complementa el resultado del ECG con la medida plasm谩tica de cTnI o cTnT. De esta manera, los pacientes IAMCEST (elevaci贸n del segmento ST y con aumento de troponinas cardiacas) son diagnosticados con certeza y precocidad. La medida de las troponinas cardiacas es asimismo un aspecto importante en el diagn贸stico de los pacientes IAMSEST, ya que no muestran una elevaci贸n del ST pero s铆 una elevaci贸n de troponinas en sangre. Sin embargo, su uso en el diagn贸stico de pacientes con angina inestable no est谩 tan claro, ya que no muestran elevaci贸n del ST y tampoco un aumento de troponinas dificultando un diagn贸stico temprano. Es probable que el tejido cardiaco da帽ado genere una liberaci贸n de RNA no codificantes (ncRNA), entre ellos microRNA (miRNA), similar a la liberaci贸n de troponinas cardiacas. Los miRNA son peque帽as mol茅culas monocatenarias (19-23 nt) de RNA no codificante que desempe帽an importantes funciones en la regulaci贸n postranscripcional de la expresi贸n g茅nica. El inter茅s actual en los miRNA circulantes radica en la posibilidad de utilizarlos como biomarcadores cl铆nicos para distintas enfermedades, entre ellas las cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, la falta de estandarizaci贸n de los m茅todos pre-anal铆ticos y anal铆ticos, ha derivado en la imposibilidad de comparar los diferentes estudios publicados. El resultado de estas dificultades metodol贸gicas es la falta de consenso sobre el potencial de los miRNA como biomarcadores de SCA. El suero y el plasma son los tipos de muestra m谩s frecuentemente utilizados en los estudios de expresi贸n de miRNA circulantes. Sin embargo, el tipo de muestra de partida podr铆a ser una fuente de variaci贸n en el an谩lisis del perfil de miRNA circulantes en SCA. Por ello, el primer objetivo de este estudio ha sido determinar las diferencias en la concentraci贸n de miRNA en suero y plasma y si bien, la fracci贸n de miRNA entre suero y plasma era similar, los pacientes con SCASEST presentaron concentraciones de miRNA m谩s elevadas que las muestras de sujetos sanos. Entre las dificultades metodol贸gicas del an谩lisis de la expresi贸n de miRNA circulantes mediante qRT-PCR tambi茅n se encuentra la normalizaci贸n de los valores de expresi贸n. Por ello, para seleccionar un control end贸geno adecuado para nuestros estudios de qRT-PCR en muestras de suero y plasma de pacientes con SCASEST e individuos sanos, analizamos la expresi贸n de los miRNA circulantes utilizados como controles end贸genos en diferentes estudios. El miR-484 result贸 ser el miRNA que, adem谩s de no mostrar diferencias significativas entre suero y plasma en nuestra muestra, tampoco mostr贸 diferencias en los coeficientes de variaci贸n. Por lo tanto, los valores de expresi贸n de los miRNA de este estudio fueron normalizados tomando como referencia la expresi贸n de miR-484. Por otra parte, suero o plasma podr铆an influir en el nivel de expresi贸n de miRNA circulantes en pacientes con SCA y para determinarlo, analizamos la expresi贸n de miRNA que previamente hab铆an sido descritos como posibles biomarcadores de SCA. De hecho, el patr贸n de expresi贸n de los miRNA result贸 ser diferente en suero y plasma y tambi茅n se observaron diferencias en la variabilidad de expresi贸n. El suero ofreci贸 una mayor sensibilidad en la detecci贸n de miRNA y una menor variabilidad en la expresi贸n, sugiriendo que el tipo de muestra m谩s adecuado para realizar estudios de miRNA circulantes en pacientes con SCA es el suero. La desregulaci贸n de la biog茅nesis de miRNA se ha asociado a diversas enfermedades cardiovasculares. Numerosos estudios han descrito diferentes patrones de expresi贸n de miRNA en el SCA, especialmente en pacientes IAMCEST, sugiriendo su posible uso como herramientas moleculares para su diagn贸stico y pron贸stico. Sin embargo, debido a la mayor incertidumbre a la hora de diagnosticar pacientes con SCASEST (IAMSEST y angina inestable), el an谩lisis del patr贸n de expresi贸n de miRNA circulantes en este tipo de pacientes ser铆a de especial inter茅s, siguiente objetivo de este estudio. Para ello, mediante arrays de expresi贸n analizamos el perfil de miRNA de pacientes con SCASEST en su manifestaci贸n aguda y tambi茅n despu茅s de un a帽o de evoluci贸n cl铆nica, para determinar los miRNA relacionados directamente con el momento agudo del infarto. Se observ贸 una desregulaci贸n de 54 miRNA en el momento agudo del SCA, de los que 10 aumentaron y 44 disminuyeron su expresi贸n. Despu茅s de un a帽o de evoluci贸n cl铆nica, hab铆a 42 miRNA desregulados, de los que 35 aumentaron y 7 disminuyeron su expresi贸n. Con la finalidad de identificar los miRNA que podr铆an estar relacionados con