49 research outputs found

    Circulation côtière en Méditerranée Nord Occidentale (courantométrie par radar HF et couplage avec un modèle numérique)

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    Le radar HF est actuellement le seul instrument courantométrique permettant d'obtenir une description synoptique à haute résolution spatiale et temporelle de la circulation côtière de surface. Un système radar déployé depuis 2010 en Méditerranée sur les côtes varoises offre pour la première fois une description exhaustive de la circulation, encore peu documentée dans cette zone.La cartographie des courants se fait classiquement en combinant les mesures d'au moins deux radars. Cependant des résultats significatifs ont été obtenus avec un seul radar concernant : l'identification de tourbillons méso-échelle ; la signature de phénomènes périodiques affectant la circulation superficielle dans les bandes diurne, inertielle et semi-diurne ; et les caractéristiques et les instabilités du Courant Nord Méditerranéen (CN).L'assimilation des mesures radar au moyen d'un lisseur de Kalman d'ensemble dans un modèle régional de la Méditerranée Nord Occidentale a été réalisée pour la première fois dans la zone d étude. Cette méthode, qui contraint les courants de surface en optimisant le vent et les forçages aux frontières ouvertes, améliore la description de la veine du CN en vitesse et positionThe HF radar is the sole instrument being able to monitor the surface coastal current at very high spatial and temporal resolution. A radar system deployed since 2010 on the Var coast (Western Mediterranean Sea) provides for the first time a comprehensive picture of the circulation, which remains poorly documented in this area.Surface current mapping is conventionally performed by combining measurements of at least two radars. However, significant results were obtained with a single radar concerning: the identification of mesoscale vortices; the signature of periodic phenomena affecting the surface circulation in the diurnal, inertial and semi-diurnal bands; and the features and instabilities of the North Mediterranean Current (NC).The assimilation of radar measurements using an ensemble Kalman smoother in a regional model of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea was performed for the first time in the study area. This method, which constraints the surface currents by wind and open boundary conditions optimisation, improves the simulation of the NC vein in terms of speed and position.TOULON-Bibliotheque electronique (830629901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Connectivity-Based Eco-Regionalization Method of the Mediterranean Sea

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    International audienceEcoregionalization of the ocean is a necessary step for spatial management of marine resources. Previous ecoregionalization efforts were based either on the distribution of species or on the distribution of physical and biogeochemical properties. These approaches ignore the dispersal of species by oceanic circulation that can connect regions and isolates others. This dispersal effect can be quantified through connectivity that is the probability, or time of transport between distinct regions. Here a new regionalization method based on a connectivity approach is described and applied to the Mediterranean Sea. This method is based on an ensemble of Lagrangian particle numerical simulations using ocean model outputs at 1/12u resolution. The domain is divided into square subregions of 50 km size. Then particle trajectories are used to quantify the oceanographic distance between each subregions, here defined as the mean connection time. Finally the oceanographic distance matrix is used as a basis for a hierarchical clustering. 22 regions are retained and discussed together with a quantification of the stability of boundaries between regions. Identified regions are generally consistent with the general circulation with boundaries located along current jets or surrounding gyres patterns. Regions are discussed in the light of existing ecoregionalizations and available knowledge on plankton distributions. This objective method complements static regionalization approaches based on the environmental niche concept and can be applied to any oceanic region at any scale

    Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean ??? Part 2: Applications in support of science priorities and societal needs

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    International audienceThe Mediterranean Sea is a prominent climate-change hot spot, with many socioeconomically vital coastal areas being the most vulnerable targets for maritime safety, diverse met-ocean hazards and marine pollution. Providing an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution at wide coastal areas, high-frequency radars (HFRs) have been steadily gaining recognition as an effective land-based remote sensing technology for continuous monitoring of the surface circulation, increasingly waves and occasionally winds. HFR measurements have boosted the thorough scientific knowledge of coastal processes, also fostering a broad range of applications, which has promoted their integration in coastal ocean observing systems worldwide, with more than half of the European sites located in the Mediterranean coastal areas. In this work, we present a review of existing HFR data multidisciplinary science-based applications in the Mediterranean Sea, primarily focused on meeting end-user and science-driven requirements, addressing regional challenges in three main topics: (i) maritime safety, (ii) extreme hazards and (iii) environmental transport process. Additionally, the HFR observing and monitoring regional capabilities in the Mediterranean coastal areas required to underpin the underlying science and the further development of applications are also analyzed. The outcome of this assessment has allowed us to provide a set of recommendations for future improvement prospects to maximize the contribution to extending science-based HFR products into societally relevant downstream services to support blue growth in the Mediterranean coastal areas, helping to meet the UN's Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the EU's Green Deal goals

    Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean ??? Part 1: Status of operations and a framework for future development

