222 research outputs found

    Discrete Evolutionary Population Models: A New Approach

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    In this paper, we apply a new approach to a special class of discrete time evolution models and establish a solid mathematical foundation to analyse them. We propose new single and multi-species evolutionary competition models using the evolutionary game theory that require a more advanced mathematical theory to handle effectively. A key feature of this new approach is to consider the discrete models as non-autonomous difference equations. Using the powerful tools and results developed in our recent work [E. D\u27Aniello and S. Elaydi, The structure of ω-limit sets of asymptotically non-autonomous discrete dynamical systems, Discr. Contin. Dyn. Series B. 2019 (to appear).], we embed the non-autonomous difference equations in an autonomous discrete dynamical systems in a higher dimension space, which is the product space of the phase space and the space of the functions defining the non-autonomous system. Our current approach applies to two scenarios. In the first scenario, we assume that the trait equations are decoupled from the equations of the populations. This requires specialized biological and ecological assumptions which we clearly state. In the second scenario, we do not assume decoupling, but rather we assume that the dynamics of the trait is known, such as approaching a positive stable equilibrium point which may apply to a much broader evolutionary dynamics

    Responses of Cymbopogon schoenanthus to salt stress

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    Cymbopogon schoenanthus is an aromatic and medicinal plant rich in essential oil. The physiological behavior of this species, related with growth production, the photosynthetic pigments, the nutritional status and the osmotic adjustment were studied. Saline treatments varied from 0 to 150 mM NaCl. The results show that the growth of C. schoenanthus was affected by the salinity and the effect increased with more stress at 100 mM of NaCl. Besides the response of C. schoenanthus to the salt stress, this study has allowed us to conclude that this plant is excluder glycophyte and less tolerant to salt stress.Key words: Cymbopogon schoenanthus, NaCl, growth, mineral nutrition, osmotic adjustment


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    Objective: to investigate the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic activities of ethanolic leaves extracts of three selected varieties of Phoenyx dactylifera L. namely: Gharsâ€, Deglet Nour†and Hamrayaâ€. Methods: The assessment of the antioxidant potential of crude leaves extracts, using superoxide anions inhibition, DPPH and total antioxidant activity essays, was carried out. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties of the extracts were determined by measuring the inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production. Moreover, the antidiabetic effect was evaluated by inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes. The total phenolic content measured by Folin-ciocalteu method was as well conducted. Results: The raw leaves extracts of the selected varieties was found to contain a high content of total phenolic content (342.45 mg GAE/ gDW for GE) and therefore exhibited a higher antioxidant activity and inhibitory effect of radicals scavenging activity against DPPH and superoxide anion (IC50=7.44 μg/mL and 39.11 μg/mL respectively). The three varieties exhibited significant anti-inflammatory effects using in-vitro inhibition of NO (IC50=240.28 μg/mL for GE). The extracts also displayed high inhibition actions against α-amylase. Conclusion: the results suggest that the leaves of the three selected varieties of Phoenyx dactylifera can be considered as a good source of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammation drugs as well as potent antidiabetic medicine

    Carcinome Anaplasique De La Thyroïde: A Propos De 11cas

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    Introduction : le carcinome anaplasique de la thyroïde est une tumeur rare, mais agressive. Le but de notre travail est d\'étudier les aspects cliniques et de discuter les modalités thérapeutiques de ce cancer. Matériel et méthodes : Il s\'agit d\'une étude rétrospective de 11 cas de carcinomes anaplasiques de la thyroïde colligés et traités au service d\'ORL et de CCF du CHU Farhat Hached Sousse sur une période de 16 ans (1990-2005). Résultats : l\'âge moyen de nos malades était de 60 ans, il s´agissait de 7 femmes et 4 hommes. Les signes de compression locale étaient présents dans 7 cas et l\'examen physique a objectivé un goitre chez 8 malades avec une taille moyenne de 6 cm. L\'atteinte ganglionnaire était observée dans 8 cas et les métastases à distance dans 2 cas. 4 malades ont eu une trachéotomie en urgence avec biopsie thyroïdienne. Les 7 autres malades ont eu une thyroïdectomie totale associée à un curage cervical bilatéral. La radiothérapie a été indiquée dans 10 cas, elle était palliative dans 6 cas. L\'évolution était fatale chez 10 malades avec une survie inférieure à un an. Une seule patiente est en vie, en rémission complète avec un recul de 10 ans. Conclusion : malgré les multiples modalités thérapeutiques envisagées, le pronostic du carcinome anaplasique de la thyroïde reste fâcheux avec une survie ne dépassant qu\'exceptionnellement un an.Introduction: thyroid anaplasic carcinoma of is a rare, but aggressive tumour. Our aim is to study the clinical aspects and to discuss the therapeutic methods of this cancer with great metastatic capacity and bad prognosis. Material and methods: It is a retrospective study of 11 cases of thyroid anaplasic carcinoma treated in the ENT department of Farhat Hached Hospital over one 16 years period (1990-2005). Results: the average age of our patients was 60 years with a female prevalence. The signs of local compression were present in 7 cases and the physical examination objectified a goitre among 8 patients with an average size of 6 cm. Lymph nodes were observed in 8 cases and metastases were noted among 2 patients. 4 patients had a tracheotomy in urgency and 7 other patients had a total thyroïdectomy associated to a bilateral lymph node dissection. The radiotherapy was indicated in 10 cases, palliative in 6 cases. The survival was less than one year for 10 patients. Only one patient is still alive with a complete remission after 10 years of follow up. Conclusion: in spite of the multiple therapeutic methods considered, the prognosis of anaplasic carcinoma of the thyroid is very bad with a survival exceeding rarely a year. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 12-1

