2,961 research outputs found

    DaMSSI (Data Management Skills Support Initiative): Final Report

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    The Data Management Skills Support Initiative: synthesising postgraduate training in research data management

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    <p>This paper will describe the efforts and findings of the JISC Data Management Skills Support Initiative (‘DaMSSI’). DaMSSI was co-funded by the JISC Managing Research Data programme and the Research Information Network (RIN), in partnership with the Digital Curation Centre, to review, synthesise and augment the training offerings of the JISC Research Data Management Training Materials (‘RDMTrain’) projects.</p> <p>DaMSSI tested the effectiveness of the Society of College, National and University Libraries’ Seven Pillars of Information Literacy model (SCONUL, 2011), and Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework (‘Vitae RDF’) for consistently describing research data management (‘RDM’) skills and skills development paths in UK HEI postgraduate courses.</p> <p>With the collaboration of the RDMTrain projects, we mapped individual course modules to these two models and identified basic generic data management skills alongside discipline-specific requirements. A synthesis of the training outputs of the projects was then carried out, which further investigated the generic versus discipline-specific considerations and other successful approaches to training that had been identified as a result of the projects’ work. In addition we produced a series of career profiles to help illustrate the fact that data management is an essential component – in obvious and not-so-obvious ways – of a wide range of professions.</p> <p>We found that both models had potential for consistently and coherently describing data management skills training and embedding this within broader institutional postgraduate curricula. However, we feel that additional discipline-specific references to data management skills could also be beneficial for effective use of these models. Our synthesis work identified that the majority of core skills were generic across disciplines at the postgraduate level, with the discipline-specific approach showing its value in engaging the audience and providing context for the generic principles.</p> <p>Findings were fed back to SCONUL and Vitae to help in the refinement of their respective models, and we are working with a number of other projects, such as the DCC and the EC-funded Digital Curator Vocational Education Europe (DigCurV2) initiative, to investigate ways to take forward the training profiling work we have begun.</p&gt

    Learning about leadership through critical reflection and practitioner-academic co-inquiry

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    This article is a critical reflection on learning about leadership and putting leadership theory into interprofessional practice. It is based around reflection upon a leadership intervention experienced in practice in a U.K. hospital setting, undertaken as an assignment task for a leadership module. Critical reflection and co-inquiry involves unsettling previously held beliefs and assumptions about learning, practice and disciplinary knowledge. This has meant discarding our traditional ‘practitioner’ and ‘academic’ roles, and re-positioning ourselves as co-authors and editors of our social worlds. The article concludes with reflections upon the role of Work and Organizational Psychologists in interprofessional collaborative working

    Training for digital preservation in the context of the European project PLANETS

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    This paper outlines a training programme jointly developed and organised by the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (‘HATII’) at the University of Glasgow and the British Library, in collaboration with a number of European partner institutions, on behalf of the Preservation and Long Term Access Through Networked Services (‘Planets’) project. It describes the background to the programme and the series of events which took place during the final year of the project, focussing on the feedback received from the participants, the lessons learned from the implementation of the events, and the perceived long-term impact of the programme on future digital preservation training activities

    Making sense: talking data management with researchers

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    Incremental is one of eight projects in the JISC Managing Research Data programme funded to identify institutional requirements for digital research data management and pilot relevant infrastructure. Our findings concur with those of other Managing Research Data projects, as well as with several previous studies. We found that many researchers: (i) organise their data in an ad hoc fashion, posing difficulties with retrieval and re-use; (ii) store their data on all kinds of media without always considering security and back-up; (iii) are positive about data sharing in principle though reluctant in practice; (iv) believe back-up is equivalent to preservation. <br></br><br></br> The key difference between our approach and that of other Managing Research Data projects is the type of infrastructure we are piloting. While the majority of these projects focus on developing technical solutions, we are focusing on the need for ‘soft’ infrastructure, such as one-to-one tailored support, training, and easy-to-find, concise guidance that breaks down some of the barriers information professionals have unintentionally built with their use of specialist terminology. <br></br><br></br> We are employing a bottom-up approach as we feel that to support the step-by-step development of sound research data management practices, you must first understand researchers’ needs and perspectives. Over the life of the project, Incremental staff will act as mediators, assisting researchers and local support staff to understand the data management requirements within which they are expect to work, and will determine how these can be addressed within research workflows and the existing technical infrastructure. <br></br> <br></br> Our primary goal is to build data management capacity within the Universities of Cambridge and Glasgow by raising awareness of basic principles so everyone can manage their data to a certain extent. We will ensure our lessons can be picked up and used by other institutions. Our affiliation with the Digital Curation Centre and Digital Preservation Coalition will assist in this and all outputs will be released under a Creative Commons licence. The key difference between our approach and that of other MRD projects is the type of ‘infrastructure’ we are piloting. While the majority of these projects focus on developing technical solutions, we are focusing on the need for ‘soft’ infrastructure, such as one-to-one tailored support, training, and easy-to-find, concise guidance that breaks down some of the barriers information professionals have unintentionally built with their use of specialist terminology. We are employing a bottom-up approach as we feel that to support the step-by-step development of sound research data management practices, you must first understand researchers’ needs and perspectives. Over the life of the project, Incremental staff will act as mediators, assisting researchers and local support staff to understand the data management requirements within which they are expect to work, and will determine how these can be addressed within research workflows and the existing technical infrastructure. Our primary goal is to build data management capacity within the Universities of Cambridge and Glasgow by raising awareness of basic principles so everyone can manage their data to a certain extent. We’re achieving this by: - re-positioning existing guidance so researchers can locate the advice they need; - connecting researchers with one-to-one advice, support and partnering; - offering practical training and a seminar series to address key data management topics. We will ensure our lessons can be picked up and used by other institutions. Our affiliation with the Digital Curation Centre and Digital Preservation Coalition will assist in this and all outputs will be released under a Creative Commons licence

