58 research outputs found

    Ставoви и практики за Хуман Папиломавирус, вакцина за Хуман Папиломавирус и поврзани фактори меѓу населението во Република Косово

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    Аpproximately 50–80% of sexually active women are exposed to at least one HPV variant during their lifetime. Based on the 2015 annual report of the National Institute of Public Health of Kosova, 68 new cases of cervical cancer were detected. The aim of the study was to investigate the attitude and practice regarding Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections and the Human Papillomavirus vaccine in the population of the Republic of Kosova. Material and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess the knowledge concerning HPV infections among the population aged 18 to 35+ years. The study was conducted during the period of time June 2021 –to August 2021. The sample included 500 participants. The questionnaire was anonymous, and participants were free to end their participation any time, without completing the questionnaire. Results: Regarding the claim "The HPV vaccine is safe", more than half of the respondents, respectively58.6% declare that they do not know, 33.4% of the respondents agree, 6.0% gave an incorrect answer / disagree, and 2.0% did not answer. The percentage difference between the unknown and correct answers is statistically significant for p<0.05. Conclusion: This study found out that the attitude towards the HPV vaccine among people of the Republic of Kosova is low to moderate. HPV vaccines should be included in the national immunization programs, since there is not still established national vaccination program for HPV vaccination.Приближно 50-80% од сексуално активните жени се изложени на барем една варијанта на ХПВ во текот на нивниот живот. Врз основа на годишниот извештај на Националниот институт за јавно здравје на Косово за 2015 година, откриени се 68 нови случаи на рак на грлото на матката. Целта на студијата беше да се истражи ставот и практиката во однос на инфекциите со хуман папиломавирус (ХПВ) и вакцината против хуманиот папилома вирус кај населението на Република Косово. Материјал и методи: Спроведена е студија на пресек за да се процени знаењето за ХПВ инфекциите кај популацијата на возраст од 18 до 35+ години. Студијата е спроведена во периодот јуни 2021 година до август 2021 година. Примерокот опфати 500 учесници. Прашалникот беше анонимен, а учесниците можеа слободно да го прекинат своето учество во секое време, без да го пополнат прашалникот. Резултати: Во однос на тврдењето „ХПВ вакцината е безбедна“повеќe од половина од испитаниците, односно 58,6% се изјасниле дека не знаат, 33,4% од испитаниците се согласуваат, 6,0% дале неточен одговор/ не се согласуваат, а 2,0% не одговориле. Процентуалната разлика помеѓу непознатите и точните одговори е статистички значајна за p<0,05. Заклучок: Оваа студија покажа дека односот кон ХПВ вакцината кај жителите на Република Косово е низок до умерен. ХПВ вакцините треба да бидат вклучени во националните програми за имунизација, бидејќи сèуште не постои воспоставена национална програма за вакцинација против ХПВ

    Знаења за хуман папиломавирус и фактори поврзани со него кај населението на Косово

