135 research outputs found

    Öregségi nyugdíjasok halandósága 2015-ben

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    Az öregségi nyugdíjasok halandósága. A nyugellátási összeg, a nyugdíjazási életkor és a halandóság összefüggései Magyarországon, 2004–2012

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    A társadalmi egyenlőtlenségeknek a népesség halandóságára gyakorolt hatása igazolt, a hazai és nemzetközi irodalomban jól ismert összefüggés. Tanulmányunkban kiszámítottuk a teljes időtartamú halandósági táblázatokat – a halálozási valószínűségek és a várható élettartamok szerint a nyugdíjak nagysága és a nyugdíjazási életkorok függvényében. A hagyományos halandósági táblázatokon túl a halandóságot befolyásoló tényezők hatását Cox-regresszióval, illetve Aalen-féle additív hazárd modell segítségével vizsgáltuk meg részletesen. Az öregségi nyugdíjasok halandósága mindhárom vizsgált évben (2004, 2010, 2012) kedvezőbbnek bizonyult a magyarországi néphalandóságnál. A 2012. évi adatok vizsgálata igazolta, hogy az öregségi nyugdíjas férfiak között a nyugdíjösszeg nagysága és a nyugdíjba meneteli kor is befolyásolja a halálozási kockázatot és a várható élettartamot. Cox-regresszióval igazolható volt, hogy a férfiak között a magasabb nyugdíj és a későbbi nyugdíjba menetel kedvezőbb életkilátásokkal jár együtt. A nők között ezek az összefüggések nem voltak ennyire egyértelműek, illetve csak bizonyos életszakaszokban voltak igazolhatók. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: J2

    Quarkyonic matter from hydro and rapid freeze out

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    Quarkyonic matter is a predicted phase between deconfined ideal QGP and Hadronic matter where the dominant degrees of freedom are quarks. Collective flow measurements indicate that the flow developed in QGP, as flow measurements scale with the constituent quark numbers. The possible reasons for the observed constituent quark number scaling were analyzed, arriving to the conclusion that collective flow must have frozen out early when quarks were the dominant constituents of matter.publishedVersio

    A novel myxozoan parasite of terrestrial mammals: description of Soricimyxum minuti sp. n. (Myxosporea) in pygmy shrew Sorex minutus from Hungary

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    As part of a biodiversity study in northwestern Hungary, we conducted a parasitological survey of small mammals. In both common shrews (Sorex araneus Linnaeus) and pygmy shrews (Sorex minutus Linnaeus), we found myxospores of a species of Soricimyxum Prunescu, Prunescu, Pucek et Lom, 2007 (Myxosporea) and plasmodia in the bile ducts within the liver. Spores from both species of shrewswere morphologically and morphometrically indistinguishable, but differed in their SSU rRNA gene sequences by 3.3%. We identified spores and developmental stages from the common shrew as Soricimyxum fegati Prunescu, Prunescu, Pucek et Lom, 2007, based on morphometric data and DNA sequence similarity. Spores from the pygmy shrew were only 96.7% similar to S. fegati, hence we identified them as a novel myxosporean Soricimyxum minuti sp. n. This is only the second myxosporean parasite species described from mammals

    A synopsis of records of myxozoan parasites (Cnidaria: Myxozoa) from shrews, with additional data on Soricimyxum fegati from common shrew Sorex araneus in Hungary and pygmy shrew Sorex minutus in Slovakia

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    Myxozoans (Cnidaria: Myxozoa) are almost exclusively endoparasites of aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates, with the notable exception being two species of Soricimyxum Prunescu, Prunescu, Pucek et Lom, 2007 described from terrestrial shrews (Soricidae) in central Europe. Myxospores of the two parasites are morphologically indistinguishable, but have SSU rDNA sequences that differ by about 4%. Herein, we report additional molecular and histology data from Soricimyxum fegati Prunescu, Prunescu, Pucek et Lom, 2007 from common shrew (Sorex araneus Linnaeus) from Hungary, and add a new geographic record for S. fegati in pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus Linnaeus) from Slovakia. A limited survey of shrews from the northern United States, Blarina brevicauda Say and Sorex sp. from New York, and Sorex spp. from Oregon, did not discover any infections, which is in stark contrast to the relatively high infection rates (up to 66%) in European shrew populations. We also provide a summary and discussion of literature records of species of Soricimyxum and a host survey. Given the lack of distinguishing morphological or morphometric characters between Soricimyxum spp., and the overlap in vertebrate hosts and geographic ranges, unambiguous identification of these closely related shrew parasites can presently only be achieved through sequence comparison of one or more variable SSU rDNA regions

    Kepler photometry of RRc stars: peculiar double-mode pulsations and period doubling

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    We present the analysis of four first overtone RR Lyrae stars observed with the Kepler space telescope, based on data obtained over nearly 2.5 yr. All four stars are found to be multiperiodic. The strongest secondary mode with frequency f2 has an amplitude of a few mmag, 20−45 times lower than the main radial mode with frequency f1. The two oscillations have a period ratio of P2/P1 = 0.612 − 0.632 that cannot be reproduced by any two radial modes. Thus, the secondary mode is nonradial. Modes yielding similar period ratios have also recently been discovered in other variables of the RRc and RRd types. These objects form a homogenous group and constitute a new class of multimode RR Lyrae pulsators, analogous to a similar class of multimode classical Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds. Because a secondary mode with P2/P1 ∼ 0.61 is found in almost every RRc and RRd star observed from space, this form of multiperiodicity must be common. In all four Kepler RRc stars studied, we find subharmonics of f2 at ∼ 1/2f2 and at ∼ 3/2f2. This is a signature of period doubling of the secondary oscillation, and is the first detection of period doubling in RRc stars. The amplitudes and phases of f2 and its subharmonics are variable on a timescale of 10 − 200 d. The dominant radial mode also shows variations on the same timescale, but with much smaller amplitude. In three Kepler RRc stars we detect additional periodicities, with amplitudes below 1 mmag, that must correspond to nonradial g-modes. Such modes never before have been observed in RR Lyrae variables

    The MOST view of Cepheids

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    The MOST space telescope observed four Cepheid variables so far, all of different subtypes. Here we summarize the results obtained and the possible ways to continue to study these stars