    Computer programs for estimating civil aircraft economics

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    Computer programs for calculating airline direct operating cost, indirect operating cost, and return on investment were developed to provide a means for determining commercial aircraft life cycle cost and economic performance. A representative wide body subsonic jet aircraft was evaluated to illustrate use of the programs

    Effect of Collector Configuration on Test Section Turbulence Levels in an Open-Jet Wind Tunnel

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    Flow quality studies in the Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel indicated periodic flow pulsation at discrete frequencies in the test section when the tunnel operated in an open-jet configuration. To alleviate this problem, experiments were conducted in a 1/24-scale model of the full-scale tunnel to evaluate the turbulence reduction potential of six collector configurations. As a result of these studies, the original bell-mouth collector of the 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel was replaced by a collector with straight walls, and a slot was incorporated between the trailing edge of the collector and the entrance of the diffuser

    Incremental scoping study and implementation plan

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    This report is one of the first deliverables from the Incremental project, which seeks to investigate and improve the research data management infrastructure at the universities of Glasgow and Cambridge and to learn lessons and develop resources of value to other institutions. Coming at the end of the project’s scoping study, this report identifies the key themes and issues that emerged and proposes a set of activities to address those needs. As its name suggests, Incremental deliberately adopts a stepped, pragmatic approach to supporting research data management. It recognises that solutions will vary across different departmental and institutional contexts; and that top-down, policy-driven or centralised solutions are unlikely to prove as effective as practical support delivered in a clear and timely manner where the benefits can be clearly understood and will justify any effort or resources required. The findings of the scoping study have confirmed the value of this approach and the main recommendations of this report are concerned with the development and delivery of suitable resources. Although some differences were observed between disciplines, these seemed to be as much a feature of different organisational cultures as the nature of the research being undertaken. Our study found that there were many common issues across the groups and that the responses to these issues need not be highly technical or expensive to implement. What is required is that these resources employ jargon-free language and use examples of relevance to researchers and that they can be accessed easily at the point of need. There are resources already available (institutionally and externally) that can address researchers’ data management needs but these are not being fully exploited. So in many cases Incremental will be enabling efficient and contextualised access, or tailoring resources to specific environments, rather than developing resources from scratch. While Incremental will concentrate on developing, repurposing and leveraging practical resources to support researchers in their management of data, it recognises that this will be best achieved within a supportive institutional context (both in terms of policy and provision). The need for institutional support is especially evident when long-term preservation and data sharing are considered – these activities are clearly more effective and sustainable if addressed at more aggregated levels (e.g. repositories) rather than left to individual researchers or groups. So in addition to its work in developing resources, the Incremental project will seek to inform the development of a more comprehensive data management infrastructure at each institution. In Cambridge, this will be connected with the library’s CUPID project (Cambridge University Preservation Development) and at Glasgow in conjunction with the Digital Preservation Advisory Board

    Aerodynamic characteristics of raked-off circular and elliptical cones at a Mach number of 20 in helium

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    Longitudinal and lateral directional aerodynamic characteristics of raked-off circular and elliptical cones at Mach 20 in heliu

    Characteristics of reaction-diffusion on scale-free networks

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    We examine some characteristic properties of reaction-diffusion processes of the A+A->0 type on scale-free networks. Due to the inhomogeneity of the structure of the substrate, as compared to usual lattices, we focus on the characteristics of the nodes where the annihilations occur. We show that at early times the majority of these events take place on low-connectivity nodes, while as time advances the process moves towards the high-connectivity nodes, the so-called hubs. This pattern remarkably accelerates the annihilation of the particles, and it is in agreement with earlier predictions that the rates of reaction-diffusion processes on scale-free networks are much faster than the equivalent ones on lattice systems
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