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    Above 70% of sexually active women and men will be infected with human papilloma irus at some point in their lives, and several may yet be infected in more than one circumstance. Around 80% of sexually active women acquire HPV infection, while for the most part, they are asymptomatic with the immune system-mediated clearance of contagion within 6–12 months. High-risk papillomavirus is accountable for causing cancer associated with the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, penis, and oropharynx. This survey aims to investigate the level of knowledge among residents in the Republic of Kosova regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and HPV-associated diseases and to discover the relationship between these factors. Material and methods: A cross-sectional survey was performed by investigating the knowledge concerning HPV infection in the population aged 18 to 35+ years. The study was conducted in the interval from June 2021 - August 2021. The sample included 500 participants. The questionnaire was anonymous, and participants were free to end the participation at any time, without finishing the questionnaire. Results: More than half of the respondents knew about HPV - 70.0%, and 29.6% did not know. Respondents with secondary and higher education showed 18 times more knowledge for HPV (OR = 18.1311 95% CI: 8.7465-37.5852) than respondents with primary education. To the question Can HPV cause cancer of the cervix, 37.2% (n=186) of the respondents gave a correct answer. The results presented that most participants knew what HPV was (70%), but they also revealed that most participants had low or moderate knowledge about HPV, which was a comparable result with earlier studies. A small number of participants in this survey knew that HPV could heal by itself (12.8%), which was similar to results presented in other surveys. Conclusions: It is important to improve the inadequate knowledge about HPV among the population in the Republic of Kosova. In order to do that, it could be significant to assess which factors affect the knowledge so that young women and all adolescents will get pushed to use protective measures against cervical cancer and have protected sexual behaviour.Над 70% од сексуално активните жени и мажи ќе бидат заразенисо хуман папиломавирус во некоја фаза од нивниот живот, а неколку сепак може да бидат заразени во повеќе од една околност. Околу 80% од сексуално активните жени добиваат ХПВ инфекција, додека во најголем дел, тие се асимптоматски со отстранување на заразата посредувано од имунолошкиот систем во рок од 6-12 месеци. Високоризичниот папиломавирус е одговорен за предизвикување рак поврзан со грлото на матката, вулвата, вагината, анусот, пенисот и орофаринксот.Ова истражување има за цел да го провери нивото на знаење кај жителите во Република Косово во врска со инфекциите со хуман папиломавирус (ХПВ) и болестите поврзани со ХПВ и да ја открие врската помеѓу овие фактори. Материјал и методи: Спроведовме студија на пресек за знаењето на ХПВ инфекцијата кај популацијата на возраст од 18 до 35+ години. Студијата беше спроведена во интервалот од јуни 2021 до август 2021 година. Примерокот вклучи 500 учесници. Прашалникот беше анонимен, а учесниците можеа слободно да го прекинат учеството во секое време, без да го завршат прашалникот.Резултати: Повеќе од половина од испитаниците знаеја за ХПВ - 70,0%, а 29,6% од нив не знаеја. Испитаниците со средно и високо образование покажаа 18 пати повеќе знаење за ХПВ (ОR= 18,1311 95% CI: 8,7465-37,5852) од испитаниците со основно образование. На тврдењето ХПВ може да предизвика рак на грлото на матката, 37,2% (n=186) од испитаниците дале точен одговор.Резултатите покажаа дека повеќето учесници знаеја што е ХПВ (70%), но тие исто така покажаадека повеќето учесници имаа ниско или умерено познавање за ХПВ, што е споредлив резултат со претходните студии. Мал број од учесниците во ова истражување знаеја дека ХПВ може сам да се лекува (12,8%), што е слично со резултатите од други истражувања.Заклучок: Од клучно значење е подобрување на несоодветното знаење за ХПВ кај луѓето во Република Косово. За да се направи тоа, би можело да биде значајно да се процени кои фактори влијаат на знаењето, така што младите жени и сите адолесценти ќе бидат принудени да користат заштитни мерки против рак на грлото на матката и да имаат заштитено сексуално однесување

    Tobacco Control and Health Promotion Activities

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    The use of tobacco is considered as one of the main risk factors for numerous chronic diseases, such as: lung diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. 4.9 million deaths per year worldwide are tobacco related, having an increasing trend that will lead to double death toll by 2020. WHO is one of the leading organizations in the world actively involved in the health promotion activities related to tobacco consumption reduction and tobacco control. In this regard WHO prepared the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC) in 2003, enforced on February 27, 2005. Based on the FCTC the national tobacco control programs should be comprehensive, aiming to control the use of tobacco through various actions including legislation and pricing measures, prevention through education, communication, informative campaigns in order to raise the awareness on tobacco dangers, to prevent tobacco use initiation, to stimulate smoking cessation and to create smoke free environment. WHO recommends that health promotion program should incorporate activities on smoking cessation, smoke free environment, special activities for vulnerable groups such as youth and pregnant women and activities for prevention of initiation of tobacco use. These programs should be supported by the governments through multisectoral activities emphasizing economics and legislation issues. Tobacco smoking is a widespread and serious problem affecting the health of the population in Macedonia. The National Tobacco Control Strategy in R. Macedonia (2005-2010) incorporates legislative and economic measures, health promotion and education for prevention of initiation and smoking cessation, agricultural and environmental measures

    Hydrogeological investigations of the locality "Mitev Most" for water supply to Kumanovo with ground water

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    This paper shows the results from detailed hydrogeological investigations on locality Mitev Most for water supply to Kumanovo with ground water. In the first stage of investigations were conducted detailed hydrogeological and geophysical explorations and were made six exploration boreholes. In the second phase, in the alluvial Quaternary sediments and in the Paleozoic marbles were made three exploration – exploitation wells EB-MM–1 with depth of 42 m, EB-MM–2 with depth 33 m and EB-MM–3 with depth of 46 m. Based on the individual and grouped testing of the wells and conducted graphical analysis on the results from pumping, exploitation yielding of each well was determined and they amount to 20 l/s for EB-MM–1, 12 l/s for EB-MM–2 and 18 l/s for EB-MM–3

