11 research outputs found

    Evolucija na djelu u ljudi ā€“ dokazi danaÅ”njice

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    Teorija evolucije prekrasan je mehanizam koji objaÅ”njava razvoj živog svijeta i njegovu raznolikost. S obzirom na to da se evolucija kontinuirano događa, možemo stalno pratiti nove i različite prilagodbe koje su organizmi razvili u svojem okoliÅ”u. Od 1859., kada je Charles Darwin objavio svoju knjigu O postanku vrsta, pa do danas, postalo je jasno da i u ljudi postoje različite prilagodbe s obzirom na različite uvjete u okoliÅ”u, ali i s obzirom na kulturoloÅ”ke razlike i različitu prehranu. Ljudi su nastanili razne tipove okoliÅ”a i u skladu s time raznoliko su se adaptirali. U radu su objaÅ”njene različite adaptacije ljudskih populacija u različitim uvjetima okoliÅ”a, poput prilagodbe životu na visokim nadmorskim visinama, adaptacije Inuita na prehranu bogatu masnim kiselinama, varijacija u boji kože i njezinih termoregulacijskih svojstava, različite visine i veličine ljudskog tijela, nekoliko mehanizama rezistencije na malariju i svojstvo postojanosti laktaze

    Oxidative and Antimicrobial Effects of Alicine

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    Alicin (dialil-tiosulfinat ili dialil-disulfid-oksid, C6H10OS2) je obrambeni organosumporni spoj koji pronalazimo u bijelome luku (Allium sativum L.) te u drugim vrstama roda Allium poput crvenoga luka (Allium cepa L.). Alicin se proizvodi pri oÅ”tećenju tkiva čeÅ”njaka iz aminokiseline aliina (S-alil cistein-sulfoksid) u reakciji koja je katalizirana enzimom aliinazom. Smatra se glavnom komponentom bijeloga luka koji se proučava i upotrebljava u medicinske svrhe joÅ” od davnina. Karakterističan i lako prepoznatljiv miris bijeloga luka potječe upravo od alicina. Alicin je molekula sa Å”irokim spektrom bioloÅ”kih aktivnosti. Kao tiosulfinat, pripada reaktivnim sumpornim spojevima (RSS) te ulazi u redoks-reakciju s tiolnim skupinama u glutationu i proteinima, Å”to se smatra esencijalnim za njegovu bioloÅ”ku aktivnost. Pokazao je nedvojbene korisne učinke na ljudsko zdravlje, među kojima su najvažniji antimikrobni i antiparazitni učinci. Posebna pozornost u istraživanjima posvećuje se i njegovim antikancerogenim, antidijabetičkim, imunomodulatornim, antioksidacijskim i kardioprotektivnim učincima. Alicin pokazuje potencijal za prevenciju i tretiranje nekoliko bolesti, uključujući diabetes melitus, kardiovaskularne bolesti i rak. Vjeruje se da takav bioloÅ”ki učinak ima upravo zbog svojih antioksidacijskih i imunomodulatornih svojstava. Jasno je da alicin ima Å”iroku i zanimljivu primjenu u medicini, odakle i detaljna rasprava o njegovu ogromnom potencijalu u ovom pregledu. Buduće primjene trebale bi se usmjeriti na farmaceutsku formulaciju alicina, njegovu isporuku te kompatibilnost s hranom i lijekovima zbog njegove biosinteze, nestabilnosti, hlapljivosti i reaktivnosti.Allicin (diallylthiosulfinate or diallyl disulfide oxide, C6H10OS2) is a defense organosulfur compound found in garlic (Allium sativum L.) and in other Allium species such as red onion (Allium cepa L.). Allicin is produced by damaging garlic tissue from the amino acid alliin (Sallyl- cysteine sulfoxide) in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme alinase. It is considered a major component of garlic that has been studied and used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The characteristic and easily recognizable smell of garlic comes from allicin. Allicin is a molecule with a wide range of biological activities. As thiosulfinate, it belongs to reactive sulfur compounds (RSS) and enters into a redox reaction with thiol groups in glutathione and proteins, which is considered essential for its biological activity. It has shown unquestionable beneficial effects on human health, among which the most significant are antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects. Special attention in research is paid to its anticancer, antidiabetic, immunomodulatory, antioxidant and cardioprotective effects. Allicin shows potential for the prevention and treatment of several diseases, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and cancer. It is believed that it has such a biological effect precisely because of its antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. It is clear that allicin has a wide and interesting application in medicine, hence the detailed discussion of its enormous potential in this review. Future applications should focus on the pharmaceutical formulation of allicin, its delivery, and compatibility with food and drugs due to its biosynthesis, instability, volatility, and reactivity


