20 research outputs found

    Intelligent Design using Solar-Climatic Vision : Energy and Comfort Improvement in Architecture and Urban Planning using SOLARCHVISION

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    Zugleich gedruckt erschienen im Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin: ISBN 978-3-7983-2675-0; ISSN 2193-6099Aufgrund der Verfügbarkeit von Energie, Materialien und Technologien erhöht sich der Wohnkomfort in Gebäuden weltweit. Jedoch stehen wir auch vor dem Problem, dass Gebäude und Städte für einen hohen Anteil des weltweiten Energieverbrauchs verantwortlich sind. Umweltverschmutzung, Wärmeinseleffekte, Klimawandel und globale Erwärmung sind nur einige der vielen Herausforderungen, mit denen die menschliche Rasse, ebenso sowie alles weitere Leben auf der Erde, in Zukunft umgehen muss. In absehbarer Zeit wird diese komplexe globale Situation gründliche, ganzheitliche und örtliche Eingriffe erfordern. Dieses Buch richtet die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Sonne und dadurch auch darauf, wie ein solarklimatisches Konzept die Architektur und Stadtplanung beeinflussen und verbessern kann. Es ist vielleicht noch nicht entdeckt worden wie klein unser Planet doch eigentlich ist und wie groß der Einfluss einer einfachen Entscheidung sein kann, aber vor allem ist es wichtig, dass die Sonne eine wichtige und immer währende Rolle in unserer dynamischen Atmosphäre spielt und dies als Grundlage bei der Suche von Lösungsansätzen erkannt und angewandt wird. Neben Architekten, Kunden und Bauherren sowie Planern, Kommunen und allen anderen Personen die Entscheidungen über die Planung treffen, spielen die in den Gebäuden und Städten Lebenden auch eine Rolle, nicht als Nutzer, sondern als Erzeuger und Betreuer, und auch sie haben eine gewisse Verantwortung. Daher sollten alle Optimierungen neuer Bauten, Modifikationen von Bestandsgebäuden und Stadtstrukturen auf globaler Ebene Bezug auf die Sonne und auf zukünftige Bedürfnisse nehmen. Das Ziel sollte es sein, die Energieeffizienz, Gesundheit, Komfort und Sicherheit in allen Lebensräumen, ob drinnen oder draußen, zu verbessern. In dieser Hinsicht sind die Analyse der aktuellen Situation, die Prognose zukünftiger Szenarien und die Entwicklung intelligenter Alternativen grundlegende Schritte. Der Einsatz von modernen Baustoffen und Technologien sowie Simulationswerkzeugen kann die Energieeffizienz und Leistungsfähigkeit eines Gebäudes verbessern. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu verstehen wann, wo und wie sie am besten in der architektonischen Gestaltung angewendet werden können, um ein ansprechendes Layout mit einer hohen Leistung für eine Vielzahl von architektonischen Aspekten zu erreichen und in Bezug auf Energieeffizienz, Tageslichtversorgung und internen Komfort ein optimales Ergebnis zu erzielen. Obwohl heute viele schon das Anbringen von Solar-Kollektoren und PV-Modulen auf Gebäudedächern und Fassaden als "Solararchitektur" betrachten, ist dies nur eine der komplexen Aufgaben in diesem Feld der Architektur. Tatsächlich beinhaltet die Solararchitektur die gesamte Komplexität der Architektur auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen. Außerdem hat sie sehr genau auf bestimmte Sachverhalte zu reagieren, welche aus den vielerorts aktuell geringen Energiekosten anderer Energiequellen resultieren. Neben der Reduzierung von Baukosten sollten andere wertvolle Verbesserungen, resultierend aus solar klimatischen Überlegungen, im Entwurf hervorgehoben und verglichen werden. In der Tat kann eine Optimierung verschiedener Elemente während des Design-Prozesses, wie z.B. Solarflächen, Baukörpern und Bäumen, nicht notwendigerweise die Baukosten steigern, jedoch dabei helfen unnütze oder überdimensionierte Elemente zu identifizieren. Neben der Verbesserung der Energieeffizienzaspekte einzelner Gebäude kann eine zuverlässige integrierte solarklimatische Planung zu weiteren Qualitäten der Lebensräume führen. Überall auf der Welt müssen wir uns auf mehr und mehr schockierende Nachrichten und jährliche Rekordwerte vorbereiten, wenn weiterhin viele Gebäude mit wenig Aufmerksamkeit auf die Sonne gebaut werden. In Stadtteilen auf urbaner Städteebene kann die unzureichende Analyse und unklare Entscheidungen über Baukörper und Orientierung die Potenziale und Leistung interner und externer Räume im Bezug auf Energieproduktion, Energiebedarf, Tageslicht, Gesundheit, Komfort und Sicherheit auf lange Zeit beeinflussen. Dieses Buch enthält ein Jahrzehnt SOLARCHVISION Praktiken darüber, wie die Architektur und Stadtplanung mit dem konstanten Weg und den variablen Auswirkungen der Sonne an jedem Standort angepasst werden kann. Das Teilen dieser Vision kann Architekten, Stadtplanern und Kunden helfen, zielgenauere Entscheidungen über energie- und klimarelevante Fragen zu treffen. Nach der Vorstellung grundlegender Diagramme zu verschiedenen Städten auf der ganzen Welt (z.B. die Sonnenwege, Sonneneinstrahlung und Temperaturmodelle), wird die Rolle eines intelligenten Designs für die Gebäudehülle beschrieben und analysiert im Hinblick auf die Suche nach einer guten Verbindung zwischen Außen