138 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of orbital-selective Mott transitions at finite temperatures

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    Mott transitions in the two-orbital Hubbard model with different bandwidths are investigated at finite temperatures. By means of the self-energy functional approach, we discuss the stability of the intermediate phase with one orbital localized and the other itinerant, which is caused by the orbital-selective Mott transition (OSMT). It is shown that the OSMT realizes two different coexistence regions at finite temperatures in accordance with the recent results of Liebsch. We further find that the particularly interesting behavior emerges around the special condition U=UU=U' and J=0, which includes a new type of the coexistence region with three distinct states. By systematically changing the Hund coupling, we establish the global phase diagram to elucidate the key role played by the Hund coupling on the Mott transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    La conciliación de la vida laboral, familia y personal y su incidencia en las mujeres españolas = Work-life balance and its effects on Spanish women

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) trata de abordar el tema de la conciliación de la vida laboral, familiar y personal desde distintos ámbitos de estudio.En primer lugar se sitúa la conciliación desde la perspectiva de la igualdad y encuadrándola dentro del marco normativo legal. Y en segundo lugar, se pretende conocer qué agentes sociales intervienen, qué problemas presenta y qué acciones o medidas llevan a cabo las empresas para conseguir una conciliación efectiva.Partiendo de una base teórica, para su contextualización, definiendo la conciliación y conociendo las medidas legales para llevarla a cabo, se realiza posteriormente un análisis de la situación de las mujeres con respecto a los varones españoles en los últimos cinco años comprobando así si realmente es efectiva dicha conciliación en nuestro país

    Da mão de ferro ao romantismo: Uma análise sobre estereótipos de gênero na gestão em reportagens da revista Você S/A

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.Essa pesquisa consistiu na análise de duas edições da Revista Você S/A, as quais trazem como matéria de capa a representação de um gestor e uma gestora, respectivamente. A análise foi realizada por meio da Análise Crítica do Discurso, de Fairclough (2001, 2003), sob a perspectiva da abordagem de gênero enquanto construção social com o objetivo de evidenciar os atributos de gênero relacionados aos gestores homens e gestoras mulheres, comunicados a partir de publicações da revista. De modo geral, observamos que ocorre a representação estereotipada dos gestores com a predominância de atributos considerados como masculinos na representação do gestor e de atributos femininos na construção da identidade da gestora, denotando, ainda uma representação negativa em relação à representação da gestora.This research consists in the analysis of two issues of the Você S/A magazine, which bring as the cover story the representation of a male manager and a female manager, respectively. The analysis was built based on the Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough (2001, 2003), under the perspective of the gender approach as a social construction, with the goal of highlighting the gender attributes related to male and female managers communicated from the magazine publications. In general, we observed that there is a stereotypical representation of managers with the predominance of male considered attributes in the representation of the male manager and of feminine attributes in the identity construction of the female manager, showing even a negative aspect in relation to the female manager‘s representation

    La conciliación de la vida laboral, personal y familiar en el contrato de alta dirección = Reconciliation of work, private and family life on top management contracts

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    En primer lugar se abordan los aspectos de la regulación laboral especial del personal de alta dirección, centrándose en lo relativo al tiempo de trabajo. Dicho análisis se realiza comparando la normativa especial (RD 1382/1985) con la normativa laboral común (ET). Y además, se concreta una conceptualización normativa del personal de alta dirección a partir de sus características inherentes como la autonomía y la plena responsabilidad, además de la regularidad, voluntariedad, ajenidad, especial dependencia y remuneración en la prestación de los servicios. En segundo lugar, se centra la atención en el sistema normativo que rige la especial relación del personal de alta dirección. Y se hace un análisis del contrato de alta dirección. En tercer lugar, se clarifica cómo se establece la ordenación del tiempo de trabajo en un contrato de alta dirección y lo relativo a la suspensión y extinción del mismo. Y por último, se hace una referencia a la igualdad de oportunidades en el trabajo y se delimitan las medidas de conciliación establecidas en el ET y se hace una reflexión sobre cómo se extrapolan al contrato de alta direcció