el momento agudo del infarto, se seleccionaron del array aquellos miRNA cuya expresi贸n variaba en la manifestaci贸n aguda del SCA y revert铆a a niveles control despu茅s de un a帽o de evoluci贸n cl铆nica. Estos miRNA se comprobaron posteriormente en una poblaci贸n de SCASEST m谩s amplia y se confirm贸 la desregulaci贸n de la expresi贸n de let-7e, miR-28, miR-130b, miR-523, miR-874, miR-92a, miR-26a y miR-320b en suero de pacientes con SCASEST en su manifestaci贸n aguda. De ellos, la expresi贸n de let-7e y miR-26a revirti贸 hasta niveles control tras un a帽o de evoluci贸n cl铆nica. El miRNA let-7e forma parte del cluster miR-99b/let-7e/miR-125a y para comprobar si estos miRNA se comportaban de manera coordinada, tambi茅n analizamos la expresi贸n de miR-99b y miR-125a. Al igual que let-7e, la expresi贸n de miR-99b y miR-125a disminuy贸 en suero de pacientes con SCASEST en su manifestaci贸n aguda, revirtiendo a niveles control despu茅s de un a帽o de evoluci贸n cl铆nica. La comunicaci贸n intercelular a trav茅s de miRNA circulantes es especialmente importante para las c茅lulas endoteliales, donde se ha descrito una alta expresi贸n del cluster miR-99b/let-7e/miR-125a. Sin embargo, se desconoce su papel en la biolog铆a vascular. Por ello, despu茅s de comprobar los niveles circulantes del cluster miR-99b/let-7e/miR-125a en pacientes con SCASEST, estudiamos su implicaci贸n en la modulaci贸n de la funci贸n endotelial en cultivo celular. Para ello, utilizando c茅lulas endoteliales de vena umbilical humana, HUVEC, se realizaron transfecciones con inhibidores y m铆micos de los 3 miRNA del cluster, analizando su capacidad funcional mediante estudios de adhesi贸n, proliferaci贸n y vasculog茅nesis. S贸lo el let-7e y miR-125a tuvieron efectos sobre la funci贸n endotelial. Las c茅lulas transfectadas con el m铆mico de let-7e incrementan su capacidad de adhesi贸n y con el inhibidor de let-7e aumentan la vasculog茅nesis, mientras que la transfecci贸n celular con el inhibidor de miR-125a disminuye la proliferaci贸n celular. Tambi茅n se ha demostrado la contribuci贸n de los miRNA en gran variedad de procesos biol贸gicos incluyendo la disfunci贸n endotelial y la inflamaci贸n vascular, y la inflamaci贸n tiene un papel destacado en la patog茅nesis del SCA. Un mediador clave de la inflamaci贸n es el factor de transcripci贸n nuclear NF-魏B, el cual se activa en respuesta a est铆mulos inflamatorios e induce la expresi贸n de genes inflamatorios como mol茅culas de adhesi贸n y citoquinas proinflamatorias. La activaci贸n de NF-魏B tambi茅n regula la expresi贸n de miRNA que a su vez pueden controlar la inflamaci贸n regulando esta v铆a de se帽alizaci贸n. Adem谩s, los miRNA pueden regular postranscripcionalmente factores inflamatorios como citoquinas o mol茅culas de adhesi贸n tanto de forma directa como indirecta. Para determinar si la expresi贸n de miRNA circulantes relacionados con el SCA estaban asociados a los niveles de citoquinas pro y antiinflamatorias y de quimioquinas implicadas en la patolog铆a del SCA se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de correlaci贸n en todos los individuos del estudio. Como resultado, la expresi贸n de todos los miRNA previamente relacionados con la manifestaci贸n aguda del SCA, excepto el miR-125a, mostraron una asociaci贸n con los niveles de citoquinas y quimioquinas implicadas en la patolog铆a del SCA. Los resultados obtenidos en la presente tesis destacan la importancia del tipo de muestra de partida al analizar la expresi贸n de miRNA circulantes y se sugiere el suero como la muestra adecuada en pacientes con SCA, as铆 como el miR-484 como control end贸geno. Por primera vez se analiza el perfil de expresi贸n de miRNA circulantes en pacientes con SCASEST en su manifestaci贸n aguda y despu茅s de un a帽o de evoluci贸n cl铆nica y se han identificado varios miRNA circulantes que podr铆an actuar como posibles biomarcadores de SCASEST. Entre ellos, dos de los componentes del cluster miR-99b/let-7e/miR-125a tambi茅n se han visto implicados en la modulaci贸n de la funci贸n endotelial. Finalmente, la asociaci贸n existente entre la expresi贸n de los miRNA relacionados con el SCASEST y los niveles s茅ricos de citoquinas y quimioquinas implicadas en la patolog铆a del SCA, refuerza su posible uso como biomarcadores de SCASEST.Cardiovascular diseases, specifically acute coronary syndrome (ACS), are the leading cause of death in the world for both men and women. ACS is the clinical manifestation of myocardial ischemia, caused by myocardial blood flow decrease as a result of reduced coronary artery size. Atherosclerosis is the most common underlying disease of ACS, an inflammatory disease primarily driven by low