28 research outputs found

    Institutionalization of Public-Private Partnership: Global Experiences and the Basic Outlines of a Proposal for Slovenia

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    Experiences show that countries use one of the following three forms for “institutionalisation” of their private-public partnership (PPP) activities: (i) centralised, (ii) decentralised, and (iii) mixed. The article argues that the form of mixed PPP “institutionalisation” would be the most appropriate for Slovenia. The institutional structure would be composed of three institutions: (i) central PPP unit responsible, first, for horizontal coordination of all PPP policies in the country, and second, for implementation of PPP projects in all those areas where sectoral PPP units would not be created, (ii) very limited number of sectoral PPP units (probably 1 to 2) that would be responsible for implementation of PPP projects in their respective sectors, and (iii) advisory board that would advise the central PPP unit in designing the most complex segments of the PPP policies in the country and would provide a platform for professional discussion and for communication with the public at large on a wide variety of PPP issues. In substance terms, the central PPP unit would be responsible directly to the government while in organisational terms, it would be incorporated into the institutional structure of the ministry of finance with the head of the unit being directly responsible to the minister of finance

    Euro-zone crisis: Past trends, current developments and perspectives

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    After its launching in 1999 and rather successful decade-long performance, the euro-zone entered in 2010 into its first and extremely profound crisis. The crisis has been dragging on for almost four years and there isstill a lot of work to be done in order to reach a comprehensive and sustainable solution. The main objective of the article is threefold. Firstly, to present the main design failures of the original institutional structure of the euro-zone and its economic governance, secondly, to analyze the process of the euro-zone crisis management from its ad-hoc approach in 2010 to a more systematic approach applied over the recent 3 years, and thirdly, to discuss the key elements for a sustainable resolution of the euro-zone crisis. Looking in a more medium-term perspective, the solution of the euro-zone crisis is associated with an appropriate switch of the policy mix it applies. On the long-run, the resolution of the euro-zone crisis depends on the stabilisation of the public finances and, more specifically, on the reduction of the public debt level

    The EU Accession Process: Western Balkans vs EU-10

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    The article discusses main differences in the EU enlargement strategy/process between the one applied for the big-bang Eastern enlargement in 2004/2007 and the one being used for the EU accession of the Western Balkan countries. Within this framework, the article focuses on the key drivers that have contributed to the slowing down of the EU accession process for these countries over the last decade. Among others, these drivers include some traditional ones, such as lessons from the EU-10 enlargement and general "enlargement fatigue" in quite a number of EU member states, as well as a number of more recent ones, such as the consequences of the economic crisis, the migrant/refugee crisis and the Brexit. The reduced appetite of the EU member states for Western Balkan enlargement has been reflected in the reshaped EU enlargement strategy that is now based on the so-called "fundamentals first" approach with the rule of law, early resolution of bilateral issues and strengthened economic governance as its key pillars. Besides, the enlargement process is run today much more on the intergovernmental basis than this was the case during the large Eastern enlargement

    Financing of the European Union Budget.

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    This study is concerned with the future financing of the EU budget, including possible budgetary correction mechanisms, and is intended to feed into the budget review. The revenue side of the EU budget comprises several elements, all of which need to be assessed in appraising the functioning of the current system and whether it should be reformed. They include the revenue instruments used - the ‘own resources’ (OR) - and how they are set, the means by which net contributions deemed to be excessive are adjusted, and how to ensure that the EU’s revenue balances its expenditure as required by Art. 268 TEC. Such balanced budget rules are often applied to control the expenditure of sub-national governments in multi-level fiscal systems Work done in the course of this study has included an extensive literature survey and examination of relevant previous work, empirical research and policy analysis. The empirical work comprised a mix of qualitative and quantitative analysis, extensive dialogue with practitioners, and a survey directed to officials (mainly, but by no means exclusively, in finance ministries) in Member States. This research has been used to investigate both how well the current system is working and to try to provide a systematic basis for analysing options for reform.