und Innen, sowie die direkte und indirekte Nutzung von Sonnenenergie auf verschiedenen Gebäudeflächen. Diese Untersuchungen können neue Ansichten und Strukturen für die Erbauung intelligenter Gebäude und anpassungsfähiger Städte hervorbringen.Thanks to the availability of energy, materials and technologies, the level of comfort in buildings is increasing around the world. However, today we are also facing buildings and cities that are responsible for a high percentage of global energy consumption. Pollution, heat island effect, climate change and global warming are just a few of the challenges that the human race, as well as other living matter on earth, will have to deal with in future. Moreover, as time goes by, we may not necessarily live in healthier conditions with better life styles. Within a limited period, this global and complex situation will need thorough, integrated and local surgery. This book is designed to draw greater attention to the sun and how a solar-climatic vision can influence and improve architectural design and urban planning. It may not have been discovered yet how small our planet is and how big the effect of a simple decision can be, but it is nevertheless important to be reminded of the sun not only as a powerful and perpetual actor in our dynamic atmosphere but also as a basis for figuring out a variety of adaptive solutions that must be identified and followed. In addition to the changes made by architects, clients and builders as well as planners, municipalities and all other persons who make decisions on plans, the role of those who live inside buildings and cities, not as users, but as producers and maintainers, also bear a certain degree of responsibility. Therefore, the optimization of new constructions, the modification of existing buildings and urban fabric should be considered on a global scale in regard to the sun as well as our future needs. The aim should be to improve energy-efficiency, health, comfort and safety in all living spaces, whether indoors or outdoors. In this respect, the analysis of the current situation, forecasting future scenarios and the development of intelligent alternatives are fundamental steps. In terms of energy efficiency, daylight provision and internal comfort, the use of advanced building materials and technologies as well as simulation tools can improve the building envelope and its performance. However, it is important to understand when, where and how they should best be applied to achieve an intelligent form as well as a responsive layout with a high level of performance for other essential aspects, too (e.g. structure, view, operation). Although today many consider “solar architecture” the attaching of solar thermal collectors and PVs to building roofs and facades, this is only one of the complex tasks which should be integrated in the design. In fact, solar architecture incorporates all the complexities of architecture on different scales. Besides, it has to respond accurately to certain issues resulting from the currently low price of other energy sources in many locations. In addition to the reduction of payments, other valuable improvements associated with solar-climatic considerations in the design should be clarified and compared. During the design process, an optimization (i.e. re-arrangement, re-orientation, re-sizing) of different elements, namely solar surfaces (i.e. transparent/opaque surfaces, shading/reflecting devices, collectors), building volumes and trees, does not necessarily increase the construction costs but can help identify deficient or over-designed elements. Alongside improving the energy efficiency aspects of individual buildings, a solar-climatic vision in planning can lead to other qualities for the benefit of small and large-scale living spaces, whether indoors or outdoors. Around the world, we must be prepared for more shocking news and annual records if many continue to build buildings, whether cheap or expensive, with little attention to the sun. In neighborhoods on an urban scale, the insufficient analysis and inaccurate decisions regarding building volumes and orientation can affect the potentials and performance of both internal and external spaces in terms of energy production, energy demand, daylight, health, comfort and safety for long periods of time. This book includes a decade of SOLARCHVISION practices on how architectural design and urban planning can be adapted by the constant path and variable effects of the sun in each location. Sharing such a vision can help architects, urban planners and clients to make more accurate decisions concerning energy and climate-related matters. After presenting fundamental diagrams in different cities around the world (e.g. the sun paths, solar radiation and temperature models), the role of an intelligent design for the building skin is described and analyzed in terms of finding a good relation between outside and inside as well as the direct and indirect collection of solar energy on different building surfaces. This research can bring about new appearances and structures for the creation of smart buildings and responsive cities