density lipoprotein (LDL) accumulation in the subendothelial layer of large and medium-sized arteries along the cardiovascular system. Endothelial dysfunction appears as the first functional change in atherosclerotic lesions, due to LDL modification and aggregation, and the resulting stimulation of the innate and adaptive immune response, giving rise to endothelial activation. Vascular endothelial cell activation induces cell adhesion molecule and chemokine expression, leading to monocyte adhesion and transmigration across the vascular wall, where monocytes differentiate into macrophages and dendritic cells. Both cell types can serve as deposits of lipids and become foam cells. As the inflammatory process advances, a fibrous cap is formed, whose rupture is the most frequent cause of thrombosis. The thrombus may partially or totally occlude the coronary artery, resulting in myocardial ischemia and necrosis. As a consequence, a systemic inflammatory response is triggered and subsequently partially suppressed by anti-inflammatory cytokines, resulting in a transition from inflammation toward cardiac repair. Therefore, inflammation has a central role in ACS pathophysiology. Clinical symptoms caused by ACS do not permit an accurate differentiation between distinct syndromes, making essential to get an electrocardiogram (ECG). Patients with ACS are divided into two major categories based on the ECG results: ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients and non-ST-segment elevation ACS (NSTE-ACS). The latter term (NSTE-ACS) encompasses both non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and unstable angina. Cardiomyocyte necrosis is associated to myocardial damage caused by ACS, leading to a protein release into the circulation such as cardiac troponin I and T (cTnI and cTnT), biomarkers of myocardial necrosis currently used. Thus, ACS diagnosis requires the ECG result in conjunction with the traditional markers cTnI or cTnT. STEMI patients (ST elevation and troponin-positive) are diagnosed, therefore, in an early and more accurate manner. The measurement of cardiac troponins is also an important aspect for the diagnosis of NSTEMI (non-ST elevation and troponin-positive). However, the diagnosis of unstable angina patients is hampered because they are negative to cardiac troponin and present non-ST elevation. It is likely that the damaged heart tissue causes a release of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), including microRNAs (miRNAs), analogous to the release of cardiac troponins. miRNAs are small single-stranded molecules (19-23 nt) that functions as important post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. The increasingly recent interest in circulating miRNAs lies in their potential use as clinical biomarkers for multiple diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. However, the lack of a methodological standardization has led to the inability of comparison between different studies. These methodological issues result in a lack of consensus about the potential use of miRNAs as ACS biomarkers. Serum and plasma are the most widely used type of sample in studies of circulating miRNA expression. Nevertheless, the sample of choice could be a source of variation and influence the analysis of circulating miRNA expression in ACS. For that reason, we initially determined the differences in miRNA enrichment and yield in serum and plasma, and while no differences were found when miRNA fraction between serum and plasma were compared, the miRNA concentration in both sample types in NSTE-ACS patients was higher than in healthy subjects. Among the methodological challenges in analyzing miRNA expression by qRT-PCR is data normalization. In this regard, we examined the most frequently used miRNA as endogenous controls, to stablish an appropriate endogenous control to be used in the qRT-PCR studies performed in both serum and plasma of NSTE-ACS patients and healthy subjects. miR-484 showed no significant differences between means and coefficients of variation in both serum and plasma. Therefore, in this study the values of miRNAs were normalized to the expression of miR-484. On the other hand, to determine the influence of serum and plasma on circulating miRNA profile expression in NSTE-ACS patients, we analyzed the expression of the most described miRNAs as potential biomarkers of ACS. Indeed, serum and plasma showed a different miRNA expression pattern and a significant difference in variance was also found. Serum demonstrated a higher sensitivity and lower variability in miRNA