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    Due to the semi-enclosed nature of the Mediterranean Sea, natural disasters and anthropogenic activities impose stronger pressures on its coastal ecosystems than in any other sea of the world.With the aim of responding adequately to science priorities and societal challenges, littoral waters must be effectively monitored with high-frequency radar (HFR) systems. This land-based remote sensing technology can provide, in near-real time, fine-resolution maps of the surface circulation over broad coastal areas, along with reliable directional wave and wind information. The main goal of this work is to showcase the current status of the Mediterranean HFR network and the future roadmap for orchestrated actions. Ongoing collaborative efforts and recent progress of this regional alliance are not only described but also connected with other European initiatives and global frameworks, highlighting the advantages of this cost-effective instrument for the multi-parameter monitoring of the sea state. Coordinated endeavors between HFR operators from different multi-disciplinary institutions are mandatory to reach a mature stage at both national and regional levels, striving to do the following: (i) harmonize deployment and maintenance practices; (ii) standardize data, metadata, and quality control procedures; (iii) centralize data management, visualization, and access platforms; and (iv) develop practical applications of societal benefit that can be used for strategic planning and informed decision-making in the Mediterranean marine environment. Such fit-for-purpose applications can serve for search and rescue operations, safe vessel navigation, tracking of marine pollutants, the monitoring of extreme events, the investigation of transport processes, and the connectivity between offshore waters and coastal ecosystems. Finally, future prospects within the Mediterranean framework are discussed along with a wealth of socioeconomic, technical, and scientific challenges to be faced during the implementatio

    Northern boundary current variability and mesoscale dynamics: a long-term HF RADAR monitoring in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Impact du vent sur la circulation hydrodynamique dans le Golfe du Lion : modélisation haute résolution

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    L hydrodynamique du Golfe du Lion, situé en Méditerranée Nord Occidentale, fait intervenir de nombreux processus physiques, présentant des échelles de variabilité spatiale et temporelle très hétérogènes. La plupart de ces processus sont générés en réponse aux conditions atmosphériques et en particulier au forçage du vent. Ce travail de thèse contribue à la compréhension de cet impact sur les processus de petite échelle et met en évidence l intérêt de la haute- résolution de ces forçages. Dans un premier temps, une étude de processus a permis de mettre en évidence l influence du vent sur la génération d un tourbillon méso- échelle situe à l Est du golfe, précédemment observe par radars HF. Les influences respectives de la bathymétrie, des effets de flottabilité et de la circulation générale ont également été évaluées à l aide de configurations idéalisées du modèle hydrodynamique MARS3D. Dans un deuxième temps, différents modèles atmosphériques, de résolutions différentes, ont été comparés en tant que forçage d un modèle hydrodynamique réaliste du Golfe du Lion. D un point de vue énergétique, les mouvements inertiels de la couche de surface, les oscillations de la thermocline et la variabilité méso- échelle de l océan sont amplifiés avec le modèle atmosphérique haute résolution AROME. Cette étude a également permis de mettre en évidence l importance de la variabilité spatiale du vent pour la génération de l upwelling au Nord du plateau et les intrusions le long de la cote Ouest.TOULON-BU Centrale (830622101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    On the Observed Wind-Driven Circulation Response in Small Semienclosed Bays

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    International audienceAbstract This study analyzes horizontal and vertical wind-driven circulation responses in small semienclosed bays, the associated offshore dynamic conditions, and the relative importance of each term in the momentum balance equations using a multiplatform observational system. The observational platform consists of three ADCPs and a land-based radar monitoring the velocity field within the bay and in the contiguous offshore area. The wind-driven patterns in the bay can switch from a barotropic cyclonic or anticyclonic circulation to a two-layer baroclinic mode response as a function of the wind regime (its direction and magnitude). For the baroclinic mode, the vertical location of the inflection point in the velocity profile can vary according to the proximity of the boundary current to the entrance of the bay. The influence of offshore combined meteorological and marine conditions on the inner-bay dynamics is evidenced under moderate to strong wind conditions and is almost nonexistent under negligible wind. The momentum balance analysis as well as the nondimensional numbers evidence the impact of wind stress, coastline shape, stratification, and the nonlinear advective terms. Advection can be at the same order of magnitude as pressure gradient, Coriolis, or wind stress terms and can be greater than the bottom stress terms. The nonlinear terms in the momentum equations are frequently neglected when analyzing wind-driven circulation by means of in situ data or analytical models

    The boundary current role on the transport and stranding of floating marine litter: The French Riviera case

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    The aim of the present study is to evidence the role of a boundary current and meteorological conditions in the transport and stranding of floating marine debris. The used data are from a beach survey and an inter-annual unique effort of marine debris sightings along the French Riviera in the North-Western Mediterranean region. Offshore data have been collected during oceanic cruises while beach surveys were performed around Antibes city. Debris were found on 97% of the ocean transects, with a large spatial and temporal variability, showing contrasted areas of low (~ 1 item/km2) and of high (> 10 items/km2) debris densities. Results suggest that the debris spatio-temporal distribution is related to the Northern current (NC) dynamics, the regional boundary current, with accumulation patterns in its core and external edge. By playing a role in the alongshore transport, such a boundary current can form a cross-shore transport barrier. Stranding events can then occur after strong on-shore wind bursts modifying the sea surface dynamics and breaking this transport barrier. It is also shown that episodic enhancement of the stranding rate can be explained by combining the NC dynamics with the wind forcing and the rainfall effect via the local river run-off. Conversely, off-shore wind bursts could also free the marine litter from the boundary current and export them towards the open sea