    Digestive Malacoplakia in Children: Case Report

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    Malacoplakia is a form of chronic granulomatous inflammatory reaction that rarely affects the pediatric age group. The gastrointestinal system is the second most common site for the occurrence of malacoplakia. We report the case of a 9-year-old girl who was hospitalized for abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, and rectal hemorrhage. The endoscopic examinations and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of intestinal malacoplakia. We successfully treated her with oral levofloxacin. This disease does not have any specific clinical or biological signs, and the diagnosis is exclusively based on histology

    La métaplasie malpighienne dans le carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde

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    Introduction : la métaplasie malpighienne est rare au niveau de la thyroïde. Elle peut être associée à un processus pathologique tumoral ou inflammatoire.Matériels et méthodes : les auteurs se proposent de rapporter une observation de métaplasie malpighienne de la thyroïde associée à un carcinome papillaire diagnostiqué au service d’Anatomie et de Cytologie pathologiques du CHU Farhat Hached de Sousse et d’en discuter la pathogénie de cette métaplasie, ses circonstances de survenue et ses difficultés diagnostiques.Résultats : il s’agissait d’une fille âgée de 9 ans ayant consulté pour un nodule de la thyroïde. Une cytoponction de ce nodule était pratiquée et avait montré la présence de cellules tumorales d’un carcinome papillaire. Une thyroïdectomie totale avec curage triangulaire fonctionnel a été réalisée. L’examen anatomo-pathologique de la pièce a confirmé la présence d’un carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde avec présence au voisinage de la tumeur de plages de cellules malpighiennes d’allure non tumorale.Conclusion : bien que rare, la métaplasie malpighienne peut se voir dans la thyroïde. Elle doit être distinguée d’un carcinome épidermoïde de la thyroïde par la recherche systématique, devant tout foyer de métaplasie malpighienne, des signes de malignité.Mots clés : métaplasie malpighienne, carcinome papillaire, glande thyroïde

    Re-establishment of Silene neglecta Ten. (Caryophyllaceae) with taxonomic notes on some related taxa

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    Silene neglecta has been misunderstood and confused with S. nocturna, although several morphological characters (petal shape, calyx indumentum, hairiness of stamen filaments, seed size, seed-coat surface and shape) allow separation of these species. Moreover, S. mutabilis (which has been considered conspecific with S. neglecta) and S. martinolii (an alleged endemic species to south-western Sardinia) are considered here as taxonomic synonyms of S. nocturna and S. neglecta, respectively. These taxonomic conclusions are strongly supported by multivariate morphometric analyses of 21 characters

    Central nervous system infection following vertical transmission of Coxsackievirus B4 in mice

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Coxsackie B viruses (CV-B) are important pathogens associated with several central nervous system (CNS) disorders. CV-B are mainly transmitted by the faecal-oral route, but there is also evidence for vertical transmission. The outcome of in utero CV-B infections on offspring's CNS is poorly explored. The aim of this study was to investigate vertical transmission of CV-B to the CNS. For this purpose, pregnant Swiss albino mice were intraperitoneally inoculated with CV-B4 E2 at gestational days 10G or 17G. Different CNS compartments were collected and analyzed for virus infection and histopathological changes. Using plaque assays, we demonstrated CV-B4 E2 vertical transmission to offspring's CNS. Viral RNA persisted in the CNS up to 60 days after birth, as evidenced by a sensitive semi-nested(sn) reverse transcripton(RT)-PCR method. This was despite infectious particles becoming undetectable at later time points. Persistence was associated with inflammatory lesions, lymphocyte infiltration and viral dsRNA detected by immunohistochemistry. Offspring born to dams mock- or virus-infected at day 17G were challenged by the same virus at day 21 after birth (-+ and ++ groups, respectively). Sn-RT-PCR and histology results compared between both ++ and -+ groups, show that in utero infection did not enhance CNS infection during challenge of the offspring with the same virus.This work was supported by Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, (LR99ES27), Tunisia, and Ministère de l’Education Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie, Université Lille 2 CHRU Lille (UPRES EA3610), France. Financial support for S.J.R has come from the European Commission 7th Framework Programme PEVNET [FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement number 261441 and a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Career Development Award (5-CDA-2014-221-A-N). Habib JMII was supported by grants from Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

    The 12th “Iter Mediterraneum” in Tunisia, 24 March – 4 April 2014

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    The organization and logistics of the 12th OPTIMA Iter in Tunisia from 24 March to 4 April 2014 by OPTIMA and ATUTAX is here reported. The material used and the workflow are illustrated as reference for the organization of future similar collaborative botanical excursions

    Plantes vasculaires nouvelles ou rares pour la Tunisie presentes sur les iles (Galite, Zembra, Kuriat, Monastir, Kerkennah, Kneiss, Djerba)

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    Vascular plants new or rare for Tunisia occurring on the islands (Galite, Zembra, Kuriat, Monastir, Kerkennah, Kneiss, Djerba). - This study concerns the indigenous vascular plants newly reported for Tunisia and discovered on the islands during some field trips performed since 2014. Five native taxa are new to Tunisia: Bellis perennis, Carthamus creticus, Moraea mediterranea, Asplenium balearicum and Galium minutulum, the latter two also being new to North Africa. Information on 24 rare or poorly known taxa, most often of great biogeographical interest, is given, too. Most of these were discovered on the islands of the eastern coast (Kuriat, Monastir, Kerkennah, Kneiss, Djerba), but also on the northern islands of Zembra and La Galite. The new chorological data underline the first-rate conservation importance of these islands and islets for the preservation of the overall coastal biodiversity of Tunisia