expression, suggesting that serum may be the appropriate sample type in circulating miRNA studies. Dysregulation of miRNA biogenesis has been associated with many cardiovascular diseases. Several studies have shown different circulating miRNA profile expression in ACS, particularly in STEMI patients, suggesting their potential use as a molecular tool for the diagnosis and prognosis of ACS. However, the analysis of the miRNA profile expression would be of particular interest in NSTE-ACS patients (NSTEMI and instable angina) because of the higher uncertainty in the diagnosis, and thus it was the following aim of this study. For that purpose, we assessed the miRNA expression in patients with acute manifestation of NSTE-ACS and one-year follow-up, to select the miRNAs related to ACS. 54 miRNAs were dysregulated in ACS, including 10 up-regulated and 44 down-regulated miRNAs. After one-year follow-up, 42 miRNAs were dysregulated, including 35 up-regulated and 7 down-regulated miRNAs. In order to identify miRNAs involved with acute manifestation of ACS, we selected those miRNAs dysregulated in NSTE-ACS patients whose expression reverted to control levels after one-year follow-up. Changes in miRNA expression of let-7e, miR-28, miR-130b, miR-523, miR-874, miR-92a, miR-26a and miR-320b were then confirmed in serum of a larger number of NSTE-ACS patients. Among then, let-7e and miR-26a expression was reverted to control levels after one-year follow-up. Let-7e miRNA is a member of miR-99b/let-7e/miR-125a cluster, so in order to assess if the cluster is expressed coordinately, we also determined miR-99b and miR-125a expression. miR-99b and miR-125a were down-regulated in NSTE-ACS patients in the same way that let-7e, reversing to control levels after one-year follow-up. Intercellular communication involving circulating miRNAs is especially relevant to endothelial cells, where the cluster miR-99b/let-7e/miR-125a is highly expressed. However, its role in vascular biology is unknown. In this regard, after confirming the cluster miR-99b/let-7e/miR-125a expression in NSTE-ACS patients, we studied its involvement in endothelial function. We cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells, HUVEC, and we analyze the adhesion, proliferation and vasculogenesis capacity of cells transfected with miRNA inhibitors and mimics of the cluster constituents, assessing the endothelial function. Endothelial function was only affected by let-7e and miR-125a transfection. HUVEC transfected with let-7e mimic and let-7e inhibitor show an increased adhesion capacity and an increased vasculogenesis capacity, respectively, whereas miR-125a transfection decrease HUVEC proliferation. Great diversity of biological processes has been demonstrated to be affected by miRNAs, including endothelial dysfunction and vascular inflammation, and inflammation has a leading role in ACS pathogenesis. The NF-魏B transcription factor is a key mediator of inflammation, being activated in response to inflammatory stimulus, and leading to the induction of adhesion molecule and proinflammatory cytokine expression. NF-B activation also regulates miRNA expression, which in turn can regulate inflammation through modulation of NF-魏B signaling pathway. miRNAs can also directly and indirectly control cytokine and adhesion molecule expression in a post transcriptional manner. To determine the association between circulating miRNAs related to ACS and pro and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels involved in ACS, we performed a correlation analysis considering all the participants in the study. As a result, miRNA expression of every miRNA previously selected regarding to ACS manifestation, excluding miR-125a, was related to the levels of cytokine and chemokine implicated in ACS. In conclusion, our results highlight the importance of the sample of choice for detecting circulating miRNA expression, suggesting that serum may be the appropriate sample type and miR-484 could be used as reference gene in circulating miRNA studies of NSTE-ACS. The obtained results provide for the first time the circulating miRNA profile in NSTE-ACS patients at acute manifestation and after one-year follow-up, identifying several miRNAs as potential biomarkers of NSTE-ACS. Among them, two components of miR-99b/let-7e/miR-125a cluster has been implicated in the modulation of endothelial function. Finally, the association between the expression of miRNAs related to NSTE-ACS and cytokine and chemokine serum levels involved in ACS enhance the potential use of miRNAs as NSTE-ACS biomarkers