    Learning health systems need to bridge the ‘two cultures’ of clinical informatics and data science

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    Background UK health research policy and plans for population health management are predicated upon transformative knowledge discovery from operational 'Big Data'. Learning health systems require not only data, but feedback loops of knowledge into changed practice. This depends on knowledge management and application, which in turn depends upon effective system design and implementation. Biomedical informatics is the interdisciplinary field at the intersection of health science, social science and information science and technology that spans this entire scope. Issues In the UK, the separate worlds of health data science (bioinformatics, 'Big Data') and effective healthcare system design and implementation (clinical informatics, 'Digital Health') have operated as 'two cultures'. Much National Health Service and social care data is of very poor quality. Substantial research funding is wasted on 'data cleansing' or by producing very weak evidence. There is not yet a sufficiently powerful professional community or evidence base of best practice to influence the practitioner community or the digital health industry. Recommendation The UK needs increased clinical informatics research and education capacity and capability at much greater scale and ambition to be able to meet policy expectations, address the fundamental gaps in the discipline's evidence base and mitigate the absence of regulation. Independent evaluation of digital health interventions should be the norm, not the exception. Conclusions Policy makers and research funders need to acknowledge the existing gap between the 'two cultures' and recognise that the full social and economic benefits of digital health and data science can only be realised by accepting the interdisciplinary nature of biomedical informatics and supporting a significant expansion of clinical informatics capacity and capability.</p

    Violence and Injury Prevention – Challenges For Health Promotion in Macedonia

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    World Health Organization estimated 5.1 million deaths from injuries in 2002 in the world or 9% of all deaths, disproportionately affecting the young. These are a leading cause of premature death and DALYs at age of 5 to 45 years. In Europe injuries are third leading cause of death, after cardiovascular diseases and cancers with 800,000 or 8.3%. Injuries can be avoided and prevented. Many effective strategies can be used to target high risk groups and to reduce health consequences for victims of injuries. The health sector can play a key role in injury and violence prevention and control, by providing care and services to victims, prevention and advocacy, and engaging in partnerships with other sectors and across all levels of government and society. Decreasing the burden from injuries will require political commitment across all government levels and with this the allocation of adequate resources to take these activities forward. Future challenges for injury and violence prevention and health promotion, that the countries including Macedonia would face are: developing national action plans for unintentional injury and violence prevention, forming an intersectoral injury prevention committee, improving national surveillance system, strengthening national capacity to respond to the burden of injuries and violence through both primary prevention and care, promoting evidence-based practice by facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience across the Region, recognize gaps in knowledge and prioritize research and development in both primary prevention and care, as well as studies on costs

    High health gain patients with asthma:a cross-sectional study analysing national Scottish data sets

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    Studies have shown that a small proportion of patients have particularly high needs and are responsible for disproportionally high disease burden. Estimates suggest that 2–5% of patients are high users of healthcare for their health gain. Such patients in Scotland are referred to as high health gain (HHG) patients. We wanted to investigate if there were HHG individuals with asthma in Scotland. We analysed data from the Scottish Health Survey (2010–11), and primary and National Health Survey (NHS) secondary healthcare and administrative data sets (2011–12). In all, 1,379,690 (26.0%) and 836,135 (15.8%) people reported to have ever had and currently have symptoms suggestive of asthma, respectively; 369,868 (7.0%) people reported current symptomatic clinician-diagnosed asthma. 310,050 (5.6%) people had clinician-reported-diagnosed asthma; there were 289,120 nurse consultations, 215,610 GP consultations, 9235 accident and emergency visits (0.2% people), 8263 ambulance conveyances (0.2% people), 7744 inpatient episodes (0.1% people), 3600 disability allowance claims (0.1% people), 187 intensive care unit (ICU) episodes and 94 deaths from asthma. From our study a maximum of about 9.4% of asthma patients (n = 29,145), which is 0.5% of the Scottish population, and from the National Review of Asthma Deaths’ estimate (10% hospitalised), a minimum of nine people had severe asthma attacks that needed acute hospital attendance/admission. We found that although a high proportion of the Scottish population had symptoms suggestive of asthma and clinician diagnosed asthma, only a small proportion of asthma patients experienced exacerbations that were severe enough to warrant hospital attendance/admission in any given year. Developing risk prediction models to identify these HHG patients has the potential to both improve health outcomes while substantially reducing healthcare expenditure