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    Europska radna skupina o sarkopeniji u starijih osoba (engl. European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People 2, EWGSOP2) predložila je službeni instrument za procjenu rizika za razvoj sarkopenije. Upitnik ā€žSnaga, pomoć pri hodu, ustajanje sa stolca, penjanje uz stube, padoviā€ (engl. Strength, Assistance in walking, Rising from a chair, Climbing stairs, and Falls ā€“ SARC-F) sve se viÅ”e upotrebljava u kliničkoj praksi i istraživanjima sarkopenije, zbog svoje jednostavne i praktične primjene. Upitnik sadržava kratka i razumljiva pitanja koja isključuju potrebu mjerenja miÅ”ićne mase. Sarkopenija je multifaktorska bolest koja je sve raÅ”irenija među starijom populacijom i karakterizirana je progresivnim gubitkom miÅ”ićne snage, mase i funkcije, s loÅ”im ishodima kao Å”to su funkcionalna ovisnost, padovi, ozljede, institucionalizacija i smrtnost. Prepoznavanje sarkopenije kao odrednice loÅ”eg i slabijeg zdravlja u osoba starije životne dobi naglasilo je važnost brzog dijagnosticiranja sarkopenije, pomažući liječnicima u provedbi strategija prevencije i liječenja bolesti. U radu je opisan upitnik SARC-F, njegova upotreba i mogućnost procjene rizika za razvoj sarkopenije.The European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People 2 (EWGSOP2) proposed an official instrument for assessing the risk of developing sarcopenia. The SARC-F questionnaire (Strength, Assistance in walking, Rising from a chair, Climbing stairs, and Falls) is increasingly used in clinical practices and research on sarcopenia because of its simple and practical application. The questionnaire contains short and understandable questions that exclude the need to measure muscle mass. Sarcopenia is a multifactorial disease increasingly prevalent among the elderly population characterized by progressive loss of muscle strength, mass and function, with poor outcomes such as functional dependence, falls, injuries, institutionalization and mortality. The recognition of sarcopenia as a determinant of poor health in the elderly has emphasized the importance of prompt diagnosis of sarcopenia, helping physicians implement disease prevention and treatment strategies. The paper describes the SARC-F questionnaire, its use and the possibility of risk assessment for the development of sarcopenia

    Nitrate in leafy green vegetables and estimated intake

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    Background: Vegetarian diets are rich in vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are foods that contain considerable amounts of nitrate, which can have both positive and negative effects on the human body. Their potential carcinogenicity and toxicity have been proven, particularly after the reduction of nitrate to nitrite itself or just serving as a reactant with amines and/or amides in the formation of N-nitroso compounds -N-nitrosamines and other nitrogen compounds which may have high levels of nitrate. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference, considering the location and seasonal sampling period, in the level of nitrate in certain types of green vegetables, all in order to be able to assess their intake, and possible impact on human health, especially knowing that exposure to nitrate can be potentially higher for vegetarian population group.Materials and Methods: For this purpose, the sampling of 200 different leafy green vegetables was conducted, all of which could be found in free sale in the Republic of Croatia. The sampling was conducted during two seasonal periods - the spring and autumn period. In the springtime, lettuce (sem), spinach (pinacho), kale (kale), chard (mangel) and cabbage (brassica) were sampled, and in autumn lettuce, spinach, kale, chard and arugula. Samples were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection.Results: The results from the spring sampling phase were in the range of 603 mg/kg for cabbage - 972 mg/kg for chard, and for autumn phase of 1.024 mg/kg for chard to 4.354 mg/kg for the arugula. The results showed that there were significant differences (p <0.05) for most of the samples analyzed, considering the sampling locations and time period.Conclusion: The results indicate that the analyzed vegetables contain significant amounts of nitrate in their composition, which represents relatively significant, but still acceptable intake into the human body.Keywords: leafy green vegetables, nitrate, HPLC, season period, daily intak

    Determiniranje teÅ”kih metala u različitim vrstama riba uzorkovanih na hrvatskim tržnicama i mogući utjecaj na zdravlje