    Mechanisms underlying the influence of oestrogen on cardiovascular physiology in women

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    Women show a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases than aged-matched men, but this benefit disappears after menopause. Oestrogen-mediated vascular actions are mainly attributed to oestradiol and exerted by oestrogen receptors (ER伪, ER尾, and GPER), through rapid and/or genomic mechanisms, but these effects depend on ageing and inflammation. A cardiovascular approach in women's health has arisen due to controversy regarding oestrogens' beneficial impact as reported in experimental and observational studies and large randomized trials. These can be explained, in part, by two mutually non-exclusive hypotheses. On the one hand, the timing hypothesis, which states that oestrogen-mediated benefits occur before the detrimental effects of ageing are established in the vasculature; on the other hand, ageing and/or hormonal-associated changes in ER expression that could lead to a deleterious imbalance in favour of ER尾 over ER伪, generally associated with higher inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. In experimental studies, oestradiol acting on ER伪 promotes the release of vasoactive compounds such as nitric oxide (NO) and prostacyclin, and shifts the angiotensin axis towards angiotensin 1-7 production. Mechanisms underlying oestradiol vascular function also include anti-inflammatory and epigenetic modifications. 17尾-oestradiol changes the transcriptomic profile of endothelial cells, and the involvement of miRNA in the regulatory pathways of vascular function reinforces assumptions regarding the vascular actions of oestrogen. Thus, the present symposium review aims to postulate the role of ER伪 in oestrogen modulation of endothelial-derived mediators and vascular physiology, as well as its relationship with miRNA and inflammation, and elucidate how physiological changes in postmenopausal women counteract the observed effects

