332 research outputs found

    Onderzoek naar schade bij aspergeplanten door de aaltjes P. penetrans en H. betae : projectrapport van schadeonderzoek bij aspergeplanten met de plantparasitaire aaltjes Pratylenchus penetrans en Heterodera betae

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    Een perceel dat besmet is met Fusarium oxysporum of met quarantaine organismen zoals Meloidogyne chitwoodi (het maïswortelknobbelaaltje) of Meloidogyne fallax (het bedrieglijk maïswortelknobbelaaltje) is ongeschikt voor het opkweken van aspergeplanten. Daarnaast worden Pratylenchus penetrans (wortellesieaaltje) en Heterodera betae (gele bietencysteaaltje) door de praktijk als zeer schadelijke aaltjessoorten beschouwd, omdat ze mogelijk (veel) opbrengstverlies kunnen veroorzaken. Teelt van aspergeplanten op percelen die besmet zijn met wortellesieaaltjes en/of met gele bietencysteaaltjes is naar de mening van de praktijk dan ook (te) risicovol. Bij percelen die (in lichte mate) met deze aaltjes zijn besmet, zal de plantenkweker de afweging maken of ze al of niet bruikbaar zijn voor de opkweek van aspergeplanten

    Samenvatting Monitoring Nulsituatie-Rapport Resultaten meetronde 2005-2006

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    Eind 2004 is door het Hoofdproductschap Akkerbouw (HPA), het Productschap Tuinbouw (PT) en LTO Nederland het initiatief genomen om de aaltjesproblemen gezamenlijk aan te pakken. Hiervoor is het actieplan aaltjesbeheersing gelanceerd. Eén van de projecten binnen dit actieplan was het monitoren van de nulsituatie. Dit project is uitgevoerd door een consortium van Blgg BV, NAK AGRO BV, en PPO-AGV. Binnen het project zijn tussen 2005 en 2006 425 akkerbouwbedrijven grondmonsters genomen. Deze zijn geanalyseerd op de meest bekende plantenparasitaire aaltjes. Daarnaast is aan de deelnemers gevraagd mee te werken aan een enquête over hun bedrijfsvoering en hun ervaringen met aaltje

    Onderzoek naar schade bij aspergeplanten door de aaltjes P. penetrans en H. betae: Onderzoek naar de schade bij aspergeplanten door de plantparasitaire aaltjes Pratylenchus penetrans en Heterodera betae en naar de vermeerdering van deze aaltjes tijdens de teelt van aspergeplanten

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    In dit onderzoek is nagegaan of er bij een hoge besmetting van Pratylenchus penetrans en Heterodera betae schade ontstaat bij de opkweek van aspergeplanten en hoe groot het opbrengstverlies bij een hoge besmetting van deze aaltjes kan zijn. Ook is berekend of er een besmettingsniveau is, waaronder geen opbrengstverlies optreedt (bepaling van de schadedrempel). Verder is in deze schadeproeven onderzoek gedaan met het granulaat Vydate om na te gaan of het eventuele opbrengstverlies daardoor beperkt of voorkomen zou kunnen worden

    Commissioning and performance of a phase-compensated optical link for the AWAKE experiment at CERN

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    In this work, we analyze the performance of the solution adopted for the compensation of the phase drift of a 3 km optical fiber link used for the AWAKE experiment at CERN. The link is devoted to transmit the reference signals used to synchronize the SPS beam with the experiment to have a fixed phase relation, regardless of the external conditions of the electronics and the link itself. The system has been operating for more than a year without observed drift in the beam phases. Specific measurements have proven that the jitter introduced by the system is lower than 0.6 ps and the maximum phase drift of the link is at the picosecond level.Comment: Poster presented at LLRF Workshop 2017 (LLRF2017, arXiv:1803.07677

    The role of remote engagement in supporting boundary chain networks across Alaska