    SOLARCHVISION Studies on Young Cities Project

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    Zugleich gedruckt veröffentlicht im Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin unter der ISBN 978-3-7983-2550-0.The natural as well as the artificial environment affect a building’s energy balance. Together with the vegetation and water bodies, these natural and artificial features produce microclimatic conditions that not only influence the energy-related aspects, but also the comfort conditions of a building. Alongside the effects of the natural environment in a microclimate, buildings interact on behalf of the received solar radiation and both the wind direction and speed; with the solar radiation, however, being the most influential factor. Buildings in an urban complex can, on the one hand, overshadow each other at different times of the day and year; on the other hand, they can reflect solar radiation and thus generate greater incidence on different surfaces, which is one of the key factors characterizing a building’s energy balance. In order to minimize the heating and cooling energy demands in continental climates, the building envelope (especially the transparent parts) must generate maximum solar gain during the heating period and minimum solar gain during the cooling period. The amount of solar heat reaching the different surfaces of the building’s thermal envelope at different times of the day and year depend on the orientation of each surface as well as the shading created by the surrounding natural and built environment. The urban form of a neighborhood unit, a building cluster and an individual building affect the solar heat gain both in regard of the surfaces’ orientation (orientation and form) as well as the urban form and composition of the neighborhood units, and influence the shading between buildings. Due to the fact that incident solar radiation play a positive role in winter but a negative one in summer, only the intensity of solar radiation incidence on the outer surfaces of a building throughout the whole year cannot contribute in an energy-efficient design. Therefore, the SolarVision has combined the amount of solar radiation and the air temperature as an energy-related factor. This factor presents the advantageous and disadvantageous characteristics of any surface from the viewpoint of received solar radiation at different times. This factor can be calculated and plotted for different surfaces in neighborhood units or for single buildings. The decisions that can be made based on this factor in urban planning and building design lead to energy-efficient buildings. The SolarVision analysis can contribute to energy efficiency in different scales from urban scale up to building and detail scale. Since the analysis of the urban and building form by SolarVision is a planning and design tool for energy efficiency, it does not increase the investment costs of the buildings since no further material or technology is needed. After a scientific introduction to SolarchVision analysis, this Young Cities Research Brief analysis the commercial mixed-use as well as New Generation Office Building regarding the intensity and duration of received solar radiation in different seasons

    The Effectiveness of Endoscopic Surgery of Juvenile Angiofibroma Using Surgical Glue