    Adaptaci贸n del sector vitivin铆cola al cambio clim谩tico en la D.O. Cari帽ena

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    La aceleraci贸n del cambio clim谩tico amenaza gravemente a la producci贸n agr铆cola, y uno de los sectores m谩s afectados es el vitivin铆cola. Aunque los escenarios futuros son inciertos, todo apunta a que la situaci贸n climatol贸gica en las regiones mediterr谩neas va a dificultar a煤n m谩s el cultivo de la vid. Sin embargo, debido a que el calentamiento no es homog茅neo y cada zona vitivin铆cola cuenta con un microclima propio, los impactos y las estrategias relevantes dependen de las caracter铆sticas locales. Esta comunicaci贸n se centra en el cambio clim谩tico en la Denominaci贸n de Origen Protegida (D.O.P) Cari帽ena. Los objetivos espec铆ficos son: a) conocer de qu茅 manera el cambio clim谩tico est谩 afectando a la actividad vit铆cola en la zona, b) estimar la intensidad con qu茅 lo har谩 en los pr贸ximos a帽os y c) estudiar y comparar los costes de inversi贸n de las principales medidas de adaptaci贸n en el vi帽edo. Los resultados confirman un empeoramiento de las condiciones actuales, una p茅rdida de potencial vitivin铆cola a medio plazo y la conveniencia de acometer medidas de adaptaci贸n en el corto plazo, que son menos costosas que las de largo plazo

    Role of miRNA in the Regulatory Mechanisms of Estrogens in Cardiovascular Ageing

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    Cardiovascular diseases are a worldwide health problem and are the leading cause of mortality in developed countries. Together with experimental data, the lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases in women than in men of reproductive age points to the influence of sex hormones at the cardiovascular level and suggests that estrogens play a protective role against cardiovascular disease and that this role is also modified by ageing. Estrogens affect cardiovascular function via their specific estrogen receptors to trigger gene expression changes at the transcriptional level. In addition, emerging studies have proposed a role for microRNAs in the vascular effects mediated by estrogens. miRNAs regulate gene expression by repressing translational processes and have been estimated to be involved in the regulation of approximately 30% of all protein-coding genes in mammals. In this review, we highlight the current knowledge of the role of estrogen-sensitive miRNAs, and their influence in regulating vascular ageing

    miRNA as New Regulatory Mechanism of Estrogen Vascular Action

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    The beneficial effects of estrogen on the cardiovascular system have been reported extensively. In fact, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in women is lower than in age-matched men during their fertile stage of life, a benefit that disappears after menopause. These sex-related differences point to sexual hormones, mainly estrogen, as possible cardiovascular protective factors. The regulation of vascular function by estrogen is mainly related to the maintenance of normal endothelial function and is mediated by both direct and indirect gene transcription through the activity of specific estrogen receptors. Some of these mechanisms are known, but many remain to be elucidated. In recent years, microRNAs have been established as non-coding RNAs that regulate the expression of a high percentage of protein-coding genes in mammals and are related to the correct function of human physiology. Moreover, within the cardiovascular system, miRNAs have been related to physiological and pathological conditions. In this review, we address what is known about the role of estrogen-regulated miRNAs and their emerging involvement in vascular biology

    MicroRNA as crucial regulators of gene expression in estradiol-treated human endothelial cells.