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    AbstractBoundary organizations serve multiple roles in linking science and decision making, including brokering knowledge, supporting local- and cross-level networks, facilitating the co-production of knowledge, and negotiating conflict. Yet they face several challenges in providing services for an ever-increasing number of actors and institutions interested in climate information and adaptation. This study evaluates how the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) innovated its boundary spanning role to improve outcomes by partnering with other boundary organizations through its ongoing climate webinar series. We utilize the concept of boundary chains to investigate outcomes associated with different extended network connections. Our evaluation is based on the analysis three datasets, including interviews (2013) and two web-based questionnaires (2010 and 2013–2015). Findings from the evaluation reveal several ways that remote engagement via the ACCAP webinar series facilitates learning, decision application, and cross-level network building, and overcomes barriers associated with large geographic distances between communities. In an organic evolution and innovation of the climate webinar series, ACCAP partnered with other boundary organizations to establish satellite hub sites to facilitate in-person gatherings at remote locations, thereby increasing the number and diversity of participants served and supporting local networking within organizations, agencies, and communities. Leveraging complementary resources through the satellite hub sites provided mutual benefits for ACCAP and partnering boundary organizations. These findings advance our understanding of the value of remote engagement in supporting boundary spanning processes and how boundary organizations innovate their roles to build capacity and increase the usability of climate information

    The association of childhood maltreatment with depression and anxiety is not moderated by the oxytocin receptor gene

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    Background: The oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene may be involved in resilience or vulnerability towards stress, and hence in the development of stress-related disorders. There are indications that OXTR single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) interact with early life stressors in predicting levels of depression and anxiety. To replicate and extend these findings, we examined whether three literature-based OXTR SNPs (rs2254298, rs53576, rs2268498) interact with childhood maltreatment in the development of clinically diagnosed depression and anxiety disorders. Methods: We included 2567 individuals from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. This sample consisted of 387 healthy controls, 428 people with a current or past depressive disorder, 243 people with a current or past anxiety disorder, and 1509 people with both lifetime depression and anxiety diagnoses. Childhood maltreatment was measured with both an interview and via self-report. Additional questionnaires measured depression and anxiety sensitivity. Results: Childhood maltreatment was strongly associated with both lifetime depression and anxiety diagnoses, as well as with depression and anxiety sensitivity. However, the OXTR SNPs did not moderate these associations nor had main effects on outcomes. Conclusions: The three OXTR gene SNPs did not interact with childhood maltreatment in predicting lifetime depression and anxiety diagnoses or sensitivity. This stresses the importance of replication studies with regard to OXTR gene variants in general populations as well as in clearly established clinical samples

    Controlled Atmosphere Temperature Treatment as Sustainable Alternative to Control Strawberry Tarsenomid Mites and Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Strawberry Plants

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    High qualified strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) planting material, mainly for export, is produced by Dutch growers on circa 1100 ha field area in The Netherlands. Planting stock must be destroyed if strawberry tarsonemid mite (Phytonemus pallidus) or infection by the plant parasitic nematode Meloidogyne hapla is found by the Dutch Quality Board. Also the nematode Pratylenchus penetrans can attack strawberry plants severely. The presence of tarsonemid mites in plant material can result in a considerable loss of production. Until 2007 in The Netherlands mother planting stock for runner production was treated with methyl bromide (MeBr) to eliminate tarsonemids. This chemical disinfestation method is banned since 2008. From 2007 the choice was made to optimize the Controlled Atmosphere Temperature Treatment (CATT) to provide a non-chemical and sustainable method for future disinfestation. By application of CATT during 48 h at a temperature of 35°C and 50% CO2 mortality of the tarsonemid mites is over 99.8%. No harmful irreversible results of CATT on vitality of mother plants in the field and runner production are found. From 2009 CATT is up scaled to a commercial level and widely applied by Dutch producers of planting stock. As a spin-off also plant parasitic nematodes are reduced by application of CATT. Understanding of the influence of different factors during CATT creates also possibilities for optimization this treatment to control P. penetrans and M. hapla in strawberry plants or in the soil particles attached to the roots. Application of an optimized CATT can prevent further dispersion of these plant parasitic nematodes in the strawberry chain

    The New RF Control System for the CERN SPS Accelerator

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    The old SPS RF control system designed in 1972 has been replaced completely, i.e. both hardware and software. The new system has to control both RF equipment conceived during the last 23 years and future (modern) equipment. Using information analysis methods, we derived a model of an RF command and designed a data base accordingly (ORACLE®). Information from this data base is used for command generation and processing and also for archiving settings. The advantage is purely generic software, i.e. the same computer code is used for switching on an RF amplifier, as for setting a frequency synthesizer. New equipment is added very simply by entering new records in the data base. Additional features include a reservation scheme whereby a user can take private control of any piece of equipment, a reporting facility notifying the user of the simultaneous control activity by other users on RF equipment, and a capability scheme assigning a level of expertise to each user restricting action on the equipment