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    AIM: The current study aimed to provide a method for juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma embolization using Glubran glue in patients with low stage tumor. This method not only has less blood loss and good visualization but also impose a low cost, where no pre-operative embolization complications were found for this procedure. METHODS: Between 2012 and 2014, 30 patients with angiofibroma undergoing endoscopic surgery. Age, sex, tumor stage, average blood loss, complications, length of hospitalization, and recurrence rate of the tumor were the main measured outcomes. Furthermore, 30 patients were divided into three groups with matched age, sex, and tumor staging. Group 1 received glue (Glubran), while Group 2 selected for study without glue and embolization and pre-operative embolization was considered for Group 3. RESULTS: Based on the amount bleeding, the mean blood hemorrhage in Groups 1, 2, and 3 was 510, 1655, and 800 ml, respectively, the difference of hemorrhage between Groups 1 and 2 was found to be statistically significant (p = 0.007). Blood loss in Group 1 was found to be less than Group 3, but the difference of hemorrhage between Group 1 and 3 was not statistically significant (p = 0.678). No blood transfusion and complication were recorded for individuals in Group 1. The recurrence was found in 1 patient (10%) in both groups of 2 and 3, and no patient (0%) in Group 1. CONCLUSIONS: The direct intraoperative embolization technique with glue was capable of providing a more complete and targeted embolization of the tumor. Some advantages can be mentioned for this technique, including decreased blood loss, less radiation exposure, lower rates of complications, and recurrence, as well as shorter hospitalization time, the ease of procedure with a spinal needle and low cost

    Does Agriculture Price Index Respond to Exchange Rate Fluctuations in Iran?

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    Since some raw materials, semi manufactured, intermediate and capital goods in agricultural sector are imported, the exchange rate fluctuations can affect the cost price of products in this sector. Recently, we are facing considerable fluctuations in exchange rate that has an important impact on all sectors including the agriculture. As a result of an increase in import prices in agricultural raw materials, the exchange rate fluctuates. In other words, this relationship is strengthened by lower domestic supply due to the stimulation of the exports of agricultural products induced by an increase in exchange rate. The present study deals with the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on agricultural price index in Iran using MGARCH method. The results show that the past shocks of exchange rate have a positive impact on agriculture price index at the 1% significance level. Moreover, despite the fact that the current fluctuations of agriculture price index do not relate to its past fluctuations, the past fluctuations of exchange rate have a positive impact on current fluctuations of exchange rate

    Effect of Structure on Strength of Agglomerates using Distinct Element Method

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    Knowledge of agglomerate strength is highly desirable for compression and tableting, dissolution and dispersion and mitigation of dust formation. The behaviour of agglomerates is affected by parameters such as density, agglomerate size, primary particle size, and interparticle bond strength. The method of agglomeration influences the evolution of structure, and this in turn affects its strength. Furthermore, the methods of strength characterisation, i.e. quasi-static or impact produce different results. To understand the role of structure and the influence of test method, agglomerate failure behaviour has been analysed by the use of the Distinct Element Method (DEM). We report on our work on the simulation of the breakage of the agglomerates for different porosities and impact conditions, where the role of impact speed and angle and type of contact bonding model have been evaluated. The adhesive contact model of JKR is used to form an agglomerate. The effect of the bonding level on the strength and size distribution of the clusters released as a result of failure has been investigated. This work also evaluates the effect of structure (porosity) on the strength of the agglomerates

    Using Cox Model on Tempo and Influential Factors in Women of Bahram Abad Village

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    Objective: Tempo is the average waiting time to next birth for a woman. Role of fertility as the most important phenomenon determining population fluctuations due to the studies of it compared with other demographic phenomena be important and review the multifarious socioeconomic factors of it share  a large effective population studies. General purpose of this study is fitting the Cox model to determine factors that influence the birth of second child and too calculate the tempo in second to eight births on Bahram Abad rural women. Materials and methods: Population under study are all married women with 15-45 years old that live in Bahram Abad village's and have had at least two children. This study is a cross sectional study. In the present study birth of each child is considered as a disaster and because survival data generally have not symmetrical distribution then the Cox regression model  (Proportional hazard model) is used for effects of variables on survival and hazard. Results: In this research 228 mothers were studied and they have had 669 children. Mean number of children is 3and 42% of these children are girls and others are boys. Maximum tempo is from labor fifth to labor sixth (63.32) and the least is from the sixth to seventh of childbirth (57). Conclusion: In the final model from available variables only the age difference of parent had a positive impact on tempo