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    Background/Aims: Estrogen signalling plays an important role in vascular biology as it modulates vasoactive and metabolic pathways in endothelial cells. Growing evidence has also established microRNA (miRNA) as key regulators of endothelial function. Nonetheless, the role of estrogen regulation on miRNA profile in endothelial cells is poorly understood. In this study, we aimed to determine how estrogen modulates miRNA profile in human endothelial cells and to explore the role of the different estrogen receptors (ER伪, ER尾 and GPER) in the regulation of miRNA expression by estrogen. Methods: We used miRNA microarrays to determine global miRNA expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) exposed to a physiological concentration of estradiol (E2; 1 nmol/L) for 24 hours. miRNA-gene interactions were computationally predicted using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis and changes in miRNA levels were validated by qRT-PCR. Role of ER in the E2-induced miRNA was additionally confirmed by using specific ER agonists and antagonists. Results: miRNA array revealed that expression of 114 miRNA were significantly modified after E2 exposition. Further biological pathway analysis revealed cell death and survival, lipid metabolism, reproductive system function, as the top functions regulated by E2. We validated changes in the most significantly increased (miR-30b-5p, miR-487a-5p, miR-4710, miR-501-3p) and decreased (miR-378h and miR-1244) miRNA and the role of ER in these E2-induced miRNA was determined. Results showed that both classical, ER伪 and ER尾, and membrane-bound ER, GPER, differentially regulated specific miRNA. In silico analysis of validated miRNA promoters identified specific ER binding sites. Conclusion: Our findings identify differentially expressed miRNA pathways linked to E2 in human endothelial cells through ER, and provide new insights by which estrogen can modulate endothelial function

    Flexibilidad laboral y teletrabajo en los conservatorios de m煤sica

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    Este trabajo pretende analizar la flexibilidad laboral en los conservatorios de m煤sica de Arag贸n, una vez vivida la situaci贸n sanitaria del COVID-19 en el a帽o 2020, y todo lo que supuso para este sector de ense帽anza p煤blica. Del mismo modo, se investiga sobre una de las pr谩cticas m谩s novedosas de flexibilidad laboral como es el teletrabajo y la influencia que tuvo durante la pandemia en los docentes de los conservatorios de m煤sica, y c贸mo ha recalado m谩s recientemente, ya que lo habitual en este tipo de ense帽anza era la presencialidad docente. Tras la situaci贸n sanitaria, se pretende analizar lo que supondr铆a para los docentes de los conservatorios de m煤sica el instaurar este tipo de flexibilidad laboral como recurso alternativo o complementario a la docencia presencial. <br /

    Regulatory network analysis in estradiol-treated human endothelial cells.

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    Background/Aims: Estrogen has been reported to have beneficial effects on vascular biology through direct actions on endothelium. Together with transcription factors, miRNAs are the major drivers of gene expression and signaling networks. The objective of this study was to identify a com-prehensive regulatory network (miRNA-transcription factor-downstream genes) that controls the transcriptomic changes observed in endothelial cells exposed to estradiol. Methods: miR-NA/mRNA interactions were assembled using our previous microarray data of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) treated with 17脽- Estradiol (E2) (1 nmol/lL, 24 h). miRNA--mRNA pairings and their associated canonical pathways were determined using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software. Transcription factors were identified among the miR-NA-regulated genes. Transcription factor downstream target genes were predicted by consensus transcription factor binding sites in the promoter region of E2-regulated genes by using JASPAR and TRANSFAC tools in Enrichr software. Results: miRNA--target pairings were filtered by using differentially expressed miRNAs and mRNAs characterized by a regulatory relationship accord-ing to miRNA target prediction databases. The analysis identified 588 miRNA--target interactions between 102 miRNAs and 588 targets. Specifically, 63 up-regregulated miRNAs interacted with 295 down-regregulated targets, while 39 down-regregulated miRNAs were paired with 293 up-regregulated mRNA targets. Functional characterization of miRNA/mRNA association analy-sis highlighted hypoxia signallignaling, integrin, ephrin receptor signaling, and regulation of actin-based motility by Rho among the canonical pathways regulated by E2 in HUVEC. Tran-scription factors and downstream genes analysis revealed a total of eight networks, including those mediated by JUN and REPIN1, which are associated with cadherin binding and cell adhe-sion molecule binding pathways. Conclusion: This study identifies regulatory networks obtained by integrative microarray analysis and provides additional insights into the way estradiol could regulate endothelial function in human endothelial cells

    Desde este Sina铆 : (Costa, en su despacho de Graus)

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    Fuente de ingreso: Fondo Manuel Pinillos adquirido por la Diputaci贸n General de Arag贸n en 199