2,282 research outputs found


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    This study uses a structural latent variable approach to examine whether the increased supply of health information has been successful in improving consumer tastes and preferences towards fruits and vegetables and if it has been successful in doing so, how this change in tastes is affecting the consumption of various produce commodities. The results show that consumers are responding to health messages by increasing consumption of some of the produce commodities but not all of them.Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Commuting Time and Labour Supply: A Causal Effect?

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    We analyze the causal effect of the length of the worker’s commute on worker's productivity, by examining whether commuting time has any effect on worker's labour market supply. Using the Spanish Time Use Survey 2002-03, our GMM/IV estimation yields a positive causal impact of commuting time on the time devoted to the labour market, with one hour of commuting increasing the time devoted to the labour market by 35 minutes in a working day. Our results shed light on the relationship between commuting and workers behaviour, since daily labour supply should be considered in theoretical models to provide a comprehensive view of commuter behaviour.commuting, labour supply, productivity, causality, Time Use Survey

    Welfare Impacts of the Mexico Potato Quarantine

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    Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) tariffs on U.S. potato imports to Mexico were phased out by 1993. Citing phytosanitary issues, in 1996, the Mexican government placed quantitative restrictions on U.S. potato imports and restricted their import only to designated border areas. This article estimates the welfare cost of restricting U.S. potato imports into Mexico. We find that removing trade restrictions may lead to over 1.8 million tons of new imports into Mexico, a gain of consumer surplus of 4.0 billion pesos per year, and a loss of 2.9 billion pesos of producer surplus.international trade, non-tariff barriers, potatoes, quarantine, sanitary and phytosanitary barriers, welfare loss, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy, International Relations/Trade, Political Economy, F13, L13, Q13, Q17, C35,

    Innovation and curriculum development projects impact of Junta de Andalucía related with ITC

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    Este estudio es una revisión de los distintos proyectos de innovación educativa y desarrollo curricular de la Junta de Andalucía en niveles no universitarios, concretándose con tres categorías importantes: Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación, la enseñanza en la Educación Secundaria, y la dentro de esta, la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria. Observando sus objetivos hallamos una serie de dimensiones y categorías que se van repitiendo. Por esta razón algunas adquieren mayor importancia que otras siendo más trabajadas en los últimos años

    ICT´s use by high school teacher

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    El avance tecnológico que se está produciendo en los últimos años no es ajeno a la educación. En la escuela contemplamos las últimas medidas llevadas a cabo al respecto por el Ministerio de Educación y la Consejería de Educación. Por ello vamos a tratar de descubrir los diferentes usos y conocimiento de las TICs por parte del profesorado en este contexto Hemos utilizado el recurso de la entrevista como instrumento de recogida de datos de corte cualitativo con la idea de profundizar en los conocimientos y pareceres de los entrevistados. Dicha entrevista se pasó entre coordinadores TICs y miembros de equipos directivos de centros públicos y privados con bachillerato en Sevilla capital. Los datos obtenidos se han analizado a través de las herramientas de análisis de datos cualitativos denominada Atlas.ti. En esta investigación descubrimos que aspectos como los usos reales de las TICs en los centros, las principales aplicaciones informáticas empleadas o la noción que tienen sobre las TICs el profesorado de la enseñanza secundaria

    Retail and Wholesale Market Power in Organic Foods

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    The demand for organic fresh fruits and vegetable continues to grow at a rate far higher than the rest of the produce industry. The cost of meeting organic certification standards, however, has meant that supply has been slow to adjust. With limited supply, we hypothesize that organic suppliers enjoy more market power in bargaining over their share of the retail-production cost margin for fresh apples. We test this hypothesis using a random parameters, generalized extreme value demand model (mixed logit) combined with a structural model of retail and wholesale pricing that allows conduct to vary by product attributes (organic or non-organic) and time. We find that organic growers do indeed earn a larger share of the total margin than non-organic growers, but this vertical market power is eroding over time as market supply adjusts.organics, market power, mixed logit, game theory, non-linear pricing., Industrial Organization, C35, D12, D43, L13, L41, Q13.,