    An Effective Technique for Endoscopic Resection of Advanced Stage Angiofibroma

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    Introduction: In recent years, the surgical management of angiofibroma has been greatly influenced by the use of endoscopic techniques. However, large tumors that extend into difficult anatomic sites present major challenges for management by either endoscopy or an open-surgery approach which needs new technique for the complete en block resection.   Materials and Methods: In a prospective observational study we developed an endoscopic transnasal technique for the resection of angiofibroma via pushing and pulling the mass with 1/100000 soaked adrenalin tampons. Thirty two patients were treated using this endoscopic technique over 7 years. The mean follow-up period was 36 months. The main outcomes measured were tumor staging, average blood loss, complications, length of hospitalization, and residual and/or recurrence rate of the tumor.   Results: According to the Radkowski staging, 23,5, and 4 patients were at stage IIC, IIIA, and IIIB, respectively. Twenty five patients were operated on exclusively via transnasal endoscopy while 7 patients were managed using endoscopy-assisted open-surgery techniques. Mean blood loss in patients was 1261± 893 cc. The recurrence rate was 21.88% (7 cases) at two years following surgery. Mean hospitalization time was 3.56 ± 0.6 days.   Conclusion:  Using this effective technique, endoscopic removal of more highly advanced angiofibroma is possible. Better visualization, less intraoperative blood loss, lower rates of complication and recurrence, and shorter hospitalization time are some of the advantages

    Effect of metformin on the anti-Müllerian hormone level in infertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the major cause of anovulatory infertility in women. The level of serum Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) in patients can be 2-3 times higher than in healthy women. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of metformin on AMH level in PCOS patients suffering from infertility. Methods: In this pre and post clinical trial, 30 infertile patients with PCOS were enrolled according to the Rotterdam criteria. The serum AMH level was recorded before and after 8 weeks of treatment with metformin (1500 mg daily). We used SPSS version 17 and paired samples t-test, multiple linear regression and ANCOVA test for data analysis. Results: Serum AMH level was significantly decreased after 8 weeks of treatment with metformin [10±3.75 (ng/ml) versus 7.8±3.7 (ng/ml)] (p=0.008, 95% CI: 0.60-3.75). Also, AMH level change was directly associated to BMI in PCOS patients. In other words, in these patients, a higher BMI led to more decrease in AMH level after metformin treatment. Conclusion: Eight weeks’ treatment with metformin would significantly decrease AMH. AMH level change was directly associated to BMI. Clinical trial registration: The trial was registered at the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (http://www.irct.ir) with the Irct ID: 201403132967N5 Funding: This study was funded by the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, School of Medicine, Kashan University of Medical Sciences (Grant Number: 9322)


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    In all, fourteen RC beams were tested to study the shear as well as flexural behaviour of concrete with brick pieces as coarse aggregate. The experimental work is divided into four groups; two for shear and two for flexure. Both, for shear and flexure, one group each respectively was cast with stone aggregate for the sake of comparison. Full non-linear analysis of all the beams was performed with the help of a three-noded, isoparametric, layered, one-dimensional element with smeared layer of steel, using constant stiffness matrix. All the beams tested during this study were simply supported and only a single point load was applied at the centre of the effective span. The behaviour was studied in terms of load-displacement history, distribution and redistribution of compressive stresses in concrete at the point under the load at different stages of loading, crack pattern, mode of failure and ultimate load

    Does Agriculture Price Index Respond to Exchange Rate Fluctuations in Iran?

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    Since some raw materials, semi manufactured, intermediate and capital goods in agricultural sector are imported, the exchange rate fluctuations can affect the cost price of products in this sector. Recently, we are facing considerable fluctuations in exchange rate that has an important impact on all sectors including the agriculture. As a result of an increase in import prices in agricultural raw materials, the exchange rate fluctuates. In other words, this relationship is strengthened by lower domestic supply due to the stimulation of the exports of agricultural products induced by an increase in exchange rate. The present study deals with the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on agricultural price index in Iran using MGARCH method. The results show that the past shocks of exchange rate have a positive impact on agriculture price index at the 1% significance level. Moreover, despite the fact that the current fluctuations of agriculture price index do not relate to its past fluctuations, the past fluctuations of exchange rate have a positive impact on current fluctuations of exchange rate