    The opportunity for smart city projects at municipal scale: Implementing a positive energy district in Zorrozaurre

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    The urgency of climate change is demanding new urban energy transition processes that will be accelerated by the implementation of innovative urban solutions. This paper proposes a three-step methodology to encompass the energy transition in cities. Firstly, the design of urban spaces in accordance to Positive Energy District (PED) concept is defining a very ambitious objective that will lead the development and implementation of innovative urban approaches. Secondly, the implementation of Urban City Labs is proposed for testing and demonstrating urban innovations at real scale as reasonable approach for consolidated urban landscapes. Thirdly, energy transition is demanding new governance mechanisms where top-down and bottom-up perspectives are continually combined and harmonized. ATELIER H2020 is accelerating the demonstration of this methodology at the recently defined PED in Zorrozaurre (Bilbao, Basque Country)

    Valor nutricional de cultivares de azevém consorciados ou não com aveia sob dois resíduos de pastejo

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional value of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) cv. Barjumbo and common ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) intercropped or not with oats (Avena strigosa Schreb) cv. IAPAR 61 under two post-grazing residue. The study was conducted at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, in the period April-September, 2012. The experimental design was a bifactorial 4x2, totaling eight treatments with three replicates, common and Barjumbo ryegrass single or intercropped with oat in two post-grazing residue: High: 50% of the input height; Low: 30% of the input height being evaluated. The variables evaluated were crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). The single Barjumbo had higher CP. NDF and ADF were lower for single cultivar or intercropped Barjumbo in comparison to the common cultivar and, consequently, the IVDMD and TDN were higher. Within the trial period, the grazing slightly increased the CP content, TDN and IVDMD until about 100 days after emergence. The NDF and ADF values have showed a linear increase from the beginning to the end of the trial period.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o valor nutricional de dois cultivares de azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) cv. Barjumbo e cv. comum, consorciados ou não com aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) cv. IAPAR 61 submetidos a dois resíduos de forragem pós-pastejo. O trabalho foi realizado na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, no período de abril a setembro de 2012. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de um bifatorial 4x2, totalizando oito tratamentos com três repetições, sendo avaliados os azevéns comum e Barjumbo solteiros ou consorciados com aveia preta em duas alturas de resíduo pós-pastejo: Alto: 50% da altura de entrada; Baixo: 30% da altura de entrada. As variáveis avaliadas foram proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). O Barjumbo solteiro apresentou maior PB. Os teores de FDN e FDA foram menores para o cultivar Barjumbo solteiro ou consorciado em relação ao cultivar comum e, como consequência, a DIVMS e NDT foram superiores. Dentro do período experimental, a pastagem apresentou ligeira elevação nos teores de PB, NDT e DIVMS até por volta de 100 dias após a emergência. Já os valores de FDN e FDA demonstraram uma elevação linear desde o início até o final do período de avaliações

    Feedback-regulated poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation by PARP-1 is required for rapid response to DNA damage in living cells

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    Genome integrity is constantly threatened by DNA lesions arising from numerous exogenous and endogenous sources. Survival depends on immediate recognition of these lesions and rapid recruitment of repair factors. Using laser microirradiation and live cell microscopy we found that the DNA-damage dependent poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARP) PARP-1 and PARP-2 are recruited to DNA damage sites, however, with different kinetics and roles. With specific PARP inhibitors and mutations, we could show that the initial recruitment of PARP-1 is mediated by the DNA-binding domain. PARP-1 activation and localized poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis then generates binding sites for a second wave of PARP-1 recruitment and for the rapid accumulation of the loading platform XRCC1 at repair sites. Further PARP-1 poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation eventually initiates the release of PARP-1. We conclude that feedback regulated recruitment of PARP-1 and concomitant local poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation at DNA lesions amplifies a signal for rapid recruitment of repair factors enabling efficient restoration of genome integrity