    Elizabeth D. Carney

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    Elizabeth Donnelly Carney is one of the most renowned scholars on Ancient Macedonia. Carney's research has contributed to open the studies about Ancient Macedonia to the scope of Gender Studies. Her influence in many modern interpretations concerning the complex relations of power and court network in Argead Macedonia also includes topics like mutiny, social performances (like royal banquets) and court groups (like the Royal Pages). Her scope is wide, and she usually focuses on concrete topics from multiple perspectives. Books like Women and Monarchy in Ancient Macedonia, or the recent Eurydice and the Birth of Macedonian Power (2019) (completing the works devoted to three generations of Macedonian Royal women with her Olympias (2006) and Arsinoë of Egypt and Macedon: A Royal Life (2013)) are now must-to works for world-wide researchers concerning Ancient Greece and Macedon. Among her many skills, the Editorial Board of Karanos wants to remark her kind proximity and her usual predisposition to comment and help, with her experience, to improve discussions, projects and papers with admirable knowledge.Elizabeth Donnelly Carney es una de las eruditas más reconocidas de la Antigua Macedonia. La investigación de Carney tiene para abrir los estudios sobre la Antigua Macedonia al ámbito de los Estudios de Género. Su influencia en muchas interpretaciones modernas sobre las complejas relaciones de poder y la red de la corte en la Macedonia Argeada también incluye temas como los motines y rebeliones, las representaciones sociales (como los banquetes reales) y los grupos de la corte (como los Pajes Reales). Su alcance es amplio y suele enfocarse en temas concretos desde múltiples perspectivas. Libros como Women and Monarchy in Ancient Macedonia (2000), o el reciente Eurydice and the Birth of Macedonian Power (2019) (con el que completa su colección de obras dedicadas a tres generaciones de mujeres reales macedonias, con su Olympias (2006) y Arsinoe of Egypt and Macedon: A Royal Life (2013)) son ahora trabajos imprescindibles para los investigadores de todo el mundo sobre la Antigua Grecia y Macedonia. Entre sus múltiples habilidades, el Comité Editorial de Karanos quiere destacar la amable proximidad y su habitual predisposición a comentar y ayudar, con su experiencia, a mejorar discusiones, proyectos y trabajos con admirables conocimientos

    Unemployment and Time Use: Evidence from the Spanish Time Use Survey

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    In this paper we use a time use approach to analyze the average effect of aggregate unemployment on the daily life of individuals, focusing on the relationship between reduced market work and additional household production of unemployed individuals. Using the Spanish Time Use Survey 2002-2003, we find that, in general, the unemployed devote most of the reduced market time to additional leisure, and only a small proportion of time is devoted to household production activities. However, we find that the relationship between market work and household production with unemployment of individuals depends on regional unemployment rates, since in areas with high unemployment rates reduced market work is made up by additional time spent in household production. Our paper sheds light on the relationship between individuals’ time allocation decisions and aggregate macroeconomic variables.Unemployment, Time Use, Aggregate Unemployment, Enjoyment Data

    Forever Young : the strange youth of the Macedonian Kings

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    Traditionally, the belief has been that the Hellenistic kings began to shave their beards following the example of Alexander the Great. This paper proposes a new vision of this idea, given that explains the shaven face of Alexander through the youngness of the Macedonian kings. In our opinion, the sovereigns of Macedonia were presented many times by their fathers or regents like eternal teenagers in order to remain in power for as long as possible. Thus, the only way for any member of the Argead dynasty to achieve complete autonomy and to be fully free was to be seated on the throne. The same happen during the lifetime of popular generals (Parmenion) or advisers (Aratus). The royal portrait created by the Diadochoi was a symbol of power through which they could govern, never was an imitation of a real one. However, this royal portrait was inspired by Macedonian models that presented the Argead prince as inexpert and weak when they were unbearded.Tradicionalmente, se ha creído que los reyes helenísticos comenzaron a afeitarse la barba siguiendo el ejemplo de Alejandro Magno. Este artículo propone una nueva visión de esta idea, dado que explica el rostro rapado de Alejandro a través de la juventud de los reyes macedonios. En nuestra opinión, los soberanos de Macedonia fueron presentados muchas veces por sus padres o regentes como eternos adolescentes para permanecer en el poder el mayor tiempo posible. Por lo tanto, la única forma de que cualquier miembro de la dinastía Argead logre una autonomía completa y sea completamente libre era sentarse en el trono. Lo mismo ocurre durante la vida de los generales populares (Parmenion) o consejeros (Aratus). El retrato real creado por los Diadochoi fue un símbolo de poder a través del cual podían gobernar, nunca fue una imitación de uno real. Sin embargo, este retrato real se inspiró en modelos macedonios que presentaban al príncipe Argead como inexperto y débil cuando no llevaban barba