685 research outputs found

    A study of twenty-eight cases which were re-opened at the New England Home for Little Wanderers from January 1, 1947 to December 31, 1947

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University, 1948. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Gardening for Wildlife: Tree canopy and small-scale planting influences on arthropod and bird abundance

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    Do urban gardens restored with native shrubs contribute towards conservation of birds? Portland, Oregon, is a mid-sized city with many restored yard habitats and nearby regional natural areas, with yards varying in the degree of native plantings and the sizes and groupings of the yards involved. We studied several of the purported ecological benefits attributed to these widespread, but small-scale, urban gardens. We measured the relative success of yard habitats in contributing to diversity and abundance of forest-habitat birds. We studied how the abundance and diversity of shrubs, arthropods, and birds were related. We compared two neighborhoods; one having high, native tree cover, and the second having lower, non-native tree cover. Both neighborhoods had nearby greenspaces. We selected 6 replicate yards in each neighborhood, each with at least a minimum number of native shrubs. We also measured bird species richness using citizen science data. The abundance of arthropods significantly predicted the bird species richness. Both the amount of regional and local tree cover had a stronger statistical signal than shrub cover. The presence of native species of shrubs in these yards was not a good predictor for abundance of arthropods

    Digital record of specimens, including voucher material, from the study of a pollinator habitat restoration site under a commercial solar array in Jackson County, Oregon, 2019

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    Photovoltaic solar energy installation is booming, frequently near agricultural lands. Traditionally, the land underneath ground-mounted photovoltaic panels is unused, though some are repurposing it as habitat for pollinating insects. However, the impact of the solar panel canopy on the pollinator-plant community understory is unknown. In this study (Graham et al., 2020), we investigated the effects of solar arrays on plant composition, bloom timing and foraging behavior of pollinators in open fields (control), and in full shade and partial shade areas under solar panels in a predominant agricultural region of southern Oregon. Pollinating insect specimens were collected using hand nets, and identified to the lowest taxonomic group possible by M. Graham, A.R. Moldenke, and L.R. Best. A total of 85 voucher specimens were deposited into the Oregon State Arthropod Collection; accession record: OSAC_AC_2021_03_11_001-01

    Importing growth management strategies to curb urban sprawl in the Pearl River Delta, China

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    Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 87-89).As China has opened its doors to capital from the West, especially Hong Kong, during the past twenty years, problems not encountered under the strictly socialist system have appeared in regard to land use in the Pearl River Delta area of Guangdong province. Urban sprawl with uncoordinated land uses has sprouted around Guangzhou, as well as other smaller cities. This urban development has occurred mostly at the expense of agricultural lands in the Delta. Estimates have been made claiming that one third of the Delta's agricultural land has been. encroached upon. Preservation of agricultural land is a stated goal of the Chinese central government for reasons of food security. With the population forecast to double by 2020 and the distinct possibility of increased motorization, the threat of sprawl and severe degradation of agricultural land is great. Other places have encountered similar issues as cities have grown in market economies. This thesis explores the experiences of American jurisdictions with the growth management strategies of urban growth boundaries and concurrency to observe which aspects of these growth management strategies have worked well and whether any can be applied to the Pearl River Delta context. Additionally, it explores which liabilities of the programs might be successful in the different context and what institutional barriers exist to creating programs similar to these in China. This thesis also explores where in the PRD a growth management program might be successful and locations in the Delta where such programs should not be attempted.by Kelsey G. Moldenke.M.C.P

    Taxonomic voucher specimens for study of post-wildfire forest habitat in Douglas County, Oregon

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    this publication provides data about voucher specimens deposited in the museum in conjunction with a research project on pollinators

    Taxonomic voucher specimens for study of bee communities in intensively managed Douglas-fir forests in the Oregon Coast Range

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    Understanding how pollinators respond to anthropogenic land use is key to conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, but few studies have addressed this topic in coniferous forests, particularly those managed intensively for wood production. This study reports on voucher material generated as part of Zitomer et al. (2023), that assessed changes in wild bee communities with time since harvest in 60 intensively managed Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stands in the Oregon Coast Range across a gradient in stand age spanning a typical harvest rotation (0-37 years post-harvest). We additionally assessed relationships of bee diversity and community composition to relevant habitat features, including availability of floral resources and nest sites, understory vegetation characteristics, and composition of the surrounding landscape. Specimens were collected using a combination of passive sampling methods-blue vane traps and white, blue, and yellow bowl traps- and hand-netting and were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level by A.R. Moldenke and L.R. Best. Four hundred and ten taxonomic voucher specimens were deposited into the Oregon State Arthropod Collection (Accession# OSAC_AC_2023_01_09-001-01) to serve as a reference for future research

    Abiotic and Biotic Soil Characteristics in Old Growth Forests and Thinned or Unthinned Mature Stands in Three Regions of Oregon

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    We compared forest floor depth, soil organic matter, soil moisture, anaerobic mineralizable nitrogen (a measure of microbial biomass), denitrification potential, and soil/litter arthropod communities among old growth, unthinned mature stands, and thinned mature stands at nine sites (each with all three stand types) distributed among three regions of Oregon. Mineral soil measurements were restricted to the top 10 cm. Data were analyzed with both multivariate and univariate analyses of variance. Multivariate analyses were conducted with and without soil mesofauna or forest floor mesofauna, as data for those taxa were not collected on some sites. In multivariate analysis with soil mesofauna, the model giving the strongest separation among stand types (P = 0.019) included abundance and richness of soil mesofauna and anaerobic mineralizable nitrogen. The best model with forest floor mesofauna (P = 0.010) included anaerobic mineralizable nitrogen, soil moisture content, and richness of forest floor mesofauna. Old growth had the highest mean values for all variables, and in both models differed significantly from mature stands, while the latter did not differ. Old growth also averaged higher percent soil organic matter, and analysis including that variable was significant but not as strong as without it. Results of the multivariate analyses were mostly supported by univariate analyses, but there were some differences. In univariate analysis, the difference in percent soil organic matter between old growth and thinned mature was due to a single site in which the old growth had exceptionally high soil organic matter; without that site, percent soil organic matter did not differ between old growth and thinned mature, and a multivariate model containing soil organic matter was not statistically significant. In univariate analyses soil mesofauna had to be compared nonparametrically (because of heavy left-tails) and differed only in the Siskiyou Mountains, where they were most abundant and species rich in old growth forests. Species richness of mineral soil mesofauna correlated significantly (+) with percent soil organic matter and soil moisture, while richness of forest floor mesofauna correlated (+) with depth of the forest floor. Composition of forest floor and soil mesofauna suggest the two groups represent a single community. Soil moisture correlated highly with percent soil organic matter, with no evidence for drying in sites that were sampled relatively late in the summer drought, suggesting losses of surface soil moisture were at least partially replaced by hydraulic lift (which has been demonstrated in other forests of the region)

    Notas taxonĂŽmicas em Verbenaceae do Brasil

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    Como parte da revisão da família Verbenaceae para a Flora do Brasil são apresentados dois sinônimos novos, e uma combinação nova no gênero Lantana, bem como um nome novo, dez sinônimos novos e dez lectotipificações no gênero Lippia e dois sinônimos novos em Stachytarpheta