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and to compare the amount of heavy metals in the meat of white (N = 39) and blue (N = 35) sea fish, considering the spring (N = 38) and fall (N = 36) catch period to study the possible type and seasonal differences especially in Hg concentrations in fish, and to estimate if the amounts registered can have a harmful effect on consumer health. The fish were chosen as an indicator of eco-system contamination with mercury and other heavy metals. The amount of heavy metals, lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), in both groups was lower than the Highest Permissible Amounts regulated by law in Croatia and the European Union. Mercury (Hg) exceeded the maximum allowed value in just a number of samples 3/74 (0.04%), while it is relevant for arsenic (As) to be present in almost any sample, although it has simultaneously not been regulated by law. The statistically significant value of arsenic exists in blue fish during the spring period, and the amount of mercury is higher in white fish compared to blue fish. Also a statistically significant difference in mercury levels was recorded during fall compared to spring,. Given the dietary habits and frequent fish consumption in Croatia, there is no risk of harmful health effects.Cilj ovoga rada bio je odrediti i usporediti količinu teÅ”kih metala u 74 uzorka bijele (N = 39) i plave ribe (N = 35), uzorkovanih u proljetnom (N = 38) i jesenskom razdoblju (N = 36), kako bi se istražila moguća razlika u koncentracijama teÅ”kih metala, posebice žive, ovisno o sezoni ulova ili tipu ribe i procijenilo mogu li determinirane količine imati Å”tetnih utjecaja na zdravlje potroÅ”ača. Riba je izabrana, budući da je ona indikator zagađenja teÅ”kim metalima u eko sustavu. Količina teÅ”kih metala, olova (Pb) i kadmija (Cd), u obje grupe uzoraka, bila je niža od maksimalnih dopuÅ”tenih koncentracija prema hrvatskih i europskim zakonima. Količina žive (Hg) bila je viÅ”e od maksimalnih dopuÅ”tenih koncentracija u vrlo malom broju uzoraka 3/74 (0,04%). Međutim, u uzrocima su zabilježene relevantne količine arsena (As), iako količine arsena nisu regulirane hrvatskim propisima. Multivarijatna statistička obrada (neparametrijski Mann-Whitney U test) pokazala je statistički značajne razlike u količini arsena u proljetnom razdoblju u odnosu na jesensko razdoblje, kao Å”to je i izmjerena količina žive statistički značajno bila viÅ”a u bijeloj u odnosu na plavu ribu, te ona izmjerena u jesenskom razdoblju u odnosu na proljetno. UzevÅ”i, međutim, u obzir potroÅ”ačke navike i učestalost konzumacije ribe u Hrvatskoj, izmjerene koncentracije nisu povezane s rizikom Å”tetnih posljedica na zdravlje potroÅ”ača


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    In this study, microbiological quality of drinking water deriving from the private wells from Koprivnica-Križevci County was investigated. A total of 287 samples from different locations were collected during 2018 and analysed for the following microbiological parameters: total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp., Clostridium perfringens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the number of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria at 36 Ā°C and 22 Ā°C. The results showed that 24 % of the analysed water samples were of unsatisfactory microbiological quality, with high incidence of faecal contamination. Well water is still the main source of drinking water for many residents of this County, especially in its rural parts, so continuous monitoring and disinfection of drinking water deriving from private wells is of exceptional importance for the public health

    The risk assessment of pesticide ingestion with fruit and vegetables for consumer\u27s health

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    Pesticides are chemicals used in agriculture to protect crops from pests. In addition to protection during cultivation, they are also used after harvesting to extend the shelf life of products. Postharvest control stands out, especially when it comes to products imported from distant countries, resulting in increased concentration of pesticides and risk to human health consuming such products. In this study, analyses of pesticide residues were performed on 200 samples of fruits and vegetables. Pesticide residues were identified and quantified in 30 out of 200 samples. Study results revealed imazalil to be the most frequently detected pesticide. Risk assessment was performed on the obtained results, and it was carried out separately for adults and for children under 6 years of age. Imazalil showed the highest ARfD percentage for adults (max% ARfD 251%), and these values were especially high on risk assessment for children, where they amounted up to max% ARfD 1087%. The study of imazalil impact was performed on 16 Swiss albino mice divided into two groups and 4 subgroups. Experimental group animals were treated with the corresponding NOAEL dose of imazalil (10ā€‰mg/kg) for 28 days. Body weight was measured before each pesticide application on a digital electronic Sartorius scale. Peripheral blood analysis was performed after 28-day animal exposure to pesticides. Animals were anesthetized, blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture, and red blood cell (RBC) count, hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, and white blood cell (WBC) count were determined by standard hematological methods. The organs for determination of imazalil concentration were extracted immediately upon animal sacrifice and stored in a freezer at -80Ā°C until analysis. Results show difference in gain weight, and an increase in WBC count was recorded in the experimental group as compared with a control group of animals. The highest imazalil levels were recorded in adipose tissue (45.2ā€°) which proves tendency to accumulate