462 research outputs found

    Deux bibliothécaires jésuites de la première moitié du XXe siècle

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    Intervention au colloque sur "L\u27histoire des bibliothécaires" organisé par le Centre de recherche en histoire du livre à la Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon du 27 au 29 novembre 2003. Dans l\u27histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus en France la première moitié du XXe siècle est caractérisée par une effervescence intellectuelle, une sorte d\u27âge d\u27or, dont l\u27évolution des bibliothèques des séminaires jésuites n\u27est que l\u27une des expressions les plus significatives. Cet article évoque deux de ces bibliothèques, celle d\u27Yzeure-sur-Allier, tout près de Moulins et celle de l\u27île de Jersey, célèbres aussi bien pour la richesse exceptionnelle de leurs fonds respectifs que pour leurs fondateurs, Antoine Chantre et Pedro Descoqs

    Are Beginning and Small-Scale Farmers Drawn to Diversification? Ten Years\u27 Findings From Ohio

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    Diversifying a farm\u27s production operations or marketing channels can boost income and raise farm survival rates. But are beginning and small-scale farmers inclined toward a strategy of diversification? We analyzed 578 attendee surveys from 10 years of an Extension workshop for new and small-scale farmers in Ohio. We investigated the farming profile of beginning and small-scale farmers, the degree to which they are interested in pursuing diversified farming, and whether these interests vary by gender. We found evidence that new and small-scale farmers are interested in alternatives to commodity grain farming, that these alternatives are associated with diversified farming systems, and that some specific diversification interests vary by gender

    Amish Economic Transformations: New Forms of Income and Wealth Distribution in a Traditionally “Flat” Community

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    The basic contours of the Amish economic transformation over the past few decades have been well documented, including the demographic squeeze that pushed many Amish out of farming, their embrace of cottage industries and, to a lesser extent, factory labor, and the social and cultural dilemmas created by successful entrepreneurship. Yet the effects of increasing market entanglement on the distribution of income and assets in Amish communities are still poorly understood. In this exploratory study, we draw on publicly available data from the U.S. Census, the Ohio Amish Directory, and records from real estate transactions to map out the distribution of income and land wealth in one predominantly Amish-populated Census Tract in Holmes County, OH. Our findings illustrate economic differentiation within the Amish community, as well as the ways in which affiliation and church leadership are associated with land holdings. Our case study raises important questions about growing economic inequalities that merit further exploration

    Bibliothèque du Centre culturel et spirituel de la Baume à Aix-en-Provence (La)

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    Mémoire d\u27Histoire de l\u27art corrigé et actualisé en 2008. Ce mémoire retrace l’histoire de la bibliothèque jésuite de la Baume à Aix-en-Provence, depuis sa fondation à Yzeure (Allier) jusqu’à l’état dans lequel elle se trouvait en 2001

    La Bibliothèque jésuite de Jersey : constitution d’une bibliothèque en exil (1880-1940)

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    Ce mémoire est consacré à l\u27histoire de l’une des bibliothèques jésuites françaises les plus importantes de l\u27époque contemporaine : celle du scolasticat (séminaire) de l\u27île anglo-normande de Jersey, dont la fondation remonte au milieu du XIXe siècle. C’est elle, qui dans les années 1950, devint le noyau initial de la célèbre Bibliothèque des Fontaines, à Gouvieux-Chantilly, transférée plus tard (en 1999) à la Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon, dans le cadre d\u27un prêt à usage. L\u27histoire de la Bibliothèque de Jersey se trouve ici reconstituée selon un plan chronologique, qui permet de d\u27éclairer son évolution dans son contexte historique, en parallèle avec celle de la Compagnie de Jésus, sa propriétaire

    Amish Economic Transformations: New Forms of Income and Wealth Distribution in a Traditionally “Flat” Community

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    The basic contours of the Amish economic transformation over the past few decades have been well documented, including the demographic squeeze that pushed many Amish out of farming, their embrace of cottage industries and, to a lesser extent, factory labor, and the social and cultural dilemmas created by successful entrepreneurship. Yet the effects of increasing market entanglement on the distribution of income and assets in Amish communities are still poorly understood. In this exploratory study, we draw on publicly available data from the U.S. Census, the Ohio Amish Directory, and records from real estate transactions to map out the distribution of income and land wealth in one predominantly Amish-populated Census Tract in Holmes County, OH. Our findings illustrate economic differentiation within the Amish community, as well as the ways in which affiliation and church leadership are associated with land holdings. Our case study raises important questions about growing economic inequalities that merit further exploration

    Exploring lived experiences of married Pakistani women post-mastectomy

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    Objective: This qualitative descriptive exploratory study aimed to explore the lived experiences of married Pakistani women, 2 years post-mastectomy.Methods: Twelve participants were recruited through purposive sampling from outpatient oncology clinic from a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan. Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed, and then themes and sub-themes were identified.Results: Women verbalized a range of their experiences throughout the span from diagnosis to mastectomy. One over arching theme, quality of life and four main themes and their subthemes emerged from the data. Following are the themes; from history to diagnosis, worries, coping strategies, and recommendations.Conclusions: The study findings revealed that effective coping strategies were beneficial for these women, as these women coped well after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Strong recommendations were made by the participants for the formulation of support groups, which could help them reduce their anxiety through information exchange

    Amish Economic Transformations: New Forms of Income and Wealth Distribution in a Traditionally “Flat” Community

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    The basic contours of the Amish economic transformation over the past few decades have been well documented, including the demographic squeeze that pushed many Amish out of farming, their embrace of cottage industries and, to a lesser extent, factory labor, and the social and cultural dilemmas created by successful entrepreneurship. Yet the effects of increasing market entanglement on the distribution of income and assets in Amish communities are still poorly understood. In this exploratory study, we draw on publicly available data from the U.S. Census, the Ohio Amish Directory, and records from real estate transactions to map out the distribution of income and land wealth in one predominantly Amish-populated Census Tract in Holmes County, OH. Our findings illustrate economic differentiation within the Amish community, as well as the ways in which affiliation and church leadership are associated with land holdings. Our case study raises important questions about growing economic inequalities that merit further exploration