    Financing of the European Union budget : study for European Commissions, Directorate General for Budget ; final report

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    "A review of both the expenditure and revenue sides of the EU budget – with no taboos – was agreed as part of the 2005 settlement of the EU budget for the period 2007-13. This study is intended to inform debate on the revenue side. It investigates two main questions: how well does the current system for raising revenue for the EU budget function; and how could it be improved. [...]""Als Teil des Kompromisses zum MehrjĂ€hrigen Finanzrahmen fĂŒr die Periode 2007 – 2013 wurde vom EuropĂ€ischen Rat im Jahr 2005 eine ÜberprĂŒfung der Einnahmen- und Ausgabenseite des EU Haushalts beschlossen, bei der es keine Tabus geben sollte. Diese Studie dient dem Zweck, die Debatte hinsichtlich der Einnahmeseite zu begleiten. Zwei Fragen stehen im Zentrum der Untersuchung: Wie gut funktioniert das derzeitige System zur und wie kann es verbessert werden? [...]

    Euro-zone crisis: past trends,current developments and perspectives

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    After its launching in 1999 and rather successful decade-long performance, the euro-zone entered in 2010 into its first and extremely profound crisis. The crisis has been dragging on for almost four years and there isstill a lot of work to be done in order to reach a comprehensive and sustainable solution. The main objective of the article is threefold. Firstly, to present the main design failures of the original institutional structure of the euro-zone and its economic governance, secondly, to analyze the process of the euro-zone crisis management from its ad-hoc approach in 2010 to a more systematic approach applied over the recent 3 years, and thirdly, to discuss the key elements for a sustainable resolution of the euro-zone crisis. Looking in a more medium-term perspective, the solution of the euro-zone crisis is associated with an appropriate switch of the policy mix it applies. On the long-run, the resolution of the euro-zone crisis depends on the stabilisation of the public finances and, more specifically, on the reduction of the public debt level

    Debt Conversions in Yugoslavia

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    The paper begins with a brief description of the relationship between Yugoslavia and its creditors throughout the 1980s, providing a background for the introduction of debt conversions in Yugoslav practice. The main features of the legal environment for debt conversions, especially of the debt conversion programme initiated in March 1989, are then reviewed. The paper then focuses on the main patterns of debt conversions executed in Yugoslavia with respect to their volume, structure of transactions, sources of funds and debt reduction effects. It appears in particular that the Yugoslav debt conversion programme presents many original features when compared with similar programmes implemented in several developing countries. Finally, the paper provides a review of the micro and macroeconomic implications of debt conversions, including the cost and benefits of these transactions, and concludes that this programme has been quite successful for Yugoslavia ... Ce texte commence par une brÚve description des relations entre la Yougoslavie et ses créanciers dans les années 1980, dans le contexte desquelles la conversion de dette a été mise en oeuvre. Les principaux traits de l'environnement réglementaire de la conversion de dette sont ensuite examinés, en particulier en ce qui concerne le programme établi à partir de mars 1989. Par la suite, ce document examine les caractéristiques principales des conversions de dettes réalisées par la Yougoslavie, en termes de volume, de structure des transactions, d'origine des fonds et de réduction de la dette. Il apparaßt en particulier que le programme de conversion de dette yougoslave présente beaucoup d'aspects originaux par rapport à des programmes similaires appliqués dans plusieurs pays en développement. Pour finir, ce document passe en revue les implications micro et macro-économiques des conversions de dettes, avec une comparaison des coûts et bénéfices associés à ces transactions. L'auteur ...

    The 2007-13 Financial Perspective: Domination of National Interests

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    This article confirms the validity of the hypothesis that national interests were the driving force behind the process and outcome of negotiations for the EU's next financial perspective for 2007-13. The hypothesis is tested by comparing hypothetical coalitions based on quantified national interests (partial net budgetary balances) and the actual (documented) coalitions. Based on these results, the article also discusses implications of the 'net balances problem' for the 2008/09 EU budget review. Copyright (c) 2010 The Author(s). Journal compilation (c) 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.